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3 Day PIP on Metallurgy for Non Metallurgist

From 25th to 27th April 2016

Case Hardening

Mr. S. G. Kulkarni

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

So far you have understood
What is Heat Treatment?
How heat treatment can change properties of
How Austenising process takes place?
What is tempering?
How Jominy test is done?
So on.

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Now, we will try to understand
Reasons for Case Hardening.
Different Case Hardening Processes.
Advantages of each processes.
Operations of Batch type & Continuous furnaces.
Surface hardening by induction & other processes.
Reasons for Quenching of Case Hardened parts
Difference between effective & total case depth.

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

What is Case Hardening?
Process attaining Hard, wear-resisting surface
on softer & tough core.
Many applications need high Wear resistance,
but strength is not important OR Wear resistance
is prime consideration with high strength and
tough core.
Achievable hardened layer 0.05 to 10 mm.

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

What are Advantages?
Less distortion,

control & improved fatigue properties,

use of in-expensive steel,
combination of diverse properties,
very large & complex parts possible,
selective hardening possible,
possible as last operation on finished parts.

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

General classification
Un altered composition (Thermal treatment)

Altered composition (Thermo-chemical treatment)

Induction Hardening
Flame Hardening
Laser Hardening

Pune Chapter


Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Case Hardening Steels (Un altered composition)
Plain C or low alloy C Steels.

Case Hardening Steels (Case Composition altered)

Low C plain or low C alloy. Refer Table 1 for
typical grades.
Exceptionally 0.4% C steel used for Carburising
and Carbo-nitriding.
Ferritic Nitro-carburising & Nitriding
Plain Carbon to medium Carbon , Low alloy
steels (SAE 1018 SAE 4140)
Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Case Hardening process (Unaltered composition)
Induction Hardening (Principle: Eddy current)

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Case Hardening process (Unaltered composition)
Induction Hardening (Inductor Design)

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Case Hardening process (Unaltered composition)
Induction Hardening (Equipments)

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Case Hardening process (Unaltered composition)
Induction Hardening (Frequency selection)
Frequency (Hz)

Process options
Single shot

Pune Chapter

Case depth (mm)


Quenching Options
Quenching Oils

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Induction Hardening (Typical Defects)
Low surface hardness.
Low / High Case Depths.

Flame Hardening
Heating by high capacity gas burners
Quenching by Water / Polymer.

Laser Hardening
Heating by laser
Quenching by Water / Polymer.

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Laser Hardening

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Case Hardening process Composition Altered
(Thermo Chemical Process)
Steel surface chemically very active at temp.
It will either react or absorb several elements.
Case Carburising Basically simple operation.
Control on Temp., time & carbonaceous env. > complex
Austenised ferrous material in Carbon rich atmosphere.
Absorption & diffusion to create C gradient.
Carburizing methods
5.Fluidized Bed

Pune Chapter


Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Case Carburising
Depends on SIX main factors 1.Time
3.Carbon Potential Difference
4.Alloy Content in the steel (Alloy Factor)
5.Carbon Mass Transfer Coefficient
6.Circulation of Carburizing gases
Carburizing Reactions -The Carburizing Atmosphere contains
CO, CO2, H, H2O, N2 and CH4.
At hot steel surface, CO decomposes as follows:
2CO+Fe (C) + CO2 + Fe
CO2 reacts with enriching Hydrocarbon gas to form CO again.
4CO2 + C4H10 8CO + 5H2 Thus, the reaction continues .
Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Carburising cycles
1. Boost- Diffuse Cycle.
2. Equillibrium Cycle.
3. Direct Quench/Modified Direct quench.
4. Single hardening after intermediate Cooling.
5. Double Hardening.
6. Endobase Carburizing.
7. Direct Carburizing.
8. Vacuum Carburizing.

Case Hardening results

Surface Hardness: Typically , 60 2 HRC (338 ksi).
Core Hardness : Depends on steel.

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Case Hardening process Carbo - nitriding

Hard, wear resistant but relatively thin.

Case depth 0.075 to 0.75 mm. Prominently lower side.
Plain C to low alloy steels SAE 1000 to SAE 8700.
Also used as Secondary HT for higher performance.
Composition of Case depends on
1. Temperature.
2. Time
3. Atmosphere
4. Type of Steel.
Additional Chemical reaction 2 NH3 N2 + 3 H2
Any furnace suitable for Carburising is used.
Tempering is not must depending on use.

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Case Hardening process Nitriding
Nitrogen is introduced in surface.
No need for QUENCHING.
Why Nitriding?
Hard Surface
Wear Resistance & Anti Galling properties
Resistance to softening at Higher temp.
Improve corrosion resistance.
Improve Fatigue properties.
Chemical reaction
Fe + N Fe2N / Fe3-4N
N3 3 N

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Case Hardening process Nitriding
Nitriding Steels:

Typically Med C Alloy steels. SS

Case Hardness : Typically 96 HR15N
Core Hardness : Depends on prior hardness.
Case Depth: 0.05 to 0.3 mm
Equipment :
Pit type
Salt Bath
Fluidised Bed
Ion (Plasma) Nitriding

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Case Hardening process Nitriding
Nitriding Cycles: Two types Single stage & Two stage.

Nitriding Micro-structure

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Nitridng - Case Pattern

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Case Hardening process Nitro-carburising
Very similar to Carbo-Nitriding except NO QUENCHING.
Alternative to Carbo Nitriding for distortion Control..

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Pune Chapter

Metallurgy for Non Metallurgists

Case Hardening process Boriding
Can be

given to ferrous, non ferrous & Cermet materials.

Process temperature 700o to 1000o C. 1 12 Hrs Cycle
Pack Boriding, Fluidised Bed & Pit type furnace.
Recent development in PVD & CVD.
Extremely high Hardness
o 1800 2000 Hv Steel
o 3500 Hv Ti
Labour intensive.
No flexibility.
No removal possible.
Frequently needs

Pune Chapter

Its your turn now!


Pune Chapter


Pune Chapter

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