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Cheshire Academies Trust


Summer Term 2016

Good Things Grow Here

Celebrating writing
Scholastic book fair will be with us from Monday 20 June - Thursday 23 June
When the book fair returns in June there will be an
opportunity for you to order a copy of our very own
Mill View publication, We are Writers! Every child in the school will be
submitting at least one piece of writing they have created at school.
Children have also been told they can submit pieces they have written at
home that they are proud of (short story, poem, letter, recipe etc.). The
children are very excited at the thought of being published writers!
Value of the Month
Our Value of the Month for April and May is Co-operation. We will be
learning more about valuing friendship and team work through PSHE lessons,
assemblies and across the curriculum.
School Twinning
Did you know we are twinned with a school in France? Year 3 and 4 have been communicating
electronically with the school Ecole Publique Les Corallines in their French lessons. They have been learning
about life for children in Arradon compared to life in Upton.

Key stage 2 musical

Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 are enjoying learning the songs for our Key Stage musical,
Bugsy Malone.
Performances will be at Queens Park High School on the evenings of
Thursday 14 and Friday 15 July. More details about times, arrangements and
tickets will follow nearer the dates.

Choir out and about

Our choir will be performing at a concert with St Oswalds CE Primary School choir on Thursday 19 May. It
will be held at St Oswalds after school. We look forward to inviting parents of children in the choir to join
us. The choir will also be performing at the Cheshire Show on Friday 24 June. More details to follow on
both of these events.

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Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Mill View Primary School. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

PTA summer fair

The PTA summer fair will be on Saturday 9 July, more details to follow. Please put the date in your diary
as it will be a great event with plenty of activities, stalls, a raffle and food! Every child in our school
benefits enormously from the work of our PTA and we are grateful for everyones involvement.
Year 6 SATs
The staff are very proud of how sensibly all the year 6 children have approached getting ready for their
SATs next week. We wish them all well and are confident they will do their very best. Please help your Year
6 child to be rested and refreshed for next week.
Reception take part in a yoga session every week which they really enjoy.
Last week they were joined by their Year 6 buddies. On Friday this week
our Year 6 children will have a session with our yoga teacher Mrs Wagner
to finish off their week. She will be giving them some hints and tips for
relaxing and breathing that may be helpful during SATs week and beyond.
Please ensure dogs are not brought onto the school site. All dogs should be left outside the school
premises as per school policy.
Sun Safe
As we spend more time outdoors with the improving weather we want all our children to
be safe in the sun. It is important that you make sure they bring hats to school and their
water bottles. They also need sun cream to protect them, we would recommend putting
on a Once style cream that can be applied before school and lasts the day. This avoids
them having to apply cream in school as staff cannot do this for them.
Condition Improvement Fund - Heaters
As an academy we have been able to bid for improvements to our building. We are pleased to tell you that
we have been successful in a bid to replace the heaters throughout school. This improvement work will
take place during the summer holidays and make a significant difference to the temperature in our
The exterior of the school building will be decorated during the whit break and we have also commissioned
the replacement of the photoboards outside the reception classroom. These boards are our current year 6
children and as they leave our school in July we considered it time to replace their photos.
Kitchen garden
The children in Y2 have had a busy start to the term,
preparing the Kitchen Garden and planting seeds.
They are planning to create a restaurant later in the
term with all of the produce that grows. They are
learning all about the needs of plants as well as
working as a team to make good things grow.
Year 2 acted as great experts when they took
Reception partners into the Kitchen Garden to share
what theyd been learning with them. We also
discovered a mysterious hole in one of our raised
beds. We made predictions about what could have
made it and then set up a wildlife camera to try to
catch a glimpse the creature. We are not sure if it made the hole but we got a great video of a fox in the
garden at night. Have a look at the Y2 blog to watch the video.
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Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Mill View Primary School. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

A wet day out!

As part of their CFL Year 3 and 4 had a great but rather wet day out. They went to Liverpool and had an
open top bus tour followed by sketching at Crosby Beach.

Books, books, books!

We have taken delivery of our first batch of new books for our library. A
big thank you to everyone who helped to raise money through the Big
Poetry Read and the Book Fair. We will be taking applications soon for
children who would like to get involved in setting up and running the
Arts Fortnight
During the week beginning 20 June, all children will be taking part in a whole school art project led by our
school staff. Children will be grouped in mixed age teams to create art work reflecting our values
curriculum. The work is to be displayed in the ICT suite later in the summer term.
Assessment without levels & reports
There was an excellent attendance by parents and grandparents at the three
meetings held last week to explain how Mill View is approaching the national
changes to assessment requirements. If you were unable to attend you can
find some of the materials used to explain our approach to assessment on the
school website under the Curriculum Information tab.
Key dates
May KS1 SATs takes place throughout the month
Wednesday 4 May to Thursday 6 May Year 4 Arts Residential to Conway Centre
WC Monday 9 May Year 6 SATs week, breakfast club from 8.15am for children
Monday 9 Thursday 12 May KS2 SATS
Friday 27 May to Monday 6 June Whit Half Term Holiday
Tuesday 7 June Year 2 Farm to Fork trip
Friday 10 June 12pm School Sports Day and family picnic
Monday 13 June Year 1 Phonics Screening Check throughout week
Thursday 16 June to Friday 17 June Year 3 Residential to the Tattenhall Centre
Monday 20 Thursday 23 June Scholastic book fair/deadline for ordering We Are Writers books
Thursday 23 June Reception trip to Stockley Farm
Thursday 14 and Friday 15 July Key Stage 2 musical, Bugsy Malone at Queens Park High School, Chester

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Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Mill View Primary School. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

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