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Christ in me, the hope of glory

Bookings are now open for our Ashburnham weekend away this
autumn. It will be a fantastic time of worship, teaching and
ministry as the whole Springfield community comes together.
There will be plenty of opportunities for relaxing together and
building deeper relationships as we enjoy the beautiful grounds
and facilities available.
You can book in the foyer today.

The Handiwork
of God
Our new series reminds us
that we are God's
handiwork and that there
is so much more to us
than we often realise. To
be the handiwork of God
means that we aren't a
mistake, that we are created with purpose and value and that we
are creative beings called to live our lives in the light of God's
call. Join us through May and June as we look at this important
area of our understanding and explore together how this can
change us; how this can bring release and fulfilment to our lives.
Canon Will Cookson
(day off Saturday)

8th May
Hosted by the Bowen cell
Holy Communion
The handiwork of God

15th May @ 10.30 am

Morning Worship
The handiwork of God
Pentecost breathe @ 6.30pm
St Pauls, Roundshaw

Welcome to our Service,

especially if you are here for
the first time today.
Do feel free to use the young
families corner at the back of
the main hall and the staffed
crche for under 3s
Please join us for tea and
coffee after the service.

Pentecost Sunday, 15th May
at St Pauls, Roundshaw 6.30 pm
Pentecost celebrates the birthday of the Church with the
coming of the Spirit on the first disciples. Join us for a
joyous celebration where we come to worship and pray
together and have the opportunity to experience the life
giving Spirit for ourselves

020 8404 6064

Today @ 10.00 am
Prayers in classroom G23
Today @ 10.30 am
Holy Communion
Today from 12.30
Welcome Lunch
May 9th @ 11.00 am
Caf Connect
May 9th @ 7.30 pm
Craft River
May 10th @ 10.30 am
Caring Cupcakes at
May 12th@ 7.30 pm
Alpha Course
May14th @ 4.00 pm
Footsteps @ HighView
May 15th @ 10.30 am
Morning Worship
May 15th @ 6.30 pm
breathe Pentecost
May 16th @ 8.00 pm
PCC meeting
May 20th @ 7.00 pm
Youth Beetle Drive

Pray for our church family

Please pray for

Dave Clark, who is having

stem cells collected on
Monday and then awaiting
results of more
investigations and tests
before a decision in early
June re the way forward.
Give thanks that

The cancer that affects

Glen Hendersons father
has not spread and he
does not need an

Ana Connollys operation

was a success and she has
been declared cancer-free.
Pray for her radiotherapy
starting soon.
For prayer chain requests,
please contact :

Jean Silvester 8647 5100


She will pass on any pastoral
matters as appropriate

PCC meeting

Prayer Meeting

Our next council meeting is

on Monday 16th May at the
Trinity Centre.
We meet from 7.30 pm for a
cuppa and a chat, before
business starts at 8.
Do let Will have any agenda
items by next Friday.

Before our service every

Sunday, we prepare with a
prayer meeting from 10 am,
listening to God and praying
for Springfield and the
service. It is in classroom
G23: everyone is welcome to
come along. Do talk to Sarah
Miller for more details.

CAP money course

Our next CAP money: course
runs on Tuesdays the 7th,
14th & 21st June.
Jean Grima has full details
and invitations for you and
your friends

Giving change
If you donate regularly to
the Springfield stewardship
account, please could you
immediately contact your
bank with the changed
payee details and confirm
the alteration with our
stewardship secretary,
Jim Dimmock
Its now with the Co-op:
Springfield Church
Stewardship Account
Sort code: 08 92 99
Account number: 65790504

Leaders Away Day

Everyone is welcome to
come to join in with our
discussions on the 21st May
(9.15 for a 9.30 start).
Please let the welcome desk
or Sarah Miller know that you
will be attending today so we
can cater for you.

Feast in the Field

Cards are available today for
you to take and use to invite
friends, neighbours and
family to join you for our
fabulous community picnic
on the field.
Its on 26th June, starting
with a short service before
moving out to enjoy the
inflatables, or a cream teaor both.

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