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THIS DEED of sub-lease made at made at Navi Mumbai this 20th Oct. 2011
Between M/s. SAVITA ENTERPRISES as partnership firm having its Office at
Gothivali P.O.Ghansoli, Thane Belapur Road, Navi-Mumbai represented by its
partners Shri. Manoj N.Mhatre & Shri Ramakant N.Mhatre & Narayan Mhatre
hereinafter referred to as the Sub Lessor of the one part (which expression shall
unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof include their legal heirs,
executors, administrators assigns etc) and SUWINKA ENGINEERING PVT. LTD. a
company incorporated under the Companies Act 1956 having its registered office at
R-803, TTC Indl Area Rabale, Navi-Mumbai 400 701, hereinafter referred to as the
Sub-Lessor of the other part (which expression shall unless repugnant to the context
or meaning thereof include their legal heirs, executors, administrators assigns etc)

1) By a Deed of Lease dated 25th June 1997 made between M.I.D.C. herein and
hereinafter referred as to as the Lessor of the one part and the Sub-Lessor therein
referred to as the Lessee of the other part, the Lessor demised unto the Sub-Lessor as
Lessee the land situated at Plot No. R-803, TTC Industrial Area, Rabale, Navi_mumbai
400 701, described in the Schedule hereinafter written (Being the same as described in
the first schedule hereunder written) for as team of 99 years on and subject to the
covenants, terms & conditions herein mentioned.
2) The Lease is still valid and subsisting
3) Upon obtaining the Lease from the Lessor the

Sub-Lessor has on its own cost

constructed a factory building on the centre of the plot more particularly describes in
the Second Schedule hereunder written as per the sanctioned plans and has obtained
a building construction certificate from M.I.D.C. on 28th August 1997.
4) The Sub Lessee has requested the sub-lessor to grant a sublease of portion of the said
demised premises along with the factory building constructed there upon and which
portion is delineated on the plan hereto annexed by red coloured boundary line and is
more particularly described in the third schedule hereunder written and which the
Sub-Lessor has agreed to grant in the manner following : NOW THIS DEED WITHESSETH AS FOLLOWS :1. In pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of interest free
Refundable Deposit of Rs. 2,00,000/- lease paid on or before execution of this
deed , the rent hereby reserved and the terms and conditions, covenants and
agreements herein contained and on the part of the Sub-Lessee to be observed
and performed the Sub-Lessor both hereby demise unto the Sub-Lessee all that
the said land together with the building constructed thereon as aforesaid and
situated at Plot No. R-803, TTC Industrial Area, Rabale, Navi-Mumbai 400 701,
and more particularly described in the schedule hereunder written

(hereinafter for the brevitys sake referred to as the demised premises) to hold the
demised premises unto the Lessee ( and his heirs, executors, administratiors and
permitted assigns) for a term of 3 (Three ) years commencing from the 1st. day of
Oct. 2011 but subject to the earlier determination of this demise as hereinafter
provided and yielding and paying therefore during the said term and monthly rent of
Rs. 75,000/- for the period 1/10/2011 to 30/09/2013. and Rs. 90000/- for the period
1/10/2013 to 30/09/2014.
free and clear of all deductions and strictly on or before the 15th day of each and
every calendar month, the first of such monthly rent to be paid on the 15th day of Nov,
2011 and the subsequent rent to be paid on or before the 15th day of every succeeding
month regularly.
2. The Sub-Lessee hereby for itself, its executors, administrators and permitted
assigns and to the intent that the obligations herein contained shall continue
throughout the term hereby created covenants with the Sub-Lessor as follows:

To pay an interest free refundable deposit of Rs. 2,00,000 /- (rupees

Two Lacs only) on or before execution of this deed to the Sub-Lessor
to be refunded by Sub-Lessor to the Sub-Lessee within one month of
the expiry of the term hereby created. Which if not paid the said
premises will remain with Sub-Lessee. Without paying any rent for the
period of such non-repayment.


To pay the said rent hereby reserved in the days and in the manner
aforesaid clear all deductions, Provided that, if the rent is not paid on
the due dates the Sub-lesses shall pay interest thereon at the rate of
12.5% per annum from the due date till payment, though the payment

Contd ..4
or interest shall not entitle the Sub-Lessee to make default in payment
of rent on due dates or disentitle the Sub-Lessor of his rights under the
Deed or in law to terminate the Sub-Lease.
(c )

To bear pay and discharge fifty percent of the future Municipal rates ,
taxes and assessment, whatsoever which may at any time or from time
to time during the term hereby created be imposed or charged upon the
demised premises and the building or structures standing thereon and
for the time being standing on the demised premises and payable either
by the owners, occupiers or tenants thereof and to keep the Sub-Lessor
and its estate and effects indemnified against all such payment.


To bear, pay and discharge w.e.f. 1st. Oct . 2011, the electricity
power & water bill which may at any time or from time to time
during the term hereby created be imposed or charged upon the
demised premises and the building or structures standing thereon
and to keep the Sub-Lessor and its estate and effects indemnified
against all such payments.


To keep the said building on the demised premises in good and

tenantable repairs in the same way as the Sub-Lessor would be
liable to do under the law.


Not to sell or dispose of any earth, graval or sand from the demised
Land and not to excavate the same.


Not to put any additional building or structure on the said land.

3. The Sub-Lessor doth hereby covenants with the Lessee that :(a)

The Sub-Lessor now has in himself good right full power and absolute
authority to demise unto the Sub-Lessee the demised premises and the
said building standing thereon in the manner herein appearing.



That on the Sub-Lessee paying the said monthly rent on the due dates
thereof and in the manner herein provided and observing and
performing the covenants, conditions and stipulations herein contained
and on its part to be observed and performed, the Sub-Lessee shall and
may peaceable and together with the said building standing thereon
during the term hereby created without and eviction, interruption,
disturbance, claim and demand whatsoever by the Sub-Lessor or any
person or persons lawfully or equitably claiming by, form, under or in
trust for him.

4. It is hereby agreed and declared that these presents are granted on the express
condition that if the said monthly rent or any part thereof payable in the manner
hereinbefore mentioned shall be in arrears for the space of three months after the
same shall have become due and payable on any of the said days whereon the
same ought to be paid as aforesaid whetjer the same shall or shall not be legally
demanded or if any of the covenants and stipulations herein contained and on the
part of the Sub-Lessee to be observed and performed by the Sub-Lessee or if the
Sub-Lessee shall raise on objection to the amount of the monthly rent hereby
fixed for any reason whatsoever of if the Sub-Lessee is adjudged insolvent then
and in such event it shall be lawfully for the Sub-Lessor or any person or persons
duly authorised by him in that behalf at any time hereafter to enter into and upon
the demised lad and premises or any part or parts thereof in the name of the whole
and the same to have, possess and enjoy and thereupon this demise shall
absolutely determine but without prejudice to the right of action of the Sub-Lessor
in respect of any breach of any of the covenants by the Sub-Lessee herein



PROVIDED ALWAYS that, no re-entry shall be made under the foregoing

Power for breach of any covenant and stipulation herein contained and on the part of
the Sub Lessee to be observed and performed (save and except the covenant for
payment of rent) unless and until the Sub-lessor shall have given to to Sub- Lessee
shall have failed to comply with or carry out the same within six month from the date
of the receipt of such notice.

It is hereby agreed and declared that if any of the parties wish to terminate the
agreement in between of the term hereby created, the party wishing to terminate the
agreement shall give at least two months notice to the other party and on expiry of the
notice period of two months, all the provisions concerning the termination of
agreement shall apply.
PARTIES AS FOLLOWS:(a) On the expiration of the term hereby created or earlier Determination under the
provision hereof all the building and structures standing on the demised land shall
automatically vest in the Sub-Lessor without payment of any compensation
therefore by the Sub-Lessor to the Sub-Lessee.
(b) The Sub-Lessee shall not be entitled without obtaining the permission of the
Sub-Lessor, to assign mortgage, or otherwise part with possession of the demised
premises or any of them or any part thereof and the building and structure
standing thereon


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Sub-Lessor and the Sub-Lessee have not their
respective hands on the original and duplicate hereof the day and year first
hereinabove written.


Signed and delivered by the withinnamed
Sub-Lessor in the presence of

Signed and delivered by the withinnamed

Sub-Lessor in the presence of







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