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Radiation Interaction and Detection

Alpha & Beta Decay

Name1: Sohaib Alam Warraich

Name2: Ishaq Ahmed
Sr. No1 (Att. sheet) with degree code: (64) MS Nuclear Engineering
Sr. No2 (Att. sheet) with degree code: (22) MS Nuclear Engineering

Lecture#: 3rd
Lecture date: 2 Feb-2016
Due date: 1 Mar-2016

Beta Decay: ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Alpha Decay: .................................................................................................................................. 5

Figure 1: Graph for Energy Distribution of Beta Particle ........................................................ 4

Figure 2: Alpha Decay of a Uranium-238 Nucleus .................................................................... 5
Figure 3: Common Alpha Emitting Radioisotopes Sources ..................................................... 6

Beta Decay:
Beta decay is an important feature of radioisotope decay. The emission of negative
charged particle from the nucleus was among the earliest observed radioactive
decay processes.
Almost 90% of radioactive sources stabilized themselves by converting its
neutrons into protons and ejects beta particle and anti-neutrino particle in the
Early experiments showed that negative charged particles that are emitting from
radioactive nuclide have same charge to mass ratio and electric charge as that of
electron. But it was obvious that electron cant be a nuclear constituent. So Beta
decay was regarded as that of creating an electron from the decay energy that is
available at that instant which would then immediately ejected from the nucleus.
Beta decay will leave the atom in excited state and as a result gamma rays are
emitted along the beta particles as the nucleus will de-excite. But there are some
nuclides, called as pure beta emitters which will go to the ground state of product
with beta emission. Examples of such pure beta emitter include 3H, 14C, 33P, 99Tc
and 90Sr.

The basic decay processes are:

Negative beta decay






Positive beta decay


Electron capture

Negative beta decay is most common among others beta decay process. The
significant ionizing radiation produced by beta decay is the fast electron (beta
particle). The complete process can be written as:
Z+1B + + `
Here A is representing the initial nuclei present and B (recoil nuclei) is representing the
final nuclear specie. Where ` is the anti-neutrino. The final nuclei appear with very
small energy value below than the ionization threshold that is not sufficient to cause
ionization and cannot be detected by any conventional means.

Each beta decay transition is characterized by the corresponding fixed decay

energy. Thus beta particle are expected to have varies from decay to decay but
distribution of energy in continuous manner was a confusing experimental result
during the studies as alpha emission energy corresponds to sharp well defined
energies. While beta particles have a continuous distribution of energies from
zero up to endpoint energy which is equivalent to the energy difference between
the initial and final states.

Figure 1: Graph for Energy Distribution of Beta Particle

To account the continuous energy spectrum, Pauli proposed that during the beta
decay process, a second particle was emitted during the process. The particle was
later named by Fermi as neutrino. The neutrino carries a part of energy and due to
its highly penetrating power and non-ionizing nature it is not detected.
Experiments shows that there are in fact two different kinds of neutrinos emitted
in beta decay called as anti-neutrino, emitted during beta negative decay and
neutrino which is emitted during electron capture and beta positive decay.

Alpha Decay:

Heavy nuclei are energetically unstable against the spontaneous emission of an alpha
particle (or 4He nucleus).
The probability of decay is governed by the barrier penetration and the half-life of useful
The decay process is written schematically as

Where X and Y are initial and final nuclear species.

For monoenergetic alpha emission energy is shared between alpha particles and recoil
nucleus in a unique way, each alpha particle appears with the same energy given by
Q (A-4)/4.
Most alpha particle energies are limited between 4 and 6 MeV as shown in below table.
A strong correlation between alpha particle energy and half-life exists.

About 6.5 MeV, the half-life can be expected to be less than a few days, and therefore the
source is of very limited utility. If the energy drops below 4 MeV, the barrier penetration
probability becomes very small and the half-life of the isotopes is very large. The source
is then of no interest because its intensity is too low.
Most common calibration source for alpha particles is 241Am. It is used for the calibration
of solid-state detectors.
Alpha Particle sources that are to be nearly monoenergetic must be prepared in very thin
layer because alpha particles loose energy rapidly in materials.

Figure 2: Alpha Decay of a Uranium-238 Nucleus

Figure 3: Common Alpha Emitting Radioisotopes Sources

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