Applied Material Engg.

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(a)- Describe the relative advantages and disadvantages of silicon and

gallium arsenide for semiconductor applications?

(b)- calculate the number of schottky defects per cubic meter in potassium
chloride at 500 degree Celsius.the energy required to form each schottky
defect is 2.6eV while the density for KCI (at 500 degree Celsius) is
(c)- what is composite material also define composites type.?
QUEST 2- Attempt any two of the following:
(a)-Briefly explain the mechanism of plastic deformation?
(b)- a cylindrical specimen of steel having an original diameter of 12.8mm is tensile tested to
fracture and found to have an engineering fracture strength

of 460mpa .if its cross sectional

diameter at fracture is 10.7mm.determine

(a)the ductility in terms of% reduction in area
(b)the true stress at fracture.
(C) Determine the composition ,in atom percent ,of an alloy

that consists of 97weight%

aluminium and 3 weight% copper?

QUEST 3-Attempt any two of the following:

(a)- Discuss what is meant by easy and hard crystallographic axes in a ferromagnetic material.
Illustrate your answer by sketching graphs of magnetisation as a function of applied magnetic

(b)- What is the value of the Poisson ratio of elastomeric polymers such as rubber? Explain what
this means in terms of the strains experienced by a material subjected to uniaxial tension. How
would the volume of such a material be expected to change when subjected to a small tensile

(c)- A relatively large plate of a glass is subjected to atensile stress of 40MPA.if the specific
surface energy and modulus of elasticity for this glass are 0.3J/m 2 and 69GPA.resectively
,determine the maximum length of a surface flaw that is possible without fracture.

QUEST 4- Attempt any two of the following:

(a)-Determine the tensile stress that must be applied to the [1 1

0] axis of a high purity cu crystal to cause slip on the (1 1 1) [0 1

1] system. {Given rss = 0.7Mpa}

(b)- Discuss whether the Born theory (that melting occurs when one of the elastic shear moduli
of the crystal goes to zero) is valid

(c)- Define the term undercooling. With the aid of curves of free energy as a function of
composition, explain why solidification of a eutectic alloy is not expected to occur at the
equilibrium eutectic temperature.

QUEST 5- Attempt any two of the following:


(a)- Describe the processes of recovery, recrystallisation and grain growth. Explain why grain
boundaries may migrate away from their centres of curvature during recrystallisation, but do not
do so during grain growth?

(b)- Why it is difficult to produce Nb3Sn wires from a rod of Nb3Sn alloy? Describe how Nb3Sn
wires are produced in practice?

(c)-Calculate the value of diffusivity d for the diffusion of carbon in

5 2
FCC iron at 927 C ? Given A=2 X 10 m


Q = 142 KJ/mol and R= 8.314 j (mol.k).

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