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Delving in to controversial issues is my forte. Some people will not agree with my words
and that‘s fine with me. A lot of these words are taboo. I realize that. People have the
First Amendment right to agree or disagree with my prose. I will write on such subject
until I pass away. Rael is an UFO-orientated cult that believes that humans are a
product of a highly advanced extraterrestrial alien and ultimately God is that Alien. I
don’t believe that Almighty God is an alien at all. The EndTime Deception Website is
where I received a lot of information on this Masonic-like cult. [They deny both
evolution and creationism]. They are clearly Masonic by many ties. One tie is the
medallion Rael [whose real name is Claude Varilhon, who was a French journalist] where
the symbol is a Masonic/Satanic Hexagram with a Swastika. The emblem is also
explained as a swirling image of 3 S’s clearly forming a Star of David (a pagan symbol of
the fake god Asotoreth or Molech, a Hexagram symbol of Solomon according to the
Jewish Christian author OJ Graham). The Hexagram and the swastikas have been used
by Freemasonry & other esoteric groups for a long time. [The Hexagram is just a pagan
symbol used by Mystery Religions for 1,000s of years. The Swastika was used by
Hindus in Ancient India and also by Blavastsky and Alice Bailey {co-Mason}]. The
Swastika is also a Masonic symbol. The Theosophical Society formed by Freemasons
Helena Petronva Blavastsky and Henry Steel Olcott in NYC at 1875 also incorporates
this emblem. Later on, the Theosophical Society will develop an Aryan outlook and Adolf
Hitler will utilize that swastika. This is in it of itself apart of a long history of the
Mysteries. Some have used the symbol for good luck and others have utilized the
emblem for satanic or evil purposes.

That’s the first main link tying the Rael cult to some of the tenets of Freemasonry.
Rael claimed an UFO had this symbol. Even Rael’s name is Satanic merging Ra’ (the
pagan, Egyptian sun god and the god of light [or the code name for Lucifer/Satan])
and ‘El which is short for Elohim, the Almighty Trinity God of the Bible. When you
add it together it means Ra-el or Evil god. They claim by their website to have
55,000-66,000 followers worldwide and it’s group is sex-obsessed. Another
Masonic/evil tie is their support for the one-world government or the new world

Alice Bailey [a co-Mason] wrote the following:

“Only in the final root-race of men upon our planet will the essential central
Triangle make its appearance and function openly in the third planetary Center, that
of Humanity. One point of this future triangle will emerge out of the field of world
governments, of politics and of statesmanship; another will appear out of the
world religions, and a third out of the general field of world economics and
finance. Then, some senior disciples from each of the three hierarchical
departments will appear and will attempt the experiment of this centralizing and
embodiment of the three qualities of the central Triangle. They will then discover,
by direct action, when and if mankind is ready for such an experiment of direct
control and if it has developed the needed sense of responsibility - a responsibility
which will produce cooperation.
At the close of the age, the three major Centers will be in complete, unified and
synchronized activity, activity, with Sanat Kumara in Shamballa over-shadowing and
informing His Representatives in the hierarchical and human Centers; then the
central Triangle in each Center will not be only actively functioning, but they will be
working together in the closest rapport, thus forming symbolically a "Star with nine
points, ever revolving"; then the massed energies of the three major Centers will
dominate the other four centers, controlling the manifestation of the Life
Expression in all the kingdoms of nature."( Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle -
Alice Bailey
VI. The Planetary Life - A Center in the Solar System excerpts from pages 94-95 This
source is from http://www.geocities.com/endtimedeception/rael.htm)
This logo of the 33rd Degree of the Scottish Rite has many meanings
in its words. Ordo Ab Chao is Latin for Order out of Choas, while
Deus Meumque Jus is Latin for God and My Right. The word
SAPIENTIA is Latin for Knowledge or Wisdom. The occult snake
(the snake is found in Mysteries. The double headed eagle is found
in the Mysteries too as representing dualism in nature plus
humanity. This eagle looks very similar to the old Phoenix emblem)
and sword is found in the image as well with at least 9 triangles.

High level Freemason 33rd Degree Freemason C. William Smith have called for the
new order of the ages and the global unification of all peoples by his own following
words. Notice how the words aren‘t about true tolerance, but it speaks in the lie
that Nordic peoples are somehow superior to other groups of people. Some of his
words are:

“…God’s Plan is dedicated to the unification of all races, religions, and creeds. This plan,
dedicated to the new order of things, is to make all things new is a new nation, a new race,
a new civilization, and a new religion, a nonsectarian religion that has already been
recognized and called the religion of ‘The Great Light.’ Looking back into history, we can
easily see that the Guiding Hand of Providence has chosen the Nordic people to bring in
and unfold the new order of the world. Records clearly show that 95 percent of the
colonists were Nordics Anglo-Saxons…The Nordics are the highest branch of the fifth
Aryan civilization. The Latins are the fourth Aryan civilization, and the American race will
be the sixth Aryan Civilization…Any mother, father or guardian, who is responsible for the
taking away of freedom of mind, freedom of will or freedom of spirit is the lowest criminal
on this Earth, because they take away from that child the God-given right to become a part
of God’s great plan in America for the dawn of the New Age of the world…” (C. William
Smith, “God’s Plan in America,” 1950 New Age Magazine).

This is the Masonic/Illuminati plan for the Masonic takeover of Earth for Alice Bailey
was a co-Mason, Foster Bailey was a 32nd Degree Freemason (Foster agreed with
Alice‘s agenda since Alice was her wife), and they founded the Lucifer Trust
[later changed to Lucis Trust. Lucis still stands for Lucifer/Isis]. Rael likewise have
demanded the creation of the New World Order from the website called Subversions

“…In a world where order is chaos, where wise men are viewed as fools and where
fools are ruling the world and viewed as wise men, there is a need to create a real
new world order. A new world order where the mental confusion will disappear,
where peace and love will prevail and where the Human Rights will be really fully
respected…" (from http://www.subversions.com/english/pages/who.html If this site
is banned you can go to Lycos and Internet Archive to retrieve it).

Also, this is outlined in it’s official web page called the AIMS of the Raelian
Movement even condoning the use of Microchips making the Rael movement another
precursor of the Antichrist system:

“"By establishing a world currency, a non corrupt world government whose global
vision can put science at the service of humanity, we could eradicate all famine,
disease and suffering and eventually eradicate money itself, to finally bring about
the world of active fulfillment and leisure which we were designed for."( from
http://www.rael.org/english/pages/organisation/org_aims.html )

In his primary book entitled "The Message Given To Me By Extra-Terrestrials" by Rael

he states on page 254:"Humanity must unite to form a world government as it is
written in the First Message." And "Until it becomes possible to abolish money,
create a new world currency to replace national currencies. Therein lies the
solution to the monetary crisis." They support the Masonic or elitist concept of a
Global Religion.

These microchips will be administered by a syringe injection and I believe Rael is

preparing his followers to receive the Mark Of The Beast by stating on page 204 of
the same book: "Yahweh said to me: "Now allow us to make a small injection in
your forehead" One of the robots came towards me and with the help of a small
apparatus similar to a syringe, made an injection in my forehead which I hardly
felt as it was so light."

That would be the Masonic Golden Age, which is nothing more than the New
World Order:

“Q: What does the Raelian Revolution offer to its followers?

A: A scientific explanation of the origin of life on Earth. This is a plan to bring our
humanity to the Golden Age and a modern way to deal with important issues of
life. It is time to replace the Judeo Christian taboos and prejudices that killed and
tortured so many peoples.” (from www.fims.uwo.ca/newmedia/...1_d01.html )


"At the dawn of the 3rd millennium, it is time to let the golden age set in, by
sweeping away the old taboos from the Judeo-Christian civilisation." In Rael's
book 'Let's Welcome our Fathers from Space', Rael records a message he
received from the Elohim (aliens). Regarding the Age of Apocalypse that
humanity has entered, the message states, "Either humanity will develop an
interplanetary consciousness, and the whole of mankind will enter the
Golden Age, or the planet will self-destroy,... It's your move." (136-7)

They agree with the Kabbalah which is Satanic, anti-Jewish and anti-God since
the Kabbalah was formed by mystics who wanted to add unscriptural concepts
and writings into the Torah and OT as found in this pro-Raelian quotation:

“The Cabbala is the book closest to the truth but almost all religious books make
allusions to us more or less clearly, especially in the countries where the creators
had their bases:.......the Mormons.”
Many criticize the LDS for its extra biblical doctrines. For example, Mormons believe that
the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price are equal to the
Bible. This is in contradict to the book of Revelation forbidding the adding of man's words
into God's word. Mormonism was created by Joseph Smith in the 1800's not by Jesus
Christ. The early Church accepted the Trinity (or one God existing in 3 distinct persons).
The Huleatt Manuscript, Hermas, and many Scriptures cite differences between the Son,
Father, and the Holy Spirit yet they exist as one God. Baptism is important to follow and
Atonement is by God alone. According to Mormonism, only Christ's blood shed in the
Garden of Gethsemane atones for personal sin. Also, Mormonism views works alone as
required for salvation. I don't believe that the LDS adheres to the First Century Christianity
for many reasons. One is that the early church doesn't perform Masonic rituals (like
wearing mystic underwear, oils, and secret names) like Mormonism does in their
Temples. The early church didn’t believe in magic stones, or promote a distorted form of
polygamy as early Mormons did. Jesus Christ called marriage as between a man and a
woman if people desire it. This is in contradiction to the original teachings of Joseph Smith
and Brigham Young. Joseph Smith boasted a lot. He said: "...I have more to boast of
than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole
church together since the days of Adam. A large majority of the whole have stood by
me. Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such
a work as I" (D.H C., vol. 6, p. 408-409). The founder of Mormonism Joseph Smith
claimed that an angel Moroni spoke to him about spiritual enlightenment. I agree that we
should focus on the scriptures primarily not the Nicene Creed. Yet, I disagree with
Mormonism in their promotion of man can achieve godhood or other doctrines in it.
Neither goes the Bible show that God the Father came from the star Kolob to make spiritual
children or that Jesus and Lucifer are spirit brothers. Lucifer didn't create the world. Only
Jesus Christ as the book of John and other New Testament scriptures (like Colossians)
show that Jesus Christ created the whole world in the beginning. Neither do Jesus have any
wives as some Mormons preach. Mormon leaders in the past have said bigoted
commentaries against black people too. In order to conform to modern times and society,
the Mormon Church lifted their ridiculous 'curse' over the African race. Up until 1978, the
LDS Church, banned black people to have leadership positions in the Mormon
Temple or the priesthood. Ed Decker, William Schnoebelen, Dr. Cathy Burns, Lisa Ruby,
and others have exposed Mormonism for many years. Not to mention that Joseph Smith
was a Freemason, Smith was involved in the occult, and even Brigham Young was a false
prophet. Some Mormons desire a theocracy in the middle of America to handle their
version of the new Kingdom of God on Earth.

The Masonic capstone utilized on the American Great Seal is also maintained in Rael
for the Rael organization on the cover of its book called “The True Face of God”
having a pyramid with a capstone on it symbolizing Masonic influence. Also, for the
N.W.O., the Illuminati, Freemasons, and the Jesuits seek like always to create their
man-made Temple to house the Anti-Christ in Jerusalem. Rael is no exception and
they seek that by their own literature. That information is from their official Raelian
webpage entitled Benefits To Humanity as follows:

“Jerusalem, the "city of peace", has always been the privileged point of contact
between the Elohim and humanity. Solomon's Temple was the original embassy
welcoming Yahweh and the embassy which is now being prepared will be the Third
Temple. Peace in that region will be assured as people understand the origin of their
religious beliefs and see their own individual prophet acting in harmony with the
others. Humanity's future world government will no doubt establish itself close by,"

They strongly hate Christianity like all UFO/N.W.O. groups do. Rael said to Elizabeth
Vargas [ABC newswomen]: “Created artificially in laboratory monitoring DNA, yes.
And I don’t think that’s less serious than believing that a supernatural god
created the world in seven days. That’s much more supernatural.” (Interview of
ABC reporter Elizabeth Vargas and Rael at Good Morning America at March 2-9,
2001). You have to give him credit by his ignorant, fragrant, assault on Biblical
Fundamental Christianity by ridiculing the Universe by Almighty God. This response
will lead the gullible and non-discerning individuals to join this cult.
What does this mean biblically? This is the end of this Age [or apart of the beginning
of last generation in my opinion] so deceptions by this UFO fraud has run amok by
many of the populace according to 2 Thes. 2:1-3 by the Apostle Paul and Matthew
24:2 by the Lord Jesus Christ who is Almighty God.

This deception will try to fool even the very elect and with TV, movies, interviews,
and even military and scientists promoting this UFO cult mania deceiving tons of
people worldwide. The truth is that UFOS ARE DISINFORMATION. THE NEPHILIM
from the OT refers to human beings not alien beings. THERE ARE DEVICES THAT
majority of UFO-proponents support the one-world government, conduct séances,
crystals, want an one-world currency, love hypnosis, have the belief in superior
races. Some of them believe in so-called man made universal peace, like Gaia
worship, they obsess with sex, some claimed to have experienced outerbody
experiences, and they follow other occultic fetishes, which reminiscence of the New
Age Movement. That movement and N.W.O. plans are originated by the
Illuminist/Freemason/Vatican & Jesuit network.

This is the preparation of the Anti-Christ (in the eyes of religious people)
attempting to force this generation (Generation Y & Generation Z) to accept his
coming. The agents of Lucifer will blaspheme God and try to appear to save the
world through their claimed “superior intelligence and technology” through the
Tribulation Period, but they will try to force people to accept the world government
or die. This will happen to the resisters of the New World Order in the coming years
and decades. Many of the UFOs are seen by many witnesses existing with 3 lights
in a formation of a triangle [exact Masonic pattern showing that many UFOs are
typically secret high-technology created by the government and radar
manipulation also as well]. The Triangle has been accepted by Freemasonry and
other occult order to deceive human beings. Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, and others
promotes these Aavatars or spirit guides as an means to promote their agenda. The
agenda of human godhood and Transhumanism is found in Raelism, some New Age
groups, and other individuals. The famous evolutionary biologist Julian Huxley
coined the modern word of Transhumanism. Some H+ promoters praise Lucifer.
Transhumanists have magazines, interviews, books, and other tools they utilize to
promote their ideologies. It’s certainly true that the NSA/CIA network has
technology probably decades in advance of what is shown today.

When 2 triangles are formed by the Compass and Square symbol, you will have the
pagan, Cabalic, Zionist Star of David signifying the elite’s covert target of the real
Jewish people and real Gentiles. The UFO’s with 3 lights forming a triangle and in
other forms are promoted by the Brotherhood [Illuminists/Freemasons/Jesuits,
etc.] to use anti-gravitational technology to create illusions of alien beings/objects
in the sky. This thereby places an otherwise belief in Almighty God and His
creation into the realm of science and/or life from another planet. We are
hoodwinked, which is why “hoodwink” is a sacred term in many Masonic rituals. One
ex-Raelian was Daniel Vandinja. He wrote that Raelians believe that God is a myth
and eternal life can be achieve via cloning. Daniel wrote that the Ralians believe
that E.T.s are our saviours sent to save humanity from destruction. In his book,
"RAEL, The Masonic Messiah", Vandinja reveals how Raelism reverses truth - God is
replaced by aliens - Satan and God are reversed. It is claimed Rael stated, "All people
passionate by love... should worship Satan rather than their blood-thirsty God.” Of
course, we should worship God alone. Vandinja wrote a book entitled “Masonic
Messiah” exposing the Rael cult completely. I don’t agree with Daniel Vandinja on
every issue though. So, I want to make that perfectly clear. Like many cults, the Rael
cult promote sexual promiscuity. Even Lord Betrand Russell advanced free love in
sick experiments with children. Russell did adultery against his own wife on plenty of
Propaganda isn’t just limited to cults like Rael & Scientology. Some in talk radio
from many points of view have deceptive designs as well. One famous host is Rush
Limbaugh. He uses the legitimate dissent among some people over the country as a
means to harness rage that can be sometimes disconcerting and unproductive. This
rage has lead into a pro-neo conservative, poor bashing crusade as well (this paves
the way for some of the international bankers to control independent movements as
well). Rush wanted at one point to tax the poor and get rid of their services.
Limbaugh tries to convince his listeners that the economic track record of the
Reagan era was pristine and full of positive results. He omits how the S&L scandal
was caused by the speculative bubble and deregulation, deficits increased in that
time, and other errors transpired in that time period. Limbaugh is the pure
representation of the extremism of the neo cons. Rush Limbaugh was inspired
by Bonesman & Knight of Malta William F. Buckley (who was apart of the Mont
Pelerin Society. Rush Limbaugh gives pro-von Hayek monetarist views on economic
issues). Rush Limbaugh said that it was the environmentalists who blew up the rig in
the Gulf Coast, which is a lie by him. Limbaugh's wedding was performed by
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and attended by a small handful of
intimates. Among them were Mary Matalin, who led Bush's campaign loses, and her
husband James Carville (he doesn‘t agree with Rush‘s philosophies obviously), who
managed Bill Clinton's victory. This proves that the Left/Right Paradigm is very
real. Milton Freidman popularized the monetarist views (Ron Paul, Peter Schiff,
and others love this school of thought). People of their ilk ignore the threat posed by
an unfettered, unchecked free market. Limbaugh promotes near anarcho-capitalism.
Typically, the Austrian view is that it‘s bad to do anything to help the economy (or
let everything collapse). I disagree with that radical point of view 100%. You do
something to help people. With some errors of the New Deal doesn‘t negate the fact
that the New Deal was an 180 degree turn from Herbert Hoover‘s policies. There
wasn‘t a total collapse of the U.S. economy after it. The Austrian economists want to
cut expenses (like social services and infrastructure funding) during a recession,
which can harm millions of Americans. It can collapse the Dollar too. He acts like a
fake conservative and he’s known for making despicable comments. Limbaugh’s
literature talks about cultural decline and economic problems, but don’t gives
information about who is behind it. The truth is that the elite via Wall Street,
various foundations, etc. are responsible for much of the cultural/economic issues in
the USA. Top Wall Street families, Prince Philip, Pilgrims, and others advance
environmental extremism as opposed to legitimately helping the environment. Rush
Limbaugh would rightly attacks the abortion and euthanasia movements as tending toward
Hitlerian race science.

Yet, he but somehow manages to omit that New York financiers Averell Harriman and
Prescott Bush, the father of Limbaugh's 1992 choice for U.S. President, virtually created the
international eugenics movement prior to the Nazi seizure of power. Harriman and Prescott
Bush were actively promoting abortion (and sterilization as population control measures)
long before Gloria Steinem and her crowd even existed in the national scene. So, Rush
ignores these facts. Limbaugh like other demagogues like Olbermann, O’Reilly, etc. use
some legitimate information. Yet, they don’t get that the oligarchy created much of these
problems in order to control the people. Some of them even take democracy to the extreme
or believing that the majority must subject its will to the minority (even if the majority
imposes a tyranny where their rules are in violation of the laws of God or any inalienable
rights). Limbaugh will not expose the Bohemian Grove, torture in Iraq, the new
world order, etc. He won’t even expose how the Federal Reserve System hands
hundreds of billions of dollars each year to a clique of international financial
bankers. Limbaugh genuflects Republicans when it was the Republicans that expanded the
deficit, allowed the Iraq War to exist, and created other non-congruent policies. The
Journalist Russ Bellant (who wrote the work called OLD NAZIS, THE NEW RIGHT,
AND THE REPUBLICAN PARTY) showed that that Laszlo Pasztor, who was a convicted
Nazi war collaborator, built the Republican émigré network. Pasztor, who served as adviser
to Republican Paul Weyrich, belonged to the Hungarian Arrow Cross, a group that helped
liquidate Hungary's Jewish people. Pasztor was founding chairman of the Republican
Heritage Groups Council. Richard Nixon utilized the Southern strategy to get Southerners
to vote Republican. The catch was that Nixon’s critics believed that he used racist
sentiments in order to gain the Southern votes covertly. The GOP inherited the
segregationist mantle from the Dixiecrats. After President Johnson signed the Civil Rights
and Voting Rights Acts into law, the Democrats would lose the South for generations. As
chief architect of the Southern Strategy, the late Lee Atwater explained how it worked:
"You start out in 1954 by saying, 'N****r, n****r, n****r,' " said Atwater. "By 1968, you
can't say 'n****r' -- that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states'
rights, and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting
taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things, and a byproduct
of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites." So, many racists back decades ago used
code words like welfare, states rights, and small government to covertly express hatred of
people of color, especially black people. Even today, the GOP talks about cutting taxes
when cutting taxes alone don’t necessarily translate into economic growth. They spew
about state rights when human rights trumps state rights. Not to mention that in many
occassions, the state have enacted oppression against the people, which is very unjustified
and immoral. 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason Strom Thurmond, who was a Dixiecrat
became a Republican from being a Democrat. Ronald Reagan used states rights as a tactic
to be President in 1980. There is Ron Paul and he is opposed to having a government safety
net for the poor. It’s obvious that many the Republicans have a hatred of religious
minorities, racial minorities, the poor, and other people. The rhetoric from GOP agents like
Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Palin, Gingrich, etc. bear this truth out. Newt Gingrich made the
racist statement that Barack Obama’s policies are akin to a Kenyan Luo tribesman.

Arnold Schwarzenegger has been controversial since he was elected as Governor back
in 2003. I remember the time well. I’ve opposed him then (since he’s pro-war on terror,
anti-gun, pro-abortion, etc.. In 2003, my mind was shocked that he defeated
Bustamante and McClintock. I was 20 years old in 2003. The ex-Governor Gray Davis
was recalled). Arnold has fascist tendencies. His father was a Nazi and he praised Nazis
including Hitler. Kurt Waldhelm was one of Schwarzenegger’s friends. His economic
policies are borderline fascist too. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger unveiled plans to
plug California's budget deficit by slashing billions of dollars worth of funding for
services designed to help the state's poor. He wanted cuts in education for years.
Although, California is a state known for promoting education for its people. This
legacy has roots in the California Constitutional Convention, where in 1849,
convention president Robert Semple said, “If the people are to govern themselves, they
should be qualified to do it. They must be educated, they must educate their children;
they must provide means for the diffusion of knowledge and the progress of
enlightened principles.” Schwarzenegger's budget proposals would see spending cuts of
12.4 billion dollars and include the elimination of California's welfare-to-work program
and virtually all child care for low income families. That’s typical of him (of letting
some of the poor potentially starve in the streets since the super rich elite in a lot of
cases don’t give an once of respect for the poor. This does nothing to bring jobs back
into California at all either). This is one of the reasons why I can’t agree with
Republicans on every issue. Our economic crisis isn’t caused by the poor, but by
massive debts, corrupt policies made by the international bankers (using their fractional
reserve system as found in the Federal Reserve), bad trade deals, some deregulation
actions, overly reliance on the war on terror, governmental errors, and other reasons.
Recently, in late July of 2010, the U.S. Senate approved of unemployment benefits. The
bill has been stripped of a provision that would have made federal funds available to
assist the increased demand all states for Medicaid. Nationwide, (not only in California0
there are cuts in social services. Even with the decision to grant extensions, over 150,000
workers in California have reached the 99-week limit in unemployment benefits and will
not receive further assistance. There is the average unemployment rate in California being
at 12.3 percent. Schwarzenegger has called for over 200,000 state workers’ pay to be
reduced to the federal minimum wage of $7.25. A judge has temporarily halted this action
from being carried out, but will issue a final ruling later in the summer. Arnold is Arnold,
so this is expected of him. There are billions of dollars funding the war on terror when that
money can help people get jobs, get services, and fulfill completely their own dreams in

Conversely, Congress is refusing to sent California a modest $26 billion to cover its $26
billion budget shortfall. This is in spite of the at least $700 billion bailout money sent
into international banks via Congress. I'm not even mentioning the bonuses and the
trillions committed by the FED to the big banks like Goldman Sachs. The federal
government has even rejected California's request for a loan guarantee that can save the
state hundreds of millions of dollars in interest. A loan guarantee is a promise among 2
parties in economics. One party or the guarantor makes a promise to assume the debt
obligation of a borrower if that borrower defaults (or that party can't pay off their
debts). That is why some in the economic populist movement desire California to set
up its own state bank in order to give interest free currency among its people. Even
North Dakota has its own successful state bank.
Schwarzenegger’s plan to dismantle the Cal Grant program — considered one of the
nation’s best programs to help poorer students cover full fees or tuition at public
colleges — would make California the first US state to eliminate student financial aid
while raising tuition. Fascism is differently related to austerity economics (even some
neo-conservatives supported Pinochet when he was a dictator in Chile). I got to keep it
real about that reality. This isn’t unusual of Arnold since he’s a protégé of the
Bohemian Grove member and the pro-Bechtel person George Schultz. You need
radical solutions to solve radical complications without austerity or some obsession
with having fiscal paranoia. Arnold loves the tenets of Ronald Reagan. Reagan’s
administration was dominated by Knights of Malta. SMOMs Alexander Haig & William
Casey were prominent figures in the Reagan administration. The Knights of Malta have
infiltrated various movements too. The Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
have said controversial words too. He said the following:

“….My relationship to power and authority is that I’m all for it…People need
somebody to watch over them…Ninety-five percent of the people in the world need to
be told what to do and how to behave…”
-Arnold Schwarzenegger, U.S. News & World Report, November 26, 1990.

“…I admired Hitler for instance, because he came form being a little man with almost
no formal education up to power. And I admire him for being such a good public
-October 3, 2003, New York Times, page A20 of the New York edition.
Dwight D. Eisenhower was a Republican and even he would be rejected by the Tea
Party Movement. That is how extreme some of the Tea Party people are. This
doesn't mean I support the establishment. The establishment supports war
mongering, austerity, violations on individual liberty, abortion on demand, anti-national
sovereignty policies, and an anti-gun agenda. I oppose vehemently all of that stuff. My
intension is to prove that Dwight D. Eisenhower believed in the free enterprise system,
but even he didn't want to get rid of all social services completely. Glen Beck and
Sarah Palin hate taxes, big government, and want to turn this country back into
the days of decades ago. To some Tea Party activists, Dwight would be a near
socialist. For example, he named Earl Warren and Harry Blackmun to the federal
bench. He condemned the military industrial complex. Back in 1956, he passed the
Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956. This used taxpayer dollars (on gas, diesel, etc.) fund
an enormous public works project. This is cost an equivalent of $197 billion today. This
is much more than the small $50 billion infrastructure plan that President Barack
Obama desires today. Eisenhower didn't want to reduce taxes until the income was
balanced. The rich paid much higher taxes back then than today. Back then, the top
income tax paid by the wealthiest Americans was 91% and now it's just 35%. That is
why taxation utilized in the right way can be boon or blessing for the American people.
FOX News won't report on this information sense they want a reactionary, revisionist
version of history to spread worldwide. I don't support Ike on every issue, but this
proves that the Republicans were much more moderate even then on some issues than
today. You can't say I love to build up our nation and then don't want to fund to build
up our public services from fire stations to bridges. I wonder what Sharron Angle, Joe
Miller, and Rand Paul view Dwight D. Eisenhower if they knew his real policies.
The blind laissez faire Capitalism (of Austrian Economics) advocated in its supporters’
drive for "freedom" will enable the wealthy to grow even wealthier and to drive out the
middle class, leaving only subjugated serfs and the super-rich in America. The lack of
regulation will also permit massive pollution and exploitation of the environment. Notice
that Ron Paul supporters are being duped into ignoring the destruction of the living
environment of the Earth, in the name of "freedom" and opposition to "World
Government." I don’t agree with world government, but I don’t agree with harming
legitimate services either. Alex Jones talks to his audience that it’s not right vs. left, it’s
right vs. wrong. Yet, Jones funnels his supporters into the Ron Paul agents among the
Republican Party. Exposing Wall Street’s corruption is fine. Although, you can’t ignore
record bonuses sent to big banks like Goldman Sachs, unregulated banks, and the threats
against the people’s basic needs. This isn’t socialism. It’s corporatism. Von Mises was
apart of these extreme Austrian Economic movement. He was funded by Foundation

"For the first years of Mises’s life in the United States...he was almost
totally dependent on annual research grants from the Rockefeller

-- Richard M. Ebeling, “The Life and Works of Ludwig von Mises,” Volume 13 Number 1,
Summer 2008

The above quotation is want the Campaign for Liberty and Lew Rockwell don’t want you
to know about. It isn’t just Republicans and neo cons with their propaganda. The
Democratic Party isn’t perfect either. In May 1856, for denouncing pro-slavery policies, the
Republican Senator Charles Sumner (R-MA) was nearly beaten to death on the floor of the
Senate by U.S. Rep. Preston Brooks (D-SC). In March 6, 1857, Republican Supreme Court
Justice McLean issues a strenuous dissent from the decision by 7 Democrats supporting
Dred Scott’s rights to be violated. Over unanimous Democrat opposition (in July 17,
1862), Republican Congress passes Confiscation Act stating that slaves of the Confederacy
"shall be forever free.” President Abraham Lincoln in 1862 bans slavery in Washington,
D.C., while most Democrats oppose the bill. In January 31, 1865, the 13th Amendment
banned slavery. It was passed by U.S. House with unanimous Republican support and
intense Democrat opposition. By November 22, 1865, Republicans denounced the
Democratic legislature of Mississippi for having the evil “Black Codes” institutionalized.
U.S. Rep. Thaddeus Stevens (R-PA) introduced legislation to distribute land to
form er slaves (or 40 acres and mule), while it was opposed by the Democrat &
Freemason Andrew Johnson. On May 10, 1866, the U.S. House passes the 14th
Amendment guaranteeing due process and equal protection of the laws to all citizens and
100% of the Democrats voted no. January 8, 1867 was the date that Republicans overridden
the Democratic President Andrew Johnson‘s veto of granting voting rights to African
Americans. Freemason Andrew Johnson was one of the worst American Presidents in
history. He was an anti-liberty extremist and a pardoner of war criminals plus traitors. That
is why this traitor Johnson experienced an impeachment trial back in March 30, 1868. On
September 12, 1868, the Civil rights activist Tunis Campbell and all other African-
Americans in Georgia Senate, every one a Republican, were expelled by Democrat
majority. They would later be reinstated by Republican Congress. Woodrow Wilson was a
hypocrite by claiming to be tolerant by promoting the League of Nations, but he established
oppressive policies in his own nation of America. Most Republicans in Congress voted for
the 15th Amendment in February 3, 1870. On February 8, 1894, the Democratic
Congress and the Democratic President Grover Cleveland join to repeal
Republicans Enforcement Act, which had enabled African-Americans to vote. One
of the good things the Theodore Roosevelt did was that he outlawed segregation
in the New York Public Schools back in 1900. He was elected Governor of New
York in December 31, 1898.

The Democrat President Woodrow Wilson in 1912 kicked all of the black people out of
federal government jobs. Wilson is portrayed as a progressive, but he wasn’t. He was
radical President. Wilson supported the segregation of Washington D.C. by imposing
separate drinking fountains plus restrooms for different races. The Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court who swore him was a former Klansmen. He told one protesting black
delegation that "segregation is not a humiliation but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded
by you gentlemen." When the startled journalist William Monroe Trotter objected, Wilson
essentially threw him out of the White House. "Your manner offends me," Wilson told him.
Blacks all over the country complained about Wilson, but the president was unmoved. "If
the colored people made a mistake in voting for me," he told The New York Times in 1914,
"they ought to correct it." Wilson of course supported the racist film “The Birth of a
Nation” that came out in 1915 by D.W. Griffith. By January 26, 1922, the House passed a
bill that was authorized by U.S. Rep. Leonidas Dyer (R-MO). It made lynching a federal
crime, but Senate Democrats blocked it with a filibuster. On October 3, 1924, Republicans
denounce three-time Democrat presidential nominee William Jennings Bryan for defending
the Ku Klux Klan at 1924 Democratic National Convention. On June 12, 1929, the First
Lady Lou Hoover invites wife of U.S. Rep. Oscar De Priest (R-IL), an African-American,
to tea at the White House, sparking protests by Democrats across the country. Never forget
that Jim Crow was created by the elite in the South to oppress black people and to stagnant
real progress. Jim Crow has anti-gun rules in it as well. On April 3, 1944, the Supreme
Court strike down the Texas Democratic Party’s “whites only” primary election system.
March 12, 1956 was the time when 97 Democrats in Congress condemn Supreme Court’s
decision in Brown v. Board of Education and they pledge to continue segregation. Some of
the Dixiecrats were Democrats. When GOP Pres Eisenhower tried to pass civil rights in
1957 Democrats like LBJ voted against it. Lyndon Johnson is famous for saying that:
“…I'll have those n___ voting Democrat for the next 200 years." LBJ did pass many
legitimate laws though. Even Dwight D. Eisenhower passed his Civil Rights Act back in
1960. Masonic Southern leaders (and their Masonic agents like Freemason Bull Connor,
Freemason George Wallace, and Klansman & Freemason and Shriner Byron De La
Beck created the climate that contributed to the murder of the civil rights leader Medgar
Evers) continued this immoral policy of Jim Crow or oppression until the 1960’s. June 1,
1963 was the time that the Democrat Governor George Wallace announced the defiance of
court order issued by the Republican federal judge Frank Johnson to integrate the
University of Alabama. The Klan, before you dismiss them too soon, was a major political
force in the South back decades ago and was the engine behind segregation and the deadly
attacks on the Civil Rights movement. The Klan was unsuccessful in their efforts
since evil can never be victorious. This is a reality of history and life in general.
As late as 2001, Democrat & Freemason Robert Byrd used the N word. Sharpton and Jesse
never called him to step down. Bill Clinton praised Byrd’s past in his funeral inside of West
Virginia. Democrat & Mormon Harry Reid had to apologize for calling President Barack
Obama as not having a Negro dialect, etc.

So, the truth is that both the Republicans and the Democrats have
had their nefarious histories.

W.E.B. Dubois and Mao Zedong

Some Klan meetings were held in Masonic Lodges back then. On the other side of the coin
puppets like WEB Dubois being a Mason and a Boule member. DuBois was a friend of the
vicious murderer & liberty suppressor Mao Zedong. DuBois demonized the nationalist
(though not perfect) Marcus Garvey since Garvey wanted a reformed Africa. DuBois and
his NAACP was Rockefeller Foundation funded. DuBois claimed to be against scientific
eugenics (yet, he allied with pro-eugenicist Margaret Sanger in his life). In an article for the
Birth Control Review, DuBois called the large number of black children born in the United
States as “quantity but not quality.” (Birth Control Review, June 1932, p.167). I don’t
agree with that since any child born in the Earth regardless of their skin color has
equal quality and equal value. WEB DuBois was right in that people should fight for
immediate civil rights in some form of activism. He was incorrect to ally with Communists
when they are just as much apart of the paradigm of corporate control as is the failed
vulture, laissez faire capitalist system. For example, the cartel capitalist David
Rockefeller supported Mao‘s regime. Rockefeller praised the murderous Revolution
over there in China. Sanger wanted to worship her own Ego in Gnostic traditions. Jesuit
John LaFarge tried to infiltrate the Civil Rights Movement too. The legitimate grievance
of being against Jim Crow was exploited by the Jesuits & others in order to promote anti-
true nationalism. The elite also promotes a fake type of colorblindness that disregards
cultural identity (this is the opposite of true tolerance that includes cultural respect), and
Ecumenicalism. While conversely, the elite via the CNP, the Knights of Malta, etc. funded
the fascist backlash against the Civil Rights movement starting in the late 1970‘s. So, many
sides are covered.

It is right to fight for equality and legitimate freedoms in any nation in the world over.
Subsequently, we are a better people if injustice is eradicated among all human beings.

The elite definitely allowed some political reforms, but stagnated true independent
economic reforms in order for them to limit the reach of liberty in the United
States. See, true freedom is apart of society acquiring comprehensive economic,
social, and political liberties among all peoples. The Civil Rights Movement in a way
was like the Second Reconstruction period of American history. On June 10, 1964, Senate
Minority Leader Everett Dirksen (R-IL) criticized the Democratic filibuster against
1964 Civil Rights Act and calls on Democrats to stop opposing racial equality. The
Civil Rights Act was introduced and approved by a staggering majority of Republicans in
the Senate. The Act was opposed by most southern Democrat senators, several of whom
were proud segregationists. One of them being Al Gore Sr. The Democratic President
Lyndon B. Johnson relied on Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen, or the Republican leader to
pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Today, some of the segregationists have shifted from the
Democratic to the Republican Party. Of course, all people are born equal. I
believe in equality. Many Democrats still support Real ID Act system, the war on terror,
more restrictions on the 2nd Amendment against even innocent citizens, and the anti-fair
trade deals. None of these parties have a monopoly of idealism. In all people, there is
certainly a hunger for truth irrespective of their political ideologies. So, I’m not a
Republican or Democrat. I’m an Independent. I will mention this though. Tyrannical
government is evil whether its done by the federal government or the
state government. Government should be tool to benefit the people,
not a false god to oppress the individual liberties of the people.

*The cloning agenda of Rael is nothing new. Rael believes in cloning via their Clonaid
company. Cloning is acting like God in meddling in the natural process of life and
development. People aren’t certain of the total implications of cloning animals long
term and the implication of a human clone. Sick people like Hitler falsely believed that he
could engineer a master race. There is no such thing as a master race though
since all of humanity have the capacity to achieve excellent contributions in
the world irrespective of their class or race. Today, there are some researchers
testing cloning and genetic tests to in what their minds is about the development of a
better “human being.” Dr. Weissman claimed to have created mice with human brains.
Dolly the sheep was cloned years ago in 1997 under the tutelage of Ian Wilmutt. . There
has never been conclusive evidence of UFO or aliens from outer space coming to Earth in
this present era [even have thousands of years ago. Some scholars like William Ross speak
the truth when they say that the NSA/CSETI told him that UFO/aliens exist from inside the
Earth or interdimensional space unto the surface of the Earth. Although, conclusive
evidence is lacking in this regard. The elite’s promoters like Lawrence Rockefeller who is
part of the Trilateral Commission and Director Steven Spielberg, who is a member of the
Bilderberger Group are one of the many individuals fermenting the alien agenda. The
agenda for world government (as Raelians agree with) or the new world order is very
ancient. Even back in 1811, Karl Krause wanted 5 regional federations (of Europe, Africa,
Asia, America, and Australia) to unite in a world republic. Karl was a philosopher and he
wrote of these plans in his essay entitled, “The Archetype of Humanity.” It’s a
different world today than back then. The Cold War (or the covert war on
legitimate nationalism) never truly ended. In the Cold War, the USSR received his
levels of U.S. technology by Western corporations (while the corrupt leaders in the
West and the USSR did little to nothing to stem the tide of the Russian Mafia & the
terrorist acts of the FSB/SVR). The Vatican had a public denunciation of Russian
Communism. Yet, the truth is the opposite of that. The Bolshevik Revolution
benefited Rome when it allow the near destruction of the Orthodox Church. Lenin
readmitted the Jesuit Order in 1922 after it was expelled by Alexander I from 1820. Henry
Ford’s company helped to built the Soviet Gorki. Knight of Malta William J.
Casey was key in using the U.S. Export-Import Bank to finance the building of
Kama River truck factory thereby establishing more of the Soviet War Machine.
This is in spite of the 1989 meeting between honorary Knight of Malta George H. W. Bush
and Gorbachev in the Island of Malta. The Knights of Malta were admitted into Russia by
1991. This even was hosted by the Knights. Instead of fighting so-called “atheistic
communism” this war is on “fanatical Muslims” in a still conflict against nationalism
(against Sunni and especially Shia Muslims). The Al Fatah was trained in the 1950’s by the
CIA sponsored German Nazis. The media promotes this paranoia about terrorism among
the Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch of the FOX News Empire. Ironically,
Eric Hufschmidt’s sister is married to the son of Rupert Murdoch. An easy example to see
how nationalism was suppressed was in Russia again. See, anti-communist nationalist
Russians wanted freedom during WWII. One leader of this faction was General Vlasov
with his army. He had 700,000 troops and was betrayed by Hitler and the Americans.
The West allow Vlasov to be captured by Stalin and he was tortured & executed. Even
other Russian nationalists were killed with the consent of SMOM Eisenhower in the
Operation Keelhaul program. This outraged General Patton, who was subsequently
assassinated. Back in 1956, the CIA originally backed the nationalists and then the CIA
betrayed them in the hands of the Red Army and the KGB. The same thing occurred in
Czechoslovakia back in 1968 and even in Cuba in 1961. So, real nationalism is a beautiful
aspect of humanity. The Cold War and the war on terror was meant by the elite to return
society into a feudal Dark Age like era of time.
More on the Bahai Faith

The Bahai faith came about in the 1844 being popularized by Baha’u’llah. Mizra Ali
Muhammad or the Bab claimed to be the greatest manifestation of God yet to
appear, which is false. The Bab claimed to be the descendant of Muhammad and the
fulfillment of the scriptures of all of the world’s religions. During his brief 6 year
ministry, he taught of another manifestation that would follow (similar to the role of John
the Baptist). This manifestation would be even greater than he, and in 1863 Mirza Husayn
Ali proclaimed that he was the Great prophet the Bab had spoken of. Mirza Husayn Ali
called himself Baha’u’llah. They have created temples globally. This new religion always
desired a global commonwealth of nations. Even Baha’ullah wanted an universal
language, an universal system of weights & measures, and currency unification.
Bahai promote the new world order explicitly. In the Kitab-I-Aqdas (or considered
the most holy of the Baha’I faith’s many texts), Bah’ullah wrote that: “…The world’s
equilibrium hath been upset through the vibrating influence of this most great, this
new world order. Mankind’s ordered life hath been revolutionized through the
agency of this unique, this wondrous System-the like of which mortal eyes have
never witnessed.” In another text, Baha’u’llah stated: “..Soon will the present-day
order be rolled up, an a new one spread out in its stead…” They believe that
spiritual revelations exist in the major monotheist faiths even Buddhism. The United
Nations and other interfaith organization embrace the Baha’I religion. Baha’I
believes in embracing nearly all religions since they are just updated version of the
truth (or they just believe in the same God in different ways). Some of the followers
of this creed reject absolute truth. Bahai existed out of Islam, but they call
Bahaullah as the greatest of the prophets instead of Muhammad. Like many false
religions, Baha’I people claim that Christians misinterpreted the Bible and true
Christianity. Baha’is falsely believe that God is unknowable, when the Bible says that
God is knowable via many means. Hebrews 1:1-2 says that God reveals Himself to us
and God wants to be known as found to Isaiah 45:22-25 and Hosea 11:1-11. God
invited people to come into a relationship with Him as found in John 14:23 and
Revelation 3:20. Baha’is view Jesus Christ as just a manifestation of God. This is
incorrect. Contrary to Baha'i beliefs, Jesus did refer to himself as God's "one and only
begotten Son of God" and in John 3:16, it reads the following: "For God so loved
the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him
shall not perish but have eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." The
words "only begotten" in the Greek carry the idea of "unique" or "one of a kind". Jesus is
the son of God and has a divine nature. The Bible further tells us that Jesus is God and is
the creator as found in Col. 1:16 "For by him all things were created: things in heaven and
on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers of authorities; all things
were created by him and for him" (Also see John 1:3; Hebrews 1:2; 1:10; Revelation 3:14).
John 1:1 mentions the Word as being God. The Word is Jesus Christ. Even from a
prophetic sense, no mention of Baha’u’llah is mentioned in the OT or NT. Baha'u'llah never
touched the Mount of Olives, never rose from the death, never was the Spirit of Truth (or
the Holy Spirit), and Jesus Christ’s second Coming will exist in Jerusalem (Baha’u’llah
never did this). The Utopian views of the Baha’I creed is very similar to the globalist goals
of the United Nations plus the agenda of proponents of the new world order. There is
nothing wrong with tolerance of all people. Although, compromising your creed in order to
promote an one world governmental system though is a fabrication of the keen embrace of

By Timothy

Responses to pro-Masons

My Response is in bold:

Hi Tim,

Thanks for your response - and well spotted, I am Australian. You must know a few
Aussies to pick that up - I didn't realise I was giving myself away.

Yes, it’s easy to understand that you’re Australian by the way that you type your

1. You haven't accurately stated my premise. My premise is not that because the man
is insane/naïve, that disregards all evidence that some Masons worship Lucifer. My
premise is that because the man is insane/naïve, that disregards this piece of

This evidence proves that some Masons worship or praise Lucifer. This man’s
actions doesn’t necessarily define him as insane. Thereby by deduction, I don’t
conceive this source as trivial. There are plenty of other sources that prove that
some Masons (not every Mason) praise or worship Lucifer/Satan.

2. It's not logical to use other evidence of your point to prove that this evidence is
reliable. Each piece of evidence must be considered individually - the existence of
other, valid evidence does not of itself make this evidence valid.

I fundamentally disagree with you on this point. Judging evidence individually is

fine and concrete in any evaluation. Yet, when individual evidence is deemed
appropriate, when the evidence is combined. It is a true and authentic means to
decipher the truth. That evidence is valid if multiple sources are accurate.

I'll give an analogy - lets say there are two pieces of evidence in a murder case:
fingerprints at the scene of the crime, and a Witness saying that he heard the murderer
confess after the incident. The Judge needs to decide whether or not he believes the
Witness regardless of what the fingerprints prove. The judge cannot say: "I think the
witness is good evidence because the fingerprints are good evidence" - the
fingerprints don't prove whether the witness is lying or not. The judge must listen to
the witness, ignoring the existence of the fingerprints, and at the end of the case he
may say: "The witness is lying, but the fingerprints are accurate".

You don’t have to ignore all evidence to make a decision. You can judge evaluate all
pieces of information as a whole. You can disregard faulty evidence and accept the
transparent or real piece of evidence. In this example, you can easily gather as much
information as possible to develop a true judgment.

That's why you can't rely on Manly Hall or any anyone else when we're looking at the
clip. Manly Hall and Albert Pike might be brilliant evidence against Masonry in
general, but they shed no light on the question of whether this clip has any probative

Manly P. Hall and Albert Pike are very important in evaluating Masonry in general.
The reason is that all Scottish Rite Masons are encouraged to read his literature.
Also, Pike was a major creator of much of the rituals pertaining to the composition
of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Pike and Hall are brilliant evidence against
Masonry in general since these men are high level Masons with credibility in
outlining the real aims of Masonry. As Pike said, Masonry relates to the Mysteries
and Blue Lodge members are deceived intentionally by higher up Masons to limit
the truth about the whole course of the Masonic Lodge. Pike blasphemes God by
writing that: “…God is, as man conceives Him, the reflected image of man
himself…” (Albert Pike, “Morals and Dogma,” 14th Degree, pg. 234).

3. It seems our key disagreement here is whether the man is insane or naïve. So let's break it
down a bit: First - do you agree that if this man is insane, the clip has no value as evidence
against the Masons?

I believe this man is naïve not insane. If hypothetically, this man is insane, he
can still theoretically have evidence against Masonry. The reason is that if this
man said something that was backed up by multiple, credible sources about
Masonry, then his sayings have merit. You should never take one man at face
value, but a myriad of other Masonic sources saying the same thing have weight
in order to define Masonry in terms of dissent.

By Timothy


Here is the Mason Ken in his desperate aim to demonize me and others who
peacefully disagree with Freemasonry. My answers are in bold. I will edit my words
to make it more accurate. This is my M.O. See, in recent months, the Masons on the
Net have increasingly disagreed with my views and I will disagree with them as usual.

ok so you will delete this i'm sure.. or edit it.. but.. you guys are the biggest bunch of idiots i
have ever seen.. half truths, mis- representations and just plain silly talk.. I just get a kick out of
the constant harping on really insignificant masonic traditions and a complete disregard for
even a bit of truth... you should really get a life.. I can't change your mind.. it's too small. But i
can say to anyone else that reads this garbage you put out.. think for yourself.. and before you
cast stones at someone with reckless abandon, i pray that you ask God to save you before your
soul is so wrecked with hate that it can never enter the kingdom of heaven... ( now that you can
understand )

You are surely wrong, because I will not edit or delete your words. You have the
right of free speech here and now much of the world will see your words and my
rebuttal. You are a liar since I’m not an idiots and others in the world aren’t idiots
either. You Masons like usual use ad hominem attacks when you don’t get your
way. It’s a proven fact that Pike said that Masonry is apart of the Mysteries and it’s
a fact that Masonry have keen similarities with the Wiccan religion. I haven’t
shown half truths, misrepresentations, and silly talk at all about Masonry. What
I’ve shown is source after source proving their doctrines are against Christianity,
videos of ex-Masons denouncing the Lodge, and other examples of people waking
up and really following God. Many Masonic traditions aren’t insignificant like
saying a death oath in the Blue Lodge or drinking wine out of a human skull in the
higher degrees (as exposed by Ed Decker and others). Albert Mackey admitted
that: “..The removal of the name of Jesus and references to Him in Bible
verses used in the ritual are ‘slight but necessary modifications….” (Albert
Mackey, “Masonic Ritualists,” pg. 272).

I already have a life. Why would you ask that question when you Masons obsess with me. I
know why. It’s because my words exposing Freemasonry shown in the Internet, the streets,
etc. have had their impact. My words have a resonance in your heart that the Lodge
isn’t about transparency, but profound deception as exposed by your Brother
Mason Albert Pike:

"Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism, and Alchemy, conceals its
secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and
misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be mislead; to
conceal the Truth, which it calls light, and draw them away from it." [Morals and Dogma,
p. 104-5, 3rd Degree]

You can’t stop the truth and yes you can’t change my mind. My mind isn’t small. I
know more about the world, philosophy, economics, history, anthropology, science,
mathematics, geography, politics, etc. than you think I do. I don’t put out garbage which is
another lie you’ve made. I put out accurate information about politics and people have a
right to think for themselves. I don’t cast stones against anyone but Masonry falsely calls
themselves a cornerstone when God is the true cornerstone. I don’t have hate against
anyone. You don’t know the meaning of hate. Dissent that’s legitimate is never hate.
It’s common sense and love. Who are you to tell whether I will enter the Kingdom of
God or not explicitly. That’s God’s job, not yours. Once again, you’re a hypocrite by
claiming I throw stones when you throw stones against me. I understand fully about

oh and before you dismiss me like you do every other person that calls you out.. let me say to
you that I am a freemason.. a christian and a good man. masonry IS NOT A RELIGION ..nor
does it EVER profess to be.. ALBERT PIKE has his opinion and it was a pretty good one but
most often used out of context and his language , being a bit old and out dated, often leads
simple minds to the wrong conclusions.. it is difficult to start a conversation when the two don't
speak the same language.. so when you quote biblical teachings and compare it to masonic
traditions, it is a bit like comparing spanish to latin.. often time the context is more important
than the words..Lucifer does mean light giver.. you rbible tells you so.. crowley was a false
freemason and a crazy man who wanted desperately to be accepted that he hijacked masonic
traditions and impostered himself as an accepted brother when he was shunned and outcast.. .
your video proves only that the shriner was PLAYING with the guy until he got fed up with the
ignorant fool and walked away..

I dismiss you, because you are a big liar. People have a right to call people out, but
you need to understand that just because a person calls out another doesn’t mean
that person is right. I know you’re a Freemason by the tone of your words. You are
certainly a deceived Christian since Masonic oaths, rituals, and doctrines violate the
New Testament on many levels. Masonry is a Theistic religion. Masonry have
rituals, an altar, prayer is shown, funerals are done, there is occult communion type
rituals in higher degrees according to Ed Decker, there is a profession of a belief in
God, etc. making Freemasonry a Religion. You can’t fool me. As Mackey states:
"The religion of Masonry is pure theism." He boasts, "The truth is that
Masonry is undoubtedly a religious institution . . . which, handed down through a
long succession of ages from that ancient priesthood who first taught it, embraces
the great tenets of the existence of God and the immortality of the soul."[Albert G.
Mackey, <Textbook of Masonic Jurisprudence>, p. 95]. In his <Encyclopedia> he
restates this: "The Religious Doctrines of Freemasonry are very simple and self
evident. They are darkened by no perplexities of sectarian theology but stand out in
broad light, intelligible and acceptable by all minds, for they ask only for a belief in
God and in the immortality of the soul." (Albert G. Mackey, <Encyclopedia of
Freemasonry>, p. 731). I trust high level Freemason Albert Mackey over you. Albert
Pike’s words are very authoritative in the Scottish Rite Freemason as his book are
recommended for reading in the Lodges of the Scottish Rite. So, Pike’s words aren’t
outdated to many Masons living today in the 21st century. Real people don’t put his
words out of context. I have a right to use Biblical references and other sources to
make a just point about the occult nature of Freemasonry. Context is fine with me,
but not obfuscating the essence of the true meaning of words revolving the essence
of the Lodge. Lucifer means light bearer or Venus as the Scriptures say. In ancient
times, Lucifer meant Venus once again. Pike wrote that: “…"Lucifer, the Light-
bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of
the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble,
sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!" [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, p. 321]. Yet, you forgot to mention that Lucifer
is a defeated foe and Jesus Christ defeated Lucifer. Crowley was a real Freemason
and a member of the Masonic Golden Dawn. The Golden Dawn was Masonic since
its founders were Freemasons. Just because Crowley was apart of continental
European Masonry doesn’t mean that he wasn’t a Mason. Also, occultists Eliphas
Levi and others were Freemasons. Levi wrote about ceremonial magic constantly.
Crowley was shunned by people, but he was accepted by much of the New Age
movement and the occult world. The video proves deceiver that some Masons
praise Lucifer. Also, the other video proves that Masonry have similarities with
Wiccans. The older Shriner doesn’t seem to be playing with the man since the
Shriner had a serious tone in praising Lucifer (like New Ager Benjamin Crème
does). Your mocking of the Bible don’t move me. That is what your ilk always do.
Instead of mocking religious texts, try a real dialogue. Oh, I forgot, you can’t refute
the essence of my commentary. So, you need to wake up. I will always oppose
Masonry and all occult Secret Societies forever. Nothing is going to
change that at all. You ought to wake up.
Dedicated to the hero William Morgan

More Occult Information

The modern New Age Movement is traced to the 19th century with the Theosophical
Society and like minded organizations. HP Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society in
1875. Olcott said that Theosophy had branches worldwide by the 1880‘s. She studied
myth and superstitiousness. She claimed to travel the Earth to study various religions.
Her first book was Isis Unveiled and created Lucifer Magazine. She wrote the Key of
Theosophy, the Voice of Science, and The Secret Doctrine. These works are famous and
represent much of the New Age Movement presently. She believed in Ascended Masters
communicating with her. The Theosophical popularized the notion of the Age of
Aquarius. This according to them was a transition from the age of Pisces into the Age of
human enlightenment and peace. This will rise the spiritual consciousness of people. HP
Blavatsky supported this Age of Aquarius view by writing that:
“….Theosophists at any rate, some of them who understand the hidden meaning of the
universally expected Avatars, Messiah’s, Sosiohses, and Christ’s known that it is no end of
the world, but the consummation of the age I.e. the close of a cycle, which is now fast
approaching…again the messianic cycle…of the man connected with Pisces…It is a cycle,
historical, and not very long, but very occult, lasting about 2,155 solar years…It occurred
2,410 and 255 B.C. or when the equinox entered into the sign of Ram, and again into that
of Pisces. When it enters in a few years, the sign of Aquarius, psychologists will have some
extra work to do, and the psychic idiosyncrasies of humanity will enter on a great change.”
(H.P. Blavatsky, Lucifer A Theosophical Magazine, September 1887 to February
1888, [Kessinger Publishing, 2004], pg. 174).
Theosophists view Jesus as apart of the long list of Avatars or Ascended Masters (from
the Piscean age). They want a new Aquarian Age to embrace a New world teacher. Yet,
this new age is really about globalism and compromising people’s core convictions. HP
Blavatsky wanted an one world universal brotherhood, study global religions, and study
Nature, which are the goals of Theosophy. HP Blavatsky was deceived by the
“Ascended Masters” indeed. Some Theosophists falsely view Jesus Christ as the sun
god. The Zeitgeist film series use similar views from Theosophy like Jesus being the
sun god as a means to promote their views. Peter Joseph invented the Zeitgeist
movement, but the series had many inaccuracies in it. Zeitgeist tried to indoctrinate
people into having the Mystery School mindset. Peter Joseph even distances himself
from the view that 9/11 was an inside job. So, he isn’t apart of the 9/11 Truth
Movement. This is a slick tactic to get some 9/11 Truth people to buy into the Zeitgeist
propaganda (of lying in saying that Jesus Christ is a parallel of Horus, which has been
debunked by religious experts). Anne Besant was a socialist and an ally of HP Blavatsky.
Besant joined the Marxist-based Social Democrat Federation or the SDF back in the
1880’s (according to the book “The New Woman in Fiction and in Fact” by Angelique
Richardson and Chris Willis. HP Blavatsky called Besant her dear friend. Besant organized
co-Masonry everywhere. Co-Masons allow females to join. Besant was once head of the
Theosophical Society. Besant accept the Jesus is related to the sun god lie. Listen to the
words of Albert Pike himself, the greatly revered Freemason, writing in his
monumental Freemason book, "Morals and Dogma" pages 562-564:

"And the image of Ialdabaoth, reflected upon matter, became the Serpent-Spirit, Satan, the
Evil Intelligence. Eve, created by Ialdabaoth, had by his Sons children that were angels like
themselves. The Spiritual light was withdrawn from man by Sophia, and the world
surrendered to the influence of evil; until the Spirit, urged by the entreaties of Wisdom,
induced the Supreme Being to send Christos to redeem it. Compelled, despite himself, by
his Mother, Ialdabaoth caused the man Jesus to be born of a Virgin; and the Celestial
Savior, uniting with his Sister, Wisdom, descended through the regions of the seven angels
... and entered with his sister into the man Jesus at the baptism in Jordan."

"Ialdabaoth, finding that Jesus was destroying his empire and abolishing his worship,
caused the Jews to hate and crucify Him; before which happened, Christos and Wisdom
had ascended to the celestial regions. They restored Jesus to life and gave Him an ethereal
body, in which He remained eighteen months on earth, and receiving from Wisdom the
perfect knowledge {... Gnosis}, communicated it to a small number of His apostles, and
then arose to the intermediate region inhabited by Ialdabaoth, where, unknown to him, He
sits at his right hand, taking from him the Souls of Light purified by Christos. When
nothing of the spiritual world shall remain subject to Ialdabaoth, the redemption will be
accomplished, and the end of the world, the completion of the return of Light into the
Plenitude, will occur."

Wow!! Some Freemasons believe that a deity named Ialdaboath reflected upon matter to
create the Serpent-Spirit, Satan. Then, later Ialdaboath created Jesus Christ!! It is difficult
to comprehend greater blasphemy against the Name and Person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The truth is that Ialdaboath refers to the Gnostic slur against Yahveh. Ialdaboath means
aborted one since the Gnostics believe that Ialdaboath was an egomaniac thinking that there
was no other gods before him. Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God.

Freemasonry and the Theosophical Society are linked as Theosophists founders have
been Masons before. Even Blavatsky was awarded by Freemasonry. Modern speculative
Masonry originated in 1717 though Masonic groups existed before that time. One
source says that: “…it developed in Britain out of the building trades and
fraternities, whose history goes back some 600 years in England….I do insist,
however, that our present-day speculative Freemasonry is directly descended form
the operative masonry whose beginnings we can trace back to the earliest record
of organization among masons in 1356...” ( Henry Carr, “600 Years of Craft Ritual,
pg. 200 from 1968). According to the book “Heresies Exposed“ form 1917, it
says that: “…Freemasonry viewed doctrinally is Theosophy. But someone
may interject, Does it not Speak of God, Christ, the Bible, etc.? Yes, like
Theosophy, it is heavily camouflaged with scriptural expressions, but used
in an unscriptural sense…” Many globalists like David Rockefeller and Henry
Kissinger want a new world order system. The new age agenda is very much apart of the
new world order agenda. Ex-Prime Minister of the UK Gordon Brown blatantly calls for
the new world order under international cooperation. Much of the elites are occultists in
trying to bash Christianity. Occult societies even Freemasonry teach that man is God or
man can achieve godhood. That’s a heresy and error of course. The New Age accept
astrology, monism, esoterism, channeling, an New age one world Utopian society, etc.

P.S. This is my Debate with Sophia Sedak on the Kabbalah:

Thanks for the recommendation! I'll have to check out this Cabala stuff, you make it sound
so tempting.

The nice thing about holy spirits is that there are so many to choose from.

Keep up the good work!

-Sophia Sadek
My Response: Well, I didn't recommend the Kabbalah, because I disagree with it. The
author was warning people of the evil, occult nature of it. We need to follow God through
his Son Jesus Christ. We need to not get caught up with the Kabbalah and other false paths.

By Timothy



Do you mean to imply that those who read and understand the Kabbala are evil? Or, that by
studying what an idolater would call evil, they can transcend idolatry?

Also, the occult is not necessarily bad. After all, mathematics is a form of occult practice.
Certainly it can be used for positive as well as negative ends.

-Sophia Sadek

I believe that anyone who studies the Kabbala for the reason of trying to seek fulfillment is
deceived. The occult is secret knowledge usually relating to pagan ideals (or that nature
have divine qualities). I don't agree with that. I have no problem with researching it, but I
don't believe in participating in it. I believe people can be sincerely wrong. To try to use the
occult for so-called "positive" ends is wrong, because the occult is not 100% perfect and the
occult readily believes in man's divinity and an utopian society, which aren't true. Man can't
make a utopia and man can't achieve godhood, which are one of the core tenets of the
occults. Also, the Kabbala was created by apostate people and the Kabbala isn't 100%
perfect. I rely on the Bible for my spiritual needs.

By Timothy

Sophia Sadek: Timothy, the bible itself is occult. It contains encoded, symbolic meaning.
The bible is an excellent example of how occult texts can be used both positively and
negatively. Some use it to justify vicious behavior. Others use it to distance themselves
from those who use it to justify vicious behavior.

There are texts that can lead to a better understanding of biblical symbols. Such an
understanding can not be bad.

My Response: The Bible is not occult. The Bible forbids the use of the occult. The
occult means secret knowledge relating to the support of pagan gods and goddesses,
witchcraft, and other forms of paganism. The Bible condemns that. The Bible
mentions the evil done by people, but it doesn't support it. There is a difference. There
is no where there is in the Bible to justify evil behavior. The Bible forbids murder and
hating our neighbor. Anything you think is evil the Bible says was ordered by God for
people to follow. In the NT, the Bible perfectly outline love and justice to people. I
don't agree with New Age ideology. Yes, there are texts that can help us, not those
that support Witchcraft, pagan false deities, etc. There's a difference.

Sadek: Timothy, the bible is a collection of texts that were originally secret. They were
strictly for the use of initiated priests. In fact, most people couldn't even read their own
written languages until relatively recently.

Response: The Bible was never originally secret at all. Jewish rabbis and Moses
allowed the people to read it. In fact, tons of the copies of the Bible spread into Africa,
Asia, and Europe. Common people did have access to it. Just because many people
were illiterate doesn't mean that the Bible is less accurate. In fact, before the Dark
Ages, many people in Europe, Asia, and Africa weren't illiterate. They were smart by
learning about culture and religion. In facts, many copies of the NT Bible like Old
Latin, Gothic, Peshitta, etc. existed before the Dark Ages. In the 500's, Mesrob made
thousands of copies of Armenian Bible.

Sadek: As for false deities, how can you be certain you don't worship a false deity? I've
seen people hold up corrupted texts and profess it to be absolute truth. They were misled.
As a result, they misled others.

Response: This is wild by you. I know I don't worship a false deity, because God is
real. God preserved his word (backed up by archaeology, copies, history, etc.). The
Bible has more copies than any ancient script in history. Also, many scientific
principles are found in the Bible. I worship a true God, because moral principles
reflect the existence of God. There is no evidence that pagan deities exist and the
ancients admitted to this. I don't intentionally misled anyone. The Bible is a real text
with 99.99% non-variance, tons of copies, and accurate info. In fact, you can find
most of the NT by looking at the early church's writings alone. The occult is wrong
since it's using secret knowledge and imperfect rituals to receive a result.

I thank Almighty God for waking me up.

By Timothy

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