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0 Executive Summary
Jintan NUDE Myanmar is a start-up business which imports ingestible belly healthy mints
(Jintan Nude) to Myanmar. Jintan NUDE provides the market with high-end, premium quality,
with advanced innovative package design. It has an extraordinary tasting mint with a herbal core
surrounded by a thin gelatin membrane. Our product is suitable for smokers and white collar
professionals who have to deal routinely with people. Since the unique design of our packaging
style, teenagers will get our product attention. Our product is eye-catching for its unique and
sophisticated packaging design and we are confident of attracting even the attention of trendy
With a range of mint products readily available in the market, competition is stiff in Myanmar.
Although consumers can buy variety of mints in market, only a few of the products can be
ingestible. Therefore, we believe our product to be both consumer and environmental friendly.
Our Jintan NUDE will be distributed through 3 channels: supermarkets, convenience stores and
medium sized retailers. In the first few months, we will be allocating most of our marketing
budget to raise public awareness. We will not only make our product easily accessible to the
market but we also have contingency plans to support our other sales channels.
With our systematic management and plans, Jintan Nude will become a market leader in the
mints market.

2.0 Situation Analysis

Jintan NUDE has been well established and is a leading mouth refresher brand in Thailand,
Japan and other South East countries. Thai Jintan Co.,Ltd, a subsidiary of Chumsang Group,
has been established since 1993. The brand Jintan offers a variety of products including Jintan
Red & Silver Pills, Jintan Nude and other nutrition supplements.
The Jintan NUDE mint capsule has two distinct ingredients: a strong mint and an herb extract
oil, that refreshes the mouth and belly respectively and this makes Jintan NUDE a unique and
exotic refreshing mint product. There are 4 different flavors, and each capsule has four layers
resembling the Earths insides: the herb oil core is enclosed in a gelatin shell, which is within a
strong mint mantle, finally covered by another gelatin crust. At the moment, these mints can only
be found in big supermarkets in Thailand at roughly US$2.

2.1 Market Summary

Jintan Myanmar has profound background knowledge about Myanmar mint refreshing products
market and this knowledge will serve right to set up the correct product image for targeted
customers and will also help to choose the right customers segment. Target market includes
working professionals, socially active people, smokers, university students and regular mint
users for healthy lifestyle.


Market Demographics

The profile for the typical Jintan NUDE customers consists of the following geographic,
demographic, and behavior factors.

Due to complexity, design and benefits of the product, people in urban areas of Myanmar will
appreciate more for this product. So, geographically, we will target the urban areas of Myanmar
which include Yangon, Mandalay, Nay Pyi Daw, Bago and Pyay. The total targeted population is
29 millions.

The male and female user ratio will be nearly the same. 70% of our consumers expect to be
around 20 to 35 age group. This age group is the most socially active and also more care about
their personality. They are the new generation that seek and accept new ideas and products that
will benefit for them. The other 20% is around 36 to 55 age group. Their concern will be more
about health and functionality than style and innovative product. The other expects to be
teenagers who like new and stylish products over functionality.
Our targeted customers expect to have at least high school level education and earn more than
200,000 MMK per month. The reason is we will sell the product around 2,000 MMK because of
product quality and base price. 2,000 MMK as pack is pretty high for the mint in Myanmar. The
average price for mint like product is around 1,100 Kyats. To pay high price for product
customers need to understand benefits and quality. We assume that consumers with at least
high school level education understand and appreciate our product more.

Behavior Factors
Most customers will be from working societies who have to communicate a lot on a daily basic
and who care about appearance such as personal grooming. Consumers who think having a
bad breath is not acceptable. Most importantly, consumers who smoke no matter less or more
will have bad breath problems.


Market Needs

Jintan NUDE Co., Ltd is providing its customers with exclusively selected premium products to
meet customers needs. With innovative mint and technology, Jintan NUDE has been fulfilling
the needs of customers in Thailand for over 20 years. The company seeks to fulfill the following
benefits that are important to its customers in Myanmar:

Quality mint product

Healthy lifestyles
Boost confidence in social activities

Moreover, to make sure this new concept and product in Myanmar is successfully launched, the
following facts are indeed necessary to be considered:

Not just another mint: to make sure that the product is different from others how its unique
features can dominate the rest.
Mint with benefits for customers: to make sure that the product makes people to have better
odor, not only for buccal cavity but also for GI tract, and help them to be healthy.

2.1.3 Market Trends

The market trend for the chewing gum is declining gradually because of the lack of innovation,
style of packaging. Chewing gums have to split out after eating. In some countries, they have
laws to restrict eating chewing gum. For these reasons, consumers are starting to replace with
mint and lozenges. The consumers want more innovative products in every way. Even though
different companies provide different flavours, some consumers prefer mint and other tasty
flavours while others prefer functional over the taste of the mint. They concern more about
whitening the teeth, order and other health benefits can get from the mint.
Our product is mint with health benefits and very innovative product compares to mint products
in the market. According to the trends this is the product consumers want and waiting for. With
our design and new concept of the product, we have a lot of opportunities to grow.
With our design and new concept, we have a lot of opportunities to grow. The fastest growing
segment is professionals with daily basis of customer communication. Most of the professional
aware of personal grooming and bad breath had been one of the major problems for them. With
our products fast action, smooth effectiveness, promoting awareness of the product is the main
strategy towards this segment. The career segment also starts to aware good personality is one
of the key for their career success. Marketing and promoting awareness of the impact of bad
breath is main strategy towards this segment, The high school students and teenagers are now
beginning more socially active than older generation due to globalization and life style changes.
Marketing and promoting awareness of the product and its benefits in the usual hang out place
for them is main strategy towards this segment. Health concerns group are also increasing sue
to media and they are now looking for alternatives to change from anti bad breath spray which is

2.1.4 Market Growth

With the general awareness of personal grooming and healthy lifestyle, the customer of anti bad
breath market is growing dramatically within these years. As an increase in general awareness
of personal grooming habits, healthy lifestyles and professional working class populations, the
customers and targeted market segment are growing dramatically in coming years. The down
grading of chewing gum market due to its uncomforting with behavioral & environmental issues
can also lead to increasing the mint market sector.

2.2 SWOT Analysis

The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the company
and describes the opportunities and threats facing JINTAN NUDE.

2.2.1 Strengths

In-depth knowledge and insight about distribution channel which will be key factor in

marketing and product launching.

Premium quality product with attractive design.
Experience in industry.
Having good reputation in South East Asia.

2.2.2 Weakness

High end price compared to alternative products.

Difficulty of developing brand and product awareness as a newly formed company.
Narrow market segment.

2.2.3 Opportunities

Unexplored market.
High influx of FDI which in turn drive current human resources to increase disposable
income and awareness of personal grooming and self confidence to success in

career life.
Development and reform of education system and society lifestyle will increase
modernization and living standards which indirectly related with personal grooming

and health concerning behavior of overall population.

Development of AEC from which benefits of tax free importation and better flow of
logistics which in turn decrease the cost.

2.2.4 Threats

Potential or accelerate competition from already established market participants.

Investment and entering of multinational giants with similar products.
Unstable and fluctuated trade protocol and policies.

2.3 Competition
Jintan Myanmar products will be new to market but it have a lot of potential to be successful.
Most of the company are already well established and already got their market share. Although
they had strong hold their position in the market what they lack is innovative new product. They
had been advertising new products with a little bit of new feature as a totally new product.
Consumers are starting to aware of this. With Jintan nude, we will provide what the consumers
really expect.

2.4 Product Offering

Jintan Nude sugarfree mint capsules offer following flavors in 10 capsules package (small
package) and 20 capsules package


2.5 Keys to Success

The key to success will be consumer awareness of the benefits of Jintan Nude. According to the
trend, Jintan Nude is the product consumers are expecting in the mint market.

2.6 Critical Issues

There will be a lot of issues because Jintan Nude will be new to the market and new concept to

Awareness - We have to make sure that consumers get the message and new concepts of
the Jintan Nude.
Price - Jintan nude will be sold at high-end price in the market. So, we have to make sure that
it is worth to pay high price for this kind of product.
Retailers - Most of our competitors are already long enough in the market so that they would
have good relationship or have influence on the retailers.

3.0 Marketing Strategy

The main marketing strategy is to focus on the teenagers, professionals and career class
personnel. Jintan NUDE Co., Ltd can provide its customers with exclusively selected premium
products to meet customers needs. With innovative design and technology, Jintan NUDE has
been fulfilling the needs of customers in Thailand for over 20 years. Based on that experiences,
Jintan NUDE can attract customers from all target segments.

3.1 Mission
Jintan NUDEs mission is to provide the customers The Mint With Benefits, at the same time to
become a popular mint in Myanmar. We will provide the customers not just another mint, but the
mint with innovative, distinctive, premium quality with health benefits which can fulfill their

3.2 Marketing Objectives

To establish and maintain the awareness of the beneficial and distinctive features of

Jintan Nude
To obtain the 20% market shares in first year
To expand the overall market size of mint by attracting the customers from chewing gum

3.3 Financial Objectives

To reach breakeven in first year.

To achieve 20% ROI in second year by gaining market shares and maintaining healthy
marketing costs

To allocate the 20% of overall expenses as marketing budget in first year

3.4 Target Markets

Jintan Nude will focus on the five major cities contributing both upper and lower Myanmar where
population is well educated, economically driven and self-aware. The projected market of 29
million is from the urban population of Myanmar. In first year of launching, Jintan Nude is
expecting 20% market shares of mint market in Myanmar.

3.5 Position
Jintan NUDE Co., Ltd can provide its customers with exclusively selected premium products to
meet customers needs of confidence, personal grooming and professionalism. With innovative
design and state-of-the-art technology, Jintan NUDE will position as a premium, one-of-a-kind
mint brand that the consumers long for. And by specific targeting of the market with aggressive,
up-to-date marketing approach, Jintan NUDE will also position itself as an icon of a selfesteem, proactive, professional urban youth.

4.0 Marketing Tactics

The main mission of the Jintan NUDE marketing program is to create public awareness of the
brand and its benefits in domestic mint market. The marketing program will create effective and
fast market penetration with criteria based on cost effectiveness, time effectiveness and
resource effectiveness by composing these four main sectors:

4.1. Product
According to the trend, people are getting more concerned about personal grooming and the
benefits for having a healthy lifestyle. Because of the premium quality, innovative design, health
benefits and the unique taste of Jintan Nude, it is able to penetrate the local market in a short
period of time and create new mint market sector.

4.2. Pricing
The pricing structure is more or the less in the same range with other high-end competitive
brands in the local market. Because of its advantage of value-added premium quality and
unique design, consumers would not feel overpriced and Jintan NUDE is able to gain its market
share with the premium selling price .

4.3. Distribution
Jintan NUDE will be distributed through its warehouse, and delivered throughout estimated 300
Point-Of-Sales consisting supermarkets, convenience stores and medium size retailers of five
main urban cities of Myanmar. Dental clinics will also be distributed because of the products
health benefits.

4.4. Communications
The message that Jintan NUDE wants to share to mint users is that it offers the fast-effective,
premium quality product with innovative design. The message will be targeted mainly to
smokers, people who concern healthy lifestyle, teenager with self-awareness, trendy people and
business people. This message will be communicated through the variety of methods. The first
will be broadcasting through digital media such as radio, facebook and TV channels, which will
directly hit the mass population of people. The second method will be delivered through
sponsoring live concerts, dental conferences and promotion events. The third method will be the
free trial and sampling of products in supermarkets, sponsored conference and shopping malls.
By this way, a rich source of product information will be able to provide and can also offer
consumers the opportunity to purchase the new product.

4.5. Marketing Research

Jintan NUDE first market platform will be implanted in top 5 urban cities of Myanmar. Before
launching, Jintan NUDE will do free sampling and trail in super marketing to evaluate the
consumers feedback. And through social media, Jintan Nude will evaluate the awareness and
interest of the target market. This will help to create local market research of the new product
and also gives consumers to give back valuable product feedback.

5.0 Financial
This section will cover the financials analysis of Jintan Nude. Jintan Nude will analyze the breakeven analysis, sales forecasts, expense forecast and describe how these activity will relate to
the marketing strategy.

5.1 Break-Even Analysis

Jintan Nude has expected to reach break-even by the first year of product launch. In order to hit
the target, monthly sales revenue of 100,000,000 MMK will be required which means the
monthly sales of 50,000 units. The below table shows the break-even analysis.

Table 1.1 : Break-Even Analysis

Monthly Unit Break-even
Monthly Sales Break-even
Average Per-Unit Revenue
Average Per-Unit Variable Cost
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost

30,000 Unit (Big Package)

40,000 Unit (Small Package)
100,000,000 MMK
650 MMK
1,000 MMK
33,400,000 MMK

5.2 Sales Forecast

Jintan Nude groups the sales into two categories based on the product offerings. Around 20%
steady growth of sales revenue is expected over three years of operations. Following table
describe the sales forecast and costs with both categories.

Table 1.2 :
Monthly Average
Sales Forecast
Big package
Small package
Total Sales
Direct Cost Of Sales
Big package
Small package
Subtotal Cost of




60,000,000 MMK
40,000,000 MMK
100,000,000 MMK

72,000,000 MMK
48,000,000 MMK
120,000,000 MMK

86,400,000 MMK
57,600,000 MMK
144,000,000 MMK

40,500,000 MMK
26,000,000 MMK

48,600,000 MMK
31,200,000 MMK

58,320,000 MMK
37,440,000 MMK

66,500,000 MMK

79,800,000 MMK

95,760,000 MMK

5.3 Expense Forecast

Jintan Nude feels that continuous and steady focus on the marketing will increase the public
brand awareness and meet marketing objectives, in the other hand, cost effective and will not
become a burden for company. The marketing budget is allocated equally for first three years of
operation in Myanmar. The expense forecast is described in the below table.

Table 1.3 :




Marketing Expense Budget

Radio advertisements
Digital Marketing
Reserve Marketing Budget

60,000,000 MMK
70,000,000 MMK
30,000,000 MMK
30,000,000 MMK
10,000,000 MMK

60,000,000 MMK
70,000,000 MMK
30,000,000 MMK
30,000,000 MMK
10,000,000 MMK

60,000,000 MMK
70,000,000 MMK
30,000,000 MMK
30,000,000 MMK
10,000,000 MMK

Total Marketing Expense

Percentage of Sales
Contribution Margin
Contribution Margin/Sales

200,000,000 MMK
202,000,000 MMK

200,000,000 MMK
282,400,000 MMK

200,000,000 MMK
378,880,000 MMK

6.0 Control

We will control and evaluate monthly, quarterly and yearly about the situation, positioning and
financial statement and take necessary action without delay. And We will also evaluate the
effectiveness of marketing, distribution and promotion monthly, quarterly and yearly and work
closely with distribution intermediaries so that action can be taken promptly if there would be
unexpected issues. We will check inventories and stocks monthly in the every retail shops in
the target segment. If theres a top level seller, we will reinforce these shops with incentive,
allowance and promotional tools. For the low level seller, we will consult with them and if we can
provide help we will do our best to help. By that concept, we can build strong relationship with
our retailer. We planned to get these sales and customers feedback i.e. customer satisfaction,
buyer behaviors through promotion or distribution.

6.1 Implementation
We have built strong action plan (Table 1.4) and do according to the plan with marketing
intelligence. Yearly target is 840,000 units consisting both big package and small package.
Stock will be ordered monthly basis to efficient cash flow and freshness of products quality since
our product has expiry dates of 2 years. We will also implement to get distribution reach to
target area and also to place in front shop display to get more visibility in each outlet. .

Details of Milestones
1. Radio Advertising

Cost per radio ads 1.5 lakh

1st month of radio ads 180 lakh (4 times a day)
2nd month of radio ads 180 lakh (4 times a day)
3rd month of radio ads - 135 lakh (3 times a day)
Total costs of Radio Ads 495 lakh

2. Concert sponsorship and free trail of Jintan Nude

Cost per concert 30 lakh

Total months of concert held 7 months
Total Cost for concert held 210 lakh
Total cost of free trial 100 lakh ( 1000 Jintan Nude per concert)

3. Social Media Ads (FACEBOOK)

Cost for making 2 online commercial - 100 lakh

Contest with the prize of iphone give away 55 lakh

Photo contest 30 lakh

Facebook Ads Fee 115 lakh
Total Cost 300 lakh

4. Supermarket Trial

Place Decoration 50 lakh

Free trial for 4 times 200 lakh

5. Dental Conference sponsorship and free trial

Cost of holding sponsorship for dental conference 180 lakh ( 6 times)

Free trail at the conference 100 lakh
Total cost 280 lakh

6. Journal Advertising in Journals & Magazines

of a page per day 6 lakh

for 1 month 24 lakh
Total for 3 months 72 lakh

7. Free gift give away

Making T shirts and Key chain with Jintan Nude Logo 72 lakh
(These can be used in every occasion hold)

Table 1.4

Start Date

End Date




Marketing Plan
Analysis and
Trial &
Social Media



0 lakh




50 lakh




50 lakh




495 lakh






Social Media




and Free Trial

and Free Trial

Advertising in
Journals and
(Eleven, 8 Days,
Pyi Myanmar)
Free Gift
(T-shirts , Key
Chain etc)

310 lakh


300 lakh


January 2016
April 2016
May 2016
December 2016

200 lakh


February 2016
April 2016
October 2016
November 2016
November 2016
December 2016

280 lakh




72 lakh




73 lakh


2000 lakh

6.2 Marketing Organization

We will organize the marketing function by geographically and market segments.

We will set up marketing organization chart and we will create individual job description
to implement marketing activities to effectively.

Each group will be headed by a marketing manager who will report to the marketing
director about brand awareness, product awareness, market feedback, reach, brand
equity, and turn over rate.

6.3 Contingency Planning

Difficulties and Risks

Difficulties in product awareness and product differentiation in very competitive and low

involvement type of market.

Though Jintan Nude has a lot of potential to be successful, most of the competitors are
well established, diversified in product line and already got strong market share.

Worst-Case Risks

Political instabilities
Foreign Direct Investment

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