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TUTORIAL 10 (Week 7(a))

Topic 9: Designing Motivating Jobs

Multiple Choice Question


While job ____ can lead to greater task efficiencies, it has failed as a motivational
a. rotation
b. enlargement
c. simplification
d. characteristics
e. enrichment


Larry is looking for ways to increase the number of different tasks that an employee
performs without increasing task complexity. He should try
a. job simplification.
b. job enlargement.
c. job rotation.
d. job enrichment.
e. job lay-off.


Which of the following combines a series of tasks into one new, broader job?
a. Job simplification
b. Job enlargement
c. Job rotation
d. Job characteristics
e. Job lay-off


Which of the following refers to the degree to which an employee performs a total job
with a recognizable beginning and ending?
a. Task complexity
b. Task identity
c. Task significance
d. Task structure
e. None of these


Daisy tried to apply the job characteristics model to her workforce, but it only worked for
some of her employees. Which of the following may be a reason why it did not work for
a. Some of her employees are lazy.
b. Some of her employees are low in growth-need strength.
c. Some of her employees have a low need for power.
d. All of her employees have high growth-needs.
e. Some of her employees have low affiliation needs.


____ is the extent to which doing the job provides information back to the employee about
his or her performance.
a. Feedback
b. Assessment
c. Evaluation
d. Satisfaction
e. Fulfillment


TUTORIAL 10 (Week 7(a))

Topic 9: Designing Motivating Jobs


Empowering employees means giving employees

a. information.
b. knowledge.
c. power.
d. rewards.
e. all of these.


____ is a situation in which employees enjoy their work, contribute enthusiastically to

meeting goals, and feel a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization.
a. Commitment
b. Engagement
c. Employee loyalty
d. Employee assurance
e. Employee guarantee


Which of the following theories focuses on employee learning of desired work behaviors?
a. Reinforcement theory
b. ERG theory
c. Hierarchy of needs theory
d. Experiential learning theory
e. Content theory


Carlas subordinates view her as a great manager. Not only does she get the job done, but
she organizes the workplace in such a way that employees experience a sense of
meaningfulness, connection, and growth. This is an example of employee:
a. Pay-for-performance
b. Delegation
c. Empathy
d. Apathy
e. Engagement
Essay Questions
1. Discuss major approaches to job design and how job design influences motivation.


TUTORIAL 10 (Week 7(a))

Topic 9: Designing Motivating Jobs

2. Identify and explain three elements of employee engagement and describe some
ways managers can create a work environment that promotes engagement.

3. Explain the THREE (3) key relationships in Expectancy theory and their
managerial implications in motivation.


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