Writing Assignment 5

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Linnea Millen

Professor Wertz-Orbaugh
UWRT 1103
March 22nd 2016
Writing Assignment 5
After re-reading my pitch assignment that I had submitted for weekly
writing assignment number 3 I was refreshed on the topics that I planned to
Inquire about, and the path that I planned to chose when researching and
completing my project. I chose to use a PowerPoint as my multimodal piece
which I had hoped to include writing, pictures, and potentially video links.
Though I did not add any hype-links for videos I did keep the idea of working
with PowerPoint.
I planned for my PowerPoint to be about Hitlers main manipulation
tactics that he used to gain supporters, as well as an army that was willing to
kill completely innocent individuals. The inquiry question that I was going to
use will be How did Hitler seize control of so many individuals, and could an
incident such as the Holocaust ever occur again?
My main idea for the inquiry project stayed the same, however, I did not do
much research on the army and their willingness to comply with Hitlers
orders, though in my project I did discuss the Nazi army briefly. Throughout
my research my idea of what I wanted to do shifted and I made sure to
include and overview of Hitler, Goebbels, the Nazi army, and other people

who influenced the Holocaust as well as the manipulation, Intimidation, and

propaganda that was so heavily used at the time.
I planned initially to use many different platforms to conduct my
research which would have included survivor testimonies, scholarly articles,
newspaper cut outs and many more. I ended up using for my project two
different books one of which being written by Adolf Hitler himself, titled Mein
Kampf. I was able to use this book to aid my inquiry about his use of
propaganda, and his overall view on the Nazi Ideology. I am very happy that I
was able to find this as it was a very valuable source to me. I was not able to
find any solid survivor testimony that would aid the topics that I had
intended to inquire though it would have been very valuable to find a
testimony about someone who had taken in refugees at the time of the war,
or a non Jewish citizen and how they reacted at the time of the Holocaust.
JSTOR and Project Muse were a bit difficult to find sources on, so though I had
initially intended on finding more sources through these sites I was only able
to find one that was not a review, and that held facts that would actually
help my research.
Though my Pitch was a bit rough it definitely served as a great guide
when I was conducting my research and working on my project. I am very
satisfied with the outcome of my project, and I believe that being able to
write about what my intentions for the project were helped me along
tremendously. Though my research did change, and my topics were not all

the same as I had originally intended for the most part my project is fairly
similar to what I had pictured when writing my Pitch assignment.

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