Laws Have Not Changed Since Primeval Times

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Universitatea Liber Internaional din Moldova

on topic:

Laws have not changed since primeval times

Author: Mihaela Martin

Professor: Srcua Svetlana

Chiinu 2016

Rules and laws and the conventions or customs from which they are descended
have been a part of human life ever since our ancestors first began to live in large and settled
groups. But our knowledge is vague of laws that were in effect before the invention of
writing in about 3500 B.C. The earliest known legal text was written by Ur-Nammu,a king
of the Mesopotamian city of Ur, in about 2100 B.C. It dealt largely with compensation for
bodily injuries, and with the penalties for witchcraft and runaway slaves.
One of the most detailed ancient legal codes was drawn up in about 1758 B.C. by
Hammurabi, a king of Babylonia. The entire code, consisting of 282 paragraphs,was carved
into a great stone pillar, which was set up in a temple to the Babylonian god Marduk so that
it could be read by every citizen.
Almost everything we do is governed by some set of rules. There are rules for games, for
social clubs, for sports and for adults in the workplace. There are also rules imposed by
morality and custom that play an important role in telling us what we should and should not
do. However, some rules- those made by the state or the courts- are called "laws". Lawa are
disigned to control or alter our behavior. But unlike rules of morality, laws are enforced by
the courts; if you break a law- whether you like that law or not - you may be forced to pay a
fine, pay damages, or go to prison.
Since the primeval times the purpose of law is to maintain the order of the country despite
changes in leadership.
It helps to remind all those who may have assumed new power that what is and isn't lawful
remains the same despite their advent into the head of the ruling party. Regulation of power
is also what law takes into account as no one, not even the president, possesses full reign
over the country due to the existence and practice of law. The purpose of law is to maintain
individual freedoms, while still keeping in mind what is moral and right.
In terms of the judicial system, the purpose of law is attached to the way in which judges
may rule over cases brought forward for their specific attention. Without the presence of law,
there could never be judgment over what is or is not lawful. Therefore, judges would be left
to decide based on frivolous beliefs that may have no basis whatsoever.
Law is in existence to further the progress of societies as absence of it would only have
whole nations revert back. Law functions to ensure that its citizens have the opportunity to
exercise the rights provided to them. It seemingly regulates a lot of what we think and do,
though some may not be as obvious as others. It is assumed that, each act we partake in is
accompanied by the express consideration of a law or societal rule, and as so, we proceed

The history of the law has developed in tandem with the peculiarly unwritten constitution,
which sets out the broad principles on which the common law is based.
One of the fundamental doctrines that is prevalent through the history of law is the
supremacy of Parliament. These laws (providing they have been passed properly) must be
applied and upheld by the courts. This doctrine is premised on the principle that Parliament
is democratically elected, so should have the upper hand in making the law. This doctrine
has a sturdy historical basis, having developed since the Middle Ages, although in recent
decades it has been somewhat undermined by the increase of judicial activism in making and
interpreting the law.
Nowadays it is obvious to everyone that, in a community such as the one in wich we live,
some kind of law is necessary to try to prevent people from killing each other. When the
world was at very primitive stage, there was no such law, and if a man wished to kill another
man, no one interfered officially.
Later members of everey community made laws for themselves in self-protection. If it were
not for the law, you could not go out in broad datlight without the fear of being kidnapped,
robbed or murdered.

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