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JOURNEYS News from Cabrini Mission Corps

Spring 2010 - Volume 16, No. 1

Doing Small Things with Great Love

Mary Beth Koszut is a “summer missioner” who is devoting time to Cabrini Mission Corps in important to me than how well they survived. It simply became part
between her studies. Mary Beth, originally from the Chicagoland area, lives in Peoria, IL where of my mission to try and give them a chance at life, allowing them to
she is earning her MFA in visual arts from Bradley University. Mary Beth feels that being a
become what they would, either a beautiful plant for people (and bugs)
missioner is a wonderful way to give back and re-focus on the needs of others. Below is an excerpt
from a reflection she wrote on her mission experience at St. Cabrini Shrine in Golden, Colorado. to enjoy or deer food!
Reflecting on this now, I think it is a great lesson and comparison to my
“Everyday we are called to do small things with great love.” relationship with God. I need to nurture my relationship with Him in
order to grow into the woman he is calling me to be. There will be dry
T his quote by Mother Theresa was
placed on my door at the Mother
Cabrini Shrine in Golden, Colorado
periods where I don’t hear His voice or feel His presence, but I need to
keep watering or feeding our relationship. Because if I do, I know that
even when the flowers die, if the roots are strong, new green life will
the first week I arrived. I don’t know grow forth from them. In a way through my practice of gardening, I
who placed it there, and although it was learned to give up the control I feel I need to have to accomplish my
followed with new quotes every few will and let God’s peace fill my heart to accomplish His.
weeks, it had the greatest impact on me
for it was a guide and is a summation
of my experience here at the shrine. “I learned to give up the control I feel I need to
One of the first tasks I took on at the have to accomplish my will and let God’s peace
Shrine was one of nourishment…I fill my heart to accomplish His.”
began to garden. Many flowers were donated
and I was asked to plant and care for them. Living in a garden I hope and pray that this time was enough to nourish me and give me
apartment at home with little sunlight, I was thrilled to do here what encouragement through the pressures of life to allow me to reflect at the
I could not do back home. Unfortunately, these plants were not the end of the day and be at peace resting in the knowledge that I am a beloved
best type of plant for the strong sun and the hungry deer population. of our beautiful God and I can continue to be on mission doing “small
Despite this, I took it upon myself to nurture them back to life, be things with great love.”
patient when the deer ate them, and even when I was attacked by fleas!
Over time, the opportunity to nurture these plants became more

Our Mission
Through Cabrini Mission Corps, the Missionary Sisters of the
Sacred Heart of Jesus invite lay women and men to respond to the Church’s
universal call to holiness by serving as missionaries in the US and overseas.
In the spirit of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, missioners strive to be in solidar-
ity with our brothers and sisters throughout the world, particularly address-
ing the needs and realities of women, children, immigrants and the elderly.
Missioners collaborate with the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of
Jesus to bring the love and mercy of Jesus into every situation in which they
minister and in so doing, promote gospel values.

“Each Cabrini missioner is committed to a journey of

faith, knowing that “I can do all things in God who
strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13
About Cabrini Mission Corps Missioner Voices
Missioner: Crystal Catalan, 24, Laguna Niguel, CA
“Those who serve Alma Mater: University of San Diego ’07
find themselves Communication, Business, Sociology
changed, growing Favorite books: The Return of the Prodigal Son, Let Your Life Speak, Listening to
Your Life, Succulent Wild Woman and Everyday Grace
spiritually Hobbies: Singing, Playing Piano, Yoga
through positive What attracted you to Cabrini? The missionary spirit of Mother Cabrini
and challenging and the Cabrini charism; Living with Sisters in community; The MSCs
experiences, having both a domestic and international presence (Philippines)!
reminding us God Where are you serving/what kind of work are you doing? I serve as a
uses all things for Campus Minister and health teacher at Mother Cabrini High School in Wash-
our growth and ington Heights, NY. I help lead retreats for each grade level and also serve as
a moderator to various clubs at the high school.
How do you feel you are making a

T here are many gifts that come about through difference at MCHS? As a missioner at
Cabrini Mission Corps. People find God not MCHS, I feel as if all that is asked of me,
is that I be myself. Sure, my technical title is
only in good works being done and needs being met,
“Campus Minister” and “Health Teacher,”
but also in how missioners give their service. Loving but aside from that, underlying those posi-
and faithful presence makes an impact long after a tion titles, is me, a Cabrini missioner - what
missioner leaves. As stories are shared, lives be- can I bring to the students and the school?
come connected. Those who serve find themselves How can I magnify Mother Cabrini’s
changed, growing spiritually through positive and charism on campus with the students? I am
challenging experiences, reminding us God uses all finding that the simple gift of presence, and
things for our growth and learning. Cabrini mission- being there as an open ear for students to
ers move boldly forward, committed to a journey speak to, is what most of my days are com-
of faith, striving to be bearers of Christ’s love in a prised of. I feel I make a difference by be-
ing available for students and letting them
world so much in need of that love, and open to be-
know that I am always available for them,
ing transformed in the process. whether they want to talk or if they simply
want help with their math homework.
Did you know? What is the best part of your year so far? The community I live in. I have
the incredible blessing of serving as a missioner this year with two other young
women and a community of loving MSCs - all of whom are inspiring, joy-
■■ 115 Cabrini missioners have been commissioned filled, caring, and nurturing. The most surprising part of my year so far is in my
to serve in nine countries overseas (Guatemala, ministry as a teacher and campus minister. Prior to this experience, I had no
Nicaragua, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Ethiopia, idea what it would be like to teach in the classroom setting, and I love it! It is
Swaziland (Southern Africa), the Philippines and very rewarding and beautiful to witness students’ personal growth and to serve
Australia) and six US cities (Seattle, Denver, as a mentor to them outside of the classroom.
Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, and New Orleans)
Any advice for someone considering post grad service? Take time for
■■ Missioners live and share in community with the yourself to determine your intentions for wanting to do post grad service and
Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus research your organization thor-
oughly beforehand. I would also “I have the incredible blessing of serving
■■ Missioners strive to be in solidarity with our
say that while talking to people, as a missioner with two other young
brothers and sisters throughout the world,
particularly addressing the needs and realities of
and reading articles about other women and a community of loving
peoples’ experiences are great
women, children, immigrants, and the elderly
resources when determining
MSCs – all of whom are inspiring,
■■ St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, foundress of the whether or not to go the post joy-filled, caring, and nurturing.”
MSCs, who sponsor CMC, is the first American- grad service route, it is also – Crystal
citizen saint and the Patroness of Immigrants important to listen to yourself, and again, think about WHY you are considering
post grad service. This is not an incredibly easy decision to make, which is why I
■■ Missionary Sisters practice Ignatian and Sacred
think it is important to examine your passions, intentions, and desires.
Heart Spirituality and invite Cabrini missioners and
other lay collaborators to do the same! Anything else you feel inspired to add? Prayer is KEY - regardless of
religious affiliation or spiritual views. Be open and accept all positive and
negative outcomes of decisions made, with gratitude!
Page 2 • Journeys, Spring 2010 WWW.CABRINIMISSIONCORPS.ORG
A Missioner’s Commitment, Year Two New Spaces of Missionary Activity
At the conclusion of Orientation, Cabrini Missioner Blogs!
missioners are asked to write their own commitment Cabrini missioners invite us to journey with them on their
statements based on the ideas and themes that have mission through their online blogs.
stood out to them throughout the preparation process.
Below are excerpts from second year missioner,
Michelle Sherman’s commitment statement, who is a
Campus Minister and Teacher at Mother Cabrini
High School for girls in New York, NY.

D ear Creator: As Thomas Merton wrote,

“I do not see the road ahead of me and
I cannot know for certain where it will end.”
However, if there is one thing I do know, it is
that you are with me on this road. “...No matter the journey, our paths have met,
This year, I again commit myself to your and we are commissioned to spend this year
Sacred Heart in all that I am and all that I united in being bearers of the love of Christ in
do. I will remain open to transformation and the world. We are confident in doing so
growth in my relationship with you, myself,
and others. I will strive to let go of negative thoughts, remembering that “per-
because through Him, we can do all things
fection is my enemy” and you created me with a uniqueness that should not be (Phil 4:13-Mother Cabrini’s fave).” – Mary
compared to the qualities of others. Mary’s blog: Cabrini for Life - La vida misionera
I hope to lead a more balanced life as a missioner this year. Help me to recognize
all that keeps me from growing in relationship with you, so I may lead a lifestyle
of authentic simplicity and spirituality. I promise to do my best to love without
distinction or reserve.
“I pray that I will honor each Through the lens of reverence
student as your beloved and for the individual, I pray that I will
recognize and affirm the honor each student as your beloved
and recognize and affirm the un-
unlimited potential in each one.” limited potential in each one. Since
– Michelle “justice is not equal treatment,” help
me notice and address the needs of each young woman, especially when she cannot
verbalize them herself.

Thank you in advance for all of the challenges, opportunities, gifts, joys, and
relationships that this next year will bring. Thank you for Mary, Crystal, and the
sisters that will form our community. Thank you for trusting me with this mission,
I pray that I may be able to trust you more.
Crystal’s blog: Life as a CMC Missioner
Disponibilitá! Amen!

CMC on facebook, twitter, YouTube

CMC accepts the challenge to proclaim the Gospel by employing the latest genera-
tion of technological resources - social media - to promote mission among, especial-
ly, the youth of today. We have videos/tools for discernment on facebook, mission-
ers are twittering about the moments that inspire them, and we continue to build
a presence on YouTube to share the story of CMC, the MSCs, and the missioners
who strive each day to promote the Cabrinian mission and charism.
Take some time to connect and journey with us using
these newest spaces of missionary activity!
Become a fan!
WWW.CABRINIMISSIONCORPS.ORG Journeys, Spring 2010 • Page 3
“ There is room for everyone, all talents and inclinations.” Cabrini Mission Corps is a
member of the followiing
– Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini organizations promoting lay
mission service:
Cabrini missioners serve full-time in Cabrini missions and live in
community with the Missionary Sisters, sharing their lives as all learn
from one another.
We seek to communicate God’s personal
love in ways that touch hearts,
inspire deeper relationships,
and foster the authentic
human and spiritual
development of ourselves
and others. To be
US Catholic
bearers of the love of Mission Association
Christ in the world…
this is the Cabrinian
mission. Cabrini Mission Corps partners
with Catholics-on-Call to
support young adults reflecting
on God’s call in their lives.


of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

ministry of the Missionary Sisters
Cabrini Mission Corps is a

Radnor, PA 19087
610 King of Prussia Road
Cabrini Mission Corps

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