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Sulit System

1. Diagram 1 shows an aero plane flying horizontally with a constant velocity. P and Q are
two forces which maintain the aero plane at constant altitude.

(a). Name the forces P and Q.

P: ...
Q: ..
(b). Write equation to show the relationship between P and Q.


2. A substance X with mass 0.5 kg is heated by using a heater 100 W. Diagram shows graph
temperature against mass for the substance.

(a). What is the time taken by substance X to achieve melting point ?


(b). Based on information on graph, find specific latent heat for the substance X.

(c). By using kinetic theory, explain why there is no increase in temperature at QR.


8. Diagram 8 shows an object, O with height 2 cm placed on the left side of a convex lens,
X. The focal length of the convex lens is 10 cm.

(a) In Diagram 8 draw the ray path from the object to form an image.
(b) State the characteristics of the image formed.

(c) If the object is placed at a distance 30 cm from the lens, calculate:
(i) the image distance.

(ii) Linear magnification.
2 A fixed amount of dry gas is exerting a pressure on its container.
(a) In terms of molecules, explain what causes the pressure.
(b) One of the sketch graphs in Fig. 2.1 shows how the pressure of the gas varies with volume
at constant temperature, and the other shows how the pressure varies with temperature at
constant volume.
The pressure axis has been labelled in each case.

Fig. 2.1
(i) On the appropriate graphs, label one horizontal axis volume / m3 and the other horizontal
axis temperature / C .
(ii) On one of the graphs, mark, with the letter X, the pressure of the gas at the ice point.
7 (a) Two light, identical spheres, A and B, are suspended alongside each other on thin nylon


threads, as shown in Fig. 7.1.

A is given a positive charge and B is given a negative charge.

On Fig. 7.1, draw how the threads and spheres might look after the spheres have been
(b) A cleaner is attempting to remove dust from some plastic-covered furniture, using a dry cloth.
Unfortunately, this seems to make the dust cling more firmly to the plastic covering.
(i) Suggest why this happens.


(ii) Suggest why this would be less likely to happen if the cleaner used a cloth which was
very slightly damp.

10 A sportsman is feared to have broken a leg, and is taken to hospital to have his leg X-rayed.
(a) Complete the following sentence about X-rays.
X-rays are a form of ..................................................... radiation that have
very ...................................... wavelengths.
(b) In the hospital, what is used to detect the X-rays and produce an image of the bones of the
(c) Describe the properties of X-rays that enable an image to be produced, which distinguishes
between bones and flesh.
(d) State one precaution taken by the technicians who operate the X-ray machines.

11 Fig. 11.1 shows a tube for producing cathode rays, connected to two voltage supplies and

Fig. 11.1
(a) Which switch has to be closed in order to make the filament release electrons?
(b) (i) Explain why closing the switch in (a) makes the filament release electrons.
(ii) What name do we give to this means of electron release?
(c) State and explain what will happen to the released electrons when both switches are closed.

2 Some builders decide to measure their personal power ratings using apparatus they already have
on site. Fig. 2.1 shows the arrangement they use.

Fig. 2.1
(a) In the table below, list the three quantities they must measure in order to calculate one mans
power, and the instrument they would use for each measurement.

(b) One workman is measured as having a power of 528 W. His weight is 800 N.
He can develop the same power climbing a ladder, whose rungs are 30 cm apart.
How many rungs can he climb in 5 s?
number of rungs = ...........................................................
(c) The human body is only about 15% efficient when climbing ladders.
Calculate the actual energy used from the body of the workman in (b) when he climbs 20 rungs.

energy used = ...........................................................


Mark Scheme

5 The manufacturers label on an electric heater is as shown in Fig. 5.1.

Fig. 5.1
(a) State what electrical quantity is represented by
(i) 110 V, ............................................................................................................
(ii) 60 Hz, ............................................................................................................
(iii) 1 kW. ............................................................................................................
(b) (i) Which part of the electric heater must be earthed?
(ii) Explain what the hazard might be if the heater is not earthed.

(c) The heater has two 110 V heating elements, with two switches, so that either one or both
elements may be switched on.
In the space below, draw a circuit diagram showing how the heating elements and switches
are connected to the mains supply.


9 A simple motor is made in a school laboratory. A coil of wire is mounted on an axle between the
poles of a horseshoe magnet, as illustrated in Fig. 9.1.

Fig. 9.1
(a) At the instant illustrated in Fig. 9.1, the coil ABCD is horizontal and the battery is connected as shown.
(i) For this position, state the direction of the force on AB and the direction of the motion of AB.
force on AB ........................................................................................................................
direction of motion of AB ...............................................................................................
(ii) Explain why BC does not contribute to the turning force on the coil.
(b) At the instant when the coil is vertical, the springy contacts do not, in fact, make contact with
the ends of the coil.
Describe and explain what happens to the coil.

(c) The motor in Fig. 9.1 does not rotate very quickly. The designer of a commercial motor is
required to produce a faster-rotating motor.
Suggest one change that could be made to increase the speed of the motor.

10 (a) A cathode-ray oscilloscope makes use of the process known as thermionic emission.
Describe what happens during this process.
(b) In the space below, draw a labelled diagram of a cathode-ray oscilloscope.
Include in your diagram the tube, the cathode, the accelerating anode, the focusing anode
and both X- and Y-plates. Do not attempt to show any external circuits.

(c) A cathode ray is a beam of electrons.
Suggest one way of controlling the number of electrons in the beam.


(d) One cathode-ray tube has 5000 V between the accelerating anode and the cathode.
The beam of electrons carries a total charge of 0.0095 C in 5.0 s.
(i) the current caused by the beam,
current = ...........................................................
(ii) the energy transferred by the beam in 20 s.
energy = ...........................................................

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