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: ETL 642











Question 1

Critically evaluate the role of literature in the second language classroom.

English literature is a path to knowledge. As with all world literature, the English literature has
been a key for understanding the world and inspiring and supporting cultural and social
movements. Inspired by folklore, this literature continue to transmit from one generation to the
others with messages about cultural awareness, beliefs, spiritual growth, ideals and many
manifestations of the human spirit. Myths and legends from all over the world similarly
explained life and universe.

English literature is important in many different ways. Let me list a few of them. First, English
literature tells us about the history of speaking English. In other words, through this literature, we
are able to learn about ourselves and our history. Second, English literature also teaches us many
lessons about universal themes, such as love, war, desire, justice and many more. When we read
these topics, we become much more sophisticated in our thinking and our view of the world
expansion. This makes us much better citizens. Third, English literature also makes us to think,
as we might not necessarily agree. We will have to give opinions and convictions of our own and
through reading English literature, it can aid us for the process.

Among the goals of the application of literature is to strengthen language teaching, nurturing
reading attitude and emphasize the values and lessons learned from literary reading. As teachers,
we believe that language and literature can not be separated and can be integrated into the
curriculum of second language learning. To take advantage of the role and literature influence,
we can improve the knowledge and skills and nurture students interests and talents.

Literary enrichment activities in primary schools can be carried out inside and outside
curriculum time. The activities carried out focused on the involvement of students actively and
give priority to the capacity and students needs. Through activities based on literature, students
will be more excited, thrilled and have tendency to learn by infringing materials creatively and

Application of literature in teaching second language in schools expected to bring out full
potential of students and able to develop their interests. Their lifelong learning has consistently to
be taken in implementing the literature enrichment activities. Through the activities of literature,
students are expected to enhance the knowledge, understanding as well as mastery in second
Through this platform, reading can be fostered, language proficiency can be built and culture
successfully internalized among students. Smart students can hone their talents in academic and
learn to appreciate art such as poetry which is expected to blast their full potential and develop
their interest in lifetime learning indirectly. Through poetry, teachers are expected to generate
young generation who know how to reward creative writing, looking for answers and able to
think, solve problems through new ways as well as generate new opportunities for the future.
In addition, literature such as poems and songs is expected to help students to have good values
with strong character and able to fend challenges in life. In the process of mastering a language,
students will be trained to have the ability to receive information, generate ideas and share
knowledge and experience. With the opportunity to engage in various literary activities, teachers
are expected to sow values such as self-confidence, make friends with others, respect and loving
friends and being responsible.
Through this literature enrichment activities, implementation of thinking skills, information
technology, social learning & emotional (SEL), as well as the culture of innovation and
entrepreneurship can be applied. Public education is important, particularly to the children. In
fact, childrens literature actually easy to attract the attention and interest among children as

children have a natural tendency to something that is creative and imaginative when we
compared this with other common reading materials. Therefore, the role and influence of the
literature among children in society can not be underestimated and we should give attention
towards this.
According to Othman Puteh (1996), the goals of teaching literature is to strengthen teaching
language, to install the love of reading literary materials, emphasizes the moral aspects, read
lessons derived from literary works as well as trains appreciation of the aspects of art and
aesthetics in literary language. In addition, exposure to other genres must be nurtured by parents
and teachers at the earlier age. Plan a good, thorough and comprehensive on literature learning to
ensure all the activities implemented successfully.
According to Hadijah Rahmat (2006), teachers believe that early development of childrens
literature in the community can be traced from tradition oral literature, singing contest,
storytelling contest or even poetry contest. This will provide opportunities for students to
appreciate literary lying in adults and children. Implementation of activities in English literature
preferably should be carried out consistently every year.
Through this platform, the development of education creativity among teachers can be achieved.
Safiah (1979) confirms that interest in reading among students were associated with their
achievement. Reading literary texts requires intellectual challenges. Read literary texts are not
only simply enjoyed the words, but also the spirit that involve in reasoning and intuition process.
The element of literary in working individuals can expand the idea because of high quality
literary genre has its hidden meanings that need to be fine-tuned by the reader. Student should be
encourage to grow their passion through literature and thus will inculcate reading habits in
There are several factors that affect students less interested in literature. First, lack of interest in
reading activities among students is the main contributor towards this phenomenon. Students
today are exposed to other sources of entertainment that are more interesting than reading
material that is much lighter, compact and entertainment. Second, there is no encouragement
from parents as parents assume that by reading literary materials such as novels and short stories,

it may interfere academic achievement. Third is the lack of disclosure about literature and less
source of interesting literature book. Last but not least, the literature books usually has high
prices and many are not affordable to buy it.
Kathy (1994) findings prove that the lack of books in literature leisure is the contributor to lack
of interest towards literature. She also writes several effective techniques to encourage students
to read and free books will be given to students who involved in this activity. Recreational form
of books needs to be improve to promote reading interest among students.
To foster reading interest among students, parents or teachers should have intrinsic motivation or
extrinsic motivation. Ina Sue (1994) conducted a study on 39 students of grade 3 with the aim on
fostering the enjoyment of reading among pupils and the findings shows that students elect to
read when there is encouragement, the choice of reading materials and time to read. The findings
of this study suggest that students who interested to read can encouraged by parents and teachers.
Students also showed a positive response in the scientific literature.
Teacher creativity is important in literatures teaching and learning. Teacher deep interest and
enthusiasm helped accelerate the appreciation for students. Teachers should not assume studying
literature is a simple thing and let students understand their own reading without encouragement
and guide. Teachers must have the ability to captivate students by immersing events so students
can feel something. Guidance and encouragement from teachers to students is very important so
that students are able to participate in any literature activities.
Patricia and Barbara (1993) examine the perspectives of teachers in the teaching of literature.
The findings of this study show that: (i) teachers need to understand and assess the importance of
students exposure to the literary work; (ii) teachers should keep asking students to understand
specific criteria and techniques to analyze the literature; (iii) prioritizing literature aesthetic
appreciation; (iv) prioritize teachers involvement in creative writing activities; (v) teachers help
students develop the skills of collaborative learning; and (vi) teacher should let students choose
literature reading material of their own interest. This means, teachers has the most important role
for students to master the skills to analyze, appreciation skills, collaborative learning skills, and
reading literary genre.

There are several factors related to second language learning and it is associated with the learner
as main role in this process. The first is motivation. Students motivation in second language
learning is very determining a person in the learning process. Motivation is what distinguishes
someone whether they succeed or fail. Learning English as a second language is compulsory
subject for the national examination. According to our education system, student must learn
English in order to further study in higher level and to enter a tertiary education, pass in second
language is a requirement. We also must learn English as English has been an international
language and student will have more opportunity if able to communicate using this language.
Whatever the motivation that support learners, obviously motivation plays an important role in
facilitating or accelerating the process of learning a second language.
Consciously or not, teaching literature just tucked in language teaching in schools. In accordance
with the development of curriculum that required teaching of literature only to fill a fraction of
language parts. There is an impression that teaching of literature is equally important as teaching
the language itself. So far, teaching of literature is also just an introduction of works, the writers,
the types of literary genres such as poetry or prose, or poetry readings and shallow poetry. If we
look, we see that teaching literature is limited to knowledge. Learners are only required to
memorize without invited to see literature as an object of knowledge that can be compared,
applied, analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated.
Indeed, there are several strategies undertaken by some education providers to overcome this.
One is through the separation of teaching with the teaching of literature as had happened in the
past or maintain the language and culture program. However, it is very rare to find it today
because it seems there is backwardness and international status demand that must be
executed as soon as possible in every school. In addition, demands of the curriculum actually can
stifle the creativity of teaching materials. Therefore, the daily curriculum such this teaching
literature will only inserted occasionally into some expected competencies such as reading,
listening, writing, or speaking.

One strategy that is often carried out by language teachers who have the idealism that teaching
literature is a typical teaching task is to organize discussions on contemporary literature. This
strategy can facilitate the flow of some of the ideas from the students who are often unexpected.
Discussions about literary works will talks about life itself. Nevertheless, this strategy has a
number of consequences that must be observed.
First, teacher as a facilitator of discussion, inevitably, must have extensive knowledge in both
their work itself as well as aspects of sociological, philosophical, political, religious, or
psychological related. This means that facilitated discussion is not a structural talks about the
internal elements of the literary work alone, but together saw literature as a cultural text. Second,
students are assumed to prepare well by making some pre-reading. Without the experience of
reading, this discussion will result nothing as there will be a tendency for teachers to dominate
discussion at the end.
Thirdly, discussion strategy should consider the appropriate literature which will develop
psychological of learners. In order to provide stimulus for children to love reading literary works,
literary works is the weight issue that must be considered accordance with the childs
surrounding. Fourth, this discussion is not intended to seek the interpretation of the monolithic
but plural interpretation of various dimensions. Again, the teacher as a facilitator, in no way
authorized to patent his own interpretation. He simply summarizes the results of the discussion
as a meaningful mosaic. Lastly, it is better if the discussion is to show the ability of this verbal
accompanied with the ability to write.
One of the strategies in teaching literature that apparently has not been popular in is the
circumference of literature (literary circles). This teaching strategy is potential in the classrooms
of elementary school in Middle America. At first, literary circumference is only seen as a
strategy of how to read the complete program. However, when examined more deeply, this is
precisely the strategy that can offer the ability to think creatively developed by the students
themselves. They are not only able to read or identify information and stories as a knowledge,
but also able to make correlations with various aspects around them, make comparisons through

the prediction and explanation, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating the information
contained in a literary work.

Question 2
Describe how your would use literature circles in the ESL classroom. Provide specific
examples to support your answer.
Literature Circles is a reading group where students will share their thoughts and feelings about
the texts they read. Based on research conducted by Nuryati (2009) note that through Literature
Circles students were able to increase their interest in reading and enrich vocabulary (English)
without feeling overwhelmed and bored. In addition, Saadati (2010) suggested from the results
of research conducted by Literature Circles that students ability to write in English increases.
Increasing students writing skills means increasing student thinking. This is supported by Probst
(1994) which states that writing is thinking or when someone writes he was thinking. This can
occur because of a very complex activity that goes on in Literature Circles requires students to
understand the text and then criticized.
In literature circles, a small groups of students gather together to discuss a piece of literature in
depth. The discussion is guided by students' response to what they have read. We may hear talk
about events and characters in the book, the author's craft, or personal experiences related to the
story. Literature circles provide a way for students to engage in critical thinking and reflection as
they read, discuss, and respond to books. Collaboration is at the heart of this approach. Students
reshape and add onto their understanding as they construct meaning with other readers. Finally,
literature circles guide students to deeper understanding of what they read through structured
discussion and extended written and artistic response.

Literature circles are group meetings in which students get together to read, recollect, reflect, and
analyze the assigned reading/book. This concept works like a Book Club, in which people meet

to discuss the book they have read, reflect on the themes, characters or plot, analyze them, and
give their opinion based on their personal experiences (Harvey & Goudvis, 2000). Educators
may use this activity to promote comprehension, as well as vocabulary skills. Literature circles
may also benefit students who lack confidence in their reading skills as they allow them to have
peer support to comprehend the material read. But most important of all: English language
learners (ELLs) are included in literature circles and they have the opportunity to interact with
English proficient students as they model appropriate language skills.

Working in groups provides ELLs with an opportunity to reflect and relate elements from the
reading back to their personal experiences. ELLs may also benefit from interactive oral
discussions, which allow them to gain a deeper level of understanding about the subject. Once
second language learners have had an opportunity to listen to their peers discuss the book, they
can begin to build knowledge and develop higher order thinking skills. Cooperative learning is
an important component in literature circles, and this model is most beneficial to ELLs as they
begin to participate and expand their vocabulary. Students begin to become active learners as
they receive support from their peers and learn English as their second language (Bottini &
Grossman, 2005).

EFL Literature Circles are fun, focused classroom-based student reading and discussion groups
which naturally combine the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. Actually, literature
circles are not only fun for students, but in some ways they are magic as well! Literature circles
are magic in that they have the power to transform our Japanese students from passive, rather
shy, reticent students into students who eagerly point at their texts in order to support their
arguments while sharing their opinions in English.
Almost every language or literature teacher has, at some time, asked students to read a story or
text as homework and then come to class prepared to discuss the story. Well, we all know that
students are often very resistant to this type of assigned reading and whole class discussion.
Even native English speaking students often claim that their least favourite, most hated, or most

difficult courses in high school are their Reading or Literature classes. If even English speaking
students hate these courses, how can we make talking about literature interesting for our
Japanese students?
One American teacher/researcher, Harvey Daniels, and his colleagues decided to experiment
with bringing the centuries-old tradition of informally talking about stories and books into
elementary and secondary classes. These researchers realized that while adults had been
enjoying both reading and informally discussing books together for hundreds of years, when
students are asked to read or study literature in a traditional school setting, the enjoyment,
excitement and passion that can be found in adult reading groups is all but lost.
Teach students to read, write and think critically be a challenge these days. Instruction using
Ledger and booklets is the standard 1 and Class 2. However, when they enter Primary 3 onwards,
teaching used in the previous stage no longer applied. Thus, the students' interest in reading in
English decreasing and thus, affect their perception. To overcome these problems and continue to
build student interest in reading to enjoy reading and understanding what read, Literature Circle
concept was chosen as methods that can stimulate students to material readings.
By using the concept of Literature Circle materials and children's literature, reading students can
be stimulated and their responsiveness to reading materials increased. In addition, teachers can
encourage student discussions open mind, and to foster an interest in reading, especially read
books in English and time together, build their vocabulary mastery in English.
Reading is a complex cognitive process, involves decoding the symbols, the effort to build or get
the point. Reading is one way language acquisition, communication, and sharing information and
ideas. Like all languages, reading is the interaction The complex between text and reader
designed by existing knowledge, experience readers, attitudes, and language communities, which
contains cultural and social. The reading process requires continuous practice, development and
improvement. Readers use a variety of reading strategies to help understand the text read.
Readers can use morpheme, semantics, syntax and context instructions or contextual clues to
determine meaning an unknown word.

Readers relate the words they have read with prior knowledge whether or scheme, namely the
knowledge or preparation of thought and mental structures. This study uses the concept of
Literature Circle (LC) used in the classroom with reading children's literature such as folklore
and so to improve the skills of the pupils reading.
At the beginning of Literature Circles, students are asked to select the text you want to read.
Then the teachers group students based on the text they read. So that in one session Literature
Circles in the classroom each group examines different text. In discussing for 20 to 30 minutes
the students shared their insights, impressions and maybe questions that arise when reading.
Reading can be done as homework for students or together in class. Tools needed to help
students such as diary (reading log), and role assignment (role sheets). With the help of log
reading students are expected to record thoughts or impressions they get from reading. While
role sheets is a reflection of the skill that must be owned by a person as a critical reader.
To perform literature circles, teachers act as facilitators. His/her main task is to provide a text
option in accordance with interests and abilities of students, helps to form a group, control
classes and assessing student progress qualitatively. It should be remembered that his/her opinion
is may not really an absolute truth. Let the students express an opinion to clarify their thinking
that is considered far away.
In addition to generate students who able to become critical readers, there are many things that
can be learned from the literature circles. It is the ability to think of cognitive, affective and
social skills. The skills taught to students by teaching a short lessons should presented by teacher
at the time before or after students discussion. Teacher may take a long time in approximately 10
to 15 minutes. Experts have entailed the importance of learning experiences for students.
Literature circles based on the Collaborative Learning, Constructivist Learning and Reader
Response Teaching is a complex learning activities (multi-skills) and rich learning experience.
Literature Circles is an instructional practice that became popular since Harvey Daniels in 1994
published his book about in-class literature discussions (Clarke & Holwadel, 2007). This practice

is rapidly developed due to the fact that, as Rosenblatt (1978) believed, reading is transactional
and that meaning is not only found in the text or a readers mind, but most importantly in the
transaction between the text and the reader. Clarke & Holwadel had observed that using literature
circles could help increase positive social learning opportunities in the classroom, where teachers
moved away from the traditional teacher-centered instructions to student-centered instructions.
Other researches conducted to measure the benefits of using literature circles as instructional
practice had found that students comprehension is increased as well as their higher-level of
thinking and their quality responses to texts (Almasi, 1995; Eeds & Wells, 1989; Sweigart,
1991). It is also discovered that using literature circles could help increase - positive social
learning opportunities in the classroom (Schlick Noe & Johnson, 1999), which becomes the
primary key success of this instructional practice.
Literature circles offer the potential to promote reading for enjoyment by binding the social
networks that exist within the peer group in the classroom. Moreover, such approach to the
teaching of literature promotes reading as an active and desirable social activity, rather than a
private and individual one (Allan, Ellis, and Pearson, 2005, p. 3). Going over the advantages that
literature circles provide, it is high time to introduce this instructional practice in EFL classroom
in Indonesian context to improve students literacy level. In college level, the approach is
expected to be best explored with the using of Young Adult Literature.
As an instructional practice applied in an EFL classroom, literature circles do seem to allow
students the space to talk about literature, and help to define themselves as critical readers with
certain point of views. One of the most powerful aspects of this practice is that once it has been
established, teachers will not have to go to the trouble of encouraging students to talk or respond
in the class, since they will have had developed discussion as a habit. By participating in a
variety of literature circle groupings, students learn that reading is a social activity which can
benefit them a lot. Another point of interest is that the selection of literary works can be done to
serve a purpose, in this case to strengthen students cultural awareness. To do this, teachers
should be able to evaluate literary texts that bear multicultural issues, which may present in the
themes, or the characters.


There is so many researches that strongly recommend the using of literature circles for teachers
in ESL classroom, since it can develop students skills in literary analysis, improve their attitudes
toward reading as well as help students reflect on their study. In practice, literature circles shape
students to know the lives around them which will allow them to socialize and having emotional
spaces to define themselves as readers.
In this way, students are expected English literature is able to optimize literary appreciation of their
abilities and in line with the literature it will grow and developing automatic because the students.
English Literature which is the real connoisseurs of literature to take care of existence literature, so
literature could be a medium which in turn afford civilize human, or students English Literature in
Learning is always associated with relevance student life, and it is represented by connector role in
literature cycles. When students identify the connector, they understanding of the content expected in
the first prose first, and then they asked to see the contents of the application on the fact prose of
everyday life.
In other words, they relate the contents of prose with real life. Besides, students also see the contents
of the prose application on the eastern and western cultures. Students are required to see the
similarities or differences available from the application of the story on west and east culture. In this
way, students will not be humble and forget about eastern culture even though they are always
dealing with western culture or vice versa.


Question 3
Justify the use of graphic novels in the ESL classroom. Provide specific examples.
The success of a teaching aid projections typically not dependent on the quality and effectiveness
of artwork or graphic material used. It is obtained through meticulous planning that includes the
ideas carefully and consolidation of certain types of graphic production techniques. The
extensive use of visual graphics such as charts, graphs, diagrams, posters, cartoons, transparent
and other teaching aids really helpful the process of teaching and learning.
Graphic material is drawn as a visual essay. It can give one or more visual evidence. The word of
graphic actually comes from Greek word graphikos means drawing. Chart is a combination of
pictures, symbols, letters, numbers, words, drawings, sketches to provide the concept or idea and
it aim is to delivering information to the target. Graphic is important to provide material view
(visual) which is very important to convey a specific message clearly.
Graphics is one medium that can help teacher in delivering lessons. Teaching and learning
process can be presented in the form of images or visual display that is not moving as drawings,
paintings, sketches, photographs, illustrations and so on. In terms of technology, it is also the
multimedia elements that are important to emphasize in a process of information delivery. The
use of graphics has long been used in the education system of every single country before
independence and after independence and even managed to become a media of informal and
formal education.
Graphics is suitable to use in study groups as well as in the classroom. These students need a lot
of sight seeing or using them to understand such information. It is important to shown various

visual for students learning process. During the lesson, avoid using teaching materials that has
too long writing section, otherwise increasing teaching materials in form of symbols, colours and
patterns to help students understand and learning process will be more effectively.
Since primary school, students already exposed to the knowledge of the letter or anything related
to gain new knowledge. So it is becomes much easier if it conveyed through graphics. Preschool
children especially do not have the potential to understand abstract lessons. Therefore the use of
graphics can be presented in a concrete teaching. How the child is exposed by introducing an
image or object prior to recognize letters? It is through the combination of letters and objects
mentioned in tandem to create something more meaningful and clearly understood by young
While in secondary schools, pre-university and university, graphics used widespread by teachers
and students, especially when the activity include presentation, assignments and lectures.
Therefore, the management of structured graphics in a specific order is really important as it will
display steps to the next process to encourage students to think, analyze concepts and ideas
which are difficult to explain in text and speech. All activities of teaching and learning also
become effective as all students are involved actively.
According to a study by Dwyer (1978), 83% efficiency is achieved when people learn through
the sight senses. He also found that by using visual aids such as graphs can impact more
effectively for audience to remember things in a long period of time relatively. By daily use of it,
graphics novel obviously can increase the effectiveness and understanding as it is presented in a
visual form. According to the theory of realism, excitement found in a visual allows teachers to
deliver information to students more effectively.
The use of graphics also plays an important role in delivering lesson by a teacher. It is effective
to explain difficult and complex things more easily and clearly based on the visual. For example,
introducing a new topic, explain, interpret and reinforce ideas, concepts or principles, formulate
and studying and implementing activities or tasks and evaluate teaching and learning. Teachers
can also be enhanced confidence and reduce pressure in work when students are able to focus on

the visual material. In addition, graphics novel increases the interest and motivation of students.
Graphic novels help o change the attitude of a student. It is often used as a persuade agent and
more effective than the traditional lecture method.
In addition, the use of graphics can enhance teachers and students reliability. Objectives and
learning outcomes will be achieved when teachers and students are able to receive teaching and
learning activities with the use of graphics with no prejudices. For many students, they will
believe and understand better about things through the senses of vision compared to listening
senses. The material used must be appropriate to the development and production of educational
technology. By using graphic novels, teachers need to be always alert towards various aspects of
student abilities.
Next, by using graphic novels, learning process in classroom can be easily controlled by the
teacher. With the use of graphic novels, it help to promote its own research and because it raise
curiosity among student. Thus, graphic novels will promote the participation and involvement of
students in classroom activities. The use of graphic novels can generate broader learning area as
well as diversify further study. The use of such media can show concrete chart.
Moreover, visual learning style, such as graphics are suitable for students that are difficult to
remember things such as name. Students can also learn better. In fact, the tendency to take notes
or make notes during graphic novels learning in the classroom. So it is clear that graphic novels
play an important role to increase students intelligence quotient. The ability of students to have
in depth understanding about the relationship between objects and imagination can create
something creative and hard to think by anyone else. They are also able to create a mental picture
and be able to observe the world with good visual and intelligent. Consequently, students will be
more are attractive to colour, line, form, colour and space in their environment.
Teaching and learning with graphics are suitable for the use in our education system in order to
achieve overall effectiveness. The use of graphic traditional or technologically capable of
achieving various learning objectives as long as the information you provide will enhance
students understanding. Students also skilled to view tables, graphs, and so on in all forms of
abstract concepts, principles and processes of a stream can be simplified and understandable

student. Important elements for the chart production also give a boost to attract students. Overall,
the role of graphics brings benefits to the countrys education system.
According to Hofstetetter (1995), the integration of novel graphics in a graphics novel is to let
users control presentations, interact, create and communicate with audience more efficient. One
study conducted by Benjamin and Angela (1998) shows the use of animation to help users build
a mental map for information. This review gives positive impact on audience such as student
where it has increased their understanding about the topic being studied.
Arfan (2001) also conducted a study on the use of novel graphics in teaching and learning. His
findings show that there is positive acceptance from student of the use of novel graphics in
teaching and learning. Applying the best features of novel graphics includes text, graphics, audio
and video is the main factors that contribute to positive response from students.
Meanwhile, Manuel Alfonseca and Juan de Lara (2000) conducted a study on simulation and
integration of graphic novels in a subject being studied. The findings show that with the addition
of graphic novels, it enables students to increase their understanding of the simulation model in
the display. Integration of graphic novels is very helpful because a lot of media adopted the
graphic novels such as text, graphics, audio and video. Therefore, graphic novels stimulating
students to continue their learning and increase their understanding.
According to Vaughan (1998), also provides graphic novels interactivity and allow the user to
control the time that being used. Interactivity media provide opportunities for students to choose
their own learning and capturing them. In addition, the use of graphic novels can distract and
easy to understand compared to the use of silent materials. To ensure that students play active in
learning to use graphic novels, interactivity elements need to be applied. Graphic novels allow
teacher to become more active by providing a broader level of interactivity. Teacher is able to
control what content to be presented, when it was presented and how it is presented.
Graph visualized with the help of the object in the form of lines, trunks and images. Displays
messages in forms such that facilitate the absorption of information by students. Especially if the
pictures have been recognized by students. The graph is best used in learning the material in the

form of a summary lesson after students obtain other information from various sources, both
books or explanation of the teacher himself. The students will not have difficulty in
understanding the messages presented through graphs, it is because the chart itself is not
something that is familiar to the students. They previously may see an example chart of a
magazine, newspaper or internet tabloids. But the most important graphs describe briefly
To obtain graphic novels is not something difficult. Just find an example of a graph teachers can
easily obtain it in a magazine, newspaper, and internet. If the graphic novels is adjusted with the
material, the teacher can easily make them yourself. There are several applications through a
computer program to create graphic novels with ease. The way the teacher can simply enter the
data, select the desired graphic form, choose a color and instantly be able to have an interesting
chart. For example, create a chart with Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
It is undeniable that graphic novels are able to give a great impression in the field of
communication and education because it can integrate text, graphics, animation, audio and video.
graphic novels has developed a process of teaching and learning to a more dynamic. But more
important is an understanding of how to use graphic novels more effectively and can generate
ideas-ideas for teaching and learning. At present, the teachers need to have the skills and
confidence in using these graphic novels in a way that is most memorable. Interactive teaching
and learning atmosphere encouraging more active communication between the various terms.
The use of graphic novels in the teaching and learning process is with the aim of improving the
quality of teaching and learning.
Learning sessions can be tailored to the stage of acceptance and understanding of students.
Attainment and student success will be tested. If the student does not reach a satisfactory stage,
then the recovery session will also be held. Students achievement will be recorded so that
student achievement can be monitored. The concept of learning itself can be implemented if the
information is interesting and motivate students to continue learning. This can be achieved if the
material or information created well such these graphic novels.


Interactive teaching and learning atmosphere also will promote the communication of various
things. Combined fully utilize the various media that the sense of sight and hearing were able to
attract interest in learning. But more important is the achievement of the objective of teaching
and learning with a memorable. Should mind that multimedia technology only act as a
complement, additional or tools to teachers. Multimedia will not take over the place and duties of
teachers. Multimedia is a choice of channels to convey information in a way that is more
memorable. Computers are only used if deemed necessary and is the best choice. If there are
other options that are more memorable to convey information, use that option. In addition,
teachers also have to realize the importance of utilizing the latest technology to familiarize future
generations by way of a sophisticated 21st century.


Question 4
Explain what you understand by multicultural literature. Provide examples.
Malaysia is a multiethnic and multicultural nation. Each ethnicity was not established as a closed
entity and independent but interact with each other and interdependent as well as influence each
other. Social interaction formed with this diversity requires a cross-cultural understanding
(Matsumoto, 1996), and the trust in each party involved in the interaction, which is the social
capital for the establishment of an inter-ethnic relations among healthy culture, prosperous and
developed. When not, then it is impossible for a peaceful and prosperous Malaysian can be
Foster cross-cultural understanding is absolutely necessary in multiethnic and multicultural
Malaysian society. As for now, that can be done through education in the family, the socialization
of values in society through social interaction and media, and through multicultural education.
That education can facilitate students in understanding the learning materials without the
constraints of cultural background differences and an understanding of diversity and respect for
differences, as well as how to behave and act in a multiethnic-multicultural situations.
There are five dimensions contained in multicultural education, namely the integration of
contents, construction of knowledge, prejudice reduction, equity pedagogy, and empowering
school culture (Banks, 1994). One is learning that students are bound by cultural environment
with ethnoscience teaching, learning topics that discuss the linkages between the natural sciences
with ethnic or cultural human. Another form is a good class management that enables the
creation of cooperation between students with different cultural backgrounds and improve the
relationship between students of different cultures with curriculum-based.
Multicultural education is integrated into various subjects and systems put it in educational
institution. Teachers are at the forefront of multicultural education. The role of teachers is crucial

in encouraging cross-cultural understanding for learner. Personality of a teacher and the way
teachers teach also an important part. Teachers who do not understand their own cultural
background and culturally insensitive or does not have cross-cultural understanding can not be
expected to succeed in implementing multicultural education. Therefore, it is important to
prepare teachers to have cross-cultural understanding to organize a multicultural education.
Preparing prospective teachers, such as the Teachers Training and Teaching Faculty should have
an adequate strategy in an effort to improve the competence teachers in multicultural education.
The strategy could significantly refer to the curriculum as well as through various other
approaches held in the teaching process. The success of an education can even be seen from the
ability to prepare the competency.
Through the reading activities of various genres, it is true that literature can not be separated by
language. Literary beauty seen in its language, literary language is like a game, literary life
depends on the ability of the language as a vehicle of thought expression. Language and
literature will be able to express thoughts, creativity and activity. Language is the main
communication tool and foundation of civilization; a civilization that has become a permanent
and sustainable through traditional knowledge.
So, the English Language and Literature role is to lead and mobilize people, encompasses the
mind and the power of creation in all its demands and needs. English is ready, able and therefore
must be mobilized to fill the minds and thinking in the field of high-performance science,
literature, philosophy and civilization heritage image. English language and literature could play
a role in the economy activities however. To achieve this, all parties must play their respective
roles to ensure that the position of the English language and its literature adopted by all the
people successfully.
Multicultural literature at the most basic level includes literature about people who are
considered to be outside of the mainstream of society and have been marginalized in some way
(Canales, Lucido & Salas, 2002). By defined narrowly the concept of multicultural literature, it is
about people of color from diverse cultural, linguistic and religious groups (Canales, Lucido &
Salas, 2002).

To open students minds, multicultural literature can be used as a tool. It helps to stimulate an
understanding of diversity in the classroom and helps to build an understanding of and respect
for people from other cultures as well as to examine racism (Colby & Lyon, 2004). Literature is a
powerful tool to weaken and dissolve racism. The importance of multicultural literature is even
more important with younger children because they receive the majority of their messages
through pictures. When students realize the effects of seeing only white people portrayed in
books, they begin to empathize with children from unrepresented cultures in childrens literature
(Colby & Lyon, 2004). Students can learn more about their cultural heritage, as well as pride for
their past through multicultural literature.
There are a lot of advantages to learn multicultural literature. First, multicultural literature
increases sense of self-worth and a sense that everyone has a chance to have a successful future.
The foundation for developing cultural pluralism lays on the knowledge about other cultural
groups. Many cultures coexist within a society and maintain their cultural differences, intergroup
harmony and the ability to think from a multicultural perspective (Ford, Harris & Howard,
The second goal of multicultural literature learning is to achieve educational equity. Educational
equity has three basic conditions: a) an equal opportunity to learn, b) positive educational
outcomes for both individuals and groups, and c) equal physical and financial conditions for
students to grow to their fullest potential cognitively, academically, and affectively (Ford, Harris
& Howard, 1999). The third goal is working towards cultural pluralism. Educators modify
fundamental conditions to promote equitable learning when support cultural pluralism. Their aim
is to help students develop understanding and respect for people who are different from them.
The fourth goal of multicultural literature is to create a sense of empowerment in students.
Students must help themselves become independent learners. Empowerment also helps student
to take an active role to improve others lives. The fifth goal includes the ability to work in
harmony groups. For example, teachers provide knowledge and skills that prepare students to


work with members of their own cultural groups and other cultural groups guided with the best
The final goal of multicultural literature includes teaching from a multicultural perspective. This
means teachers must challenge assumptions and stereotypes among students. For example,
teachers need to select literature that does not promote stereotypical perspectives. Teachers must
include element such as culture, race, gender, religion, and ability are variables in the learning
process (Ford, Harris & Howard, 1999).
Appropriate content is one of the major elements of multicultural literature (Banks, 1990).
Literature, a major carrier of content, is a powerful medium to understand the movement of the
world. Student will find it easier to assimilate with new information when this information is
presented within the structure of a story.
Multiculturalism is a system of beliefs and behaviors that recognize and respect the presence of
all the diverse groups within an organization or community, socio-cultural admit they are
different, and encourage and enable their continued contribution in the context of an inclusive
culture that empowers all in the organization or community.
Multicultural learning is a policy in educational practice in recognizing, accepting and affirming
the differences and similarities associated with human genders, races, and classes (Sleeter and
Grant, 1988). Multicultural education is an attitude in view of the uniqueness of human beings
without distinction of race, culture, gender, sex, physical condition or economic status of a
person (Skeel, 1995). Multicultural education (multicultural education) is an educational strategy
that utilizes the diversity of the cultural background of the learners as one of the power to shape a
multicultural attitude.
This strategy is very useful, at least for the school as an educational institution can form a
common understanding of the concept of culture, cultural differences, balance, and democracy in
the broadest sense (Liliweri, 2005). Multicultural education is defined as a social policy based on
the principles of preservation of culture and mutual respect between all have cultural groups in

society. Multicultural learning is basically a national education program that multicultural

community can participate in realizing the democratic ideal life for his people (Banks, 1993).
In broad context, multicultural education tries to help unite the nation as a democratic by
emphasis on the perspective of society plurality in various nations, ethnic, different cultural
groups. Thus, schools are conditioned to reflect the practice of democratic values. Curriculum
reveal various different cultural groups in society, languages, and dialects, where students talk
better about respect between them and focus on the values of cooperation, talk about competition
and prejudice among a number of students who are different in terms of race, ethnic, cultural and
social status groups.
Multicultural-based learning is based on the philosophical notion of freedom, justice, equality
and protection of human rights. The essence of multicultural literature prepares all students to
work actively towards similarity in structure and organization of school institutions.
Multicultural literature is not a policy that leads to institutionalization of education and inclusive
teaching. Teaching by propaganda pluralism through a curriculum contributes to individual
cultural competition.
Multicultural-based learning seeks to empower students to develop respect for different cultures,
giving the opportunity to work together with people or groups of people of different ethnic or
racially directly. Multicultural literature also helps students to recognize the accuracy of the
views of a diverse culture, helping students to develop pride in their cultural heritage, the
students realize that the conflict of values is often the cause of conflicts between community
groups (Savage & Armstrong, 1996). Multicultural literature was held in an effort to develop the
students ability to see life from different perspectives of different cultures to the culture they
have, and be positive about cultural, race, and ethnicity differences.
Community diversity and cultural conditions positively portray the wealth potential of society
pluralist, but in a negative way people feel uncomfortable because they do not know each others
culture. Each ethnic or racial tend to have the spirit and ethnocentric ideology, which states that
the group is more superior to other racial or ethnic group. Occurrence did not know each other
peoples cultural identity, can lead to greater prejudice against others, such as the antipathy that

is based on the generalization error is expressed as a feeling. Prejudice is also directed to a group
as a whole or to someone just because it is a member of a particular group. As such, prejudice
has the potential to blame other people through stereotypes, discrimination and the creation of
social distance.
Through multicultural literature, learning subjects can achieve success in reducing prejudice and
discrimination. In other words, the school variables are formed in which racial and ethnic groups
who have the experience and the same rights in the educational process. Students are able to
develop skills in decisions wisely. They are more into a subject than to be the object in a
curriculum. They become individuals who are able to govern themselves and reflect on life to act
actively. They make a decision and do something related to the concept, the issues of which they
are learning. They develop better social vision and acquire knowledge and skills as well as
construct systematically and emphatically. Teachers should know how to behave towards
students whose diverse cultures in the classroom. They know the differences in values and
cultures and forms diverse behaviour.

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