Group 48 Newsletter - May 2010

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Amnesty International USA Group 48

In This Issue . . .

Brad Harrison
1 CHINA: Urgent Action
Risk of Torture, Prisoner

of Conscience

3 BURUNDI: End Impunity
for Killing of Ernest
5 INDONESIA: Urgent Action
Prisoner of Conscience
Denied Medical Care
CHINA: Urgent Action - Risk of Torture / Prisoner
6 IRAN: Urgent Action of Conscience
Prisoner of Conscience, Mao Hengfeng (f)
Arbitrary Detention
Chinese human rights defender Mao attracted the attention of surrounding
8 MEXICO: Fear for Safety Hengfeng is at risk of being tortured or public during the demonstration.
otherwise ill-treated in police custody.
9 Widespread Abuse Against She is believed to be held incommuni-
However, she was not released at the
Migrants Is Mexican end of the 10 days and her family and
cado in Yangpu District police deten-
‘Human Rights Crisis’ lawyers have not been able to meet with
tion center in the port city of Shanghai.
her. On 8 March, the police sent Mao
AIUSA-Group 48 She is a prisoner of conscience, held
Hengfeng’s family a notice, which said
solely for her work defending women’s she had to serve 18 months’ “Re-edu-
reproductive rights and victims of
503-227-1878 cation Through Labor” (RTL), effective
forced evictions, and her support of hu-
Next Meeting: man rights defenders.
from 4 March, for “disturbing social
Friday May 14th order”, again in relation to the protest
First Unitarian Church On 24 February, police took Mao in Beijing. Mao Hengfeng’s family has
1011 SW 12th Ave Hengfeng from a motel in China’s asked the authorities why she had been
7:00pm informal capital, Beijing, and escorted her back punished twice for her participation in
gathering to Shanghai, telling her family the next the protest, but they have not received
day that she had been given 10 days’ ad- a response. They have now hired two
7:30pm meeting starts
ministrative detention for protesting in lawyers to challenge her detention.
NewsLetter Designed Beijing on 25 December 2009, in front
Since 2004, Mao Hengfeng has been re-
By Michelle Whitlock of a court where human rights activist
peatedly detained by the authorities for Liu Xiaobo was on trial. According to
her work defending women’s reproduc-
police, Mao Hengfeng shouted inciting
tive rights as well as victims of forced »
slogans, ignored police warnings and
AIUSA group 48 Newsletter May 2010 Pg 2

evictions. Her family has repeatedly been refused the right to New legislation has been proposed to substantially reform
visit her in detention in the past and it is at those times that or replace RTL, but this remains at draft stage within China’s
she has been tortured and otherwise ill-treated. legislature, the National People’s Congress, and it is unclear
whether or when it will be passed.
In China, the civil society sector and in particular the wei- Recommended Action
quan (“rights defense”) movement are growing. However, Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible:
human rights defenders who attempt to report on human ◌◌Urging the authorities to release Mao Hengfeng immedi-
rights violations, challenge policies which the authorities find ately and unconditionally;
politically sensitive, or try to organize or rally others to their
cause, face serious risk of abuse. ◌◌ Calling for a guarantee that she will not be tortured or oth-
erwise ill-treated while she remains in custody;
Some are held under unofficial house arrest or in unofficial
places of detention also known as “black jails”; others are ◌◌Urging them to ensure that she is allowed access to legal
assigned to forms of punitive administrative detention such assistance of her choosing, her family and any medical treat-
as “Re-education Through Labor” (RTL) or “residential sur- ment that she may require.
veillance” (‘jianshi juzhu’ - known informally in Chinese as Appeals To
ruanjin or “soft detention”) without a possibility to challenge Director of the Shanghai Bureau of Public Security
the lawfulness of their detention. Many are jailed as prisoners ZHANG Xuebing Juzhang
of conscience after politically motivated trials. Shanghaishi Gong’anju
RTL has been used since the mid-1950s in China as a form of 128 Wuningnanlu
punitive administrative detention, imposed without charge, Qing’anqu, Shanghaishi 20042
trial or judicial review. PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA
Fax: 011 86 21 2402 3089
The decision whether to send a person to an RTL facility or Email:
to prosecute them through the courts is based on a subjective, Salutation: Dear Director
unchecked assessment by police of whether an act amounts to
“illegal behavior” and is therefore liable to RTL, or a more seri- Minister of Justice of the People’s Republic of China
ous “crime”, liable to prosecution through the courts. RTL was WU Aiying Buzhang
once described in an official legal newspaper as punishment Sifabu
for actions which fall “somewhere between crime and error”. 10 Chaoyangmen Nandajie
The vague language used to define the types of behavior liable Chaoyangqu, Beijingshi 100020
to punishment by RTL allows police to detain those peace- PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA
fully exercising their fundamental human rights. Fax: 011 86 10 65292345
Despite repeated calls from both inside and outside China for Email:
the system to be abolished, hundreds of thousands of people Salutation: Dear Minister
are believed to be held in China’s RTL facilities. Under the
current system, people can be detained in a RTL facility for Copies To
up to three years, which can be extended by a further year Chief Procurator of the Shanghai Municipal
when “necessary”. Chinese legal reformists have pointed out People’s Procuratorate
that these periods are much higher than minimum penalties WU Guangyu Jianchazhang
under the Criminal Law. Shanghaishi Renmin Jianchayuan
648 Jianguo Xilu »
AIUSA group 48 Newsletter May 2010 Pg 3

Xuhuiqu Washington DC 20008

Shanghaishi 200030 Fax: 1 202 465-2190
Salutation: Dear Procurator
Ambassador Wen Zhong Zhou Check with the AIUSA Urgent Action office if sending ap-
Embassy of the People’s Republic of China peals after 7 June 2010
3505 International Place NW

BURUNDI: End Impunity for Killing of Ernest Manirumva

inaction and its president’s close relationship with the head
of the National Intelligence Service, which was cited by some
Andrea Brancaccio Stock.Xchng

witnesses as having played a role in the crime, the prosecutor

general dissolved the commission. He replaced it in Octo-
ber with a commission whose members were more active in
pursuing the investigation and who were seen by civil society
groups as having less questionable relationships with mem-
bers of the security forces.
The government accepted an offer from the US Federal Bu-
reau of Investigation (FBI) to provide technical assistance in
the investigation. Though the first judicial commission stalled,
the subsequent commission was more cooperative, allowing
On the first anniversary of killing of the of an anti-corrup- FBI agents to help interview, fingerprint, and do DNA testing
of suspects. The results of the FBI’s forensic assistance have
tion activist, Ernest Manirumva,  Amnesty International, East
not been made public.
and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project, and
Human Rights Watch urged the President of Burundi to act to Nine suspects have been detained and charged. However, at
ensure justice in the killing. The activist, Ernest Manirumva, least three individuals who might have been able to provide
was stabbed to death a year ago, on April 9, 2009. information on the case have been killed or have disappeared.
On April 15, 2009, an agent of the National Intelligence Ser-
Ernest Manirumva, the vice-president of the Observatory for
vice fled to Canada after obtaining a visa on the false premise
the Struggle against Corruption and Economic Embezzle-
that he was to participate in a conference in the United States
ment, was stabbed to death by unidentified men at his home
on behalf of a state-run coffee company. Three weeks after
in Bujumbura, the capital of Burundi, on the night of April 8,
Manirumva was killed, on April 30, a police captain, Pacifique
2009. Local media and human rights defenders reported that
Ndikuriyo, was shot dead in Bujumbura. In March 2010, a
up to eight men were looking for documents in Ernest’s pos-
police officer named Ezéchiel Coyishakiye disappeared from
session which uncovered government corruption
a mental hospital where he was held under armed guard after
Background having been arrested in connection with another crime, and
The Burundian government has taken some steps to identify police say they do not know his whereabouts. The investiga-
the killers. A judicial commission was established on April tory commission is looking into claims by witnesses that all
22, 2009, to carry out investigations, but took very few steps. three of these individuals may have been directly involved in,
After civil society organizations denounced the commission’s or had knowledge about, the killing. »
AIUSA group 48 Newsletter May 2010 Pg 4

The judicial commission has instructions from the prosecutor especially witnesses who may hold information implicating
to submit a report of its conclusions as soon as it has col- members of the security forces;
lected sufficient evidence to prepare a case for prosecution. To ◌◌ Ensure that the commission’s work is concluded fully,
date, however, the commission has not submitted any report. speedily, and fairly, and that it identifies and charges all per-
Action Request sons against whom there is evidence of criminal responsibility
Please write a polite letter to the President of Burundi in your including those responsible for giving orders for the killing;
own words making the points in the following sample letter. ◌◌ Ensure that the trials against the currently detained sus-
Sample Letter pects proceed swiftly, while allowing evidence gathering
President Pierre Nkurunziza against others to continue in full before, during, and after
Président de la République those trials;
Présidence de la République ◌◌ Support civil society activism such as the “Justice for Ernest
Boulevard de l’Uprona Manirumva campaign” by permitting marches and rallies and
Rohero I by ceasing harassment of civil society groups; »
BP 1870
Bujumbura, Burundi
Fax : 011 257 22 22 74 90 AIUSA Group 48 Contact Information
Your Excellency,
I am writing to request you to ask the Prosecutor General Group Coordinator OR State Death
Joanne Lau Penalty Abolition
to accelerate investigations and prosecutions into the mur- 971-221-5450 Coordinator
der of Ernest Manirumva, stabbed to death a year ago, on Terrie Rodello
April 9, 2009. Concert Tabling 503-246-6836
Will Ware
One year after the killing, investigations have still not been 503-227-5225 Central America RAN
concluded.  A judicial investigatory commission has made Marylou Noble
some efforts since it was formed in October 2009 to establish Newsletter Editor 503-245-6923
responsibility for the murder, but, according to civil society Dan Webb
organizations, has not adequately followed all available leads Dignity Campaign
and has not concluded its work. Because Burundi has no wit- Janie Whitlock
ness protection program, a number of witnesses are afraid to 360-823-9045
Tena Hoke
come forward.  Members of organizations that have publicly
denounced the killing and the failings of the judicial inquiries Legislative Guantanamo cases
into the case have themselves received threats. Coordinator & Darfur
Dan Johnson Jane Kristof
I understand that the current judicial commission, investi-
gating the murder, has instructions from the prosecutor to Marty Fromer
submit a report of its conclusions as soon as it has collected 503-227-1878
Central Africa
sufficient evidence to prepare a case for prosecution. To date, RAN
Indonesia RAN
however, the commission has not submitted any report. Terrie Rodello
503-246-6836 Max White
I urge you, your Excellency, to: 503-292-8168
◌◌ Establish a witness protection mechanism that will allow
witnesses to provide testimony securely and confidentially,
AIUSA group 48 Newsletter May 2010 Pg 5

◌◌ Investigate all threats against civil society activists who have I thank you for taking the time to consider my concerns.
called for justice for Manirumva, and bring the perpetrators Yours sincerely,
to justice. [Name]

INDONESIA: Urgent Action - Prisoner of Conscience Denied Medical Care

Amnesty International believes the denial of medical care to
Filep Karma may amount to cruel, inhuman or degrading
OBRAPRIMA uma empresa que Stock.Xchng

PLEASE WRITE IMMEDIATELY in Indonesian or your own
language calling on authorities in Indonesia:
◌◌ Expressing concern at reports that Filep Karma is not re-
ceiving adequate medical care;
◌◌Urging the authorities to ensure that Filep Karma receives
full and immediate access to adequate medical care;
◌◌Urging the authorities to cover the cost of such treatment in
accordance with the UN Body of Principles for the Protection
of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprison-
Filep Karma is in need of urgent medical care. He has been ment (Principle 24);
seriously ill since August 2009. A recent medical report rec-
ommended that he undergo further treatment in the Indo- ◌◌ Calling for the immediate and unconditional release of
nesian capital, Jakarta . However, the prison authorities have Filep Karma as his imprisonment is related to his right to
told him they cannot fund his medical treatment peaceful demonstration.

Filep Karma, a 50-year-old prisoner of conscience at Abepura Appeals To

Prison in the Indonesian province of Papua , has been in PLEASE SEND APPEALS BEFORE 10 JUNE 2010
prison since December 2004. He had suffered from health Head of Abepura Prison
problems before his arrest but the conditions at the prison Anthonius M. Ayorbaba
and the refusal of the authorities to provide adequate medical Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) Abepura
care have exacerbated his conditions. Jl. Kesehatan 11
In August 2009, he had complained of intense pain in the
Papua 99351, Indonesia
lower abdomen, difficulty in urinating and testicular swelling.
Fax: +62 96 758 1705
Further medical tests confirmed that he was suffering from
Salutation: Dear Anthonius M. Ayorbaba
bronchopneumonia, excess fluid in the lungs, urinary tract
infection and various other medical problems. In the medical Director General of Prisons
report the doctor recommended that he receive further treat- Ministry of Justice and Human Rights
ment in Jakarta , but prison authorities have refused to send Drs. Untung Sugiyono
him due to a lack of funds. If untreated the conditions could Jl. Veteran No. 11
be potentially life threatening. Jakarta Pusat »
AIUSA group 48 Newsletter May 2010 Pg 6

Indonesia senior police officer was dismissed as a result, but he did not
Fax: +62 21 384 1711 face criminal charges. There has been no formal inquiry into
Salutation: Dear Director General the events. Filep Karma was convicted of treason and sen-
Copies To tenced on 26 May 2005. He is serving a sentence of 15 years'
Diplomatic representatives of Indonesia accredited to your imprisonment, which was confirmed by the Supreme Court
country. Please check with your section office if sending ap- on 27 October 2005.
peals after the above date. West Papua and Papua provinces occupy the western half
Additional Information of the island of New Guinea . Papua province borders the
Conditions in Abepura prison are reportedly poor. Bathing independent state of Papua New Guinea . The arrests and
for prisoners is restricted to once or twice a week due to a detention of people in Papua are part of a larger crackdown
lack of fresh water. Filep Karma did receive temporary medi- on political activists in areas where there has been a history
cal leave from the prison in 2007 in order to receive hospital of separatist movements including Papua and Maluku. The
treatment. Indonesian authorities have reacted strongly towards indi-
viduals who have called for independence.  Amnesty Interna-
Former civil servant Filep Karma was among approximately tional has documented dozens of arrests in past years of such
200 people who took part in a peaceful ceremony in Abepura, peaceful political activists. Some were sentenced to terms of
Papua Province on 1 December 2004. In commemoration of imprisonment for raising the prohibited pro independence
the declaration of Papuan independence in 1962, the Morn- ‘Morning Star’ flag in Papua.
ing Star Flag was raised. Police then advanced on the crowd,
firing warning shots and beating people with batons. Filep Amnesty International takes no position whatsoever on
Karma was subsequently arrested. Amnesty International the political status of any province of Indonesia , including
considers him to be a prisoner of conscience. calls for independence.  However the organization believes
that the right to freedom of expression includes the right
During Filep Karma's trial, police responded with extreme to peacefully advocate referendums, independence or other
force to large demonstrations that took place outside the political solutions.
courthouse on 10 May 2005. Many people were injured. A

IRAN: Urgent Action - Prisoner of Conscience / Arbitrary Detention

Mohammad Ali Shirzadi (m)
Ja’far Panahi (m)
Two Iranian filmmakers – Mohammad Ali Shirzadi and Ja’far
Panahi – are detained without charge or trial in Evin Prison,
Revati Upadhya Stock.Xchng

Tehran after their arrest in January and March 2010 respec-

tively. Amnesty International is calling for their immediate
and unconditional release as they are held solely for the
peaceful exercise of their right to freedom of expression and
are considered to be prisoners of conscience.
Mohammad Ali Shirzadi, aged 39, was arrested by five un-
identified men on 4 January 2010 outside his home in Tehran.
He was forced to re-enter his house which was then searched
without a warrant and his computer, personal notebook and »
AIUSA group 48 Newsletter May 2010 Pg 7

other items were confiscated. His family had no news about subsequently banned from traveling abroad, including to the
his whereabouts for 40 days, after which he telephoned them 2009 Berlin Film Festival in which he was due to participate.
to say he was all right, but did not reveal his location. They He has been invited to participate on the jury of the Cannes
later learned that he was being held in Evin Prison. He has Film Festival between 12 and 23 May 2010.
so far been allowed two family visits, at which a security
official was present, and he was unable to tell them the Mohammad Ali Shirzadi is a member of the now-banned
reasons for his arrest. However, his family believes his arrest Association in Defense of Prisoners’ Rights, founded by
may be linked to an interview he filmed around two years Emadeddin Baghi.
ago, between prominent human rights defender Emadeddin Recommended Action
Baghi and Grand Ayatollah Montazeri. The film was shown Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible:
after Grand Ayatollah Montazeri died in December 2009 and ◌◌ Calling for the immediate and unconditional release of Mo-
shortly afterwards, Emadeddin Baghi was arrested and has hammad Ali Shirzadi and Ja’far Panahi as they are held solely
been in detention since (see UA: 05/10). for the peaceful exercise of their right to freedom of expres-
sion and are prisoners of conscience;
Award-winning filmmaker Ja’far Panahi, aged 49, was arrested
on 1 March 2010 at his home in Tehran with several other ◌◌ Expressing concern that Mohammad Ali Shirzadi was held
people, including his wife and daughter. All have since been incommunicado for 40 days and urging that family mem-
released except for Ja’far Panahi. His wife, Tahereh Saeedi, bers of all detainees are informed promptly of their relatives’
was allowed to meet him for the first time on 30 March. On whereabouts and allowed to visit them regularly;
14 April 2010, the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance ◌◌ Reminding the Iranian authorities that freedom of ex-
said that Ja’far Panahi had been arrested because he was mak- pression is guaranteed under Article 19 of the International
ing an anti-government film about the disputed presidential Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to which Iran is a state
election of 2009. party and that the right to freedom of expression includes
Background freedom to seek, receive and impart information, either orally,
Ja’far Panahi is a well-known film director who has made in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other
internationally-acclaimed films such as “The White Balloon” media. »
and “The Circle”. He is also a peace activist who is a mem-
ber of the National Peace Council in Iran, a group set up in Postage Rates
July 2008 on the initiative of the Centre for Human Rights
Defenders, an NGO established by Nobel Peace Laureate
Within the United States
Shirin Ebadi and other prominent lawyers. The National $0.28 - Postcards
Peace Council has 85 representatives from different social $0.44 - Letters and Cards up to 1 oz.
and,ethnic groups and professions. Its aims are “creating
To Canada
and strengthening the basis for peace; preventing a military $0.75 - Postcards
attack; abolishing the imposed sanctions and preventing any $0.75 - Airmail Letters and Cards up to 1 oz.
additional sanctions; ending the situation of Neither war, Nor
To Mexico
Peace”. $0.79 - Postcards
$0.79 - Airmail Letters and Cards up to 1 oz.
Ja’far Panahi was briefly arrested in July 2009 during a gather-
ing at a cemetery in Tehran of people mourning the death To all other destination countries
of Neda Agha Soltan, a young woman apparently killed by a $0.98 - Postcards
$0.98 - Airmail Letters and Cards up to 1 oz.
member of the Basij militia during a protest at the outcome
of the 2009 presidential election. He was later released, but
AIUSA group 48 Newsletter May 2010 Pg 8

Appeals To Copies To
Leader of the Islamic Republic Secretary General
Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei High Council for Human Rights
The Office of the Supreme Leader Mohammad Javad Larijani
Islamic Republic Street – Howzeh Riassat-e Ghoveh Ghazaiyeh
End of Shahid Keshvar Doust Street, Pasteur St, Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhuri
Tehran, IRAN Tehran 1316814737, IRAN
Email: Fax: 011 98 21 3390 4986
Via website: Email:
(English) (In subject line: FAO Mohammad Javad Larijani)
Salutation: Your Excellence
Iranian Interests Section
Head of Tehran Judiciary 2209 Wisconsin Ave NW
Mr. Ali Reza Avaei Washington DC 20007
Karimkhan Zand Avenue Phone: 202 965 4990
Sana’i Avenue, Corner of Alley 17, No 152 Fax: 202 965 1073
Tehran, IRAN Email:
Check with the AIUSA Urgent Action office if sending ap-
peals after 16 June 2010.

MEXICO: Fear for Safety

By Marylou Noble, Central America RAN Coordinator
Marco Joachim von Borstel (m), Manuel de Jesús (m), Juan Agustín Carvajal Jiménez (m),
Jade Ramírez Cuevas Villanueva (f)
On 3 April, three activists and a journalist who attended a
meeting opposing the construction of a dam in Jaliscostate,
Derek Jones Stock.Xchng

western Mexico, were threatened by men claiming to be

federal employees. Three days later, an organization working
with communities near the dam site received an anonymous
threat. The four individuals and staff of the organization are
in danger.
The project to build El Zapotillo dam in Jalisco state, ap-
proved in 2006, has led to concern among local communities,
particularly those of Temacapulín, Palmarejo and Acasico.
Since plans for the dam were amended to increase its height,
there has not been a full review of the impact that the con-
struction of the dam would have on the local area.
Recommended Action
Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible: »
AIUSA group 48 Newsletter May 2010 Pg 9

◌◌ Calling for Marco Joachim von Borstel, Jade Ramírez Bucareli 99, 1er. piso,
Cuevas Villanueva, Manuel de Jesús, Juan Agustín Carvajal Col. Juárez, Del. Cuauhtémoc,
Jiménez and members of IMDEC to receive protection in ac- México D.F., C.P.06600, MEXICO
cordance with their wishes; Fax: 011 52 55 5093 3414
◌◌ Calling for a full, prompt and impartial investigation into Email:
the threats against them and possible links to construction of Salutation: Señor Secretario/Dear Minister
the El Zapotillo dam in Jalisco state; Governor of Jalisco
◌◌ Calling on the authorities to bring those Lic. Emilio González Márquez
found responsible for the threats brought to justice. Gobernador del Estado de Jalisco
Palacio de Gobierno, Av Corona 31,
Appeals To Col. Centro, Guadalajara C.P. 44100, Jalisco,
Minister of the Interior MÉXICO
Lic. Fernando Francisco Gómez-Mont Fax: 011 52 33 3668 1866
Secretaría de Gobernación Email:
Salutation: Dear Governor/ Señor Gobernador

Widespread Abuse Against Migrants Is Mexican ‘Human Rights Crisis’

April 28th, 2010
“Persistent failure by the authorities to tackle abuses car-
ried out against irregular migrants has made their journey
Dora Pete Stock.Xchng

through Mexico one of the most dangerous in the world.”

Kidnappings of migrants, mainly for ransom, reached new
heights in 2009, with the National Human Rights Commis-
sion (CNDH) reporting that nearly 10,000 were abducted
over six months and almost half of interviewed victims say-
ing that public officials were involved in their kidnapping. 

The Mexican authorities must act to halt the continuing An estimated 6 out of 10 migrant women and girls experience
sexual violence, allegedly prompting some people smugglers to
abuse of migrants who are preyed on by criminal gangs while
public officials turn a blind eye or even play an active part in demand that women receive contraceptive injections ahead of
kidnappings, rapes and murders, Amnesty International said the journey, to avoid them falling pregnant as a result of rape.
in a new report released today. On 23 January 2010, armed police stopped a freight train car-
“Invisible Victims: Migrants on the Move in Mexico”, docu- rying over 100 migrants in Chiapas State, southern Mexico. 
ments the alarming levels of abuse faced by the tens of thou- Veronica (not her real name) said that Federal Police forced
sands of Central American irregular migrants that every year her and the other migrants to leave the train and lie face
attempt to reach the US by crossing Mexico. down on the ground, before stealing their belongings and
“Migrants in Mexico are facing a major human rights crisis threatening to kill them unless they continued their journey
leaving them with virtually no access to justice, fearing repri- by foot along the railway. 
sals and deportation if they complain of abuses” said Rupert After walking for hours, the group was assaulted by armed
Knox, Mexico Researcher at Amnesty International.  men who raped Veronica and killed at least one other migrant. »
AIUSA group 48 Newsletter May 2010 Pg 10

Two suspects were later detained after a local activist helped and is a leading promoter of migrants’ rights on the interna-
the migrants file a complaint but no action was taken against tional stage. 
the Federal Police, despite migrants identifying two officers
Despite some welcome measures in recent years, for ex-
allegedly involved.
ample better protection of the rights of unaccompanied
“Mexico has a responsibility to prevent, punish and remedy children and criminalization of people trafficking, this has
abuses whether these are committed by criminal gangs or often in reality failed to prevent and punish abuses against
public officials,” said Rupert Knox. migrants. 
The report calls for immediate action to ensure migrants’ ac- Amnesty International’s recommendations to address the
cess to complaint mechanisms regardless of their status and human rights crisis include:
ensure effective investigations.  ◌◌ Legislative reforms to ensure access to justice.
◌◌ Establish a federal task force to coordinate and implement
The vast majority of migrants travelling through Mexico are
Central Americans headed for the US border in search of
work.  ◌◌ Compile and publish data on abuses against migrants
and the steps taken to bring those responsible to account,
The Mexican government has often stated its commitment including public officials. 
to protect the rights of migrants, whatever their legal status


AIUSA group 48 Newsletter May 2010

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