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m elev. 17 June 2012. FMNH 283551. Between Nueva Ocotepeque

and Antigua (14.416736N, 89.183476W), 800 m elev. 18 June 2012.
FMNH 283550. Closest known locality for this species is ca. 28 km
SW near Metapn, Santa Ana, El Salvador (Khler et al. 2005);
closest known Honduran locality is ca. 50 km N at Copn, Copn
(UNAH 425; also R. pulcherrima not previously reported from Department of Copn). The Antigua specimen (FMNH 283551) was
foraging during afternoon on small plants and shrubs located adjacent to a diminutive muddy temporary pond within a pasture
transformed from dry forest (Premontane Dry Forest). The other
specimen (FMNH 283550) was crossing during morning hours, a
highway passing through badly disturbed dry forest (Premontane
Dry Forest). Of three others from the Ro Lempa locality that were
not collected, two were feeding on human feces during the afternoon and the other was active at night in a small temporary pond.
KINOSTERNON SCORPIOIDES (Scorpion Mud Turtle; Tortuga Escorpin). Near Ro Lempa at Antigua (14.4009N,
89.89.200067W), 725 m elev. 17 June 2012. FMNH 283748. Closest known locality for this species is ca. 28 km SW near Metapn,
Santa Ana, El Salvador (Khler et al. 2005); closest known Honduran locality is ca. 60 km NE at a site NW of Gracias, Lempira (Meyer
and Wilson, 1973). Numerous adults and hatchlings were active at
night in and around several small temporary ponds in pastures
converted from dry forest (Premontane Dry Forest).
Acknowledgments.Collecting (Resolucin DE-MP1022012)
and export (Constancia 0362012DVS-ICF; Constancia 0382012
DVS-ICF) permits were issued by Iris Acosta and Said Lanez of
the Instituto Nacional de Conservacin y Desarrolo Forestal, reas

Protegidas y Vida Silvestre (ICF) Tegucigalpa. Leonardo Valds Orellana was instrumental in acquiring permits, copies of which are on
file at FMNH and USNM. Partial support for the 2012 fieldwork was
provided by the Marshall Field Fund, FMNH.

Literature Cited

Holdridge, L. R. 1967. Life Zone Ecology, revised edition. Tropical

Science Center, San Jos, Costa Rica. 206 pp.
Khler, G., M. Vesely, and E. Greenbaum. 2005 (2006). The Amphibians and Reptiles of El Salvador. Krieger Publ. Co., Malabar,
Florida. ix + 238 pp.
McCranie, J. R. 2006. Specimen locality data & museum numbers/
Ubicacin y nmeros de museo de los especmenes, informacin complementaria for/a la Gua de Campo de los Anfibios de Honduras by/por James R. McCranie y Franklin E.
Castaeda. Smithson. Herpetol. Info. Serv. 137:139.
. 2007. Distribution of the amphibians of Honduras by departments. Herpetol. Rev. 38:3539.
. 2011. The Snakes of Honduras: Systematics, Distribution,
and Conservation. SSAR, Contrib. Herpetol. 26: i x, 1714 pp.
, and F. E. Castaeda. 2007. Gua de Campo de los Anfibios
de Honduras. Bibliomania, Salt Lake City, Utah. x + 304 pp. +
plates 1147.
Meyer, J. R., and L. D. Wilson. 1973. A distributional checklist of the
turtles, crocodilians, and lizards of Honduras. Contrib. Sci., Nat.
Hist. Mus., Los Angeles Co. 244:137.
Townsend, J. H. 2005. Geographic distribution. Sphenomorphus incertus (Stuarts Forest Skink). Herpetol. Rev. 36:337338.

Herpetological Review, 2014, 45(2), 293294.

2014 by Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles

New Records of Amphibians and Reptiles from Alabama, USA

With 165 recognized amphibian and reptile species, Alabama
possesses some of the highest herpetofaunal diversity in North
America. This species diversity is due in part to the seven
recognized geographic provinces that comprise the state. Many
of the records we report here are primarily from Lawrence and
Winston counties (i.e., William B. Bankhead National Forest),
Madison Co., and Jackson Co. of northern Alabama. We completed
searches of museum records (Auburn University Herpetological
Collection), Herp-Net records, and prior documented records
(Mount 1980) to identify gaps in amphibian and reptile locality
data for these counties. Locality records for this account were
primarily obtained during a four-year study examining forest
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences,
Alabama A&M University, Normal, Alabama 35762, USA
USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station, Huntsville,
Alabama 35801, USA
*Corresponding author:

management impacts on amphibians and reptiles and through

incidental encounters during road cruising and field trips. All
GPS coordinates are datum WGS 84. All specimens were verified
by Craig Guyer and represent new county records.
AMBYSTOMA TIGRINUM (Eastern Tiger Salamander). Lawrence
Co.: At the intersection of Alabama State Highway 33 and Alabama State Highway 36 (34.434923N, 87.292159W). 1 January
2006. Lamaar Marshall. A single A. tigrinum was found climbing
a gas pump outside the Black Warrior Trading Post after a rain
event. Individual was released after being photographed. AUM
AHAP-D 649.
ANAXYRUS AMERICANUS (American Toad). Lawrence Co.: Bankhead National Forest, Forest Service road 204 leading to Basin
Creek, approximately 100 m from intersection with County Road 2
(34.313048N, 87.511576W). 15 May 2010. H. A. Czech, K. Pursel,
and D. Sollenberger. Individual was captured on the road and released after being photographed. AUM AHAP-D 651.

Herpetological Review 45(2), 2014


HYLA CINEREA (Green Treefrog). Lawrence Co.: Bankhead National Forest, approximately 1 mile from the Lawrence/Winston county line marker on Alabama State Route 33 South (34.309862N,
87.33326W). 3 May 2008. W. B. Sutton. Individual was deceased
after being captured in a drift-fence array. AUM AHAP-D 658. Jackson Co.: Boxes Cove, AL Hwy 79 near intersection with Old Larkinsville Road (34.709578N, 86.107335W). H. A. Czech. Individual
was found on road and released after being photographed. AUM
AHAP-D 657.

March 2012. H. A. Czech. DOR adult male observed and photographed. AUM AHAP-D 647.

HYLA GRATIOSA (Barking Treefrog). Lawrence Co.: Bankhead

National Forest, approximately 500 m from Black Warrior Ranger Station on Alabama State Highway 33 South (34.343684N,
87.342857W). 25 May 2008. W. B. Sutton and R. Hardman. Individual was found on Alabama State Highway 33 South across from
a large open wetland. AUM AHAP-D 659.

CROTALUS HORRIDUS (Timber Rattlesnake). Madison Co.:

Monte Sano State Park, approximately 1.0 km down firehouse trail
from hiking trails parking lot (34.747308N, 86.503525W). 15 August 2009. W. B. Sutton and R. H. Hardman. Individual was found
dead in the middle of a hiking trail and was photographed. AUM
AHAP-D 654.

LITHOBATES CLAMITANS (Green Frog). Madison Co.: Beaverdam Creek, approximately 200 m upstream from Monroe Road
overpass (34.863390N, 86.597894W). 23 September 2010. H. A.
Czech, H. Howell, and A. B. Bohlman. AUM AHAP-D 661.

PANTHEROPHIS GUTTATUS (Red Cornsnake). Jackson Co.:

Near intersection of Alabama Highway 79 and County Road 23
(34.653053N, 86.109679W). 23 November 2008. H. A. Czech. Individual was found dead on the road and was photographed. AUM
AHAP-D 294.

CEMOPHORA COCCINEA COPEI (Northern Scarletsnake). Lawrence Co.: Bankhead National Forest, approximately 1.5 km W of
the Black Warrior Ranger Station near Alabama State Route 33
(34.344820N, 87.354832W). 23 May 2006. W. B. Sutton. Individual
was captured in a drift-fence array and was released after being
photographed. AUM AHAP-D 652.

GRAPTEMYS GEOGRAPHICA (NORTHERN MAP TURTLE). Jackson Co.: State Route 146 at the bridge over the Paint Rock River
(34.861087N, 86.196032W). 1 June 2003. H. A. Czech. Adult female, released after being photographed. AUM AHAP-D 293.

PANTHEROPHIS SPILOIDES (Gray Ratsnake). Lawrence Co.:

Bankhead National Forest, approximately 1.3 km SSW of the Black
Warrior work station, (34.331961N, 87.339782W). 13 June 2006.
W. B. Sutton. Individual was found crossing a small dirt road within a harvested pine stand. Individual was released after being photographed. AUM AHAP-D 665.

HEMIDACTYLUS TURCICUS (Mediterranean House Gecko).
Covington Co.: Analusia Econolodge, 1421 Martin Luther King
Junior Expressway, Andalusia, Alabama 36420 (31.319210N,
86.456571W). 6 November 2010. H. A. Czech. AUM AHAP-D 656.
PLESTIODON INEXPECTATUS (Southeastern Five-lined Skink).
Lawrence Co.: Bankhead National Forest, approximately 1 mile
from the Lawrence / Winston county line marker on Alabama
State Route 33 South (34.309862N, 87.333263W). 29 March 2009.
Individual was captured underneath an artificial cover object and
was released after being photographed. AUM AHAP-D 666.
PLESTIODON LATICEPS (Broad-headed Skink). Lawrence Co.:
Bankhead National Forest, approximately 4 miles down Pine Torch
Road from Alabama State Highway 33 South, nearly one-half mile
down the yellow horse trail (34.356267N, 87.299911W). 19 May
2005. W. B. Sutton. Individual was captured in a drift-fence array
and was released after being photographed. AUM AHAP-D 667.
Glass Lizard). Jackson Co.: The Old Fabius Coal Mine, between
the towns of Fabius and Falt Rock (34.80006N, 85.759213W). 25
March 2011. T. Barrentine and T. Barrantine. Individual was released after being photographed. AUM AHAP-D 663.

HETERODON PLATIRHINOS (Eastern Hog-nosed Snake). Winston Co.: Bankhead National Forest, approximately 1.5 km from
the intersection of Alabama County road 60 and Kinlock Road
north (34.289010N, 87.493877W). 30 May 2007. W. B. Sutton. Individual was found on the road near a Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda)
plantation and was photographed. AUM AHAP-D 655.
Snake). Lawrence Co.: Bankhead National Forest, approximately 1 km SE of the Black Warrior Work Station (34.335951N,
87.337106W). 2 November 2005. W. B. Sutton. Individual was located in a pine-hardwood forest stand in a drift-fence array. Individual was released after being photographed. AUM AHAP-D 670.
VIRGINIA V. VALERIAE (Smooth Earthsnake). Lawrence Co. Bankhead National Forest, approximately 1 km SE of the Black Warrior
Work Station (34.335951N, 87.337106W). 10 April 2009. W. B. Sutton. Individual was captured under an artificial cover object in a
harvested pine stand. Individual was released after being photographed. AUM AHAP-D 672.

Literature Cited

Mount, R. H. 1980. The Reptiles and Amphibians of Alabama, 2nd

ed. Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. 347 pp.

AGKISTRODON P. PISCIVORUS (Eastern Cottonmouth). Jackson
Co.: County Road 220 as it crosses through Roseberry Bottoms
Swamp, near Scottsboro, AL (34.702476N, 86.092360W). 22
Herpetological Review 45(2), 2014

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