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Dynanliclight scatteringby using seff-mixing

interferometrywth a laser diode
ChristianZakian,Mark Dickinson,and TerenceKino

'l'he po$'or sl)('(rt|tl1))of tlle'lasr:r'intrrsity

rs st.udieclwhen optical f'eeclbachin l laser cliode is used
sertrsint3c:rtttfigLrratititlfi.dvnrnrlt lrght-scattering e-xperiments.
We lr.eserrt:r theory that relates the
])o\\'.'r'sPect|Lrui obl,ainercl
o f tlto li' r s< r r ' ' l 'hi stheol 'r'Jrttl vi cl r:sa torrci se cl escri .i ti onof
tl ri s scnsrng techni que. rl s ok noi v n l s s c Lf' tt.ltxing intt:r'firl'ollletr.v. rvhen it is arplied to Doppler sirifi
and lirre-broadenirrg neasurernents of thrr
fi,lcl, O 2(XXj Op1;icalSocietv of Amer.icr
O( ' lS r o clt:s: 120.3180. 2!r)i ?0[). _]U {l 0290.t-t0 2020.

1. Introduction
I)1'nanic light-scnttering (DLS) lhcory has been well
i:lcceptedfbr the lrst fbu clecaclcs,rrrcijtas been usecl
to utrcierstandthc. inlelact,ion of.lght with lsvstelr of
lrovrng :articlr:s.r i (lumntins ttl a,l.I fis1;stuclieclthe,
liner.vidth broaderrrirrgof' scattcrecl ligh1, tlirough an
optical herreroclv'c proccss to .bt,ri' i.frrrrirtion
rbrnt thr.i cl.ynalnic:sof' tl-re scat,1,Lll.r,r.s,
sr-rchrs the
cliflir-*io. co'''sr:il'rl
rrclthe size or'1,hciscarterri'g particles. Yelr ancl ( str-rclieclloipletr.shifted scattcleci light fi'orn rfluicl florv. Two
lrlrxlllg pt'occsses, hontoclvDe rn<.1
used is co'figLr.'tio's to ext'act i'fi;r.mai;ir' fior'
light ils a furnctio' .f'tirne.i, Methocls barsecl
on thcr homodyne' config;lrrat,ion irtvolve the obsei-vi_
tion of self'-beatir-rgoscillations r,vitirin the uurelv
scattered-iight fielcl throrigh an intensity, deicctoi:.
NIethocls based on the heterocivne configru,ltjrnir.rvolver the observrtionof'fi.equoncv beailng signills
produced whr:n the scrtteleclfield ancl a ie{'cience
field are rnixerdon ln intensitv cletector.
Nlore.recently, self'-rriixing in t,t.,r.fer
rornetry i n a I aser diode has been i-rseclas a teclinjquc to extr:ct
infonnrtinn from backscattelecl 1ight ihat lccntels
t he las er c a v i l r .sr{ rA p p l i c ,rti o ,rs fi t' th i s techni que:

' l ' h r , ' r t i t h o ' s .l e r vitr r L lr e

scr r o .r o l ]:) ir vsicsr,r<r r\st r.o'omv.
l . i ' i ' . r ' s i r . 1 ' r f Nla r clr e r .r ' , o xfb .r i ii,iiiL r r \la
. .ch .str.rr.,\r.r.l j gpL.
tIIi. (1. ll
Z r l< iir r ' s .- ' a r l
r r ld ' r ,ss is c: hri st*rr(rfi z rrh.
n r nr . , r tcr.h .
Iierliy,2 NIu.' 2005; r.r,:r,is.rl2g Nov.l'b.r. 201)5:
accr:ptcd 2!)
N o v e r u l e l 2 0 0 5; p o ste cl 1 I) t ct,n r b o r 2 0 0 5 ( l) o ( ,. ID 61i j 7g).
0 0 0 3- { ; 9 3 5/ 0 6/ r 0 2 2 4 0 .0 6 915 .0 0 /o
O 2 0 0 6 O 1 l t i ca .lSo cit lv o l' \lt r .ic r

A P P L IED OPT IOS,, Vo t.4 5 . No . 1 O I A pri t 2006

for velocity measLlren:lent were ciemonstraterl

by using a rotating wheel by Shinohara et al.B Flow
rleasllrernents were achieved by Slot et al.t)
follovccl by de Mul e.t al..1oMoreovcr, iy looking at
ther lascr intensity power spectrum, researcher.i-re_ den-ionstr'rtedparticle sizing of' subrnicrometer polvstyrene spher.t'ssuspcnrleclin a fluicl.r6'fhe
configuration is based on thc hetelod.yne urixlng
ploccsij and offl:rs signific'ant advantirgci clverother
conl i gul ati ons based on ei ther mi xing pr ocess:
nanrelv, self-alignrnent, compactness, low cst, and
fbw adclitionaJ opticai elemeirts requirecl.
Self'-mixing interr-f'erometr.yis basecl on Lhe theory
devetloped lbr' lasel systems with external opticj
{'eedbackby LalS and Kobayashi,r?Neverthelesi, not research has been conductecl to relate the the_
oies of'dynanric light scatterring ancl self'_mixing in_
te'felolnetry in laser diocles. Hre we adclress Juch
problems by bringing a concise explanation and
validation tri the measurements obtained with this con_
figluration, whjcl-i is of great importance to thc
deveioprnent and unilersianding of' the technique
when -rsedfbr sensing applicatioirs.
2. Dynamic Light-ScatteringTheory
A dynarnic light-scattering processis invo.lveclwhen
there.rre lirne-dependent local variations of the
erectl'rcconstant, e(f ), or the molecular polarizability,
rr(l), of'urillurninated medium. Iforrn incident plae
r.vrvcof' the form E(t)
-- ,O expOt.ol),it hrs been
shor.vnthit the scattered electric elcl,1"(),wotrld
giverlr by;
8,,@ : /t" l /uexp(i uf )E cr(q,/).

( 1)

Here Jt., is a constant scattering frct,or anrl

6 cr(q ,f) : o( / ) ex p[ iq. r(f )j , w h e re q i s th e s c a tte r i ng
vector and r(/) is the position of the center of mass of
the particle at tirne /. The lotation and vibration of
moiecules are observable through variations of'cr(f),
rnd the translation of' molecules is observable
through expllq .r().].'For a heteroclvne mixing pr.ocess, the intensity autocorrelation f'unction, Clt4, il,
is proportional to the autocorrelation of t\cr(q, fl rs
C q, t ) z (E c r' :" (e0, )s (r(q , /)).

wherc (i,, is the modal gain coetfYicient.

rr,,is 1,irecarrier clensity at tlansparc:ncy, and e is tr: nonlinear
gain srrJrprr:ssionfiictor.
'l'hc ratc ecluation for the calr"ier densit.y is clcrscriberdas


The autocorrelation function arid the power spoctrum aLe related through the Fourier translbrrn.,l
Therefor:e it is possible to obtain the light-intensity
power spectrum or heterodyne spetctrurn, Z\q, tIL as


Z(.q , {I):

E c r ( q,f ) ) 6CI .:' (ql,))

where () is the frequency and Do(q, l)) is the Fourier

transform of' Ecr{q, 1t.
Hence the time autocorrelation or the power spectrum of the light intensrty on a heterodync rnixing
process is userclto extlact dynamjc infbrmation on thr:


.u.': 3.ff:ii'i'l]f " (4t


Here is the tirne,B()is the slowly varying electric

field, n is the carrier densitv, or is the longitudinill,
moderesonantfrequency,l-uis the cavity loss,r is thi:
external round-trip time, and r< is the parameter
related to the coupling strcngth given bv r< : (l
- rl)(r2f r) x c:(2p"7)
', wherec is the lighLvelocrty
(seeFig. 1 for a clefinitionof'the other parameters).
We have ignored and omitted the Langevin r-ioise
terms in the equationto gain insight frorn the deter'ministic approximation,wh.ichis valicl if'one is willing tci look at quasi-stationarysoiutionsof'the fieki
with weahfeedbachpowersand operationabovelaser.
The gain, G, is given by
Gpt, E'..t):G,,1rt*nn)[1 - eE21t),


Gl n.E t)l U f

( 6)

(,' ,.

E (1)cxp(rtof) -

i, ' : 1 ri'


2 lf

; t n . ll-t t r t , t lf

.i r< " 81f, t)

x E (ti :xp1r.or)
x expi ro(l- ri 2)]E cr(/),


I' lf


3. Theory of Self-Mixing Interferometry

Light reentcring a laser cavity will producer rnef'fect
that can be modeled bv modifying tho c'lectric field
rate equations. 'lhe rate equations used to simulate
the feedback processin a lascr diode were cleveloped
by Lang ancl Kobayashi (LK)1?:


where 1 is ilre inverse spontaneous lifi:tinret ol'the

excitcd carliet's, J is the curr.ent density, : is Lhcr
electronic cirarge, indcl is the rctiveiayei thick,ress.
Consider the optical feeclback to be a resr.rltol'clynamic backscattered light ancl is given, for a lixecl q,
bv E nl /) as pl escnted i n S ecti on 2. Thi s si tuati on c r n
be ir-rclucledrn trq. (4) rsfirllorvs:

: lEn(q,
t)z' U2rlr)i{C1q,

E1fexpllrll - 1io,1ir)r ..,fG(rr, Etftl


L+l i i

I'ig. 1. 'l'hrre-lltirro ct.rvitl'lnoclel trseri |tr analyzer thr: optical

fcedbrck cnnligurarlion: r',, ancl r.,. iaser. r-nirror leflectivilies: i.r.
extr:r'nl(targct) reflectrvity: lr_,,.cavil,v ler-rgth; p.. nrlcx
of lJre gain n.lcclia;-1-,distrncrr,
to the extslni target.

(7 )

u'hu'c the brckscatter.edlicld, Z'"(),n,as obtainecl

in tcrms of a letardctciinciclent lielci, El - r/2). i.t:.,
t,he tirne light, takets t,o trrvel fi'om the lascr fircettto
the i l l umi nrtcd vol umc. It i s al so consi deredthat the
ernvelopefields ale consLant w.rthin 1,heilluminatecl
volume; therefore the anrplitude of'the incjdent electnc field over every scattering particle rvill be the
sarne at each instant of'time. Notice that x. (defined
i n S ecti on 2)i n trq. (7) i s norv the parameter rel at ed
bo the couplng strengh zrs opposerdtrt r in trq. (4).
Frequency-sirilted feeclbackdue to translrtion ol'the
scatteters is alredyinclucled rn r\c(l).
4. Solutionfor Low-Level Feedback

According to Lacot et cLl.,,1e

we ctr1
lvhich the ellect of'the f'eedbrck
on the clertuningol'the
cirvit.yis werklor .,=ru,.(rr).1
ancl ccinsideonly the crse
in rn'l'richthe round-trip tirle, i outsicle the cavity is
shorter than the perior,l of'the ntaximum frequencv
shift, l),,, of' thc cmittr,.d fiekl. 'i'hen it fbllows tirat
r) ^-.E(tJ. Perfblrnin thcse simplificrtionson
Ilq. {7) and looking at the slorv vrviltg ent'eiope

'',tt Ettl- \rl(i(tt'


E1t t ,)]fc(t)t


1 A p r i f2 0 0 6 i V o l . 4 5 , N o . 1 0 , r A p p L l E DO p T t C S


l(q . r)
* t n/ 2t 1.
Ii'or smrll-lcvel fbcclbrck,the systen crn ber cle_
sclibccl rsslnrll fluct-ratir.l-rs
stationar..yvalur , ' s . r S
9 plitti l ts EO. i B )i n l tp l i tl rc l e//,.
r. (/),,1nclp[ase.
<lr{l},n,ctcan krt i,ire statirnalv va.lur:sbe lerpreicntecl
b"f ir.,,'., Lncl2- ftrr thc cifriol clensity. tire anrpli_
and the phtrse of'thc, ljelcl, rc,spectivel.1,.
By crr.rsidering
gtrin does not chnge sigirilicantlv
_that the
: r r or : nc J . 1Ji .e
., ., Gf n , E ,ftJ ' !l ...,(i ,,{ tt i r,,l t1' u..' ,1,
is possible to Illlv lineru-izer
the system ,rncl
the timu-vai".yingpzirts of'1,hercrrrier clensit.,v.J,,(l).
arnplitucle, lc (/), ancl phasc,r,'\,,,(),of'the, fieicl c,nve_
Llsing the Laplace translbr.r .yieids ther soiutjon
I rsr





Co ntpu1er
. A\,0falr
. l r i ltl ng



:- i nU '



i r)


. fi



u) t)ri'c,r

t:1,. ..::l

0sciI krscope
(IrF'fhrncl i on)


l,'ig. 2. Iixperrirnuntnlsetur,L, iens lfocllierngth

20 r.nmr.l,
k's tfbc.l l.ngt)r /'" -r.irur'rr, r.strcrioclo
(r,D)with prr,tociiorre
iPDt in-i1gc's.r.rv.
t.,ll125ir,1.00lillz 1o\\r-prs.r
iiltc. n'rplificr., iurd I,.l.T oscilloscopr:
'ldrtlouix lfliK2011 conuectecl
to a perforntaveraglng
urdanrh'sis.lht: tar.getdoteudsrqton the zrpplication.

2 l )l - t,,J E ,
.t" * (J -Fp l t.r)s * p r(r _, _ rtu8.2

Notice_ln pO (18) that r\cr,Ii{if))is the rerlpart of

the 1plide spectrum of'the f'eeclbackterm in Eq.
(8); howr:vcr., basecl on the Wiener-Khinchin
re.m,2()w e
lEo"( if) ) j?
q'heneveL the
l* (t"P -)l
argutnernt of'Eru,(iO)is'equal to zerr at
_\,r sr
s -' ' (f i 3 l i .J )s r. [i !1 n " _]Lt))E " !
H crnce S c.ri )tl
f ! i n E q. (18) cb r r espondst cr
g:iven-intrq. (St.
x x .- ' ..6 c r.,t(s ),
i l 01
h-r adclition. firr rcturlpararneter vaiuos. it is nossiblc to show that 11,11./,(if))l2
has no great effect on
J , , , 1, s- , 1l ,/s 1 ri . rrr/1 s .
llq. (1i3) ancl can be, consideireclconstant across low
fi'equencies(as courparctci
with optical frequencies);in
/i (s ) l n c l r\rr./(s)rrei ,he:
1 - e ,' _ ),a n c l Err
othcr worcls, ther intcnsitv spectrun-rof the laserfielrl
_ Hgr ef l: i 1 ,(
Laplircc trlnsfilnns of'the rerl
rviii be plopoltional to the irJklodyne spectlurn givelr
imaginary tarts of'
t)o.(/ ), rt,:sllcctively.
i n i l q. r13).
x r< .1 4 " Eru ,/,' 1 s ),


5. lntensitySpectrum
In a rerl
_experirnenlal ernvir'cxlrleut the cluantity
measnrcrdby usin{arphotoclioclein its lineu.r.egrnrc
of operation is the, which is
ltroportionai to
the ligit intensitv, S(). This js ci'efine,clas ,S(l)
= lE lt lU_, k ( /)
, fl ,. (i l .H e re i s rc o rstrntof propr.irtionality ancl ',, stands fbr the cornplex conjufater
operation. By consiclering a ncgligible orcler oi'riiog_
nitucle fbr the second-order" snia fltictlration tt:r,rii,
i.c., fJr, {tt]' ,.,.0. r.r,efincl

6. ExperimentalDetails
The approacli of'the moclel presentecl is tested by
sensing the intensity power spectrun-i of'light scai_
tered bv (a) a solid object tnouirrg at constant speed,
(b) r monodispersed *.,rp"rr*ion
of polvstyrene
spheles, and (c,)a suspension of polvstyrrr" rpir"r*.
set to laminar" flow.
-lhe hcterodvne spectrum is cibtained
by using the
sc,l1-nllxlngrnte'r'tcrornetlytecirnique with a lasel
odc. Iigure 2 shorvs the exper.inieirtill setup. The ia_
sel diode beart (\
- 785 nm, P,, : 1b rlW at If Ir,,
1.9, 1:injetction current, 1,,:thresholclcurr.ent) is
S ( l , - t[ .] 1 2 j ,l /. (1 )1 .=j ,,_ rj ,s(r).
iircuseclinto the rneasure_
nrents wetlc takt:n r-rsing a fast Foulier transfbrm
Note that tite inti:trsit-y wi]l also consist of smrll
(Flr'f ) digttal oscilloscope,introducecl
valirtions rr.ouncl
a slationary valuer.llencc it fcllor,r,s
into a computer
ancl averaged tver ten meastireclspectra.
fiorn Eq. (12) that thetlrse
inlensity power.specllultl
The lrserintensit.y power spectrr-unobtainecl whcn
wiil be plorortionnl to the olectric'fii:lcl po\rer.sp]c_
a lot.ating whecl is placed as extelnal target is shown
tnrm; and, together: with ltrq. (10), wer cin srytirrt,
ur .l:'rEi.iJ. Al bsor-bing filter is
when the l)C cortrponent is ornitieci, it u,ill'ber cle:laceidbetween the
lrser rnclthe wheel tij ecluce tie f'eedback power
sclibecl bv
reir-rjecteclinto tire cavity. 'I,he tangential velocity
the rvlrcel rvas sert;to t, -.. 14 rnm/s and acll.rst"d
to an
Z1 {t7 4lE ,)H,.,,if);:ls(Y ,ir iif ); lr,u S ) angle
of'() ^- BI-'with respect to the inciclent bearn.
bac:kscattering.config-riration,i.e., scattering
I-:t', "
of rr, the Doppler shif't can be calcuiated ai
.- 82kHz,.It is possible
\It, - lz'trr,/^,)cos(f))
to seethat
a single Doppler-shift flrequency p-eahcorresponding
II.1,i{) -=
lo tire.tang'ential velocity bt Ule, wheel is clerly
nt ) E. t - ( Y t il)(r t p_')
lt r n,
playrd in the sperctrum.
2 24 2

O p' f t O S Voi.45. No. 10 . , . 1Apn l 2 i t 0 6


5 o.s
o v. o


E V.
q) ^ A








x 10o

tr'ig. 3. Norntrlizr:dphotodiode (pDr voltage srr:ct,nrrnshor.r,ing

single-{}ecluenc.ypeak p.orl' rrv r *,heor .or.tirg a1 trr.srurrt
l)att rrcrviously olsr.w,h.l.r:r1ilr,t arc i'_
clucled hel'e fbr cnmpletor.ioss,






Difl'usion-broaclenrng rneasLrrclr(lnLs were obtained bv ulacing a dilutc sllspellsiolt of polystvrcnct
sllhere)sas a target. 'Jlhcconcentr.ltionof' jpher:eiswas
less than 0.5% in volllme. 'I'his c.rseis lvell uncLrr.stood by quasi-elasticlight-scattering (etrLS) t,ireory;
thc spectrum is expecteclto fbllor.vr,orentzirn lirrrition with half-width rthalf'-maximum (HWFIM). IO.
inversiiy proportioni.ilto the raclius of'the sphee. i.c...
.\f ) l), where D .' 1/o is therdiffusion conilant anci.
according to the Stokes-Einstein approximation, is
inversely proportional to the sphere radius, , unclergoing Brownian motion. lt has recentlv been shown
thrt, fbr this sensing conligulation, the iJWHM does
fbllow this functional depenclence.LrjFigule 4 slrorvs
the intensity power spectltul ol'the lrst,r:obtrineci fbr
thrc-.edifferent samples: The first contains pure water
only (no poivst.vrenespheres in suspension) lnciis
used as a ref'erencc; the, othel trvo sarlples tlrc)l
suspension of'spheres (PolyscieucesInc. ) n'ith dirnreters of 58.8 and 20 nm. lt curbe seen that herspec:trum is well clcscribeclbv i Lole.ntzian ciisl,riitution.
as expecect.
Ii'igure 5 shor,vsa signa.l obtainecl when a tljlutcr
suspension of' polystylene spheres with radius
1.15 pm (IiolysciencesInc.) is set intcl laminrr liou,.
The concelntrationof'spheres was iess than 0.5?1,in
volume. 'I'his case is also lvell under"stooclb.y CJELS
theory, and the spectrum is expected to ibllw r
Lorentzian f'uncticin centrcd at th Doppler-shift frequency corresponcling to the averag.e vclocity of, the,
particies. The fiuid wrsplrmpecl rt ,1
constant l"ate
into the tuber(intelnal diauleter of 1.b mm), Lrsing r
controlied sydnge pump set at 65 ml/h, vielcling: ri
maximurn velocity at the cenlrcr'of'the tube of' r,,,
,.' 20.4 mnl/s. 'lhe hvciraulic system ensured
a lor,v
Revnolds' number to plriduce the clersilcldllminar.
flow profile.2r T'he r:.ngle of incicleltce betrveen the
laser (incident) wave vector ancl the veioclty \crctor
wls rdiustedto 0 ..' 6{J"._F'orl blcksciLtetring



F-Jg..1. Ool or oul i nt,,)N onl al i zerl phot<rci l ocll
t,)l )r vol tugc spec _
t.u'r sh.rvi.g tjre dilY'Lrsionbroarlc'irg ca'sed b_va r,n'orlisrr,,
n-slorr<il lt6lvsl.r,l'trt9 slthr.cs 1, fliautct,r,l.11.'I!:. pur,-wu_
{.cr (no i roh'st.vrcnu srhel r_.-st;
nl i cl cl i o. 11 ., 5g.i l n: bert,tom.r/
20 l r.r.'l 'l rt'P 'i rrs c.r'r't'sp.rc1t,1.hc'.xreri r'ertal drt.aarl tl rt
sol i c.lcu|r'ts t.0thr,'f i i ,t.oriL0 tnt.zi i Il fi rncti ol r. J)ata *'el .r:
J)rc\.r0us l .\,
.t:1to'tr:dl 'l srt*'hr:rel ,il *rt ,r.t i rl r,l Lrrl .<ll t.r, fi ,. co.r1tl t,t.rtr.rss.

ur'rtion, tl-re I)otpicr-sltift f'reqnenc.ycontl:ulcrs f)r,

- 1l n,,ri\)cos(0) .- 26 l < Ifz.
7. Discussion
Since the iritr:oduction of the LK cquatiotrs,rr ntuc}t
l'csearch has br:e' cr'r'icclou1,tr:lt,r.yto ,nckrsttdthc:
nonlincar dvnrmicsof a lrsercliociesub.jecteclt,o optical f'eedbrck.'lromborg t:1.ul.zt were thc_.lirsf io
pr"rblisha detailed stabilitv ar-ral.ysis;
later, Lenstra
et ctl.2:jobserved a drunrticline boadening and the
onset of coherenco collapser.Irlot surprisinelv, lbecl_
back r"cgin-rescierscribingthe dynamics of, fiie ]rscr.
r.vhen the lllultlt cLrrr.r:utrnd externil cl,ity
pnlantetcrs uc vrlieclg.oingfi.orn stlblco1:cratior.r
1 An cxcel_
coherence collupse. \\ct'!rsooll cltssilie(l.:2
lcrnl.r'cvicrv on senriconciuctor lascrs rviLh fi.:e<lbrck
rviis tublisheclb1,r'r 'fgrtrviik &1dLgs1.::i;
, V oi .45.N o.t0
1 A prl 2006

A ppLl E D

224 3


^ ..a
o) u






z 0 .2

L o r e n t z i L tlfu n cti,.s. o tltl tte ltt.r e d
r it zo r r r f) e cl trcncr'.arcl 1,l l t,st'r, ,'e
at 26.s l i l l z),

o:tical i'eoclb,ic]i
iri rlrselr
cliocle ples;tr rz.t+.r5here it is demonstratecl
rvlsfirst str-rcliecl
that, fbr low_
by Richter ucl l{iisch,r,, bl"ellorr
concentration sarnples,.the^spectrum
is in ugl""niurrt
fbr strong
with thc one e*peclea Uy
levels.Nlartin t:t o,1..)s
etit_S th;;;;.,
in"esiigateathe crse
lvloleover', it his been
firr f'eedbackle.velslowerl thrn thert recir_rirecl
that Doppler_
jn,, fbr cro_ shift measulerner-its macle with this iechniq;.


rircyr.,,,ilr,.i .",rrili,rity also accessible through

the voltag; the laser
or t nc c on rp 0 rrrrd(a v i tv [o c h a n g t,s r,f
ti re (,xtel .t]al diodc. This is also
cxpected from q.lgi, where A,,(s)
cavy length was clinlinatercl.In'200i j,rcot
,, , hrsa cl t' al ' dcpcndcnce on rr(s).
stuclieclin greater detail this sitt ali
fbr feedbacl<
The exper.irnental rersults show that
levels falling r.vithin ther stabier r*g,,ri";
the approxi_
nlrtronstaken to derive Eq. (1Bl
t'at'rodulation of'the e'rissio. at
do not compromise
iiri ,le,trou'cl_t'i1,r
of rcproclu
Ireclllency shift ,,rshigl,rest lit a 1i.crqlrr:ncv
r* u1'a l;" valiclityof,
l :,ti.t]i Il,v,
"il, f,eedbacklevel
dependson the
r.vith the rerlixationoscillation ii.,,q,,,ricv.
cavity. Accordingiy,f,eedshits in theseexper:i'ents \4.ri.c
of' trle o'.rerr of' a
backshouldbeke,ptwithin ,"gr*" i
neg.hertz tttdweret i.trotl,cercl
to "r"r" that no
a' .c'usLo_olttic
trodes coexist2aanclthat ncihigirer
frerquency shifterr.
trrlmonicsof' the Doppler-shift,frequenci".
exi:erirncrrtrl results for serlf._mixing
pear.Iii 'l-his woulo corlesponcf
er'lel'ometryhrvcbecn e_-xplainclc]
as being a result of,
i'r,,,lower than
variations of the gain thrri,sholcl.,.itii"*t*,.nal
x 10 5. Hi;i*, f.eedback
revelscolllctrersultu ttre obsetrvation
cal feredbackil bui h,rr,er
of Dopplerhar_
rot leernderivcci in lelins r.rf.
and th:solution pr:esente
the dynaurics of the scattering sanrplc.
on thcr
de.5rlbc rhe si:ectrat behvior oJ,;h"'i;;r'
."r:?rch by LaroL et 1t,I*trr I)LS
Thi. techniqu.ecan be r.rsect
perspective is
linerresentecito xplain th
broadeningmechanismsand can fru
rasef' lnrensrty p'wer spectrurn in
us_ ofrthe Jrct_
ing self:rnixirrginterferornet'y i" u "rpjlm"O
eoe.yne spectrult; in rddition,
rn.riiode based
its ecluivalcnccrto
on standard DLS theory.
standald methods is shrlr,n.
intensity power spec,
on rhecharacreri
The experimcntrl-resujts basecl
on self._rlixing in_
J]l| n_"1
: ".1
,spe,ctrum,whicir are normaily depenter"ferometry rc:rveIl explainecl
U" h,1.'iIlJI thlolrgh
ctenLon the optical properties o.rd
helcrocl"ynespectrr,ll, . M",0r.,.;";;,;.
,hup"-,rf,the scat_
of rh e i rser
tering particlcs.
spectlrrnr rrein agrercrmentwith ther
expectcd heter:oclynesltcctrum prec.lictecl
by DLS ttrer:x'v 'fhe relevrnci:of ter
i"rlr- i,:,trtirmecrfi.orn
8. C oncl usi on
flre experin'rerrtilrrcsurts 'roaer
obtainccl or con.sta.t'rrtion
thc' rlathematicai complexity ernbecldecl
il'ig. 13),clilfusion broaclening.i,e.
;,, l,rr,j fiowmetr.y
technique with j."r'i,rA__, the
{Fig. 5 ). l,Ioreover, thcse lesri]ts tiave
pabi.litv of' ririi methocl to
observeclb;' usi'g tJris tech'ilu"
o*plui" dyn;rnic light_
first vcloci";i";;;;
metrv applications,r,rilnri the recertrt
in rhe sameway as in
part;icle_siziti"q conventlona.[
::i:::lf illl,qLS)expenmenrs
methods is delnonstratecl.
applicatioir.rtj Flow rrrersuretrlenls,
I3ased cln the recen_tresearch
been obse:t'vecl only fbr nir_r1tipi,,_r*,tt".rrrg
of'Lacot et al.,t+tu
nrodified rnodel of'ilre LiLng r,.d
f r,Xl tu..,,
2244 A P pL ED
/ Vo l .4 5 N
, o .1 0 ,,,1 Aprrl2006

rate equationsrTthat considers optical fbeclllacl<lsa

result ofdynarnic bacl<, is
tresented b.y
introducing the scattelecl electric field clerscrintioir
fiun DLS tl-ieory,6rr(f). For the cseof'low-leveli'ecclback, an approximation as small fiuctuatjons arouncl
stationary values for the clrrielr densit,y, z(/), an<l
electric_fieldarnplitrid, E,(), anrj phase, <[(/),is pos_
sible, allowing us to generate i set of U.near ,ro,ilro_
rnogeneous differential eqr-rations that describe the
laser dynarnics. By solving these equations. w.e clerlonstrate that the laser intensjty pclwer specl,rum,
Z({l), is ploportional to thc well-l<nown hetcrodync
s p e ctru r n lS r r ( l) ) l' t E q .(1 g )]. It i s c o n c l trc l e dtl at
seif'-mixing interf'eromcrtrv crn be observr:cl is ut
equivalent technique to stndrrdheterodync configurations. This wili hold whenever the pn,"l" feedbad<
is within the stable reginre of the lasei'cjiocle,i.e., low
f'eedbacklevel, and when the rreliod of tire maxunurn
flequencv shift imposed b.y thc ciynunicsof the scrtterers is smaller than the rouncl-trin time.
The resultant expression adcquately ciesclibes the
experlmental measurements presented and is in
agreement with the ones prcviously reported.s- r6 hnplementing DLS experiments bv uing the selfrnixing technique with a laser diode wili benefit from
significant advantages such as self'-alignment, cornpactness, low cost, and few rclditionaioptical elements reouirr:d.







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1 A p r i l2 0 0 6 ; V o l .4 5 , N o . 1 0 APPLIEDOPTICS


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