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The Legend of Kemaro Island

Kemaro Island, a small island with a Buddhist temple and the grave of a Palembang princess has
the legend about the love story of Siti Fatimah and Chinese young man called Tan Bun Ann. They loved each
other and got married but unfortunately, Tan Bun Ann's parents couldn't come to their wedding party and visited
them to Palembang. In order to show their appreciation and how they loved Fatimah as their daughter-in-law,
they then sent Fatimah and Tan Bun Ann nine big jars. Tan Bun Ann expected that all the jars contained gold
and opened them one by one, but the first one only had Pekasem, kind of Food in China. The second jar also
contained Pekasem. He was so disappointed and he thought that his parents insulted Fatimah's family. He was so
angry to his parents. He then broke another six jars that unfortunately all of them contained Pekasem. He was
still curious to know the content of the last jar but he kicked it unconsciously. Tan Bun Ann jumped into the
river as his back kicked the last jar and it plunged into the river, then he wanted to get the gold so he jumped
into it. When Fatimah saw that happening, she also jumped into the river and drowned. Finally, the new Island,
Kemaro Island, appeared in the middle of Musi river.
The following is the discussion.
Kemaro Island is located in the middle of Musi River in Palembang, South Sumatera. "Kemaro" is a word
from Palembang which means "kemarau" in Indonesia, or "dry" in English. According to Palembang people, the
island is given that name because the island is never getting wet, in other words, this island is always dry
although the volume of water in Musi River is getting greater.
There is a legend from Palembang about Kemaro Island. Once upon a time, the king which was leading in
Sriwijaya kingdom had a daughter, who was called Siti Fatimah. She was very beautiful. She fell in love with a
trader from Tiongkok, Tan Bun Ann. Both Siti Fatimah and Tan Bun Ann loved each other. One day, Tan Bun
Ann wanted to marry Siti Fatimah. Siti Fatimahs father, the king of Sriwijaya kingdom, offered some
requirements for Tan Bun Ann before married with Siti Fatimah. The king asked him to bring 9 bags of gold.
Tan Bun Anns families agreed with the requirements.
Tan Bun Anns families put the gold in the bag, and they covered it with some vegetables to avoid some pirates
at that time, but Tan Bun Ann didnt know about it. When the King wanted to see the gold, Tan Bun Ann was
surprised because he saw the vegetables in the bag instead of the gold. The King was angry and Tan Bun Ann
was extremely shy, then he kicked the bag into the river. He jumped into the river afterwards.
Siti Fatimah was disappointed. She also jumped into the river, but before that she said, Somedays, there would
be a land in the middle of the river, and it would be known as my grave. Today we can see that what Siti
Fatimah had said becomes true. Many people believe that Kemaro Island is the grave of Siti Fatimah.
Once upon a time, a Prince from China named Tan Bun An came to Palembang to study. After some yime living
in Palembang, he fell in love with a princess of the Sriwijaya Kingdom, called Siti Fatimah. When he asked
Fatimahs Fathers for permission to marry his daughter, the King asked him to send him gold. Tan Bun Ans
familys in China accepted the terms proposed. To avoid the gold being robbed by pirates, the family asked the
captain of the ship that the gold be hidden under fruit and vegetables.
When Chinese prince found out that his family had sent him fruit and vegetables instead of gild, he was furious.
He threw the whole shipload into the Musi River including the fruit and vegetables. However when the last jar
of fruit accidentally fell in the ships deck and broke into pieces, Tan Bun An saw the gold. Realizing his
mistake, the prince plunged headlong into the Riverr to salvage the gold. But he never resurfaced.
Having learnet that he sweetheart had drowned, Siti Fatimah was devastated. She decided to jump into the river
to follow her lover. Before she jumped, she said that if tree grew in the places where they sank, it was symbol of
their love.
Then a mound appeared from under the river, which later became the delta of Pulau Kemaro. Local people
believe that the mound is the gravestone of the couple and they call it Kemaro Island, which mean an island
which is forever dry.
Actually i don't like the main character of this story, he is just too impatient and also he doesn't appreciate what
his parents have given to him on the other hand, i like his wife very much because she is such a faithful woman.
i wish i could be like her
The next response is engaging
If I were tan bun an, I wouldn't do that things, i will check all of the jars one by one and always keep thinking
positive about my parents, because however my parents will always try to give the best for me and i believe in
I do really agree with u all guys. if I were Tam Bun An, I wouldn't do that. I would see the content of the jars
first to make sure whether it contained gold or not.

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