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SDN Fx Healthcare - Avaya Healthcare & Network Segmentation Avaya

Software-Defined Networking
SDN Fx Healthcare

SDN Fx Healthcare

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Your On Ramp to the Internet of Things for Healthcare

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Get the Power and Protection of Network Segmentation

Use advanced network segmentation to reduce catastrophic breaches. SDN
Fx Healthcare creates virtualized network segments that isolate users and medical devices
from unauthorized access.
Automate onboarding of new medical devices. Once paired with a new type of
networking adapter, a medical device is automatically assigned custom security and flow
parameters that dynamically follow the device wherever it is connected on the network.
Manage inventory of thousands of medical devices. Addressing one of the
greatest challenges to an Internet of Things healthcare model, the SDN Fx Healthcare
management system provides the location and status of all on-boarded medical devices in
the network.
Assign flow priority by device and traffic type. Avaya uses Software-Defined
Networking to program and manage granular flows on a per-medical-device basis.[3/5/2016 5:41:43 PM]

SDN Fx Healthcare - Avaya Healthcare & Network Segmentation Avaya

Deliver New Innovation Fast

Deploying thousands of innovative devices faster and more securely can seem nearly impossible.
SDN Fx Healthcare provides the simplicity you need to automatically connect, helpsecure, and
manage the ever-growing number of technologies available.

Achieve Greater Efficiency and Lower Costs

The concept of the Internet of Things for Healthcare promises greater efficiency for medical
professionals and supporting staff. Make it reality with SDN Fx Healthcare, which provides affordable,
cost-effective infrastructure that reduces complexity and increases security.

Focus Your IT Resources Strategically

IT organizations typically spend too much time performing manual tasksknown as just keeping the
lights on. SDN Fx Healthcare lets IT organizations cut time spent on repetitive tasks and
troubleshooting.[3/5/2016 5:41:43 PM]

SDN Fx Healthcare - Avaya Healthcare & Network Segmentation Avaya

Fast Facts[3/5/2016 5:41:43 PM]

SDN Fx Healthcare - Avaya Healthcare & Network Segmentation Avaya

Stop Trading Off Rapid Device Deployment and Network Security

Digital healthcare organizations need to continuously launch innovative technologies delivered
on a massive number of medical devices. Traditional networking infrastructures are nearly
incapable of handling these thousands of deviceseach with hundreds of modelsin a
secure way. Typically, healthcare organizations are forced to choose between slow adoption of
new technology and adequate security. SDN Fx Healthcare is the industrys first smart
healthcare solution that automatically connects, helps secure, and manages IoT devices in
healthcare organizations.[3/5/2016 5:41:43 PM]

SDN Fx Healthcare - Avaya Healthcare & Network Segmentation Avaya

Avaya SDN Fx - Security at the Speed of Business [4:59]

How SDN Fx Healthcare Works

Open Automation is the key to addressing speed of device implementation as well as network
security. We use an Open Networking Adapter (ONA) running a Linux OS and Open vSwitch,
and an SDN Controller running OpenDaylight. The ONA acts as an intelligent network node for
the medical device. The ONA learns the devices profile and flow assignments from the SDN
controller, and when using Fabric Connect, automates network segmentation across the
network core.[3/5/2016 5:41:43 PM]

SDN Fx Healthcare - Avaya Healthcare & Network Segmentation Avaya

Manage the Internet of Things for Healthcare in Your Organization

With Avaya, give your clinical technology review board the confidence to select the best
technology available based on patient care, with no worry about network constraints. Get the
ability to easily move devices because the network dynamically configures security profiles and
flows. Add up the cost benefits of inventory tracking plus the improved efficiency of care staffs
and IT organizations.

White Paper[3/5/2016 5:41:43 PM]

SDN Fx Healthcare - Avaya Healthcare & Network Segmentation Avaya

Its Time for Healthcare IT to Evolve with Software-Defined Networking

Download now >

Free Evaluation[3/5/2016 5:41:43 PM]

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Explore How SDN Fx Healthcare Could Work in Your Network

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White Paper

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Software-Defined Data Center

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Avaya Inc., 4655 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA 956084-1233 USA[3/5/2016 5:41:43 PM]

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