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May 19th, 2008 Volume 1, Issue 4

Special points of
• Letter from the From the desk of the President: (I have events we’ve had on cam-
President always wanted to write that. Thanks pus. We do our best to
• Lifeskills Gradua- Woodrow for another dream come true.) make you feel like you are
tions more at home.
Dedicated staff and fellow students, as
• Live Concert President of the Student Government Anyone who would like to
With Wade
Association, it is my great pleasure to speak at the next SGA
welcome you to our community. First, I General Meeting should
• Memorial Day would like to thank all of you who have come to me so I can put
Weekend Cele- given me this oppor- your name on the
bration tunity. guest list. I would
like to say thank you
I firstly want to to all of the Veterans
Inside this issue:
thank Rick Sizemore and soldiers who are
Poetry Corner 4 for his support of the fighting overseas for
SGA. I would also our freedom. Re-
Dear Sara Advice 4 like to thank Sara member our soldiers
Column Moats for taking & loved ones on
pictures of the Me- Memorial Day.
New Committee 5 morial Day Week-
Members end Celebration. I I would like to con-
would like to thank gratulate all the stu-
Tornado/Fire Drill 5 all the volunteers for dents who graduated
Precautions helping with the from Life Skills.
event also.
Reverse Gender 5 The SGA has many
Beauty Pageant I would like to thank more events planned
everyone that has donated items to the for each and every one of
Congrats Tremaine 6
SGA for the SGA’s Silent Auction. We you students here at
appreciate all your donations. We are WWRC come out & see
still accepting donations so if you would what we’ve got planned.
How To Look After 8
like to donate items you can still do so
on Wednesday May 28th at the SGA Thanks & have a blessed
Memorial Day 9 closet. week.

Salute I would like to congratulate Tremaine Bean

Rollins on being able to participate in
Fishing Trip on 10 the International Wheelchair Games.
Friday Congrats Tremaine. I would also like to
congratulate Gary Davis for winning 1st
June Calendar 13 place for the guys in the pool tourna-
ment. I would also like to congratulate
Student Photos 21 Amanda Trifiatis in winning 1st place
for the girls. I hope each and every one
of you students enjoys some of the
Old Ragtime News Page 2

Lifeskills Graduation 25 April 2008

Nettie Benson
Ike Britt
Lucas Dixon
Tasha Ferguson
Michael Helgren
Adam Isley
Thomas McGrath
Charles Ross
Jeremy Taylor
Daniel Walker
Travis Wallace
Dashawn Ward
Emily Phillips
Jessica Zetterstrom
Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 3

Lifeskills Graduation 16 May 2008

Poetry Corner
Newsletter Title Page 4

One By One I Miss You

By Crystal Huff By Mariluz Ramey

One by one A little bit of you and a little bit of me

They march out Have switched respective places
To do their duties In a mystifying we
Trying to protect When miles come between us
Their loved ones And our lives are drawn apart
Some scared to die Our thoughts remain together
But not showing it Tugging softly at the heart
One by two This lonliness without you
They return Tells of special moments shared and across miles
Loved ones Just how much we’ve always carried
Dying and The emptiness that comes with just
Loved ones crying The memory of your touch stirs a
One by one Feeling from within
They march out That says I miss you very much
To do their duties
One by two
They return
One carrying the other

Dear Sara Advice Column

Dear Sara
It’s hard to get people involved in activities on campus. I’ve been try-
ing to put out flyers, emails & announcements to let the students
know of events. What do you think I can do to get more people in-
Signed Helpless at WWRC
Helpless at WWRC
You could go around and ask the students what they are interested in.
Get their ideas of what they enjoy doing. You could put out a box
that they can put their ideas in.
Volume 1, Issue 1
New Committee Members Page 5

• Leigh Anne Mitchell

• Leigh Anne Mitchell • Jennifer Sampson
• Nika Polsky • Stephanie Dunn • Hunter Crain
• Wendy Hurt
• Snoop
• Steven Howard
• Trent Sheridan
• Sarah Spanos • Travis Wallace
• Wendy Hurt • Nika Polsky
• Stephanie Klett • Jessica Zetterstrom
• Helen Dudley
• Travis Wallace
• Melanie Traifield
• Stephanie Dunn • Melinee Neaves

Tornado Fire Drill Precautions

• Go where there’s no • Go in bathroom or
glass Shower room
June 7th, 2008 Saturday
• Go into Quad
• Go in a basement Donations are still being accepted.
• Go under tables • Go into parking lot All donations can be dropped off
by the SGA Closet at 4PM on
Reverse Gender Beauty Pageant Wednesday May 28th.
June 12th, 2008 Thursday

Contestants Will be Judged on:

• Best Hair
• Best Makeup
• Most Beautiful
• Best Style
Newsletter Title Page 6

Congratulations Tremaine Rollins

Tremaine will be going to the International
Wheelchair Games in July. The games will
be held at Rutgers University in New Jersey.
Tremaine has qualified for the Shot Putt,
Disc Throw, & the Javelin Throw. This is a
great opportunity for Tremaine. Thanks to
all who encouraged Tremaine to get in-
volved in the Wheelchair Games. Thanks to
the SGA for sponsoring his membership in
Wheelchair Sports USA.
Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 7
Newsletter Title Page 8

How to Look After Yourself

Although some mental illnesses may be genetically predetermined, or otherwise unavoidable, there
are ways to keep the blues at bay and make sure your mind and body stay healthy and happy.

Eat well and keep fit

Regular, healthy meals and moderate exercise can make a significant difference to your moods.
You'll feel more energetic and able to look after yourself. There's also the added benefit of looking fit
and toned, which is a confidence booster.

Do something you love

Write a list of all the things in life that you enjoy, no matter how trivial they might seem at first. Now
plan to do at least one small thing every day, and have bigger things to look forward to as well. A
hobby or interest that totally absorbs your interest is great, even if it's just for an hour a week, but
don't take it to extremes and let it take over the whole of your life.

Make lots of friends

Even shy people can have an active social life. Get out and meet some new people, and remember -
they don't have to be identical to you to be good friends. Avoid people who drag you down all the
time and never give anything in return for your support. Seek out the company of others who make
you laugh, or feel inspired.

Learn how to handle stress

Don't be afraid of challenges, overcoming them will help to increase your self-confidence. Stress
management is not all about being passive, or lying down in a darkened room with a wet flannel on
your forehead! Learn some active techniques to help you relax, rather than monging out in front of
the telly, or getting drunk.

Big yourself up
If you're in the habit of putting yourself down a lot, try making a list of all your good qualities. Get a
friend to help you. You'll be surprised at how long that list turns out to be. Remind yourself of the list
from time to time.

Stay out of the downward spiral

Be honest about your feelings, but don't go on and on about feeling bad all the time to anyone who'll
listen, it will make you feel worse. Avoid sitting around and doing nothing for days on end, espe-
cially if you're feeling a bit down, keep busy or do something deliberate to relax yourself.

Keep your brain active

Take an interest in what's going on in the world, or at least one area of it. Be enthusiastic about life
and never stop learning.

Don't worry, be silly

Learn how to ignore the unimportant things that may niggle you, and break large unpleasant tasks
down into smaller, manageable chunks. Keep a sense of humour at all times, and try to see the funny
side of most situations.
Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 9
Old Ragtime News
Friday Off From School Page 10

Fishing Trip On Friday

Scoop Harris, Eric Canady, Sara Moats, Bear Willis, & Bean
went fishing on Friday and caught several fish. They fished
at Bald Rock Creek in Verona, VA.
Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 11

Are you wearing your nametag?

You MUST have it on when you are not in

your room!

Thank you.
Old Ragtime News
Memorial Day Weekend Celebration Page 12

Photos taken by Sara Moats

Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 13

June 2008
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
National Cancer SGA General Meeting Dorm Com. Meeting Activities Meeting 7P National Hunger SGA Silent Auc-
Survivor’s Day 5P 630P Awareness Day tion
Ambassador Meeting 9P
Pen Pal Day Old Ragtime News Health Fair 3P National Trails
Comes Out World Environment Day Day

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Abused Women & Ball Point Pen Day Activities Com. Meeting Friday the 13th Family History
Children’s Day Dorm Com. Meeting 7P Day
Ambassador meeting 9P Flag Day
Live performance by
Wade Sampson Reverse Gender Beauty World Blood
Pageant 630P Donor Day

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Father’s Day Old Ragtime News Committees Fair 6P Activities Com. Meeting Take Your Dog Go Skateboard-
Coming Out Dorm Com. Meeting 7P To Work Day ing Day
Thank You Party For 630P
Bob Ambassador meeting 9P

Family Awareness Kat Spivey & Sara

Day Moats Bday

Nature Photogra-
phy Day

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Fairy Day Dorm Com. Meeting Activities Com. Meeting Graduation
630P 7P National HIV
Ambassador Meeting 9P Testing Day
Handshake Day

29 30
Gay & Lesbian
Parade Day
Old Ragtime News Page 14

Memorial Day Weekend Celebration: BINGO

Photos taken by Sara Moats & Angela Bean

Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 15

Memorial Day Weekend Celebration: COOKOUT

Photos taken by Sara Moats & Angela Bean

Old Ragtime News Page 16

Memorial Day Weekend Celebration: Dancing

Photos taken by Sara Moats

Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 17

Memorial Day Weekend Celebration: GROUP SHOTS

Photos taken by Sara Moats

Old Ragtime News Page 18

Memorial Day Weekend Celebration: Piñata

Photos taken by Angela Bean

Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 19
Memorial Day Weekend Celebration: Playing Football

Memorial Day Weekend Celebration: SGA

Old Ragtime News Page 20

Memorial Day Weekend Celebration: Water Balloon Fight

Photos taken by Angela Bean

Volume 1, Issue 4
Student Photos Page 21
Newsletter Title Page 22

Funny Picture of the Week

Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 23
SGA Woodrow Wilson Rehabilitation Center is a fine institu-
tion to be a part of. The Student Government Associa-
tion and SGA Activities Committee works hard for all of
you students. We welcome suggestions and ideas from
P.O. Box 1500
Fishersville, VA every student at WWRC. We would like more students
22939 to be involved in the content of the Old Ragtime News
E-mail: Newsletter. We are looking for students to submit arti- cles and ideas to the e-mail addresses listed above.
Come out and enjoy the activities that we have planned
for you, come participate in the committees, submit
articles and your poems to the newspaper. Thanks for
From the desk of the President..
making this dream come true. From the desk of your
SGA President. ——- Bean (SGA President)

We’re on the web!

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