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Plan 1

Childs name: Elijah

Setting: Infants learning and play room
Date:; 3 November, 2014
Time: 10:00 am
Reason for planning Activity: Elijah is very keen on learning creative skills.
Thus, an activity, in accordance with his interests is planned to enhance his
cognitive development. In regard to this a set of pictures is selected which is a
puzzle of matching the interrelated items such as pencil with paper, table with
chair, water with glass and door with handle etc, and he is supposed to match
them appropriately. Similarly, one more activity is added to the plan, in the
animal toy corner, he is supposed to pick various animal toys, tell their name
and produce the sound they make.
In addition, Elijah is so curious about adapting and learning new kinds of
physical activities in play area, for example running, walking and playing on the
climbing frames. Hence, when he is involved in group play, he is supposed to
participate in games like finding different types of colours all around,
elaborating the different physical movements of body, for example, what do we
do to chase a thief ? etc.
He is also asked to draw the scenes of different places in the centre, and he is
asked to outline his most favourite image from picture puzzles.
Resources needed: Pictures, drawing book, colours, soft toys (animals),
climbing frames
Educators interactions: Elijah doesnt find any difficulty in coping with the
new games. He understands each and every instruction quickly When he is
involved in group plays, he is able to boost his level of self confidence, social
inclusion, interaction with peers, building up the level of confidence and being
less distracted by the surrounding noises. For example, initially he used to get
scared to see if any child used to shout and he ran away. However, now he
keeps concentrating on the tasks he is involved in. Furthermore, as an educator i
had nourished conversation about how child felt about his participation and
learning. I have observed that Elijah has developed independence to solve
problem skills and is able to express his feelings and emotions with peers. As a
whole, he enjoyed his experience.
This process witnesses the following learning outcomes:-

4.1 Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity,

cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence,
imagination and reflexivity.
5.1 Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of
Evaluation /reflection: This task focuses on improving cognitive and social
involvement, communication abilities of Elijah. According to this evaluation he
is able to perform the assigned task very well. An apparent evidence of this is
when child was curious to participate in the group and he wants to make his
own owl baby stick puppets for dramatic play. The child enjoys challenging his
limits and boundaries by creating climbing obstacle course that will encourage
him to use his problem-solving skills as well as test his physical abilities. Of
course this obstacle course will have elements of risk-taking, which I believe
will appeal to the child. This obstacle course will be built outside in the
playground area. I will introduce Elijah to the obstacle course and allow him to
attempt the course on his own initially. If I observe him requiring assistance, I
will provide it.

Plan 2
Childs name: Jonathan
Setting: Indoor play room (Centre)
Date: 9 November, 2014
Time: 11:00 am
Reason for experience planning: The Child enjoys role playing and engaging
in imaginative play across the program. He has a specific enthusiasm for
computer games including matching the blocks and shapes, craft materials
include; arranging beads, making paper toys, and finger paint. All this tend to
broaden the creative skills. The Child also thrives in the home corner/dramatic
play area and has begun to take on a leader role in these situations. The Child
does engage in some creative/art work such as clay modelling although
normally needs adult direction or prompts to engage in this type of play. The
Child displays a range of play skills and has really begun to enjoy and interact
in group play situations. It is apparently evident that the childs social and
cognitive development would be improved this way. Apart from that, stacking
and organising the blocks of different sizes and colours, swapping block models
with others in a group , is another category to enhance childs group play
Including the self behavioural control techniques such as vocalising rhymes to

attain attention of the others and learning the appropriate permission seeking
skills may help to improve the physical, communication and social abilities of

Resources needed: Colours, scissors, drawing sheets, clay

Educators interactions: Jonathan doesnt find any difficulty in coping with
the new skills. When he is asked about his participation in the group, he
expresses the pleasure he felt while being in a group. Ultimately, when he was
encouraged to try calming down to control his anger by rhymes, it worked for
him very well.
Evaluation /reflection: These activity covers a wide range of things, like
developing abstract thinking, refine understanding about the world in child. In
this way he is able to relate himself to peers positively. Moreover, the four
stages of cognitive play such as, repetitive muscle movement (running, banging,
stacking), dramatic play (use of imagination and role play), constructive play
(use of material to make crafts), games with predetermined rules tend to play a
major role in developing the specific abilities of childs character. The child also
learns the techniques to have self control and controlling his aggressiveness. To
evaluate this, i would ask peers to make him furious in the dramatic play and
how he behaves? For any further assistance, as an educator i would assist him if
he finds it difficult to cope up with the learnt techniques.

Plan 3
Childs name: Celine
Setting: Inside playroom and role play area (centre)
Date: 9 December, 2014
Time: 3:00 pm
Reason for planning this experience: The child feels appealed towards the
singing dancing and acting as well as learning from the audio and visuals. Apart
from this, she likes colours, and art and craft material. Thus, the plan
incorporates activities of her interest to expand his learning. Write the name of a
colour with a matching marker on each of the paper bags. Select colours that
child will find in the room ; brown, green, red, black, etc.
To develop the appropriate communication skills and helping her getting rid of
the rudeness, she must be handled positively, she should be told that it hurts
when she is rude. Use statements to calm her down Take a deep breath and
continue calmly what you want to say.
Similarly, she should be asked to copy english rhymes played for her in the CD,
reading and story telling, group play word games, teaching her new words, tie

words to actions and objects. It would enhance her social inclusion,

pronunciation of words, respecting others, seeking permission and she would
learn how to greet people.
Visual effects, facial expressions should be demonstrated via videos to show the
positive gesture such as how to smile, saying hi by waving hand etc.
The idea of sharing toys can be encouraged by elaborating examples of the
other children in front of Celine, for example, Celine! look at the boy, he
shares his toys very well.What a good boy or praise the child like I liked
the way you let others play with your toys. Great sharing!
Sorting activity should be carried out to help Celine sort various things and
items. I included pictures of numbers, words, clothes which are to be sorted into
groups, stacking fruits in a bowl. Such activities would encourage her
participation in groups and development of communication and cognitive skills.
To promote gender equity and involvement in group, encourage her to get
dressed like boys by asking politely Would you like to be a spider man for the
role play?

Resources needed: pictures of animals, numbers, words etc,dressing up clothes

(Spiderman),CDs of english rhymes and songs, vocabulary with audio, videos
of teaching appropriate ways to make facial expressions and gestures.
Spiderman play brochures the role play area could be set up as a spiderman
protecting people in danger, include a 4 other children, one is villian who is
kidnapping the other one who plays a role of child and rest two childs parent
who are concerned about his kidnapping.
Educators interactions: I noticed that when the child learned the rule and
techniques of forming groups, controlling her aggression, and communication,
the activity turned out to be fun. Moreover, once being made mindful of the
routes in which the gatherings of things are shaped, the action ended up being

Evaluation/ reflection: This is the first time when I noticed Celine interacting
very nicely with the boys and girls involved in the dramatic play. She seems to
be enjoying the group activity. In addition, she has also learnt ways positive
facial expressions and ways of greeting people with a smile on her face. Now,
she is polite and co-operative. It is evident from the situation when she is ready
to share her own dress with the girl named Alice for playing a role. She has
learned the way to respond when someone says Thank you, her response is
You Are welcome. In this way she has acquired the techniques of being
respectful to others, communicating appropriately which is very essential for

social, cognitive and emotional development. She has been practicing

vocabulary by repeating the sentences behind the audio and to evaluate her
pronunciation skills, I as an educator would provide her a list of more additional
words on the screen without audio and she will be asked to make an attempt to
pronounce those on her own. In case she requires assistance in pronouncing
them, i would help her by telling how to pronounce by connecting two different
alphabet sounds.

Plan 4
Group of children
Setting: Music and dance corner located around dining area of the playroom in
the centre
Date: 12 December, 2014
Time: 11 am
Reason for planning: dance activity, children were asked to first listen to
songs and then describe how they felt. It was a very interesting activity as apart
from enjoying the activity, they expressed their feeling in a very expressive
manner. Furthermore, kids were asked to first listen to tunes and afterward
portray how they felt. It was an exceptionally fascinating movement as
separated from getting a charge out of the action, they communicated their
inclination in an extremely expressive way
Resources needed:

Rhythm & musical instruments

Autoharp &/or piano

Records &/or tapes

Scarves & other dance props

CD player and selection of cd's

Educators interactions: it was a very good activity as children loved the way
different types of music played and how it influenced their moods and thoughts.
Moreover, it was a decent movement as youngsters cherished the way diverse
sorts of music played and how it affected their mind-sets and contemplations
Evaluation reflection: in order to provide positive and safe environment efforts
were in place to ensure that all expressions given by children were accepted
without any discussion. Likewise, so as to give positive and safe environment
endeavours were set up to guarantee that all interpretations given by youngsters
were acknowledged without any examination

Plan 5
Empathy development
Setting: centre
Date: 3 October 2014
Time: 11 am
Reason for planning this experience: children were shown photographs of
homeless dogs and kittens and they were asked to express their thoughts
regarding the ways in which they can help the animals. Furthermore, kids were
indicated photos of homeless parrots and little birds and they were asked to
express their considerations with respect to the courses in which they can help
the creatures.
Resources needed: photographs of various animals who needed help and care
Educators interactions: children were able to empathise with the animals and
they were further able to express how they can help. Moreover, kids have the
capacity feel for the creatures and they were further ready to express how they
can offer more assistance
Evaluation reflection: this activity was multifaceted, not only was the children
able to understand the situation the animals were in, they were able to feel it and
suggest ways to improve the plight of the animals.
Moreover, as this movement was complex, not just was the youngsters ready to
comprehend the circumstances the creatures were in, they found themselves
able to feel it and recommend approaches to enhance the s ituation of the
Plan 6
Police are friends
Setting: centre
Date: 4 October 2014
Time: 11am
Reason for planning this experience: how to ask for help in case of an
emergency was an activity that was designed to help children develop the ability
to help themselves or anyone in need. Moreover, the most effective method to
request help if there should arise an occurrence of a crisis was a movement that
was intended to help kids create the capacity to help themselves or anybody in
Resources needed: pictures
Educators interactions: children were made aware that in case they ever get in
trouble, like get lost, get; locked in a room, approached by strangers or any act
where they do not feel comfortable or threatened, they can ask for help.
Moreover, youngsters were made mindful that in the event that they ever get
into a bad situation, as get lost, get; secured a room, approached by outsiders or

any demonstration where they don't feel good or undermined, they can request
Evaluation reflection: for example children were taught the importance of 000
number. In case of any serious issue where they feel threatened and cannot find
their parents or local guardians, like if they get lost while on a trip or activity,
they can approach the police. Police will help them unite with family and the
issue will be resolved immediately. Moreover, If there should arise an
occurrence of any genuine issue where they feel debilitated and can't discover
their guardians or neighbourhood watch, in the same way as in the event that
they get lost while on a trek or movement, they can approach the police. Police
will help them unite with family and the issue will be determined quickly.
Plan 7
Maths patterns
Setting: centre
Date: 4 October
Time: noon
Reason for planning this experience: numbers are a very good way to entertain
and learn.
Resources needed: 10 paper glass or cups
Educators interactions: children were asked to stack cups and glass according
to the number of members in their family. It turns out to be a good learning
activity where they can learn about number and relate it with daily life.
Moreover, kids were asked to stack cups and glass as per the number of siblings
they had. It just so happens to be a decent learning action where they can
research number and relate it with day by day life.
Evaluation reflection: numbers are part of life and children should learn them
from the very beginning. Moreover, kids ought to take interest in number them
from the earliest starting point so that they are acquainted with numbers.
Plan 8
Different parts of a plant
Setting: centre garden
Date: 8October
Time: 11 am
Reason for planning this experience: plants are vital for human life and it is
necessary for children to learn various parts of a plant, like root, shoot,
branches, leaves, flowers.
Resources needed: photographs of plants
Educators interactions: learning more about various components of a plant is a
very fun and learning experience for children as its something totally new for

them. Moreover, learning all the more about different functions of plants parts is
an exceptionally fun and learning background for kids as its something
completely new for them.
Evaluation reflection: this is a learning exercise as it helps children learn about
the environment around them. Moreover, this is a learning practice as it helps
kids research the nature's domain around them.
Plan 9
Language learning
Setting: centre
Date:9 October
Time: 11 am
Reason for planning this experience: helping children learn new words. For
example children were taught the world gratitude and what does is mean.
Moreover, they were told about the importance of gratitude in life. Moreover by
helping kids learn new words. For instance kids were taught the world
appreciation and what does is mean. In addition, they were told about the
imperativeness of appreciation in life.
Resources needed: print out of the word
Educators interactions: children were in introduced to the new word and they
were happy to learn what it means and what its importance is. Moreover,
youngsters were acquainted with the new word and they were glad to realize
what it means and what its imperativeness is
Evaluation reflection: this was a fun activity as children exposed gratitude to a
lot many things and people and it was in total a fun exercise. Moreover, this was
a fun action as kids presented appreciation to a great deal numerous things and
individuals and it was altogether a fun exercise
Plan 10
Intentional activity
Setting: centre
Date: 9 October
Time: 4 pm
Reason for planning this experience: unity is strength
Resources needed: a story board and story pictures.
Educators interactions: children were read a story that explains how unity helps
in adverse times and how unity is important growth and development.
Furthermore, kids were perused one more story that clarifies how solidarity
helps in unfriendly times and how solidarity is critical development and
Evaluation reflection: unity is an important lesson and it is wise to help children

learn this lesson early in life. Lastly, solidarity is a critical lesson and it is
insightful to help kids realize this lesson right on time in life.

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