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1. Sebutkan dan buatkan bagan macam-macam strategi di dalam perusahaan!


a. EFE Matrix (111)
b. IFE Matrix (152)
c. Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) (113)

TOWS Matrix (207)

Strategic Position and Action Evaluation Matrix (SPACE) (208)
Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix (212)
Internal-External (IE) Matrix (217)
Grand Strategy Matrix (219)


a. Quantitive Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM) (221)
2. Apa yang dimaksud dengan etika bisnis dan CSR? Berikan contohnya!
Business ethics: principles of conduct within organizations that guide
decision-making and behavior
Social responsibility: actions an organization takes beyond what is
legally required to protect or enhance the well-being of living things

3. Buatkan langkah-langkah dalam membuat suatu business plan dan faktor apa
saja yang harus diperhatikan?
a. Executive Summary
The pitch on how we inten to make money on our opportunity for
ourselves, our investors, and the other financial stakeholders
b. Company Overview
How we govern our business tasks and processes with out current means.
This is the part when you give the glance description about your company.
c. Situation Overview
The current situations and predictions for our opportunity and they key
factors to success.
Steven Sebastian

Describe the conditions of your company, what is the position in the

market, and what are the factors that you could use to develop the
company to execute the upcoming opportunity.
d. Market Strategy
How we actually intend to deliver superior customer value to our target
This is how we describe our deep understanding about market and how
we have already prepared with all possible strategies to ensure that the
markets would be ours.
e. Organization Design
The people and the partners making all the proposed tasks and activities.
It is about describing the supports that the company would have to reach
the goal. The supports would be from the internal of the organization, and
also from the external partners of the organization
f. Financial Statements
How We finance our operations and appropriate value from them.
It describes the current financial conditions of the company, and/or the
predictions of the financial conditions of the company in the future, and
how it would give the benefits to the investors.
Business Concept:
It clarifies the idea or design in the words. This is important to clarify the idea
or the design to the audience so they would be able to understand the
concept easily and more importantly, clearly.

Keep it in a paraghraph consists of two or three sentences

Make a cleary identifications about what your product or service is
Explain what your company will do.
Clarify the unique aspects of your business.
Combine all factors that you have into a solid concept statement.

Things you should know about the field:

a. Customers (Who, Ages, Expenses, Preferences, Religions, Educations, etc)
b. Competitors (How Many, How Strong, What they do)
c. History (What happened in that field in the past that would be strongly
related to your business)
d. Future Predictions (Location Development, Possibility of Substitutional
Products in the future)
e. Government Regulations , Political Issues

Steven Sebastian

4. Sebutkan beberapa hal perbedaan antara formulasi strategi dengan

implementasi strategi!
Strategy Formulation
Positioning forces before the action
Focuses on effectiveness
Primarily an intellectual process
Requires good intuitive and analytical
Requires coordination among a few

Strategy Implementation
Managing forces during the action
Focuses on efficiency
Primarily an operational process
Requires special motivation and
leadership skill
Requires coordination among many

5. Sebutkan macam-macam struktur organisasi beserta keuntungan dan

kekurangannya dalam suatu perusahaan dan berikan contoh struktur
organisasi perusahaan yang memiliki beberapa anak perusahaan dan
termasuk didalam struktur organisasi apa perusahaan tersebut?
a. The Functional Structure
Groups tasks and activities by business function, such as
production/operations, marketing, finance/accounting, research and
development, and management information systems

Steven Sebastian

b. The Divisional Structure

Functional activities are performed both centrally and in each separate
Geographic area, product or service, customer, process

Steven Sebastian

c. The SBU structure

Groups similar divisions into strategic business units and delegates
authority and responsibility for each unit to a senior executive who
reports directly to the chief executive officer
Can facilitate strategy implementation by improving coordination
between similar divisions and channeling accountability to distinct
business units
d. The Matrix Structure

Steven Sebastian

vertical and
and communication

Most complex of all designs because it

depends upon both
horizontal flows of authority
For a


structure to be

organizations need participative planning, training, clear mutual

understanding of roles and responsibilities, excellent internal
communication, and mutual trust and confidence
6. Variabel-variabel apa saja yang memberikan efek langsung bagi perusahaan

dalam membuat segmentasi pasar dan berikan minimal 2 contoh dari

masing-masing variable tersebut!

Steven Sebastian

Market Segmentation: subdividing of a market into distinct subsets of

customers according to needs and buying habits

Widely used in implementing strategies

Strategies such as market development, product development, market

penetration, and diversification require increased sales through new
markets and products

Market segmentation allows a firm to operate with limited resources

because mass production, mass distribution, and mass advertising are
not required

Market segmentation decisions directly affect marketing mix variables:

product, place, promotion, and price

Steven Sebastian

Retention-Based Segmentation
Tag #1: Is this customer at high risk of canceling the companys service?
Tag #2: Is this customer worth retaining?
Tag #3: What retention tactics should be used to retain this customer?

Steven Sebastian

7. Sebutkan aktifitas dasar yang harus dilakukan oleh perusahaan dalam

mengevaluasi strategi dan sebutkan hal-hal apa saja yang harus diperhatikan
dalam mengevaluasi strategi berdasarkan kriteria rumelts!

Steven Sebastian

Steven Sebastian

Strategy evaluation includes three basic activities:

1. Examining the underlying bases of a firms strategy
2. Comparing expected results with actual results
3. Taking corrective actions to ensure that performance conforms to plans

8. Restructuring
a. involves reducing the size of the firm in terms of number of employees,
number of divisions or units, and number of hierarchical levels in the
firms organizational structure
b. also called downsizing, rightsizing, or delayering
involves reconfiguring or redesigning work, jobs, and processes for the
purpose of improving cost, quality, service, and speed
also called process management, process innovation, or process
Steven Sebastian

Kisi-Kisi 2
1. Sebutkan 5 komponen dalam pembuatan mission statement!
a. CustomersWho are the firms customers?
b. Products or servicesWhat are the firms major products or
c. MarketsGeographically, where does the firm compete?
d. TechnologyIs the firm technologically current?
e. Concern for survival, growth, and profitabilityIs the firm
committed to growth and financial soundness?
f. PhilosophyWhat are the basic beliefs, values, aspirations, and
ethical priorities of the firm?
g. Self-conceptWhat is the firms distinctive competence or major
competitive advantage?
h. Concern for public imageIs the firm responsive to social,
community, and environmental concerns?
i. Concern for employeesAre employees a valuable asset of the
2. 5 Forces Model of Competition

Steven Sebastian

1. Identify key aspects or elements of each competitive force that impact the
2. Evaluate how strong and important each element is for the firm.
3. Decide whether the collective strength of the elements is worth the firm
entering or staying in the industry.
Condition for high bargaining power of consumers:


buyers can inexpensively switch

buyers are particularly important
sellers are struggling in the face of falling consumer demand
buyers are informed about sellers products, prices, and costs
buyers have discretion in whether and when they purchase the product

Condition for high bargaining power of suppliers:

Large numbers of suppliers

Few substitutes

Costs of switching raw materials is high

4. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Allocating Resources dalam implementasi

Mengapa Allocating Resources penting untuk dilakukan?
Resource Allocation: central management activity that allows for
strategy execution
Steven Sebastian

Often based on political or personal factors

Strategic management enables resources to be allocated according to
priorities established by annual objectives
Financial, Physical, Human, Technological.
Purpose: accomplishment of an organizations objectives. Managers
normally have many more tasks than they can do. Managers must
allocate time and resources among these tasks.
Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan Conflict?
Sebutkan dan jelaskan masing-masing cara menangani Conflict!
Conflict: disagreement between two or more parties on one or more
Establishing annual objectives can lead to conflict because individuals
have different expectations and perceptions, schedules create
pressure, personalities are incompatible, and misunderstandings occur
between line managers and staff managers
Cara-cara menangani conflict:
includes such actions as ignoring the problem in hopes that the conflict
will resolve itself or physically separating the conflicting individuals
includes playing down differences between conflicting parties while
accentuating similarities and common interests
exemplified by exchanging members of conflicting parties so that each
can gain an appreciation of the others point of view or holding a
meeting at which conflicting parties present their views and work
through their differences


6. Sebutkan dan jelaskan cara menangani penolakan terhadap perubahan!

Managing Resistance to Change:
Force change strategy
involves giving orders and enforcing those orders
Educative change strategy
one that presents information to convince people of the need for
Self-interest change strategy
one that attempts to convince individuals that the change is to their
personal advantage
7. Sebutkan dan jelaskan minimal 3 cara yang dilakukan pada Labor Cost
Saving Tactics!

Steven Sebastian

Steven Sebastian

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