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The first real mobile telephone call was made in 1973 by Dr Martin Cooper, the
scientist who invented the modern mobile handset. As soon as his invention was complete, he
tested it by calling a rival scientist to announce his success. Within a decade, mobile phones
became available to the public. The streets of modern cities began to feature sharp-suited
characters shouting into giant plastic bricks. In Britain the mobile phone quickly became
synonymous with the yuppie, the new breed of young urban professionals who carried the
expensive handsets as status symbols. Around this time many of us swore that we would
never, ever own a mobile phone.
But in the mid-90s, something happened. Cheaper handsets and cheaper calling rates
meant that, almost overnight, it seemed that everyone had a mobile phone. And the giant
plastic bricks of the 80s had evolved into smooth little objects that fitted nicely into pockets
and bags. In every pub and restaurant you could hear the bleep and buzz of mobiles ringing
and registering messages, occasionally breaking out into primitive versions of the latest pop
Moreover, peoples timekeeping changed. Younger readers will be amazed to know
that, not long ago, people made spoken arrangements to meet at a certain place at a certain
time. Once a time and place had been agreed, people met as agreed. Somewhere around the
new millennium, this practice started to die out. Meeting times became approximate, subject
to change at any moment under the new order of communication: the Short Message Service
(SMS) or text message. Going to be late? Send a text message! It takes much less effort than
arriving on time, and its much less awkward than explaining your lateness face-to-face. Its
the perfect communication method for the busy modern lifestyle. Like email before it, the text
message has altered the way we write in English, bringing more abbreviations and a more lax
approach to language construction. The160-character limit on text messages has led to a new,
abbreviated version of English for fast and instantaneous communication. Traditional rules of
grammar and spelling are much less important when youre sitting on the bus, hurriedly
typing Will B 15min late - C U @ the bar. Sorry! :-).
Mobile phones are now a vital part of daily life for an enormous amount of people.
From schoolchildren to pensioners, every section of society has found that its easier to stay in
touch when youve got a mobile. Over the last few years mobiles have become more and
more advanced, with built-in cameras, global positioning devices and internet access. And in
the next couple of years, we can expect to see the arrival of the third generation of mobile
phones: powerful micro-computers with broadband internet access, which will allow us to
watch TV, download internet files at high speed and send instant video clips to friends.
Alexander Graham Bell would be amazed if he could see how far the science of
telephony has progressed in less than 150 years. If he were around today, he might say:
Thats gr8! But Im v busy rite now. Will call U 2nite.
by Craig Duncan

Vocabulary pre-teaching
Cellular, cell phone, Mobile phone, handset, - Put the tones on / off - Enter codes: PIN, PUK To dial a number - To make a call - To send / write an SMS fixed telephone operator
Answer the questions
1. How did Cooper try his invention?
2. Mobile phones were very popular in the mid-90s. How do you know that?
3. Give an example of the advantages of mobile phones.
4. The invention has improved over the years. Mention two examples of the
Vocabulary: Match the words with the synonyms

Available (4)
Overnight (10 )
Smooth (11 )
Moreover (15 )
Evolve(11 )

a. suddenly
b. develop
c. soft
d. solve
e. in addition
f. accessible

Vocabulary: Find the words with the synonyms in the indicated paragraphs
1. Finish (parg.1)= complete
2. Telephone (parg2)= handset
3. Type, kind (par.1)= breed
4. Negligent (Par.3)= lax
5. Surprised (parag 5)= amazed
Are the sentences True or False? Justify
1. Ten years after their discovery, mobile phones became affordable for everybody.
False: only new...... l.6
2. There were many mobiles in the 90s.
True: ... make you think that everyone had a mobile phone
3. Mobile phones are making people lose the sense of respect for meeting hours.
True: meeting times became approximate ...
4. The SMS writing imposes abbreviation sometimes.
True: 160 characters .
1. .... he tested it _______________
2. ... the new breed of young professionals.. _______________
3. .... giant plastic bricks _______________
4. ... he could see how _______________

This summary is full of errors. Correct them.

Mobile phone is a precious tool of communication. Since its discovery by Graham Bell, it's
been getting more and more sophisticated. By 1973, everyone could afforded. With mobile
phone, you can surf the Net, write any message you like no matter how long it is, and many
other things except taking photographs. It has promoted tranquility in public places. Very,
fourth generation 4G telephones have been created. That's gr8. !
Fill in the gaps using words from the text
But in the mid-90s, something happened. Cheaper .........1 and cheaper calling rates meant
that, almost .........2, it seemed that everyone had a mobile phone. And the ..........3 plastic
bricks of the 80s had evolved into ............4 little objects that fitted nicely into .........5 and
bags. In every pub and restaurant you could hear the bleep and buzz of mobiles ringing and
.............6 messages, occasionally breaking out into primitive versions of the latest ........7
Communicative competence
Rewrite the first paragraph by filling the gaps
handset, ....................................... (1). No sooner ......................................................... (2) to
announce his success. Within a decade, mobile phones became available to the public. The
streets of modern cities began to feature characters .............................. (3) shouting into giant
plastic bricks. In Britain the mobile phone quickly became synonymous with the yuppie, the
new breed of young urban professionals. (4).............................................. the expensive
handsets as status symbols. Around this time many of us swore that
never ................................................ (5) own a mobile phone.
Reformulate or complete
Salif - Mobile phone is very convenient.
Modou - Right! When you get a mobile, its easier to stay in touch, ......1....... ? isnt it
Salif - If Bell were around today, he might say: Thats gr8!
Modou - (laugh) were ................2...... Bell, I might / would say that! were Bell around today
Salif - Mobile phone offers a lot of advantages!
Modou - Yes, but despite ...3., it is a source of some problems in our society. all its
Salif - Definitely, its because people use it .......4................. (appropriate). Inappropriately
Modou - It has caused isolation. People dont .....5........ (society) as before. Socialize
Salif - Thats true. I wish..................6.............. it had not caused / people socialized
Modou - Another problem is that mobile phone often disturbs.
Salif - I agree with you. It is due to .......................7....................................... use it. If people
Modou: Look at my uncle! He has three mobile phones and calls all the time.
Salif: Three? Ah, he ..........9.................... spend a lot of money on credit cards! must
Modou Anyway, It is time mobiles phones ....10.......... (stop) ringing everywhere. stopped

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