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The Fifth Basic Taste

I choose these topic because knowledge of basic taste are
important especially for junior chef like we are. And I choose the
fifth taste because people usually know only 4 basic taste. so I
hope, I can give some valuable information for our career in the
Taste is the sensation produced when a substance in the
mouth reacts chemically with taste receptor cells located on taste
buds. Until 1908, the world recognize four basic tastes. They are
sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Sweet taste signals a source energy
such as sugar and carbohydrate . Salty taste signals the presence of
minerals that are essential to help maintain the optimal balance of
body fluid. A sour taste warn us when food is rotten or unripe. A
bitter taste signals that something such as a toxin is harmful to the
In 1908, di Kikunae Ikeda, scientist if Tokyo Imperial
University discovered a new basic taste. He called it umami.
Umami is Japanese word, from umai and mi. umai mean

delicious and mi mean taste. So, Umami mean pleasant savory

taste. He discovered umami from research on the seaweed broth
(kombu dashi). It is usually used for the Japanese dish. Dr. Ikeda
wanted to find out component of seaweed broth which made
delicious of food. After researching, he found that glutamate was
the key to the taste of seaweed broth and he called umami
After Dr. Ikeda discovered of glutamate as one of umami
component. in 1913 Mr. Shintaro Kodama discovered Inosinate as
one of umami components. He discovered that umami source in
dried bonito is the nucleotide inosinate.
In 1957, dr. kuninaka discovered that nucleotide guanylate is
one of umami components. He discovered it from dried shitake
mushroom that have umami taste.
People People taste umami through receptors for glutamate.
Most taste buds on the tongue and other regions of the mouth can
detect umami taste, irrespective of their location. Therefore
glutame important part of umami taste. Glutamate receptors not
only on the tounge but also in the stomach. And glutame is the
only amino acid that react with gastric vagal nerve and sent signal
to the brain. Umami taste signals the presence of proteins which
are essential to human life

A great variety of umami rich food are used in different

cuisines across the globe. in Asia , umami is found mainly in beans,
grains, fermented seafood based products, dried shiitake
mushrooms, kombu and seaweed. In western cuisine, umami rich
ingredients such as beef, pork, cheese and tomatoes are used to
make seasonings and condiments and feremented or cured
seasonings and condiments rich in umami that are derived from
meat, fish, beans and grains are also used to add flavor to food. In
Indonesia it can be found in terasi, soy bean, tempe
Even though umami is commonly present in many food,
including tomatoes, mushroom, cheese, cured ham, and
anchovies,miso, belachan , etc it took some time for it to be
recognized internationally. this happen because almost all food In
the world contains of various amino acid. But Japanese dashi is
different. it contain free amino acid mostly glutame and aspartate.
So we will be easy to recognize umami. The easy way to find out
the umami taste with eat ripe and sun-dried tomatoes, parmesan
cheese, cured ham, mushrooms.
The levels of umami increase significantly during the
ripening process of food, such as process ripening cheese, ham,
tomatoes. As tomatoes ripen, glutamate levels increase significantly

and soul level decrease. Fully ripened red tomatoes contain the
most glutamate.
Umami taste is like salt and sweet. But it is different. Umami
give a lot of sensation in mouth, such as tongue coating sensation.
When you eat food with umami taste your mouth will be watery
and you will feel something that long lasting in the mouth.
Nowdays, umami give big role in food industry, because
umami give a lot of advantagex , such as :

Role in Flavor Enhancement

Umamis role as a natural flavor enhancer . give MSG that give

umami taste will enhace the flavor of food and make food more

Substitute of salt
Salt has been under increased scrutiny due to its

relationship to hypertension, a major risk factor in

cardiovascular disease By using MSG or other source
umami, we reduce add salt in food. Proper use of the umami
taste could contribute up to a 50% salt reduction without
compromising consumer acceptance


Role in Reducing Dietary Fat

Obese people was caused by too much fat. Diets that

are low in flavor, variety, and intensity tend to fail. Obese

people have different orosensory and orohedonic
experiences than non-obese. They experience reduced
sweetness, which probably intensifies fat sensations, and
like both sweet and fat more than the non-obese The savory
nature of umami helps create a fullness of taste that people
perceive as mouthfeel or texture

Role in appetite regulation

We are innately programmed to seek the umami taste when we are

hungry. When we are sated, we are less driven to seek protein.
Umami is one of basic taste. It is discovered by Dr. Kikunae
Ikeda in 1908. It like savory that give you sensation of tongue
coating sensation, long lasting, rounding, bouillon like, mouth
watery. umami components are glutamate, inosinate, and
guanylate. Nowadays umami use in Substitute of salt, Role in Flavor
Enhancement, Role in Reducing Dietary Fat, Role in appetite


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