2010-04-29 ETRA Handout

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Ewing Township Redevelopment Agency


Guiding Principles
of R edevelopment in
E w i n g. . .
Through public input and consensus over the Creating Opportunities in the
last 2 years, the Redevelopment planning
process developed guiding principles for O l d e n Ave n u e B u s i n e s s D i s t r i c t
the Olden Avenue Business District and its
surrounding communities. These principles Leveraging each other’s assets makes good economic sense even during boom times. A community
serve as a baseline by which projects is only as good as the sum of it parts, and a spirit of community, especially within a business
will be designed and measured in order district such as Olden Avenue, can spark new opportunities if the right tools are present to
to create a holistic approach that works facilitate creativity and investment within the private sector marketplace. Without guidelines that
toward a new and improved way of doing set forth a standard to work from, predictability comes into question and investments become
business in Ewing Township. By leveraging more risky to those who are making the decisions to invest in one location or another.
each other’s assets, the idea is to not only
increase ratables, but develop strong, The first phase of the Olden Avenue Redevelopment Plan (OARP) (adopted in September 2009)
sustainable ones that raises the overall sets forth a vision that works to create guiding principles that are rigid in the standard they set,
standard of living, improves the area’s but flexible in application. The Plan sets forth standards that apply to economic development
socioeconomic condition, and creates new along the corridor, while Phase II (in-progress today) will finalize the design of the roadway itself.
opportunities for growth. Generally, the The OARP was split into two phases because of the complexities involved in ensuring private
principles work to: investment is supported with public infrastructure that is safe, efficient, and accommodating to
all users.
1. Utilize proven planning and design
techniques to develop a business- A good plan sets the stage for strong growth. Even though the market is weak at this time,
friendly atmosphere. the OARP is already gaining momentum. Concepts for new development are currently being
2. Improve access for all modes of travel- advanced that will add quality development to the Avenue while accommodating future
pedestrian and vehicular. opportunities for adjacent properties to not only capitalize upon, but reciprocate through future
3. Improve pedestrian safety. design efficiencies and the additional development potential that naturally ensues from such an
4. Allow the existing business community approach.
to thrive while allowing the long-term
vision to be implemented.
5. Coordinate parking in order to
maximize development potential
and rationalize access and mobility
patterns throughout the district.
6. Leverage private investment in
economic development with public
investment in supporting infrastructure.
7. Provide new housing opportunities in
strategic locations as a tool to spur
economic development.
8. Incorporate open space and “green”
design standards.
9. Create a destination that creates
a strong business district that
is accessible to surrounding

For More I n for mat ion or Schedu le a n

Appointment, Contact:
M r . Ty r o n e G a r r e t t , J D
Executive Director
E w i n g To w n s h i p R e d e v e l o p m e n t A g e n c y
2 Ja ke Ga rzio Dr ive
Ew i ng , N J 08628
6 0 9 - 8 8 3 -2 9 0 0 e x t 76 4 8 Olden Avenue Redevelopment Area Subarea Map
P H A S E I I o f t h e OA R P
R o a d w a y D e s i g n - “ T h e Ta m i n g o f O l d e n A v e n u e ”
The culmination of three open public meetings, including April 29, 2010
the Township Planning Board yielded many comments
that were summarized for public discussion. These O l d e n Av e n u e R e d e v e l o p m e n t I n i t i a t i v e
meetings focused on the function of the Redevelopment
Area’s streets with the focus on creating a better place to O b j e c t ive s fo r Ro a d wa y D e s i g n
shop and do business. These issues were then utilized
to inform the objectives and recommendations for the #1) Improve safety and mobility for all users of the Olden Avenue
District’s roadways. Public input has been critical to Redevelopment Area.
developing the new vision for what the Avenue can be. Through the design of proven traffic calming measures, the Plan will work to facilitate a safe
and pleasing environment to shop and do business within. Improving the business district in this
regard work to improve its community value and thus will have positive effect on surrounding
neighborhoods. Such measures will likely include:
• The reduction of pedestrian conflicts through site design.
• Introduction of streetscape elements that work to frame the roadway and calm traffic,
• Initial re-stripping of the roadway to reduce the “design speed” and calm traffic
• Work with the business community to develop a way-finding system that addresses business needs
and enhances visibility.
• Improve crossing of roadways to ensure safe efficient movements for all users by introducing
concepts that clearly delineate pedestrian and bicycle movements including use of such concepts
as round-a-bouts, mid-block crossings and different paving materials.

#2) Maximize pedestrian and bicycle safety and accessibility from site to site as
well surrounding neighborhoods.
In order to reduce the number of vehicle trips and facilitate the use of bus transportation, Olden
Avenue and its associated street network must;
• Include sidewalks along property frontages outside the curbline, linking walkways and parking
facilities to businesses .
• Create logical pedestrian linkages between adjacent properties as well as cross-access easements
for vehicular connections between properties.
• Provide safe pedestrian and bicycle movements along the roadway and safe crossings at
intersections and other designated crossings.
• Create a system of local streets and/or shared access drives that that allow shared access and local
movements while allowing regional movements to continue.
• Create strong access to public parks and open spaces.

#3) Create a visual identity for the “Avenue” that bolsters economic opportunity
and neighborhood stabilization.
Through the use of coordinated design elements, seek to associate it as a distinct business “district”
within Ewing Township. Basic design elements will include clearly delineated sidewalks, pedestrian-
oriented street furniture, light fixtures and coordinated landscaping. Such an identity must also be
functional to the regional needs as well.

#4) Provide streetscape improvements along Olden Avenue in accordance with

the final design agreed upon by the Mercer County Transportation Department.
Coordinated with safety and mobility improvements, streetscape should work to improve the aesthetic
value of the road network while working with land uses and its associated signage to calm traffic.

#5) Provide adequate parking that maximizes access while minimizing the
number of trips necessary to achieve a consumer’s needs.
Working to reveal the enhanced economic opportunities present in sharing parking facilities through
the inherent efficiencies in design, coordinate parking in such a manner that reduces front yard
parking, only if sufficient space is not available in the rear or side yard area. This leaves the road
frontage available for landscaped buffers and pedestrian access points consisting of pathways, beds of
ground-cover and shrubs.

Goal 6) Create the ability to coordinate and improve access to businesses

through additional road network that reduces the need to utilize Olden for every
point of access.


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