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DIMAS WILLY PRAYOGA (1510631020064)
FAHMI (1510631020083)
PUTRI PERMATASARI (1510631020170)
SELIA INANI HALIMAH (1510631020198)


Jl. HS. Ronggo Waluyo, Teluk Jembe Timur, Karawang Jawa Bawat



DIMAS WILLY PRAYOGA (1510631020064)
FAHMI (1510631020083)
PUTRI PERMATASARI (1510631020170)
SELIA INANI HALIMAH (1510631020198)


Jl. HS. Ronggo Waluyo, Teluk Jembe Timur, Karawang Jawa Bawat


First at all, we praised to Allah SWT for His loves and graces for us.
Thanks to Him for helping us and giving us the chance to finish this assignment
on time. And we would like to say thank you to Mrs. Anggi Panca Arnu as the
lecturer who always teaches us and gives us much knowledge about the
management field.
This paper is made to fulfill Management Introductions assignment. We
composed this paper with various references and cooperation from each member
of the group, so we can complete this paper. For that, we would like to say thank
you for everyone who helped us in making this paper.
However, we realize this paper is not perfect yet. Even that, we still hope it
can be useful for others. Critics and suggestion is needed here to develop our
ability in writing paper for next assignments.

Karawang, September 28th , 2015



Cover ................................................................................................................ i
Preface .............................................................................................................. ii
Content .............................................................................................................. iii
CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1
1.1 Background .................................................................................................
1.2 Problem Formulation...................................................................................
1.3 Purpose .......................................................................................................
1.4 Benefits ........................................................................................................


CHAPTER II: DISCUSSION........................................................................ 3

2.1 Theoretical Based .......................................................................................
2.1.1 Definition of Directing ........................................................................
2.1.2 Experts Opinion...................................................................................
2.2 Importance of Directing ..............................................................................
2.3 Directing Characteristics .............................................................................
2.4 Directing Principles .....................................................................................
2.5 Elements in Directing ..................................................................................
2.5.1 Communication....................................................................................
2.5.2 Supervision ..........................................................................................
2.5.3 Motivation............................................................................................
2.5.4 Leadership ...........................................................................................
2.6 Methods in Directing...................................................................................
2.6.1 Orientation ...........................................................................................
2.6.2 Command ............................................................................................
2.6.3 Delegation of Authority.......................................................................
2.7 Factors Affecting Performance of Directing ...............................................


CHAPTER III: CLOSING ............................................................................ 28

3.1 Conclusion................................................................................................... 28
3.2 Advices........................................................................................................ 28
Correction ........................................................................................................ iv
References ......................................................................................................... v



1.1 Background
Management is taken from to manage which means manage be in
charge of a business, organization or undertaking. The English verb manage
comes from Italian maneggiare (to handle, especially tools), which derives
from the two Latin words manus (hand) and agere (to act).
defines management is the function that coordinates the efforts of people to
accomplish goals and objectives by using available resources effectively and
efficiently. According to English Oxford Dictionaries, management (n) ; the
process of dealing with or controlling things or people.
Management has been described as a social process involving
responsibility for economical and effective planning and regulation of an
enterprise in the fulfillment of given purposes. It is a dynamic process
consisting of various elements and activities. These activities are different
from operative functions like marketing, finance, purchase, etc. Rather these
activities are common to each and every manger irrespective of his level or
The function of management is to achieve goals in the best way, least
time and usually with the use of existing facilities as well as possible.
Different experts set different functions of management.


functions of the experts represented by the similarities and differences. But

basically, they have some similar point about it.
One of those functions is actuating. George R. Terry calls this function
as actuating. Other experts may give their own name about it function, such
as: directing, motivating, commanding, etc. But whatsoever the name used to
recognize it, in carrying out this function the manager clarify to his people
what they have to do and facilitate the do it to do the best of their capability.

1.2 Problem Formulation

a. What is directing function in management?
b. How important is a good directing in determining success in management
c. What are the characteristics of directing?
d. What are the principles that determine the success of a manager in
performing the function of directing?
e. What are the elements that a manager has to know and learn in giving
direction to the subordinates?
f. How a manager can direct his subordinates to achieve the organizational
g. What are the factors can affect performance of directing?

1.3 Purpose
The preparation of this paper aims to discuss about directing function.
This paper will describe about the important role of direction in management
function, elements in the process of directing itself, the characteristics of
directing, directing principle to be an effective and efficient process, methods
of directing and other important things that need to be known by manager to
guide the subordinate in achieving their expected goals.

1.4 Benefits
a. Expanding knowledge and insight regarding the direction in management
b. Understand the importance of good directing process in determining the
success of an organization.
c. Improve management character through actuating or directing function.


2.1 Theoretical Based

2.1.1 Definition of Directing
Actuating or directing is said to be a process in which the
managers instruct, guide and oversee the performance of the workers to
achieve predetermined goals.

Directing is said to be the heart of

management process. Planning, organizing and staffing have got no

importance if direction function does not take place.
Directing initiates action and it is from here actual work starts.
Direction is said to be consisting of human factors. In simple words, it
can be described and providing guidance to workers is doing work. In
field of management, direction is said to be all those activities which
are designed to encourage the subordinates to work effectively and
According to Drs. H. Malayu S. P. Hasibuan (Manajemen : 2006,
page 183), pengarahan adalah mengarahkan semua karyawan agar
mau bekerja sama dan bekerja efektif dalam mencapai tujuan
perusahaan (Directing is giving direction to all the workers to
cooperate and work effectively in achieving the enterprises goals).
This function can be done in persuasive or instructive way
depends on which the most effective method is.

Directing will be

effective if all the workers prepare and do it properly due to their







motivating and leading the staff in an organization in doing work to

achieve organizational goals. Directing is a key managerial function to
be performed by the manager along with p lanning, organizing, staffing

and controlling. From the top executive to supervisor performs the

function of directing and it takes place accordingly wherever superior
subordinate relations exist. Directing is a continuous process initiated
at top level and flows to the bottom through organizational hierarchy.
Many experts claim that actuating is the most important function
in management. In planning and organizing functions more related to
abstract aspects of the management process, while the actuating
functions are even more emphasis on activities that relate directly to the
people in the organization.
From the above definition, actuating nothing but an attempt to
make the plan to be a reality, with various directives and motivating for
each employee to carry out activities in an optimal fit with the role,
duties and their responsibilities.
Considering about how important actuating is, this function
should be done properly by a manager. A good manager should often
give advices to his members, because it can boost their working
achievement. A member or worker is also like human being who can
be happy if they get attention from others. This kind of attention also
can support their performance.
Implementation of this function is very tough, difficult and
complex. Because the workers cannot be fully controlled. They are
creatures who have mind, feeling, pride, dream, etc.
Main points to be learned in this function are:
1. Human behavior
Management is achieving goals through other peoples activities.
That means the leader instructs his subordinates to do part of his job
to achieve the enterprises purpose.

To doing this function

correctly, the leader has to know about human behavior. It can be





psychology and managerial psychology.



In socialization, human has heterogenic background (such as:

gender, age, education, religion, culture, interest, etc). Beside that
difference, there are also the similarities (as example is needs to eat,
drink, safety and biological needs). These similarities that establish
the cooperation and group life.
2. Human relations
Human relation is a link that relates all members in the
organization. It is not a family relation. This relation is created and
driven by similar needs and interest, such as: to earn profits, to get
safety, strength, etc.
The organization life has to be based on needs, interest, respects,
needing each other and cooperation among all members of the
group. This cooperation will be created and build well if they have
willingness to sacrifice some of their desire to achieve the goals
Someone wants to be an employee based on his nature. The
nature of man means all of us think that our needs and desires will
be easier to get if we become an employee. In the other hand, the
company expects their employee to give profits for it. So this
relation is about helping each other to get their needs.
3. Communication
Communication is the process of passing information and
understanding from one person to another person. It is an important
thing to do.

Because the management process will not work

properly if there is bad communication process. Communication

takes a big role in giving instruction, report, information, news,
advice, etc.
4. Leadership
Leadership is said to be the core of management. It is the process
in which a manager guides and influences the effort of his

subordinate. With a good leadership, the management process will

run well and the subordinates will do their part willingly.

2.1.2 Experts Opinion

Some experts have different definitions about the directing
function, such as:
George R. Terry
Actuating is setting all members of the group to want to
achieve and to strike to achieve the objective willingly and keeping
with the managerial planning and organizing efforts.
Harold Koontz and Cyril ODonnel
Directing and leading are the impersonal aspects of managing
by which subordinates are led to understand and contrib ute
effectively and efficiency to the attainment of enterprise objectives.
Drs. H. Malayu S. P. Hasibuan
Directing is giving direction to all the workers to cooperate and
work effectively in achieving the enterprises goals.

2.2 Importance of Directing

Directing function is the basis of management process and the
accomplishment of goals depends on it. This function is also known as
actuating function of management as an enterprises running really begins on
the direction.

Several benefits are provided to an organization because

direction is the central point of an organization. They are as follows:

1. Directing initiates actions
Direction is the beginning of the subordinates execution of their
work. Actions begin right from this function onward as the e mployees
learn their jobs and carry out the proper instructions that are given to

them. Plans which are made can be carried out only after the actual job
begins and it is then that the direction turns out to be helpful.
2. Directing integrates efforts
The superiors are capable of directing, inspiring and instructing the
employees to work only by directing. To do this, every person needs to
work hard in order to accomplish the goals of an organization. Every
departments efforts can be easily connected and included along with the
other departments through proper direction. This can also be achieved
through influential leadership and efficient communication. A concern
achieves certain stability on trough effectively incorporating all the
efforts made by all.
3. Directing is a means of motivation
The function of direction aids in achieving all the goals effectively.
A manager uses this motivation factor effectively in order to enhance the
employees performance in the organization. This can be easily achieved
by giving proper salaries or reward and this in turn enables to help as a
sort of morale booster for the employees in an organization.


employees can do their best through effective motivation and this in turn
aids in the eventual expansion of an organization.
4. Directing provides stability
An organizations balance and constancy is very vital for surviving
in the market in the long run. The managers can achieve this effectively
by using four tools or essentials of direction, cautiously blending
influential leadership skills, able communication, a firm command and
also a well-organized motivation.

Stability is very vital as it is an

indication of the enterprises expansion. Hence, a manager can utilize all

the four traits within himself in order to uphold the standards of
performance of an organization.

5. Directing will enable to cope with the changes

It is normal for humans to resist any new changes that are brought
in an organization. However, in order to become a leader in the market,
it is important to able to adapt oneself to the ever-changing environment
which in turn aids in supporting planned growth of an organization. The
function of direction is necessary for meeting the new challenges in a
fast-changing environment, both internally and externally. The changes
in an environment can be



through effective

communication. The managers role is to effectively communicate all

the contents and nature of new modifications explicitly to the employees.
This aids in clarifying, easily adapting and an enterprises smooth
functioning. For instance, if an enterprise changes from handlooms to
doing power looms, it is necessary to bring about a vital change in the
methods of production. This results in a decrease of human labor and an
increase in using more machines for this purpose. Hence, in this case,
the manager can explain to his employees that it is important to bring
about this change in order of utilization of more machines and this in turn
results in more profits for the enterprise. Hence, the subordinates are
benefited indirectly through this change in the form of high salaries being
given to them.
6. Directing helps in efficient utilization of resources
The proper direction of money aids in defining the roles and
responsibilities of all the employees towards their own work. Utilization
of resources can be effectively done only when there is no duplication of
any efforts, no wastage, overlapping of achievements and so on. The
roles of employees become defined only through proper direction as the
manager uses his control, guiding and instructional abilities and skills of
motivating and inspiring all his subordinates in the organization. This
aids in the greatest employment of resources pertaining to humans,
materials, machines and finance and this further aids in cost reduction
and an increase in profits of an organization.

2.3 Directing Characteristics

Direction has got following characteristics:
1. Pervasive function
Directing is a pervasive function as it is performed by managers at
all levels and in all locations. Every manager has to supervise, guide,
motivate and communicate with his subordinate to get things done.
However, the time spent in directing is comparatively more at operational
level of management. Directing takes place wherever superior-subordinate
relation exists.
2. Continuous activity
Direction is a continuous activity as it continuous throughout the
life of organization. A manager cannot just rest after issuing orders and
instructions. He has to continuously guide, supervise and motivate his
subordinates. He must continuously take steps to make sure that orders
and instructions are carried out properly.
3. Human factor
Directing function is related to subordinates and therefore it is
related to human factor. Since human factor is complex and behavior is
unpredictable, direction function becomes important.

It improves

interpersonal and intergroup relationships. It motivates employees to work

with their best ability.
4. Creative activities
Direction function helps in converting plans into performance.
Without this function, people become inactive and physical resources are
5. Executive function
Direction function is carried out by all managers and executives at
all levels throughout the working of an enterprise, a subordinate receive
instruction from his superior only.


6. Delegate function
Direction is supposed to be a function dealing with human be ings.
Human behavior is unpredictable by nature and conditioning the peoples
behavior towards the goals of the enterprise is what the executive does in
this function. Therefore, it is termed as having delicacy in it to tackle
human behavior.

2.4 Directing Principles

Direction is always a complicated task as it involves dealing with
different kind of employees. A manager can become successful in the skill of
efficient direction by learning and practicing the basics of direction.
Nevertheless, observing the following principles is important for manager to
guide his subordinates:
1. Direct supervision
Building a direct personal relationship between a manager and his
employees enhances their self-esteem and dedication and makes direction
much more efficient.
2. Good managerial communications
Building a good rapport between the manager and his employees
enhances their relationship by enabling them to know each other better.
3. Comprehension
Managers must be able to efficiently convey their instructions to
employees in order to evade pointless doubts and clarifications.
4. Efficient leadership skill
Managers must be able to effectively lead and advice their
subordinates in their personal and official problems in order to gain their
confidence and loyalty.
5. Principle of follow-up


Direction is an ongoing process that requires the manager to adjust

his commands according to the problems faced by his employees while
working for the organization.
6. Management of personal and organizational objectives
Employees are expected to accomplish the goals of an organization
even though they join it to fulfill their physiological and psychological
requirements. Consequently, management must merge both personal and
organizational goals of employees successfully.
7. Unison in accountability
Every subordinate must be accountable to one manager only.
There will be chaos and disorderliness in the organization if he has to
report to more than one manager or superior.
8. Suitable techniques
The right methods used by managers for direction will guarantee
its effectiveness and also its appropriateness to the situation, subordinates
and the seniors.
9. Utmost input of individuals
Every individuals input towards the growth of the organization is
vital for it to attain all the goals. Therefore, it becomes imperative for
managers to bring out the best contribution of each employee.
10. Tactical use of informal groups
Informal groups must be used by the management to build formal
or official associations as this helps to enrich direction.

2.5 Elements in Directing

Directing in management function related to the giving guidance,
advices, orders or instructions activities to the subordinates in carrying out
their respective duties, so that tasks can be performed truly fixed on the
original intended purpose. It has four essential elements, as follows:


2.5.1 Communication
a. Definition of communication
Communication is a basic organizational function, which refers
to the process by which a person (known as sender) transmits
information or messages to another person (known as receiver). The
purpose of communication in organizations is to convey orders,
instructions, or information so as to bring desired changes in the
performance and or the attitude of employees. In an organization,






communication results in clarity and securing the cooperation of

subordinates. Faulty communication may create problems due to
misunderstanding between the superior and subordinates.


subordinates must correctly understand the message conveyed to

Thus, in communication:
1) There are two parties, one is known as the sender and the other is
known as receiver;
2) There is a message sent by the sender to the receiver; and
3) The receiver receives the message and understands it.
Communication does not always flow from supervisor to
subordinate. It can also be from a subordinate to a supervisor. For
example, subordinates can pass information to the supervisor about
the faults or problems at the assembly line. Thus, it is a two way
b. Importance of communication
Communication in organizations is so important that it is said
to be the lifeblood of the organization. Success of direction largely
depends on how effectively the manager can communicate with his
subordinates. Proper communication in organizations at all levels


and between all levels can improve both the quantity and quality of
output. Some of the benefits of communication are as follows:
1) Communication helps employees to understand their role clearly
and perform effectively.
2) It helps in achieving co-ordination and mutual understanding
which in turn, leads to industrial harmony and increased
3) Communication improves managerial efficiency and ensures
cooperation of the staff.
4) Effective communication helps in molding attitudes a nd building
up employees morale.
Communication is the means through which delegation and
decentralization of authority is successfully accomplished in an
c. Type of communication
In an organization communication can be made from
supervisor to subordinate, from subordinate to supervisor and also
between two supervisors at the same level. Communication can be
done orally or in writing or even through gestures. Communication
may be made through formal or informal channels.

Thus, the

various types of communication are as follows:

1) Formal and informal communication
The path through which information flows is called channel
of communication. In every organization we have both formal
and informal channels. The paths of communication which are
based on relationship establish formally by management are the
formal channels. Communication which takes place on the basis
of informal or social relationships among staff is called informal

Mostly, informal channels are used due to


friendly interaction of members of an organization. In fact, it may

be purely personal or related to organizational matters.
2) Upward, downward, horizontal and diagonal communication
On the basis of the flow or direction of communication in
organizations, it can be classified as upward, downward,
horizontal or diagonal.

When employees make any request,

appeal, report, suggest or communicate ideas to the superior, the

flow of communication is upward i.e., from bottom to top. For
instance, when a typist drops a suggestion in the suggestion box,
or a foreman reports breakdown of machinery to the factory
manager, the flow of communication is upward.


communication encourages employees to participate actively in

the operations of their department. They get encouraged and their
senses of responsibility increases when they are heard by their
supervisors about problems affecting the jobs.
When communication is made from superiors down the
hierarchy it is called a downward communication. For instance,
when superiors issue orders and instructions to subordinates, it is
known as downward communication. When the General Manager
orders supervisors to work overtime, the flow of communicatio n
is downward i.e., from top to bottom. Similarly, communication
of work assignments, notices, requests for performance, etc.
through bulletin boards, memos, reports, speeches, meetings, etc,
are all forms of downward communication.
Communication can also be amongst members at the same
level in the organization. For instance, production manager may
communicate the production plan to the sales manager. This is
knows as horizontal flow of communication.

Here, the

communication is among people of the same rank and status.

Such communication facilitates coordination of activities that are


When communication is made between people who are

neither the same department nor at the same level of
organizational hierarchy, it is called diagonal communication.
For example, cost accountant may request for reports from sales
representatives not the sales manager for the purpose of
distribution cost analysis. This type of communication does take
place under special circumstances.
3) Verbal and non-verbal communication
On the basis of the mode used, communication may be
verbal or non-verbal. While communicating, managers may talk
to their subordinates either face to face or on telephone or they
may send letters, issues notices, or memos. These are all verbal
communication may be oral and written.

Face to face

communication, as in interviews, meetings and seminars, are

examples of oral communication. Issuing orders and instructions
on telephone or through an inter-communication system is also
oral communication.

The written modes of communication

include letters, circulars, notices and memos. Sometimes verbal

communication is supported by non-verbal communication such







communications are such as facial expressions and body gestures.

For example: wave of hand, a smile or a frown etc. This is also
termed as the gestural communication.

2.5.2 Supervision
a. Definition of supervision
After the employees have been instructed what they have to do
and how to do, it is the duty of the manager to see that they perform
the work as the instructions.

This is known as supervision.

Managers play the role of supervisors and ensure that the work is
done as per the instructions and the plans. Supervisors clarify all


instructions and guide all employees to work as a team in

cooperation with others. Supervisors solve most of the routine jobrelated problems of subordinates. Supervisor, thus, performs the
following function:
1) Clarify orders and instructions issued to subordinates and ensures
that they have understand and follow these fully;
2) Ensures that subordinates have the required facilities to perform
their job;
3) Keeps a watch and guides the activities of subordinates in
performing their job;
4) Broadens the horizon of his subordinates by making them aware
of the wider aspects of their day-to-day work;
5) Coordinates the work of different subordinates under him; and
6) Detects errors and omissions and ensures their rectification.
Though supervision is required at all levels of management, it
is of great importance at the operational level i.e., at the level of first
line supervisor. Managers at this level devote maximum time in
supervising the work of subordinates. Though the top or middle
level managers also supervise the work o f their subordinate
managers, but it is the first line supervisors who are in direct and
constant touch with operatives i.e., workers in the factory and
clerical staff in the office. Thus, they are directly responsible for
getting the work done through most of the employees in an
b. Importance of supervision
From what has been said about supervision, it must be clear
that supervision is of great significance in getting the work done as
per plans and as scheduled. On the basis of the influence o n the
work at operational level and human approach to the problems of


workers, the supervision can ensure workers cooperation and support

in achieving organizational objectives.
Supervisors are the key people among managers at different
levels. They are the link between the top and middle management
and the workers. Take, for example, the foreman of the factory or
the office superintendent in the office. Both of them are members of
the management team, and are in direct contact with operatives in
the workshop and clerical staff in the office.

They are the

mouthpiece of management for communicating its ideas, plans, and

policies to the workers and employees. At the same time, they have
to play the role of principal spokesman of their subordinates to
communicate their feelings and grievances to the management.
Thus, it is only the supervisor who, as a member of the management
team, is capable of developing links to workers. Supervisors are
expected to maintain the best and friendly relations with their se niors
as well as with the workers and enjoy the trust and confidence of
both management and operatives.
2.5.3 Motivation
a. Definition of Motivation
Motivation is one the important element of directing, issuance
of proper instructions or orders does not necessarily ensure that they
will be properly carried out. It requires manager to inspire or induce
the employees to act and get the expected result.

This is called

motivation. It is forces that inspire a person at work to intensify his

willingness to use the best of his capability for achievement of
specify objectives. It may be in the form of incentives like financial
(such as bonus, commission, etc) or, non- financial (such as
appreciation, growth, etc), or it could be positive or negative.
Basically motivation is directed towards goals and prompt people to
b. Importance of motivation


While performing a job two things are required, the ability to

work and the willingness to work. Without willingness to work,
ability to work cannot produce results.

The importance of

motivation lies in converting this ability to work into willingness to

work. Performance depends on ability as well as willingness; and
willingness depends on motivation.

Thus, motivation is a key

element in directing people to do the job. Some of other benefits or

importance of motivation are;
1) With proper motivation there can be maximum utilization of the
factors of production like men, money, material, etc;
2) If employees are motivated it will reduce employee turnover and
3) Motivation fosters a sense of belongingness among the employees
towards the organization and also improves their morale;
4) Motivation helps in reducing the number of complaints and
grievances. The wastage and accident rate also come down; and
5) With proper motivational techniques management can attract
competent and best quality employee.
c. How to motivate
Actually, there is no hard and fast rule of motivatio n
individuals in a specified way. Not all individuals are motivated in
the same way. It varies from individual to individual. However, on
the basis of a lot of research done in the field of motivation, the
following must be kept in mind while motivating.
Each employee has some needs of his own that he wants to
fulfill. While directing, it is essential to ensure that any of the
unfulfilled need of the individual is being taken care of. Here we
must understand what a need is. A need is a feeling of lack of
something and every person tries to take care of that feeling by
satisfying or fulfilling what he lacks. For example, when you are


hungry, you eat food to satisfy the lack of food. So here hunger is
your need. The needs of the individual differ from person to person.
However, there are certain common needs which are known to exist
in most cases. For instance, people have basic needs like the needs
for food, clothing and shelter. These are known as Physiological
needs. People generally work so as to be able to earn money to
satisfy such needs. Once the basic needs are satisfied, people wish
to satisfy higher category of needs. They want safety and security
and desire to be protected against loss of employment, sickness,
accident, etc.

These are known as Safety and Security needs.

Thereafter, people want to have a sense of belonging to the

organization and to be accepted by fellow workers.

These are

known as social needs. Similarly, there are people who wish to be

considered important and expect that their opinions should be
recognized by others.

These needs are known as ego needs.

Further, a person may wish to achieve what he thinks is due to him

i.e., he wants to realize his ambition fully. These needs are known as
self-actualization needs. This is called hierarchy of needs concept
of motivation developed by Maslow.
It is important to remember that the needs and desires of
people change. Once their basic needs are satisfied, other needs
arise. Managers have thus, to understand the needs and desires of
subordinates and decide how to motivate them.
The knowledge of the different types of need enables a
manager to adopt different ways to motivate individuals depending
upon which need is unsatisfied for the individual. For example, a
person whose physiological needs are not fulfilled may be motivated
to work with a promise of increase in pay, whereas another person
may be motivated if he is given a very challenging job to perform
regardless of the pay.


In fact many other approaches have been developed for

motivation. But in simple terms as stated earlier it is usually in the
form of incentives. Not only that, certain factors or job conditions
that exist in organizations like recognition of work, advancement in
career, challenging nature of the work, etc can also motivate the
2.5.4 Leadership
a. Definition of leadership
While motivation is the process through which employees are
made to contribute voluntarily to work, leadership is the ability to
persuade and motivate others to work in a desired way for achieving
the goal. Thus, a person who is able to influence others and make
them follow his instruction is called a leader. For example, in an
organization the management decides to install some new machines
to which the workers are resisting. However, one of the workers
takes the initiative, explains the fellow workers the benefits of
working with the new machines and moulds them to accept the
managements decision. Now he is said to be leader as he is able to
influence a group of workers who followed him. In practice, the
managers have to guide and lead their subordinates towards the
achievement of goals, and so, to be an effective, a manager has to be
a good leader.
Leadership is the process, which influences the people and
inspires them to willingly accomplish the organizational objectives.
The main purpose of managerial leadership is to get willing
cooperation of the workgroup in pursuit of the goals.
b. Importance of leadership
The objectives of any organization can only be fulfilled if its
employees are working towards accomplishment of such objectives.
To make people work in the desired manner, proper instructions and
guidance are necessary.

And this direction process becomes


effective when the persons who give such direction have leadership
qualities. Leadership is essential in functioning of any organization
and its importance and benefits are varied. Some of these important
1) Leadership improves the performance of the employees. Leaders
can motivate the followers to work and thereby increase their
performance level.
2) With continuous support and guidance, leaders are able to build
confidence among the followers, thereby increasing speed and
accuracy and decreasing wastage.
3) With friendly and cooperative efforts the leader is ab le to build
employees morale which in turn contributes to


c. Leadership qualities
In order to be successful, a leader must possess certain

A good leader should be professionally competent,

intelligent, analytical and he or she should have sense of fair play,

including honesty, sincerity, integrity, and sense of responsibility.
He must possess initiative, perseverance, be diligent and realistic in
his outlook. He must also be able to communicate his subordinates
effectively. Human relation skills are a must for any leader. Earlier,
it was believed that the success or effectiveness of a leader depends
upon his personal traits or characteristics, like physical appearance,
intelligence, self-confidence, alertness, and initiative.

This is no

longer regarded as a correct approach. It has been established on the

basis of experiments that the success or effectiveness of a person as a
leader depends upon his behavior pattern or leadership style in
relation to the followers.
To get things done, managers have to influence their
subordinates and seek their voluntary co-operation.

If their

leadership is not based on suitable behavior or style, they will not be


successful. When leaders involve people in determining goals, and

build up team spirit, chance are that people will follow them

2.6 Methods in Directing

2.6.1 Orientation
It is a way of directing in which the manager provides the
necessary information so that the organization activities can be done
well. This method usually applied for the new employees. Employee
orientation is part of a long-term in a new employee. It is an initial
process that provides easy access to basic information, programs and
services, gives clarification and allows new employees to take an active
role in their organization.
Orientation is important because it lays a foundation for the new
employees entire career with the department. First impressions are
important since they establish the basis for everything that follows.
Without orientation, a new employee sometimes feels uncomfortable in
his or her new position and takes longer to reach his or her full
The objective of orientation is to set the employee into
organizational goals. So that, it will be easier for the enterprise to
achieves its goals.

Goal orientation is more focused on individual

training and leadership of individuals. Managers study what goals

motivate different types of employees the most. Some may be more
attracted to increased bonuses, while others may enjoy the acclaim, the
teamwork or simply the increased success of the business. Different
types of coaching may be necessary for different approaches to goals.
In other ways, managers must learn to break down company goals into
more ideal pieces for employees and teams to deal with one at a time.


Orientation is important for management in an organization:

1) Provides the employees with concise and accurate information to
make them more comfortable in the job;
2) Encourages employees confidence
3) Contributes to a more effective and productive workforce;
4) Improve employee retention; and
5) Promotes







2.6.2 Command
Command is official instruction from the superiors to the
subordinates, to do something or not in achieving the enterprise goals.
There are 4 elements in this method, as follow:
1) Official instruction
2) From the superior to the subordinates
3) In order to do something or do not
4) To actualize enterprise goals
The purposes of giving command are:
1) Giving order to the subordinates means the subordinates have to
actualize the goals.

Consequently, those two parties have to

understand what the purpose of the given instruction.

2) Coordinate the subordinates activities to set their destination to the
organizational goals.
3) Educate the subordinates
Based on how the commands are given, there are two types of
commands. They are written and spoken. Spoken command usually
given in urgent condition, it is usually just simple instruction, no need
to write it down. With spoken command the manager can describe


more details about what the manager wants. It does not need longer
time. The negative of this command is not prepared well.
The second one is written command.

Usually it contents

complex instruction. It is easy to evaluate, knowing the accountability

and the equality in the every part of organization is guarantee. The
negative of this command is it takes longer time and the more cost.
2.6.3 Delegation of authority
A manager cannot perform all the tasks assigned to him. In order
to meet the targets, the manager should delegate authority. Delegation
of authority means division of authority and powers downwards to the
subordinate. Delegation is about entrusting someone else to do parts of
job. Delegation of authority can be defined as subdivision and suballocation of powers to the subordinates in order to achieve effective
In context of a business organization, authority can be defined as
the power and right of a person to use and allocate the resources
efficiently, to take decisions and to give orders so as to achieve the
organizational objectives. Authority must be well-defined. All people
who have the authority should know what is the scope of their authority
is and they shouldnt misutilize it. Authority is the right to give
commands, orders, and get the things done. The top level management
has greatest authority.
Authority always flows from top to bottom. It explains how a
superior gets work done from his subordinate by clearly explaining
what is expected of him and how he should go about it. Authority
should be accompanied with an equal amount of responsibility.
Delegating the authority to someone else does not imply escaping from
accountability. Accountability still rest with the person having the
utmost authority.
Delegation of authority is the base of superior-subordinate
relationship, it involves following steps:


1) Assignment of duties
The delegator first tries to define the task and duties to
subordinate. He also has to define the result expected from the
subordinates. Clarify of duty as well as result expected has to be the
first step in delegation.
2) Granting of authority
Subdivision of authority takes place when a superior divides and
shares his authority with the subordinate. It is for this reason; every
subordinate should be given enough independence to carry the task
given to him by his superiors. The managers at all levels delegate
authority and power which is attached to other job positions. The
subdivision of powers is very important to get effective results.
3) Creating responsibility and accountability
The delegation process does not end once powers are granted to
the subordinates.

They at the same time have to be obligatory

towards the duties assigned to them. Responsibility is said to be the

factor or obligation of an individual to carry out his duties in best of
his ability as per the directions of superior. Responsibility is very

Therefore, it is that which gives effectiveness to

authority. At the same time, responsibility is absolute and cannot be

shifted. Accountability, on the others hand, is the obligation of the
individual to carry out his duties as per the standards of

Therefore, it is said that authority is delegated,








Accountability arises out of responsibility and responsibility arises

out of authority. Therefore, it becomes important that with every
authority position an equal and opposite responsibility should be


2.7 Factors Affecting Performance of Directing

The successful of the directing function depends on several factors, as
1) Individual factors in the group
Analyzing organizational behavior at the individual level
becomes important because organization is a set of individual. Each
individual has the different needs, interests, perceptions, attitudes,
values and personality. The purpose of being able to predict the
others behavior provides an opportunity to establish good, effective
and efficient communication, so we can think, act and do
appropriately in communicating. Describes the events that occur in
the organization is also important to help leaders in carrying out the
role of controlling individuals, groups, and even organizations in
achieving organizational goals.
2) Human aspect in the organization
Understand about individual behavior will help in understanding
organizational behavior because basically human is homo homini
socius. Human can not be separated from the organization, a vital
component of human existence and dynamics of an organization.
Learn about human behavior requires the cooperation of various
scientific disciplines.
Basic assumptions to understand human behavior is individual
differences in behavior that motivated the whole or the value of
human dignity.
3) Attitudes and behavior
Attitudes and behavior created by the stimulus and responses. It
relates with factors in a person who strengthens, directs, supports,
and stopping the behavior.


4) Personality






development of the specifications is a product of the cultural and

social environment. Personality includes the common and unique
characteristics. Personality is a group of characteristics that are
relatively stable, tendencies, and temperament. They are influenced
by inherited factors, social, cultural and environmental.

3.1 Conclusion
Management is an art to done a task through other. That means a
manager must be able to do something not only by his own efforts, but also
with the efforts of others, in this case the others mean the subordinates. To
do this task the manager has to work with others. Managers must be able to
lead their subordinates to achieve the goals that have been set previously.
The management can be divided into several functions. These
functions are inseparable because they influence each other. Different experts
have set different package to those function. But basically, combined
opinions of the experts are:




Each of those functions above play important role in determining the

success of management process. It is impossible a management process runs
without plan, so of course, there is no way to leave this function. The same
condition applies with other functions. But each function has its own
Directing function or some called it as actuating, commanding, and so
on, is said to be the key of the management. Its role is more like a key. This
directing function is like a car ignition key, which means that car can only run
if the starter key has been carrying out its function. So does the management
process, it can only run well after the directing function applied.
This function has important role in organization, because it is directing
which initiates action. In directing, the manager has to find a way with other
part of the enterprise to start execute their plan. Playing the directing role
means the organization has taken their first actual step to actualize their goals.
After the directing start to run, at the same time, the plan is not just an
abstract design, but it is turning into real views about the next step they have
to take.
Directing has got these characteristics: it is pervasive function which
means it happened in every managerial level; it is a continuous activity that it
continuous throughout the life of organizatio n; it is related to human factor; it



is a creative activity which helps in converting plans into performance; in this

function will be a delegated authority; and the last the directing is a executive
function which means a subordinate receive instruction from his superior
A directing process is said to run well if it is has all of its principles,
they are: direct supervisor, good managerial communication, comprehension,
efficient leadership skill, follow-up, m anagement of personal and
organizational objectives, unison in accountability, suitable techniques,
utmost input of individuals and tactical use of informal group.
Directing thus engages four essential elements i.e., supervision,
communication, motivation and leadership. Without those four, directing
function will not work as expected.
Direction can be given as command, orientation or delegation. It
depends on the situation in the organization. Manager must know which one
of those forms effective for the subordinates.
However, directing performance can be affected by its individual in the
group, human aspect in the organization, attitudes and behavior, and the last
but not least is personality.

3.2 Advice
Based on how important directing is in management function, authors
provide suggestions as follows:
1. Directing role should be played by a good manager with a great
personality who can lead the subordinates to achieve the goals of the
2. The manager should know about human behavior to perform the function
3. Every part of the organization (the top division or the bottom) should
establish good communication to make information be delivered easily.
4. The enterprise should promise its employees in order to motivate them, so
the employees will work with full of spirit and desire to accomplish the
5. A manager has to continuously direct, guide, supervise and motivate the
employees in order to make sure the subordinates work as expected.
6. There should be no bulkhead among the members to make the
communication effectively work.





HASIBUAN, Malayu S.P., Haji.

Masalah. Jakarta : Bumi Aksara.


Manajemen: Dasar, Pengertian dan

(Accessed September 24th, 2015)

Importance of Directing | (Accessed September 24th, 2015)

Principles of Directing
| (Accessed September 24th, 2015)
Si Dodon, (2012, Maret 20th ). What The Meaning About Pengarahan? | (Accessed September 25th, 2015)

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