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The influences of exogenous hormones on risk of We declare that we have no conflict of interest.
ovarian cancer differ either side of menopause. In 1 Taylor T, Keyse L, Bryant A. Contraception and sexual health, 2005/06.
Oct 27, 2006.
premenopausal years, use of oral contraceptives could contraception2005–06.pdf (accessed Nov 25, 2007).
help to decrease the number of cells that are likely to 2 Chandra A, Martinez GM, Mosher WD, Abma JC, Jones J. Fertility, family
planning, and reproductive health of U.S. women: data from the 2002
become malignant over a lifetime, whereas HRT after National Survey of Family Growth. Vital Health Stat 2005; 23: 1–160.
menopause could have a carcinogenic effect.7 The recent 3 Lacey JV, Colditz GA, Schottenfeld D. Exogenous hormones. In:
Schottenfeld D, Fraumeni JF, eds. Cancer epidemiology and prevention.
declines in breast-cancer incidence in older women8 3rd edn. New York, USA: Oxford University Press, 2006: 468–88.
4 International Collaboration of Epidemiological Studies of Cervical Cancer.
might reflect a parallel drop in HRT prescriptions.9 The Cervical cancer and hormonal contraceptives: collaborative reanalysis of
acceleration of the decline in ovarian cancer incidence in individual data for 16 573 women with cervical cancer and 35 509 women
without cervical cancer from 24 epidemiological studies. Lancet 2007;
the USA8 could have a similar explanation. 370: 1609–21.
As for the link between oral contraceptives and ovarian 5 Collaborative Group on Epidemiological Studies of Ovarian Cancer. Ovarian
cancer and oral contraceptives: collaborative reanalysis of data from
cancer, today’s collaborative analysis brings unequivocal 45 epidemiological studies including 23 257 women with ovarian cancer
and 87 303 controls. Lancet 2008; 371: 303–14.
good news. Women and their health-care providers are 6 Million Women Study Collaborators. Ovarian cancer and hormone
once again at a balancing act of judging risks versus replacement therapy in the Million Women Study. Lancet 2007; 369: 1703–10.
7 Narod SA. Ovarian cancer and HRT in the Million Women Study.
benefits. Lancet 2007; 369: 1667–68.
8 Ries LAG, Melbert D, Krapcho M, eds. SEER cancer statistics review,
1975–2004. 2007. (accessed
*Eduardo L Franco, Eliane Duarte-Franco Nov 25, 2007).
Departments of Oncology and Epidemiology, McGill University, 9 Espey DK, Wu XC, Swan J, et al. Annual report to the nation on the status of
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2W1S6 (ELF); and Institut National de cancer, 1975–2004, featuring cancer in American Indians and Alaska
Natives. Cancer 2007; 110: 2119–52.
Santé Publique du Québec, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (ED-F)

Stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation: another step sideways

See Articles page 315 In today’s Lancet, the Amadeus Investigators report their lation, whose prevalence is highly age-dependent (10% of
open-label, randomised, non-inferiority trial in which those aged 80 years or older are affected).3 The affected
they examined whether idraparinux, a long-acting in- number worldwide will grow rapidly as populations age.
direct inhibitor of factor Xa, was non-inferior to oral Atrial fibrillation increases the risk of ischaemic stroke
vitamin K antagonists for thromboembolism preven- 4–5-fold. Whilst vitamin K antagonists can largely reverse
tion in nearly 5000 patients with atrial fibrillation.1 this risk at an acceptable rate of bleeding, their efficacy
Disappointingly, the trial was stopped early because of and safety depend on maintaining a narrow range of anti-
excessive major bleeding in those receiving idraparinux. coagulation intensity (ie, international normalised ratio
Patients who were older, had reduced kidney function, [INR] 2·0–3·0).4 This goal is complicated by the fact that
or were concurrently using aspirin were at greatest the effect of these drugs is altered by underlying genotype,
risk of bleeding. Amadeus is part of a remarkable wave coexisting illnesses, dietary intake, and exposure to
of very large trials of new anticoagulants for atrial other drugs, which necessitates frequent INR testing and
fibrillation which are investigating replacements for dose adjustment. Even in recent trials,1,5–7 participants
vitamin K antagonists (especially warfarin) with agents treated with these drugs spent only 63–68% of the time
that are comparably effective but less likely to cause in the therapeutic INR range. In many clinical settings,
bleeding and easier to use and manage. To date, this time within this INR range is much lower.8
goal has proved elusive. In view of the burdens and associated bleeding risks
Despite sentinel trials that showed the dramatic of vitamin K antagonists, many patients with atrial
efficacy of vitamin K antagonists (64% risk reduction fibrillation at higher risk of stroke never receive warfarin
compared with control),2 the drug industry’s enthusiasm and many who do ultimately discontinue treatment.
to develop alternatives is driven by the epidemiology The drug industry has seized this apparent opportunity
of atrial fibrillation and challenges associated with to discover alternatives. Finding the ideal agent has not
vitamin K antagonists. About 1% of adults have atrial fibril- been easy, because what is probably needed is a fixed

278 Vol 371 January 26, 2008


dose that is not affected by patients’ characteristics,

has rapid onset and end of activity, has no dietary or
drug interactions, requires no monitoring, and, most
importantly, has similar or greater efficacy and less
bleeding than vitamin K antagonists do.9
Amadeus represents the third recent unsuccessful
attempt to replace warfarin for atrial fibrillation. The
SPORTIF trials6,7 showed that the direct thrombin
inhibitor ximelagatran was nearly as efficacious with
less bleeding than vitamin K antagonists but had

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unacceptable liver toxicity. ACTIVE-W showed superior
efficacy of vitamin K antagonists versus the combination
of aspirin and clopidogrel, which confirms that even
Freeze-fracture electron micrograph of thrombus
intensive antiplatelet therapy is not adequately effective
in atrial fibrillation.7 In Amadeus, the high risk of can be in preventing strokes in atrial fibrillation.
bleeding with idraparinux associated with old age and However, these drugs are only as good as the quality of
kidney dysfunction highlights the challenge of identify- anticoagulation management, which can be improved
ing the proper drug and dose, and the need for better by choosing the right patients to treat and maximising
risk stratification for major bleeding. time in the therapeutic INR range.11,12
Worldwide, many thousands of patients are currently
entered in randomised trials of new antithrombotic *Alan S Go, Daniel E Singer
strategies for atrial fibrillation. The scale of these Division of Research, Kaiser Permanente of Northern California,
Oakland, CA 94612, USA (ASG); and Clinical Epidemiology Unit,
efforts is driven by several factors. First, new agents
General Medicine Division, Massachusetts General Hospital and
must be compared with vitamin K antagonists whose Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA (DES)
proven efficacy is a formidable obstacle. Second, stroke
incidence in patients with atrial fibrillation seems to be ASG has received research support from Johnson & Johnson. DES has been
declining, with annual rates of about 1·5% in patients a consultant to AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bayer HealthCare,
Johnson & Johnson, and sanofi-aventis.
thought to be at higher thromboembolic risk who are
1 The Amadeus Investigators. Comparison of idraparinux with vitamin K
treated with a vitamin K antagonist. Third, the increasing antagonists for prevention of thromboembolism in patients with atrial
fibrillation: a randomised, open-label, non-inferiority trial. Lancet 2008;
use of non-inferiority designs (chosen largely because 371: 315–21.
of the perceived low likelihood of a new drug being 2 Hart RG, Pearce LA, Aguilar MI. Meta-analysis: antithrombotic therapy to
prevent stroke in patients who have nonvalvular atrial fibrillation.
more efficacious than vitamin K antagonists) and asso- Ann Intern Med 2007; 146: 857–67.
ciated stringent standards for asserting non-inferiority 3 Go AS, Hylek EM, Henault LE, Selby JV, Singer DE. Prevalence of diagnosed
atrial fibrillation: national implications for management and stroke
by regulatory agencies,10 combined with the other prevention: the ATRIA study. Circulation 1999; 100 (suppl): 1-397.
factors, have led to the need for sample sizes of greater 4 Hylek EM, Go AS, Chang Y, et al. Effect of intensity of oral anticoagulation
on stroke severity and mortality in atrial fibrillation. N Engl J Med 2003;
than 10 000. Despite these challenges, we believe that on 349: 1019–26.
5 SPORTIF Executive Steering Committee for the SPORTIF V Investigators.
the basis of positive features of recent trial experiences, Ximelagatran vs warfarin for stroke prevention in patients with
one or more approaches (eg, inhibition of factor Xa, nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: a randomized trial. JAMA 2005; 293: 690–98.
6 The Executive Steering Committee on behalf of the SPORTIF III
thrombin, or other clotting factors) will emerge as an Investigators. Stroke prevention with the oral direct thrombin inhibitor
alternative to vitamin K antagonists and facilitate more ximelagatran compared with warfarin in patients with non-valvular atrial
fibrillation (SPORTIF III): randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2003;
widespread use of effective and acceptably safe stroke 362: 1691–98.
7 The ACTIVE Writing Group on behalf of the ACTIVE Investigators.
prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation. Clopidogrel plus aspirin versus oral anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation in
Yet, while we wait for the new antithrombotics to the Atrial fibrillation Clopidogrel Trial with Irbesartan for prevention of
Vascular Events (ACTIVE W): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2006;
emerge, we still need dedicated innovative efforts to 367: 1903–12.
improve the delivery of vitamin K antagonists for the 8 Boulanger L, Kim J, Friedman M, Hauch O, Foster T, Menzin J. Patterns of
use of antithrombotic therapy and quality of anticoagulation among
growing population with atrial fibrillation. Recent trials patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation in clinical practice.
Int J Clin Pract 2006; 60: 258–64.
have reinforced how effective vitamin K antagonists Vol 371 January 26, 2008 279


9 Lip GY. Preventing stroke in atrial fibrillation: the SPORTIF programme. Conference on Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy. Chest 2004;
Pathophysiol Haemost Thromb 2005; 34 (suppl 1): 25–30. 126 (suppl 3): 204–33.
10 Snapinn S, Jiang Q. Preservation of effect and the regulatory approval of 12 Singer DE, Albers GW, Dalen JE, Go AS, Halperin JL, Manning WJ.
new treatments on the basis of non-inferiority trials. Stat Med 2008; Antithrombotic therapy in atrial fibrillation: the Seventh ACCP
27: 382–91. Conference on Antithrombotic and Thrombolytic Therapy. Chest 2004;
11 Ansell J, Hirsh J, Poller L, Bussey H, Jacobson A, Hylek E. The pharmacology 126 (suppl 3): 429–56.
and management of the vitamin K antagonists: the Seventh ACCP

Mechanisms linking parental education and stunting

See Articles page 322 Growth failure resulting from poor nutrition (stunting) issue, namely that association of parental education with
is a major risk factor for deficits in children’s develop- a specific risk or protective factor does not mean that
ment.1 In addition to confirming previous findings on factor functions as a mediator. Appropriate statistical
mothers’ education and stunting in their children,2 the tests are needed to confirm that mediation is occurring.6
results from Richard Semba and colleagues, in today’s Studies from developing countries have identified
Lancet,3 show that level of education in the father can other mechanisms that could also mediate associations
also contribute to the risk of stunting. However, far less is between mothers’ level of education and the physical
known about the mechanisms (mediators) through which growth of their children. One potential pathway involves
maternal—and now, with Semba’s results, paternal— the association between increased maternal education
education influences physical growth in children. and greater input by the mother into decisions on
Semba and colleagues suggest that increased use of allocation of family resources.7 Because mothers are
health-promoting activities by educated parents (eg, more likely than fathers to allocate family resources in
vaccination and vitamin supplementation of offspring) ways that promote their child’s nutrition,8 education
is one mechanism through which parental education might increase the mother’s decision-making power,
influences their child’s physical growth. Similar findings which improves the child’s nutrition and health and
from other studies in developing countries indicate ultimately their physical growth.
that higher levels of maternal education are related to Other studies from developing countries have
mothers’ increased health knowledge,2 understanding of identified specific maternal factors that can also
health information,4 and use of health services.5 Semba’s function as mediators. One such factor is maternal
study also highlights an important methodological depression. In developing countries, more educated
women are at lower risk for depression than are
less educated women,9 and infants of mothers with
depression are at greater risk of growth failure than
are infants whose mothers are not depressed.10 The
mechanism through which depression in the mother
influences the physical growth of their child probably
involves reduced involvement in parental care by
The printed journal depressed women.10 A second characteristic is the
mother’s intelligence. Increased levels of schooling are
includes an image merely linked to higher levels of maternal intelligence,11 and

for illustration children of mothers who are more intelligent have

better physical growth than those of less intelligent
mothers.12 Because intelligence is a marker for adaptive
behaviour,13 women with lower levels of intelligence
might have greater difficulty making appropriate
Panos Pictures

decisions on resource allocation (eg, what foods to

purchase) than those with higher intelligence, when
Health and nutrition worker teaching village women in Bangladesh the family’s economic resources are limited.

280 Vol 371 January 26, 2008

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