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During the first reboot in Windows Setup, you may receive the following error message:
Invalid system disk
Replace the disk, and then press any key
You may also receive this error message when you start your computer by using a
Windows Startup disk, or you may receive the following error message:
This version of Windows does not run on DOS 7.0 or earlier.

This issue can be caused by any of the following conditions:
Your computer may be infected with a boot-sector virus such as the AntiCMOS.A
Your computer is running an anti-virus program.
Your computer is using hard disk management software (such as Disk Manager,
EZ-Drive, or DrivePro) for hard disk geometry translation. These tools provide support for
large hard disks (more than 1024 cylinders) when your computer's Basic Input/Output
System (BIOS) does not support large hard disks.
Windows Setup was unable to copy the system files to the hard disk.
Security software has disabled access to drive C.
Use one of the following methods to correct the problem.
1. Computer Is Infected with a Virus
Use an anti-virus program to detect and remove the virus, and then reinstall Windows.
Boot-sector viruses infect computers by copying information either to the boot sector on
a floppy disk or the partition table on a hard disk. During startup, the virus is loaded into
memory. Once in memory, the virus typically infects any non-infected disks that your
computer is connected to.
2. Computer Is Running Anti-Virus Software
Start your computer by using the Windows Startup disk you created during Windows
Setup, and then use the syscommand from the Windows Startup disk to restore the
system files to the hard disk.
Some computers use built-in anti-virus software that must be disabled in the computer's
BIOS. For information about how to change settings in the BIOS, view the computer's
documentation or contact the manufacturer of your computer.
3. Computer Is Using Disk Management Software
In some cases, Windows may not properly detect that you are using disk management
software and may overwrite the master boot record (MBR) information. Refer to the
documentation for the disk management software you are using for information about
restoring the MBR.
Also, check the Setuplog.txt file for the following statement:
FSLog: BIOS Heads=:64:, BootPart Heads=:64:
The preceding number (64 in this example) may vary from computer to computer. If
these two numbers are different, replace the system files on your hard disk according to
the instructions in the following "Reinstall the Windows System Files" section. For

additional information about how to determine if your computer is using a drive overlay
program, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge
186057 How to Tell If Drive Overlay Program Is Installed in Windows
4. Reinstall the Windows System Files
WARNING: If you are using Disk Manager or any other disk drive overlay program on a
hard disk, make sure that the overlay driver is loaded before you use the sys command
on that hard disk. If the overlay driver is not loaded and you use the sys command on the
hard disk, the drive may not be recognized as being partitioned by the disk drive overlay
program and you could experience loss of data or an inability to boot from the drive.


Although you can use the sys command with Ontrack Disk Manager and later versions of
MicroHouse EZ-Drive (or EZ-Max) after the overlay driver is loaded, earlier versions such
as EZ-Drive 2.01s require that operating system files be copied to the overlay installation
disk and installed by the overlay utility. In such cases, the overlay may be damaged if
you use the sys command on the hard disk.
Start your computer by using the Windows 95 or Windows 98 Startup disk.
At the command prompt, type the following commands, pressing ENTER after
each command:

attrib c:\msdos.sys -s -h -r
copy c:\msdos.sys c:\
sys c:
attrib c:\msdos.sys -s -h -r
del c:\msdos.sys
copy c:\ c:\msdos.sys
attrib c:\msdos.sys +s +h +r


Remove the Windows Startup disk, and then restart the computer.
5. Security Software Enabled
Some third-party programs prevent (lock) access to hard disks in your computer. If this
software is installed, contact the manufacturer about how to remove this software and
safely restart Windows 98 Setup. For additional information about Windows Setup and
troubleshooting steps, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft
Knowledge Base:
129260 Windows 95 Setup: Description and Troubleshooting Steps


INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE STOP: 0x0000007B Explained With Solutions

Tutorial works for Windows Xp to Windows 10
INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE or I say STOP: 0x0000007B both are same errors and its
only occurs when our computers windows boot volume or maybe whole operating got
INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE is the Name of error code 0x0000007B which is a blue
screen of death error and it means your operating system cant able to reach to the
bootable devices of your computer, like hard disk or maybe an usb bootable device.
Normally there are three possibilities for this error to shows up on our computers screen
and those are:

1. On Operating System Startup Yeah, most of this came right when you
start your computers windows and restarts your system.
2. While Working Sometimes its also happens while when were working on
some software or paying games on our computer.
3. While Operating System Installation This error also showed up while
installing windows XP or may be some other version of windows on your PC.
So let see how you can fix your problem by doing these some simple troubleshooting tips
or tick on your computer, which Im all listed below under the Solutions header.
First Thing First UNDO Recent Changes Yes, if you recently install some
software, hardware or maybe made some changes in your bios then you should probably
undo all that tasks whatever you do with your computer because sometimes your
computer wont able to support some new setting or stuffs and creating these type of
error and by doing this simple undo solution will works for to fix 0x0000007B error.
There are so many reasons and also so many conditions for this 0x0000007B error to
show up on your computers screen and thats why there are couple or more different
solutions to solve this problem.

So, follow these tutorials steps one by one until youve fix your problem and dont forget
to restart and test your computer after completing every single step because a single
step can also solve your problem.
Note: If you get this problem while installing windows then you directly move to our
Step 3 Error Fix By changing Bios Setting.
Step 1 HDD Boot Volume Repair
If this error suddenly shows up on your screen while working on your computer or maybe
on computers start up then its possible your hard disk boot volume got corrupted and it
might need to get repair. Click on link below and follow every single instruction to fix your
hdd boots volume configuration.
>>How to Fix Hard Disk Corrupted Boot Volume ?<<

Step 2 Corrupted Windows or Windows Files

As i say above INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE is a bsod (blue screen of death) and most of
this problem came on the screen while working because of some corrupted OS files or a
maybe virus can be responsible for that.
If fixing boot volume wont works for you than its possible your windows might need to
get repair just follow those listed instructions in given link below and try to fix your
problem, even if youll have to re-install your windows.

>>How To Fix BSOD Blue Screen Of Death ?<<

Step 3 Error Fix By changing Bios Setting

If this 0x0000007B or INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE error comes on your screen while
windows install or windows boot up then maybe this little trick will solve your problem
80% by just make changes in one single setting.
We got this error while installing windows because sometimes our computer doesnt get
recognize the hard drive while installing the setup, in that case you can change your bios
setting to boot the hard drive properly.
1. The first thing is to open the BIOS Setup or CMOS Setup by pressing
theDel or F2 key or you can follow the boot screen because the screen will shows you
what to press is to open the BIOS Setup.
2. Search for a SATA Mode or Chipset SATA mode in the bios setup. Shown in this

3. Change the setting to the IDE.

If youre previous setting was pre-listed on IDE then you can change it to AHCI or some
other options like RAID and after that try to use your computer again and test it property.
Its possible youll find the Sata setting options name changed a little bit because of
different version of bios, but the thing what Im trying to say is Change The Sata
Mode to make it work or you.
Heres a picture below of some different version of bios where Sata mode is listed as Sata
operation setting and we changed the setting to ATA from ACHI.

4. Save and Exit to the bios Setup.

5. Try to reinstall your windows.
After doing these solutions and you still getting the same blue screen error again and
again, that means maybe your hard disk got broke. In that case you can try to change
your hard disk cable which is connected to the motherboard or you can fully format your
drive by using some 3rd party software.
Otherwise you can use some different Hard disk to test It, if this problem really occurring
just because of your previously installed hard drive.


NTLDR is missing
After switching on your computer or after restarting Windows XP you receive an NTLDR
is missing error message and cannot get into Windows.
You will usually have no choice but to switch off the computer or restart by pressing
This article describes several possible solutions to solving the NTLDR is missing error
and get your Windows XP PC up & running again.
You receive the NTLDR error message when starting or rebooting your computer:
NTLDR is missing. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart.
The NTLDR is missing error message is usually caused when the following conditions
exist although there are other causes of NTLDR errors:

The primary partition is formatted with the FAT32 filesytem

The computer starts by using INT-13 extensions
The heads value in the FAT32 BIOS Parameter Block (BPB) does not match that of
the physical disk drive
NTLDR Solutions
Step 1 Remove non bootable media
Remove any floppy disks, CDs or USB sticks from your computer and restart.
If NTLDR is missing error appears again, proceed to step 2
Step 2 Copy new system files
Boot the computer using a Windows 95/98/ME startup boot diskette or
bootable CD If you havent get one then use one of these Windows Recovery
Backup MSDOS.SYS by issuing the following commands at the command
prompt (pressing ENTER after each command):

attrib -h -r -s c:\msdos.sys
rename msdos.sys msdos.old

sys c:

Now copy new system files across by issuing the following command and
pressing ENTER at the command prompt:

Note: Sometimes the above command fails if you are using a Windows ME bootdisk. If it
does following solution ERROR: Cannot find the system file in the standard locations on
drive C

Rename MSDOS.OLD back to MSDOS.SYS by issuing the following commands and

pressing ENTER after each at the command prompt:

attrib -h -r -s c:\msdos.sys
copy msdos.old msdos.sys

Remove the boot disk/CD and insert your Windows XP CD

Restart the computer by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL
Ensure you boot the system from the CD. The system will then boot into the
Windows XP Setup.
At the welcome screen press R to enter the Recovery Console
At the recovery console, select your Windows XP installation and enter your
Administrator password if requested
At the command prompt issue the following commands and press ENTER after
each command:


Remove your Windows XP CD and restart the computer

If the NTLDR is missing error appears again after reboot, proceed to Step 3
Step 3 Windows Repair
After Step 2 above, it is sometimes necessary to run or re-run the Windows XP
Setup repair process
If step 2 did not solve you issue re-insert your Windows XP CD and run Windows
Setup again
If NTLDR is missing error appears again, proceed to Step 4 below.
Step 4 Download & Run BCUPDATE2
Occasionally this NTLDR error is caused by too many files in the root folder and an issue
with an out of date windows version.
BCUPDATE2 is an official Microsoft fix for the NTLDR problem but is difficult to find and
cannot be downloaded directly from Microsoft without first contacting support.
This can be solved by downloading and running BCUPDATE2.EXE as follows:
Download BCUPDATE2.EXE by clicking here (this will open in a new
Copy BCUPDATE2.EXE into the root folder of a Windows 95/98/ME boot
diskette or CD
Boot the computer using the boot diskette or bootable CD
At the command prompt issue the following command and press ENTER:
bcupdate2.exe C: /F


When prompted to update the volume press Y

After you receive a confirmation message, remove your bootable diskette or CD
and restart your computer.

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