World Hunger

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All of us want to live in a better world. In order to achieve that objective, we

should make change and demand the courage to take the risks without hesitation.
One of the ways to go for a better world, we should stop the world hunger. Although
the world produces enough food to feed everyone, this world hunger problem still
occur even in developed countries due to some problems such as conflict, climate
change and world population. Usually, children are the most victims of this problem.
From the world hunger websites (2015), it is stated that,
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that about 795
million people of the 7.3 billion people in the world, or one in nine, were suffering
from chronic undernourishment in 2014-2016. Almost all the hungry people, 780
million, live in developing countries, representing 12.9 percent, or one in eight, of
the population of developing counties. There are 11 million people
undernourished in developed countries (para. 7)
When we talk about the world hunger, it will refer to malnutrition which is basically
can be defined as lack of calories and proteins. As we know, both of these nutrients
are vital for our body. Calories are needed for energy production as for protein it is
needed for optimum growth. Diseases associated with the deficiency of these
nutrients are kwashiorkor and marasmus. Do you think we will live in a better world
with the spreading of these diseases around the world? It is no doubt that we have
to solve the world hunger problems. There are many ways to do to stop the world

Food is the most important component in life as it provides energy and

nutrition to the body. Furthermore, the main ingredient for body to carry out body
metabolism is nutrient. Eating a balance diet is vital in leading a healthy life style.
Inadequate intake of nutrition may lead to malnutrition. Merriam-Webster defines
malnutrition as faulty nutrition due to inadequate or unbalanced intake of
nutrients or their impaired assimilation or utilization. Malnutrition may occur
due to lack or excess of nutrient such as carbohydrate and protein in eating
diet that can causes health problems. Usually, malnutrition specifically
occurs due to lack of micronutrient such as vitamin and minerals which is
also known as undernutrition. Undernutrition is more common in developing
country. For example, in Bangladesh, poor socioeconomic position contribute
to chronic malnutrition as they cannot afford to buy nutritious food such as
milk, meat, poultry and fruits. According to Bloem, malnutrition affects millions
of people around the world. A third of all deaths in children under the age of five in
developing countries are linked to undernutrition.

The economist Amartya Sen observed that, in recent decades, famine

has always a problem of food distribution and/or poverty, as there has
been sufficient food to feed the whole population of the world. He
states that malnutrition and famine were more related to problems of
food distribution and purchasing power
(Wikipedia, para.23)

There are many non-profit organizations that try to reduce the number of
malnutrition in the world. One of the strategies is help the families to have a
sustainable food supply. The food supply consist an optimum amount of nutrient
needed by the body. Suzanna Didier (2012) defined sustainable food as An
engagement in practices that keep the environment healthy and food production
economically and socially viable. Production of food need to be sustains and
balances in term of nutrition. One of the organizations that devoted to prevent
blindness and reducing the malnutrition in the world is Helen Keller International
(HKI). HKI organized a project to help the villagers to improve the intake of nutrition
for both women and children in Northern Tanzania. HKI act as mentor for the project.
The agricultural extension officers will teach the people how to create and maintain
the garden and raise the chickens. HKI will donate fund so that they can start the
project. The villagers there usually have the maize and cassava as their staple food
which is not a fully equip meal for nutrition. According to (2012), the
villagers cultivated a vitamin-rich vegetable such as carrots, tomatoes, eggplant,
and sweet potatoes. They also raise the chicken to produce steady sources of
income and nutrition. Through this project they will be able to create their own
steady food supply without rely on food donation anymore. Other than that, World
Food Programme Organization had organized Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) to
help meet the immediate food of vulnerable people by having them build or boost
assets that will benefit the whole community. As a result, this programme will make
individuals and communities more resilient. FFA support the restoration of the
agricultural, pastoral, and fisheries potential through rehabilitation of irrigation
schemes, land rehabilitation and clearing, fish ponds and forestry and agroforestry.
FFA also provides skills development trainings that related to natural resources

management, asset management, livelihood diversification and income generating

activities to the people.

According to Wikipedia (n.d) urban agriculture or urban farming is the
practice of cultivating, processing, and distributing food in or around a village, town,
or city. It also may involve the aquaculture, agroforestry and animal husbandry. It
can improve food security as they can have direct source of fresh fruits, vegetables
and meats. Machethe (2004) stated that agriculture contribute to poverty
alleviation at rural, urban and national levels in three ways which are reducing food
prices, employment creation, increasing real wages and improving farm income.
The result of studies conducted in several countries show the agricultural growth
gave a big impact in poverty-alleviation. To justify the result, a study conducted in
Indonesia found that agricultural growth reduced the depth of poverty by 50 percent
in rural areas while the percentage for urban areas was 36. However, it should be
noted that the nonfarm sector also plays a key role in poverty alleviation.
Furthermore, a growing nonfarm sector is important for promoting growth in the
agricultural sector. Nairobi Food Security, Agriculture and Livestock Forum started to
advocate for recognition of the urban agricultural in Kenya a decade ago. They
trained almost three thousand urban farmers through the mentoring programme.
The farmers, young and old, make the most of limited space in the city to grow food
to eat and for sale and to keep livestock. As a result, the urban agricultural had
been transformed from the illegal and low status activity to healthy occupation that
can also make money.

One of the ways to stop hunger in this world is by improving education in

community. Education is not a privilege but a basic human right and a significant
factor in the development of children, communities, and countries. Education also
closely linked to all development goals such as reducing hunger, spurring economic
growth, and building peace. Without education, we will never know what is the
exact amount of nutrient needed to be consumed a day. As hunger problem is more
in an underdeveloped country, it is means that there is lack of education there.
They did not have a permanent job and consequently, we can see a lot of beggars
searching for foods along the roads. An organization that have commitment to
provide quality basic education for all children known as EFA explained that in order
to fight hunger, we should expand education for girls and women. It is because welleducated women or girls can reduce malnutrition in the community. A 63-country
study by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) found that more
productive farming as a result of female education accounted for 43 percent of the
decline in malnutrition achieved between 1970 and 1995 and it is believed that crop
yields in Kenya could rise up to 22 percent if women farmers had the same
education and inputs such as men farmer. We also should have a look at Lou Tzu
proverbs which is Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish,
and you feed him for a lifetime. It is clear that education play a big role to stop
hunger in this world.
The next way to stop hunger in the world is by social change. What is mean
by social change? Merrill and Eldredge (2014) said, social change means that large
numbers of persons are engaging in activities that differ from those which they or
their immediate forefathers engaged in some time before. Here, we know that

hunger problems had occurred for a long time ago in a society due to wars or other
social problems. So, in a community, we should cooperate among others in addition
to solve and find continuous solution to stop and prevent any social problems
happen. If we still live in the same way as before without any improvement and
changes, how can we stop this hunger and be a better world? Day by day, the
population changes, technologies expand, material equipment changes, ideologies
and values take on new components and institutional structures and functions
undergo reshaping. The speed and extent of change may differ from society to
society. Some change rapidly, others change slowly. Social change does not refer to
the change in the life of an individual or the life patterns of several individuals. It is
a change which occurs in the life of the entire community. In other words, only that
change can be called social change whose influence can be felt in a community
form. Social change is social and not individual. When all the people in that
community had realized that how important the social change is, they could stop
hunger immediately. But it is important to remember that social changes can
happen and effective if only and only if all of people in the society play their own
role to make change in community. It is pretty clear that make a change in social
life can stop the world hunger.
Other way to stop hunger is by government intervention. Governments have
an obligation to ensure that all people have access to adequate food. Nowadays, we
can see that in U.S, their government provides food aid. Food aid plays critical roles
in reducing hunger. Food aids is given either as actual food items or as cash to buy
food. But it is not enough to support throughout the country. Yet, the current global
food aid system is crippled with problems. Donor countries often fail to pledge

enough food aid and they deliver aid late and unevenly. Katarina (2008) mentioned
In fact, some donor countries have designed food aid programs
that primarily promote their own domestic interests, rather than
helping the hungry. For example, legislators set up the US food aid
program to expand markets for US exports and dispose of
agricultural surpluses generated by domestic farm subsidies.(8) It
is true that even the best-designed food aid programs, based on
the best of intentions might result in shortcomings. But, donor
countries could overcome most food aid challenges if they
prioritized the needs of the poor and hungry, rather than letting
national strategic and commercial interests or media coverage
decide how and where to provide food aid (para : 4)
After decades of providing food aid, donor countries have not succeeded in
eradicating hunger in poor countries. So, government should have a look at
the modification of food aid so that the hunger would not left behind.
Government should play their roles efficiently and not only fulfill their own
needs such as for commercial only.

If were going to end hunger in our lifetimes, we need to empower women.
We already know that if women had equal access to productive resources, they

could increase their yields and feed more hungry people in the world. And women
are more likely to reinvest their income back into their families to improve
education, nutrition and health. When women flourish, families and communities do
too. Sarah (2014) reported in Catholics News Services, when women are
empowered, everyone wins. How the development community can effectively help
women overcome the constraints and barriers they face in agriculture so they can
fully benefit from agricultural growth? Progress toward women's empowerment has
been slow due to discriminatory laws, unpaid work caring for the family and
traditions that demean their capacity as decision-makers. Discrimination against
women is a major cause of persistent hunger. In developing countries, most women
work in subsistence farming; in spite of that, however, women farmers work with
much fewer resources than men. According to World Bank statistics, if female
farmers had the same access to productive resources as male farmers, agricultural
output could increase by 2.5 to 4 percent. This is a critical time to address gender
and economic inequities in the world. As The World Food Program states, Women
are often victims of hunger. They also have a crucial role to play in defeating
hunger. As mothers, farmers, teachers and entrepreneurs, they hold the key to
building a future free of malnutrition. (para : 13) Asma Lateef, director of Bread for
the World Institute, said no matter what issue an organization advocates for, it is
essential that they have empowering women as the ultimate objective, if you don't
have that as an objective you're not going to achieve it, So, I think, being very clear
about the goal of empowering women is critical (para : 18).


We can end the world hunger by birth control education. Nowadays, it is no
doubt that the world population had increasing rapidly. As per United Nations
population statistics, the world population grew by 30% between 1990 and 2010
which is an alarmingly high rate. Excessive population has various adverse effects
including hunger problems. People need to be told and made to understand the
consequences of having too many children. It means that we have to give them
education on controlling population. An educated man and woman can readily
understand the benefits of a small family. Without sufficient education most
measures like awareness campaigns will prove to be insufficient and pointless. They
need to be told how to avoid cases of unwanted pregnancies and births. Every state
owned hospital should be made to provide cheaply efficient birth control medicines
or surgeries since poor people have neither the means nor awareness to use
contraception. Some countries such as China, have laws on population growth. It
has a limit on the number of children that a couple can have. This can be one of the
way to educate people on controlling birth. As it is clearly proved that hunger
problem can be done with controlling birth rate. Laurie Mazur stated in her book,
Slower population growth is part of a 'virtuous circle' that can help
promote equality. Where family planning is available, where couples
are confident their children will survive without any hunger and
poverty problems, where girls go to school, where young women
and men have economic opportunity, couples will have healthier and
smaller families and the gaps that divide men and women, rich
and poor, will diminish. Laurie Mazur (A Pivotal Moment:
Population, Justice & The Environmental Challenge, 2010 p.11)

To sum up, even our world continues to develop well, but, the hunger
problem still in dangerous level. In 2010, it was estimated that 7.6 million
children died due to hungry and poor nutrition. To be exact, 20,000 children
died a day. Although nearly 98% of worldwide hunger exists in
underdeveloped countries, almost 1 in every child in developing countries
dies before the age of 5, mostly from hunger-related causes. However,
people seemed to be realized that this problem cannot be prolonged
anymore. Because of that, they try to take serious action in order to solve
this problem. 10 countries that have achieved greatest success in reducing
the total number of hungry people in proportion to their national population
are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Cuba, Georgia, Ghana, Kuwait, Saint
Vincent, Grenadines, Thailand and Venezuela. Now, we know that it is
impossible to solve hunger problem in this world unless vary action taken.
Without one of this problem, we could live in a better world.
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