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Program HCslab v. 4.

Users Manual
J. Valgur, 2006

Table of Contents
General ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Program capabilities ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Normative documentation .................................................................................................................................. 3
Main window of the program ................................................................................................................................. 4
Menu ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Speed buttons ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Input data ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Calculation results .............................................................................................................................................. 6
File menu ................................................................................................................................................................ 7
New..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Open ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Save .................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Import/export data from/into AutoCAD program............................................................................................... 8
Print .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Exit program ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Input...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Concrete ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
Tendons ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
Prestress ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Cross section ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
HC slab data...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Slab loads.......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Loads ................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Load cases ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
Combination factors ......................................................................................................................................... 18
National Application NA ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Internal forces ................................................................................................................................................... 18
Design section................................................................................................................................................... 20
Crack resistance ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Allowed deflections and precamber ................................................................................................................. 21
Calculations and results ........................................................................................................................................ 23
Description of calculation results windows ...................................................................................................... 23
Check for prestresses at transfer ....................................................................................................................... 24
Check for stresses in concrete at transfer .......................................................................................................... 24
Check for final prestresses ................................................................................................................................ 24
Final prestressing forces ................................................................................................................................... 25
Bearing capacity (bending) after manufacturing .............................................................................................. 25
Bearing capacity (bending) at service ............................................................................................................... 26
Bearing capacity (shear) at service ................................................................................................................... 27
Check of anchorage zone at service .................................................................................................................. 28
Crack resistance after manufacturing ............................................................................................................... 28
Crack resistance at service ................................................................................................................................ 30
Slab precamber at transfer ................................................................................................................................ 31
Slab deflections at service ................................................................................................................................ 31
All chosen calculations ..................................................................................................................................... 32
Settings ................................................................................................................................................................. 33

Manufacturing conditions ................................................................................................................................. 33

Default cross section settings ............................................................................................................................ 35
Default concrete ................................................................................................................................................ 35
Default tendons and prestresses ........................................................................................................................ 36
Default crack resistance .................................................................................................................................... 37
Default deflections ............................................................................................................................................ 38
Tolerances......................................................................................................................................................... 39
Default performed calculations ......................................................................................................................... 40
Location of data files ........................................................................................................................................ 41
Working folder ................................................................................................................................................. 42
Calculation parameters ..................................................................................................................................... 43
Data files ............................................................................................................................................................... 45
Creation of concrete classes.............................................................................................................................. 45
Creation of tendon classes ................................................................................................................................ 45
Creation of cross sections ................................................................................................................................. 46
Creation of tendon patterns ............................................................................................................................... 47

Program capabilities
Program HCslab can be used for calculation of prestressed hollow core concrete slabs.
The program carries out following calculations:
Check for prestresses at transfer;
Check for stresses in concrete at transfer;
Check for final prestresses;
Final prestressing forces;
Bearing capacity (bending) after manufacturing;
Bearing capacity (bending) at service;
Bearing capacity (shear) at service;
Check of anchorage zone at service;
Crack resistance after manufacturing;
Crack resistance at service;
Slab precamber at transfer;
Slab deflections at service.

Normative documentation
Calculations are based on following normative documentation:
EVS-EN 1990:2002. Eurocode. Basis of structural design
EVS 1992-1-1:2003. Concrete structures. Part 1-1: General rules and rules for design of buildings

Main window of the program

Pull-down menu is located on top of the programs main window. All the actions can be done using menu commands, while some commands are duplicated with speed buttons.

Main menu is divided into following submenus (see Contents):

File File management and printing;
Input Slab data input and changing;
Calculations Calculations and results watching;
Settings Input of manufacturing conditions, program parameters, default settings, locations of data files,
and working folder;
Help Help on the program.

Speed buttons
Speed buttons are located on the upper strip of the main window. Functions assigned to buttons duplicate menu
commands and simplify using the program.

Speed buttons are grouped as follows:

Working with files and printing:
Save as
Print input data or results
Print setup

Cross section
HC slab
Crack resistance
Allowed deflections and precamber
Results (Activated after performing corresponding calculations):
Check for prestresses at transfer
Check for stresses in concrete at transfer
Check for final prestresses
Final prestressing forces
Bearing capacity (bending) after manufacturing
Bearing capacity (bending) at service
Bearing capacity (shear) at service
Check of anchorage zone at service
Crack resistance after manufacturing
Crack resistance at service
Slab precamber at transfer
Slab deflections at service
Help and exit:
Help on active page
See also Menu

Input data
Main information about HC slab is indicated on the page of slab data.
Menu and speed buttons can be used for changing slab data.
Changes will reflect after closing corresponding input dialogue window, or creating new slab, or opening existing file, or importing data from AutoCAD program.

Name of current data file is indicated on top of main window. If the data is not saved yet, the default file name
untitled is shown.

For printing the page Slab data must be active.

See also Calculation results.

Calculation results
On the page of results only results of chosen calculations are shown.
Performed calculations can be chosen from the top part of the results page marking these with tick.
For calculation one must press the button Calculate or give menu command: Calculations > All chosen
After the program performs the calculations the results will be shown in the window and corresponding speed
buttons will be activated.
Using speed button or menu command corresponding dialogue window can be opened for looking more detailed

For printing the page Results must be active.

See also Input data, Description of calculation results windows.

File menu
New slab data is created using command New (Menu command: File > New or speed button {


Before creating new slab there will be offered saving existing data after that new slab is created using default

See Default section settings,

Default concrete,
Default tendons and prestresses,
Default crack resistance,
Default deflections.

Opening existing file can be done using command Open (Menu command: File > Open or speed button


Before opening the file there will be offered saving existing data after that a standard file opening window occurs:

Dialogue opens default working folder (see Working folder), but user can also navigate to the other folders.
Slab data is saved into files with extension *.pan.

See also Save, Import/export data from/into AutoCAD program

Saving slab data can be done using commands Save or Save as (Menu commands: File > Save, File >
Save as or speed buttons


If the slab data has been read from the existing file (Open), imported from AutoCAD program (Import/export
data from/into AutoCAD program) or has been saved already then using command Save the data is saved in
the same file. If the slab data is created using command New (New) or there has been used command Save
as then a standard file saving window occurs:

Dialogue opens default working folder (see Location of data files), but user can also navigate to the other folders.
Slab data is saved into files with extension *.pan.

See also Import/export data from/into AutoCAD program

Import/export data from/into AutoCAD program

Importing slab data from a file created using AutoCAD program can be done using command Import data
(Menu command: File > Import data) and export of slab data into AutoCAD program file - using command
Export data (Menu command: File > Export data).

Import and export are analogous with file opening (Open) and saving (Save), but the file extension is *.tam.
Importing data with starting the program at the same time can be done using command HCslab.exe <FileName>.tam in the Windows environment.

Printing of slab data and calculation results can be performed with command Print (Menu command: File >
Print or speed button


Data in the active program page (Slab data, Results) is printed.

Print settings can be changed with command Print setup (Menu command: File > Print setup or speed


Exit program

Quitting the program takes place with command Exit (Menu command: File > Exit or speed button

, X).

Before exiting there will be offered saving existing data.

Concrete data can be entered or changed in the dialogue window (Menu command: Input > Concrete or
speed button


Concrete class: is chosen from predefined list (Marked: C <characteristic cylindrical compressive strength >/<
characteristic cubic compressive strength> in MPa) that is read from data file Concrete.dat or other
user-defined file (see Creation of concrete classes);
Density of concrete: value must be in kN/m3 ~ 9.81*T/ m3;
Relative strength at transfer: value Kp = fckp/fck, (characteristic compressive strength at transfer / characteristic
cylindrical compressive strength);
Strength at transfer: value in MPa;
The last two values are related, e.g. changing the one causes the change of the second value automatically
Type of cement: one of the given must be chosen;

After changing the data the characteristic values of concrete are calculated and indicated on the bottom part of
the window.

OK: data is entered into program, dialogue window closes;

Cancel: data is not entered into program, dialogue window closes.

Data of upper and lower tendons can be entered or changed in the dialogue window (Menu command: Input >
Tendons or speed button



Tendon class: is chosen from predefined list (Marked: <Type> <Diameter (mm)> - <0.1% control stress
(MPa)>/<Characteristic tensile strength (MPa)>) that is read from data file Tendons.dat or other userdefined file (see Creation of tendon classes);

After changing the data the characteristic values of the tendons are calculated and indicated on the bottom part
of the window.

OK: data is entered into program, dialogue window closes;

Cancel: data is not entered into program, dialogue window closes.

Data of prestress of upper and lower tendons can be entered or changed in the dialogue window (Menu command: Input > Prestress or speed button


Prestress: tendons prestress at stressing Sig0 (in MPa) that must be SigMax;

For information the maximum allowed prestress after transfer SigPmMax is indicated (straight after releasing
tendons from anchoring devices).
According to this value Check for prestresses at transfer is performed.

OK: data is entered into program, dialogue window closes;

Cancel: data is not entered into program, dialogue window closes.

Cross section
Cross section data can be entered or changed in the dialogue window (Menu command: Input > Section or
speed button


Coordinates: the origin of coordinates is located in the top left corner of the cross section, Xcoordinate is
oriented to the right, Y to bottom. Coordinates of mouse cursor can be seen on the bottom strip of the
window while moving wit cursor on the figure;

Section type: is chosen from predefined list (Marked: <Type> h=<height (in mm)>) that is read from data file
Slab_sct.dat or other user-defined file (see Creation of cross sections);
Core Nr: scrolling with arrows the core is chosen, which coordinates are shown beside and can be switched
on/off in the calculations by tick in the box Included. The alternative is clicking the marker of the core
on the drawing (black dot), after that the data about corresponding core is shown in the dialogue window
and the core is switched on/off. Switched off core is drawn with gray color;
Picking precision for cores (in mm of the cross section) can be changed using menu command: Settings >
Tolerances on the row of the dialogue window: Picking precision for core (see Tolerances);


Pattern of top/bottom tendons: is chosen from predefined list (Marked: <Type> - <number of tendons>/<distance from slab top/bottom surface (in mm)>) that is read from data file Slab_tns.dat or
other user-defined file (see Creation of tendon patterns) ;
Tendon Nr: scrolling with arrows the tendon is chosen, which X- and Y-coordinates are shown beside and can
be switched on/off in the calculations by tick in the box Included. The alternative is clicking the image
of the tendon on the drawing (red ring), after that the data about corresponding tendon is shown in the
dialogue window and the tendon is switched on/off. Switched off tendon is drawn with gray color;
X, Y: coordinates of the active tendon, which values can be changed if needed entering new values in the corresponding edit boxes. The changes reflect only in the current section, not in the patterns in data file
Slab_tns.dat or other user-defined file;
Picking precision for tendons (in mm of the cross section) can be changed using menu command: Settings >
Tolerances on the row of the dialogue window: Picking precision for tendons (see Tolerances);

After changing data the characteristics of cross section (concrete part without influence of tendons), tendons
and reduced cross section (with tendons) are calculated and indicated on the right part of the window. The
characteristics are valid for a cross section without cutouts of the slab. Characteristics of any cross section of the
slab (considering cutouts) can be seen in the HC slab data input window (see also Design section).

OK: data is entered into program, dialogue window closes;

Cancel: data is not entered into program, dialogue window closes.

HC slab data
HC slab data can be entered or changed in the dialogue window (Menu command: Input > HCslab or speed



Coordinates: the origin of coordinates is located in the region top left corner of the cross section, Xcoordinate
is oriented to the right, Y to bottom. The origin of Xcoordinate need not always to be at the slab end!
Coordinates of mouse cursor can be seen on the bottom strip of the window while moving wit cursor on
the figure;

Slab label: should correspond to marking of the slab on design drawing and is exported into AutoCAD program. (see Import/export data from/into AutoCAD program)
Length: in the edit box the given slab length (in mm) is indicated. Changing of the length is possible entering
the new value and pressing button New slab, after that warning window appears. Answering Yes a
new rectangular slab with given length is created (this can be done also without changing current length);

Supports: the coordinates of supports are entered (in mm). Following conditions must be considered:
1. Location of the support means its location in the calculating scheme as line support, not support
length. Thus the location must be necessarily checked!
2. While the end is cut at angle and slab is supported on this end, the support should be located at corresponding distance from the midpoint of the end (depending on the type of support), e.g. on the centerline of the neoprene strip or at some distance of the inner edge of the support.
3. Slab is calculated according to scheme of beam. Thus the location of supports and loads in the direction of slab width cannot be directly considered. Such a calculating scheme is conditional, therefore
choosing the location of support one must proceed from the situation that the best models the real situation and not advantageous.

Slab section: the type of cross section and unit weight (kN/m) of the slab are indicated;
Current section: a section that is indicated with green line on the drawing and which X-coordinate is shown in
the edit box. Pressing button Section the current design section with section data can be seen in a dialogue window (see Design section). Location of the current section can be changed twice:
1. by clicking with mouse at corresponding location;
2. by entering the X-coordinate of the section in edit box;

Editing slab data:

The structure of slabs geometric data: the geometry of slab is determined by following arrays of data:
1. Slab contour: array of coordinates (X, Y), which number and coordinates of the active contour point
are shown in the corresponding section of the dialogue window. The active contour point is indicated
with blue point on the slab drawing;
2. Slab cutouts: array of cutouts, which number and coordinates (X,Y) of the base point of active cutout
are shown in the corresponding section of the dialogue window. The active cutout is indicated with
blue contour on the slab drawing and bas point marked with cross;
3. Cutout contours: arrays of coordinates (X, Y), which number and coordinates of the active contour
point are shown in the corresponding section of the dialogue window. The active contour point is indicated with blue point on the slab drawing; Coordinates of cutout contour points (X, Y) are given relative to current cutout base point;


Activating: for activation of contour point one can left click with mouse on corresponding point on the slab
drawing or scroll using arrows to the number needed point. For activating any cutout one should click at
any contour point of the cutout or scroll using arrows to the number needed cutout;
Numbers and coordinates of the points can be seen on the bottom strip of the window while moving the
mouse cursor to the point;
Picking precision for points (in mm of the slab) can be changed using menu command: Settings > Tolerances on the row of the dialogue window: Picking precision for slab points (see Tolerances);

Changing the location of slab or cutout contour point: for changing the location one must:
1. activate corresponding point and enter new coordinates in the corresponding section of the dialogue
2. activate corresponding point and press button

in the corresponding section and click new location

of the point on the slabs drawing. During changing a connecting line appears between old and current
location. Indication of location outside slab is not possible (connecting line disappears). Mouse leftclick places point in new location. Values of coordinates can then be corrected in edit boxes;
Changing the location of cutouts base point: for changing the location one must:
1. activate corresponding cutout and enter new coordinates in the corresponding section of the dialogue
2. activate corresponding cutout and press button

in the corresponding section and click new loca-

tion of the point on the slabs drawing. During changing a connecting line appears between old and current location. Indication of location outside slab is not possible (connecting line disappears). Mouse
left-click places point in new location. Values of coordinates can then be corrected in edit boxes;
Program checks the sequence of contour points so that contour segments do not intersect. If intersection occurs
the points are automatically renumbered. Overlapping of the cutouts is not checked. Points of the cutouts or
whole cutouts that remain outside slab area are automatically removed. User must visually and numerically
check the accuracy of the slab geometry!

Adding new contour point to slab or cutout: for adding a point at first the point after that new one is needed
must be activated and then button

pressed in the corresponding section of the dialogue window.

New point appears on the line between active and next point. Location of new point can be changed as
described above.
Adding new cutout: for adding new cutout button

should be pressed in the corresponding section of the

dialogue window. New cutout with default dimensions appears in the middle of the slab. Locations of
base and contour points can be changed as described above.

Deleting of slab or cutout contour points: for deleting the point must be activated and then button
pressed in the corresponding section of the dialogue window.


Deleting cutout: for deleting the cutout must be activated and button

pressed in the corresponding section

of the dialogue window.

X, Y: coordinates of the active contour point;

After changing slab data the weight of slab is calculated and indicated;

OK: data is entered into program, dialogue window closes;

Cancel: data is not entered into program, dialogue window closes.

Slab loads
Slab loads can be entered or changed in the dialogue window (Menu command: Input > Loads or speed


Dialogue consists of three pages that can be changed on the name of the page:
Load cases;
Internal forces.
(see also Combination factors).

On the page the values and types of loads and also belonging to some load cases can be seen and changed.

Number of loads: number can be changed scrolling with arrows beside.

Load Nr: scrolling with arrows beside an active load can be chosen, which values will appear on the right.
Type of load: is chosen from given load types.
Possible types and values:


1. Concentrated load (Point load): value of the force F (in kN), coordinate of application point X (in
2. Uniformly distributed load: value of the load p (in kN/m), coordinates of beginning and end of the
load XB and XE (in mm).
Load must be entered as line load, e.g. area load (in kN/m2) must be factored with the width of slab!
3. Trapezoid load: beginning pB and end value pE (in kN/m), corresponding coordinates of beginning
and end points XB and XE (in mm).
Load must be entered as line load, e.g. area load (in kN/m2) must be factored with the width of slab!
4. Moment: value of concentrated moment M (in kNm), coordinate of application point X (in mm).
Duration of load: is chosen with clicking:

Permanent load (indicated on calculating scheme with blue color) or

Variable load (indicated on calculating scheme with red color)

Duration prescribes the values of safety factors in calculations etc.

Load case: number of load case to which current variable load belongs (see also Load cases).
Variable loads can belong to load cases starting from 1. Number of load cases can be changed on the
page Load cases.
Permanent loads and slabs self-weight always belong to load case number 0.
Slabs self-weight is indicated with gray color on the calculating scheme and its diagram is proportional to other
distributed loads.
Locations of supports can be changed in the dialogue window HC slab.

After changing load data the internal forces of the slab are calculated.

Load cases
On the page the number of load cases and corresponding combination factors can be seen and changed.


Number of load cases: is chosen according to current situation. Minimum number of load cases is 1 irrespective of variable loads do exist or not. Permanent loads and slabs self-weight always belong to load case number
Loads that belong to one load case are considered acting simultaneously with the same combination factors.
Placing of loads to load cases is possible on the Loads input page in the corresponding edit box.

Load case Nr: scrolling with arrows the active load case can be chosen. Numbers of loads that belong to current
case are indicated below and on the scheme.

Combination factors: are entered for each load case (see combination factors):
0 - combination factor for variable loads (Psii0);
1 - frequent factor for variable loads (Psii1);
2 - quasi-permanent factor for variable loads (Psii2);
Particular information is given in standards (Eurocode 1990).

(see also Loads input, Internal forces).

Combination factors
Extract from Estonian Standard: EVS-EN 1990:2002 Eurocode. Basis of design.
National Application NA
Table NA.1.1 Recommended values of reduction factors for buildings
Imposed loads in buildings according to class
(see EN 1991-1-1)
Class A: domestic, residential
Class B: offices
Class C: congregation areas
Class D: shopping
Class E: storage
Class F: traffic loads in buildings
vehicle weight 30 kN
Class G: traffic loads in buildings
30 kN < vehicle weight 160 kN
Class H: roofs
Snow loads (see EN 1991-1-3)
Wind loads (see EN 1991-1-4)
Temperature in buildings (see EN 1991-1-5)







Internal forces
On the page the envelopes (diagrams) of shear forces and bending moments from different load cases and combinations can be seen.


Envelope: requested envelope can be chosen;

Load combinations: envelope from characteristic (rare), frequent or quasi-permanent load combinations can be
On the panel beside the extremes and these locations are indicated.
Load case can be chosen, which envelope is shown:
Absolute Min/Max envelope is generated automatically from all load cases applying corresponding
reduction factors;
0 - envelope from permanent loads and self-weight;
1 - envelope from variable loads of corresponding load case.

Two sets of values are shown on the diagram:

Maximum internal forces with red color

Maximum internal forces with blue color

Moving with mouse cursor on the diagram the values of internal forces at current section are indicated on the
bottom strip of the window.
Values can also be seen moving cursor to corresponding position and clicking right mouse button, after that
message box with values appears.

Values of envelopes are calculated:

Combining variable loads taking into account combination factors of corresponding load case;

Considering partial safety factors (Q>1, G>1) in ultimate limit state load combinations;

Proceeding from this in some cases it is useful to divide distributed loads into separate parts and place them into
different load cases (e.g. slab wit cantilever) for automatic combining.
Checking serviceability limit states it is recommended in standards using quasi-permanent load combinations
(also frequent or rare combinations, if needed).

(See also Loads input, Load cases).

Design section
Data of design section can be seen in the dialogue window that is called out from HC slab data input window or
result dialogue clicking with left mouse button on the corresponding location of the diagram.
On the caption of the window the X-coordinate of the slab is shown, where the section is located;
On the image of the cross section the cutouts and tendons in these are shown with gray color. Not included
cores and tendons are hidden;
Type of cross section and tendon pattern can be changed in the cross section input window.

On the lower panels the characteristics of design section (concrete part), tendons and, reduced cross section
(considering concrete and tendons) are shown.

OK: dialogue window closes;

Crack resistance
Exposure class and load combinations, needed for crack resistance check can be chosen in the dialogue window
(Menu command: Input > Crack resistance or speed button



Exposure class at slab service is chosen from given list;

After changing exposure class on the lower panel the admissible crack width wk,adm (in mm) and minimum
concrete cover for tendons ak,min. The last value is informative, e.g. user must check himself correspondence of real cover to admissible.

Load combinations, used in crack resistance checks or calculations of crack widths, are chosen from given

Rare (normative) combinations;

Frequent combinations;

Quasi-permanent combinations.

For each load combination the corresponding reduction factors are applied (see Loads). In usual cases in crack
resistance check the quasi-permanent or frequent combinations should be used.

OK: data is entered into program, dialogue window closes;

Cancel: data is not entered into program, dialogue window closes.

Allowed deflections and precamber

Allowed precamber and deflections can be entered in the dialogue window (Menu command: Input > Deflections or speed button



Allowed relative precamber after transfer: integer value must be entered on the basis of that the allowed
precamber after transfer fe,adm is calculated (in mm);
L slab length (in mm);
Allowed relative deflection at service: integer value must be entered on the basis of that the allowed deflection f,adm is calculated (in mm);
Leff effective length of slab: bigger of values:

Distance between supports;

Length of cantilever.

Load combinations used in deflection check at service are chosen from given list:

Rare (normative) combinations;

Frequent combinations;

Quasi-permanent combinations.

For each load combination the corresponding reduction factors are applied (see Loads). In usual cases in deflection check the quasi-permanent or frequent combinations should be used.

OK: data is entered into program, dialogue window closes;

Cancel: data is not entered into program, dialogue window closes.


Calculations and results

Description of calculation results windows
Calculation results are shown in the typical dialogue window:

Caption of the window indicates the type of calculations, which results are brought below.
On the upper panel the results of checks are shown. If all the needs are met, then the first line is written with
blue color, if not, then with red color. Following lines are written with red color, if corresponding condition is not satisfied. The same text is brought in the programs main window on the Results page.
On the diagram the calculation results are shown graphically along entire slab. Using blue lines the results
concerning top tendons, cracks on top surface or correspond to minimum values are shown, using red
lines results concerning bottom tendons, cracks on bottom surface or correspond to maximum values.
Using thick lines the limiting values are shown, e.g. values that must not be exceeded by determined
value (thin lines) in corresponding section.
Thus all the conditions are satisfied, if the thin lines remain between thick lines.
On the background of the diagram the shape of the slab is shown with gray color that serves as a guide
about the location of the diagram values.
Values of the diagram can be seen moving mouse pointer on the diagram. Values are shown on the bottom
strip of the window. Moving pointer above the center line values of the top graphs are shown, moving
below values of the bottom graphs are shown. Values can also be seen clicking right mouse button in
corresponding place after that information window appears with values.
Clicking with left mouse button on the diagram the design section of the HC slab in current location appears in
the dialogue window (see Design section).
Pressing button Section the cross section data can be changed in the dialogue window Cross section, e.g.
change the type of section, switch on/off tendons and cores. After changes the results are cleaned.
In the case of changes of section the calculations of current type can be recalled pressing button Calculate.
In the case of crack resistance checks additional panel Diagrams appears in the window that can be used for
switching between crack resistance and crack width diagrams.
OK: closes window.


Check for prestresses at transfer

Menu command: Calculations > Check for prestresses at transfer
Program checks the average values of prestress in slab cross sections after transfer.
SigPm0 <= SigLim;
SigLim is the smaller of values: 0.80*fpk and 0.90*fp0.1k,
SigPm0 - average values of prestress in tendons after transfer;
SigLim - allowed (limiting) prestress;
- characteristic tensile strength of tendons;
- characteristic 0,1% control stress of tendons.
Index 1 denotes bottom tendons, index 2 top tendons.
Using blue thin lines the average prestress of top tendons is shown and with thick lines allowed stress.
Using red thin lines the average prestress of bottom tendons is shown and with thick lines allowed stress.
Results of check are given as follows:
Stresses in tendons do not exceed limits
maxSigPm01 = 1112.8 MPa <= maxSig1Lim = 1413.0 MPa
maxSigPm02 = 974.2 MPa <= maxSig2Lim = 1323.0 MPa
The maximum values of stresses throughout the entire slab are compared.
See also Description of calculation results windows.

Check for stresses in concrete at transfer

Menu command: Calculations > Check for stresses in concrete at transfer
Program checks the values of concrete stresses in the slab cross sections after transfer.
1.5*SigCpmax <= fcmp;
- compressive stresses of the concrete in the most compressed edge of the cross section from prestressing force;
fcmp - mean concrete strength at transfer (mean compressive strength at transfer).
Index 1 denotes bottom face of the slab, index 2 top face.
Using blue thin line the stress 1.5*(concrete stress) on the top surface is shown and with thick line - mean concrete strength at transfer (allowed stress).
Using blue thin line the stress 1.5*(concrete stress) on the bottom surface is shown and with thick line - mean
concrete strength at transfer (allowed stress).
Results of check are given as follows:
Stresses in concrete do not exceed limits
1.5*SigCp1max = 16.72 MPa <= fcmp = 22.60 MPa
1.5*SigCp2max = 3.55 MPa <= fcmp = 22.60 MPa
The maximum values of stresses throughout the entire slab are compared.
Vt. ka Description of calculation results windows.

Check for final prestresses

Menu command: Calculations > Check for final prestresses


Program checks the stresses in tendons in slab cross sections after final prestress losses at time t = (see Manufacturing conditions: Age of concrete at calculating of final losses of stress).
SigPm <= fpk*0.75;
SigPm - stress in tendon in some cross section after final prestress losses;
- characteristic tensile strength of tendons.
Index 1 denotes bottom tendons, index 2 top tendons.
Using blue thin lines the stress of top tendons is shown and with thick lines allowed stress.
Using red thin lines the stress of bottom tendons is shown and with thick lines allowed stress.
Results of check are given as follows:
maxSigPm1 = 911.9 MPa <= fpk1*0.75 = 1327.5 MPa
maxSigPm2 = 719.7 MPa <= fpk2*0.75 = 1252.5 MPa
The maximum values of stresses throughout the entire slab are compared.
See also Description of calculation results windows, Final prestressing forces.

Final prestressing forces

Menu command: Calculations > Final prestressing forces
Program calculates summarized initial prestressing forces and final prestressing forces in slab cross sections
after final prestress losses at time t = (see Manufacturing conditions: Age of concrete at calculating of final
losses of stress).
These results are informative.
- summarized initial prestressing force (overall initial stressing force);
- prestressing force after final prestress losses in the whole cross section.
P01, P02
- summarized initial prestressing forces of bottom and top tendons, respectively;
Pm1, Pm2
- prestressing force after final prestress losses of bottom and top tendons, respectively.
Index 1 denotes bottom tendons, index 2 top tendons.
Using blue thin lines the prestressing force after final prestress losses of top tendons is shown and with thick
lines initial prestressing force.
Using red thin lines the prestressing force after final prestress losses of bottom tendons is shown and with thick
lines initial prestressing force.
Results of calculations are given as follows:
P0 = 1186.19 kN, maxPm = 839.44 kN
P01 = 960.00 kN, maxPm1 = 717.36 kN
P02 = 226.19 kN, maxPm2 = 122.09 kN
The maximum values of forces throughout the entire slab are shown.
See also Description of calculation results windows, Check for final prestresses.

Bearing capacity (bending) after manufacturing

Menu command: Calculations > Bearing capacity (bending) after manufacturing
Program checks the bearing capacity in bending after manufacturing, while the final prestress losses are not
reached yet and concrete strength is equal to strength on stressing fckp. Design values of bending moments are
determined from two calculating scheme:
1. Slab is supported on the ends envelope of bending moments is drawn with red thin line. Selfweight of the slab is factored with partial safety factor for permanent loads in the calculations
of bending moments;

2. Slab is lifted from lifting points (see Manufacturing conditions) - envelope of bending moments is
drawn with blue thin line. Self-weight of the slab is factored with partial safety factor for permanent loads and dynamic factor in the calculations of bending moments;
Strength condition:
MSd <= MRd
K = MSd / MRd <=1,
K - relative utilization factor of bearing capacity in bending for cross section;
MSd - absolute value of the bending moment in the cross section (maxM, minM);
maxM, minM

- maximum and minimum (considering the sign) bending moments (MSd) in the cross

MRd - limiting moment for the cross section (bearing capacity in bending) considering the sign of the bending moment, e.g. whether the most tended or least compressed edge is on the bottom or top surface.
Blue thick line shows the bearing capacity in bending for the minimum bending moment, when tended or the
least compressed zone is on top.
Red thick line shows the bearing capacity in bending for the maximum bending moment, when tended or the
least compressed zone is on bottom.
Results of check are given as follows:
Bearing capacity is guaranteed
MaxK,bot = 0.269 <= 1, in section X = 3.44 m (maxM = 44.08 kNm, maxMrd = 212.40 kNm)
MaxK,top = 0.143 <= 1, in section X = 6.72 m (minM = 7.61 kNm minMrd = 54.51 kNm)
Explanation of results:
MaxK,bot - maximum relative utilization coefficient of the bearing capacity, when tended or the least
compressed zone is on bottom: maxM/Mrd;
MaxK,top - maximum relative utilization coefficient of the bearing capacity, when tended or the least
compressed zone is on top: minM/Mrd;
- slab section, where maxK,bot or maxK, top exists, e.g. the most critical section.
maxM, minM extremes of envelopes of bending moments throughout the entire slab (the extremes
must not be necessarily in critical sections);
maxMrd, minMrd extremes of bearing capacity in bending throughout the entire slab (the extremes
must not be necessarily in critical sections).
See also Description of calculation results windows.

Bearing capacity (bending) at service

Menu command: Calculations > Bearing capacity (bending) at service
Program checks the bearing capacity in bending at service in slab cross sections after final prestress losses at
time t = (see Manufacturing conditions: Age of concrete at calculating of final losses of stress), while the
final prestress losses are reached and concrete strength is equal to characteristic strength fck.
Design values of bending moments are determined with combining loads from different load cases (see Loads)
from which maximum (shown with red thin line) and minimum (shown with blue thin line) bending moment for
each cross section is obtained (considering sign).
Strength condition:
MSd <= MRd
K = MSd / MRd <=1,
K - relative utilization factor of bearing capacity in bending for cross section;
MSd - absolute value of the bending moment in the cross section (maxM, minM);
maxM, minM

- maximum and minimum (considering the sign) bending moments (MSd) in the cross


MRd - limiting moment for the cross section (bearing capacity in bending) considering the sign of the bending moment, e.g. whether the most tended or least compressed edge is on the bottom or top surface.
Blue thick line shows the bearing capacity in bending for the minimum bending moment, when tended or the
least compressed zone is on top.
Red thick line shows the bearing capacity in bending for the maximum bending moment, when tended or the
least compressed zone is on bottom.
Results of check are given as follows:
Bearing capacity is guaranteed
MaxK,bot = 0.269 <= 1, in section X = 3.44 m (maxM = 44.08 kNm, maxMrd = 212.40 kNm)
MaxK,top = 0.143 <= 1, in section X = 6.72 m (minM = 7.61 kNm minMrd = 54.51 kNm)
Explanation of results:
MaxK,bot - maximum relative utilization coefficient of the bearing capacity, when tended or the least
compressed zone is on bottom: maxM/Mrd;
MaxK,top - maximum relative utilization coefficient of the bearing capacity, when tended or the least
compressed zone is on top: minM/Mrd;
- slab section, where maxK,bot or maxK,top exists, e.g. the most critical section.
maxM, minM extremes of envelopes of bending moments throughout the entire slab (the extremes
must not be necessarily in critical sections);
maxMrd, minMrd extremes of bearing capacity in bending throughout the entire slab (the extremes
must not be necessarily in critical sections).
See also Description of calculation results windows.

Bearing capacity (shear) at service

Menu command: Calculations > Bearing capacity (shear) at service
Program checks the bearing capacity in shear at service in slab cross sections after final prestress losses at time t
= (see Manufacturing conditions: Age of concrete at calculating of final losses of stress), while the final
prestress losses are reached and concrete strength is equal to characteristic strength fck.
Design values of shear forces are determined with combining loads from different load cases (see Loads) from
which maximum (shown with red thin line) and minimum (shown with blue thin line) shear force for each cross
section is obtained (absolute values).
Strength condition:
VSd <= VRd1
K = VSd / VRd1 <=1,
- relative utilization factor of bearing capacity in shear for cross section;

- absolute value of the shear force in the cross section (maxV, minV);

maxV, minV - maximum and minimum (absolute values) shear forces (VSd) in the cross section;

- limiting shear resistance of the slab section without shear reinforcement (bearing capacity in shear).

Red thick line shows the bearing capacity of cross sections in shear.
Results of check are given as follows:
Bearing capacity is guaranteed
maxK=0.419 <= 1, in section X= 7.44 m (maxV = 65.62 kN, maxVrd1 = 228.89 kN)
Explanation of results:
maxK - maximum relative utilization coefficient of the bearing capacity: maxV/Vrd1;
- slab section, where exists maxK, e.g. the most critical section.
maxV - extreme of envelope of shear forces throughout the entire slab (the extreme must not be necessarily in critical section)

maxVrd1 - extreme of bearing capacity in shear throughout the entire slab (the extreme must not be
necessarily in critical section).
See also Description of calculation results windows.

Check of anchorage zone at service

Menu command: Calculations > Check of anchorage zone at service
Program checks the stresses and forces relative to allowed values at service after final prestress losses at time t =
(see Manufacturing conditions: Age of concrete at calculating of final losses of stress), while the final prestress losses are reached and concrete strength is equal to characteristic strength fck.
Two types of checks are performed:
1. Check that mean tensile stresses of concrete sigTmax do not exceed tensile strength of concrete fctd
(that can originate cracks at the slab ends between cores): sigTmax/fctd <= 1;
2. Check that tendon forces do not exceed anchorage capacity at the slab ends and near openings (that
can cause rupture of tendons from concrete): FSd/FRd <= 1,
FSd = MSd/z + VSd/2
- tensile force in tendons from loads;
- anchorage capacity of tendons.
On the diagram the relative values are shown (the bigger value from two checks).
Red thin lines show utilization factor for bottom tendons and region, blue thin lines for top tendons and region.
Red and blue thick lines are equal to 1.
Results of check are given as follows:
Stresses in anchorage zone do not exceed limits
MaxK,bot=0.513 <= 1, in section X= 7.88 m (0.513/1)
MaxK,top=0.513 <= 1, in section X= 7.88 m (0.513/1)
Explanation of results:
MaxK,bot - maximum relative utilization coefficient of the stresses on bottom of the slab;
MaxK,top - maximum relative utilization coefficient of the stresses on top of the slab;
- slab section, where maxK,bot or maxK,top exist, e.g. the most critical section.
See also Description of calculation results windows.

Crack resistance after manufacturing

Menu command: Calculations > Crack resistance after manufacturing
Program checks the crack resistance after manufacturing, while the final prestress losses are not reached yet and
concrete strength is equal to strength on stressing fckp. Crack resistance and crack width are checked. If the
cracks are allowed the calculated crack width is determinant. Characteristic values of bending moments are
determined from two calculating scheme:
1. Slab is supported on the ends envelope of bending moments is drawn with red thin line. Selfweight of the slab is factored with partial safety factor for permanent loads in the calculations
of bending moments;
2. Slab is lifted from lifting points (see Manufacturing conditions) - envelope of bending moments is
drawn with blue thin line. Self-weight of the slab is factored with partial safety factor for permanent loads and dynamic factor in the calculations of bending moments;
Two sets of results can be seen in the dialogue window:
1. Crack resistance after manufacturing and at slab lifting
MSd <= Mcr

K = MSd / Mcr <=1,


- relative utilization factor of crack resistance for cross section;

- absolute characteristic value of bending moment (maxM, minM) in the cross section;

maxM, minM
- maximum and minimum values of the bending moment (MSd) in the cross section
(considering sign);

- limiting moment for the cross section (crack resistance) considering the sign of the bending moment, e.g. whether the most tended or least compressed edge is on the bottom or top surface

Blue thick line shows the crack resistance for the minimum bending moment, when tended or the least compressed zone is on top.
Red thick line shows the crack resistance for the maximum bending moment, when tended or the least compressed zone is on bottom.
Results of check are given as follows:
Slab is cracked
MaxK,bot = 0.312 <= 1, in section X = 3.44 m (maxM = 32.65 kNm, maxMcrc = 135.20 kNm)
maxK,top = 19.165 > 1, in section X = 3.44 m (minM = 5.64 kNm, minMcrc = 16.95 kNm)
Explanation of results:
MaxK,bot - maximum relative utilization coefficient of the crack resistance, when tended or the least
compressed zone is on bottom: maxM/Mcrc. Criterion for crack formation on the bottom of
the slab;
MaxK,top - maximum relative utilization coefficient of the crack resistance, when tended or the least
compressed zone is on top: minM/Mcrc. Criterion for crack formation on the top of the slab;
- slab section, where maxK,bot or maxK,top exists, e.g. the most critical section.
maxM, minM extremes of envelopes of bending moments throughout the entire slab (the extremes
must not be necessarily in critical sections);
maxMrd, minMrd - extremes of crack resistance throughout the entire slab (the extremes must not be
necessarily in critical sections).
2. Crack widths after manufacturing and at slab lifting
wk <= wk,adm
K = wk / wk,adm <=1,
- utilization coefficient of crack width;

- calculated crack width from the bending moments (maxM, minM) in the cross section;


- allowed crack width.

Index 1 denotes cracks on bottom, index 2 on top of the slab.

Blue thin line shows the calculated crack widths on top, thick line allowed crack width.
Red thin line shows the calculated crack widths on bottom, thick line allowed crack width.
Results of check are given as follows:
Crack widths do not exceed limits
MaxK,bot = 0.000 <= 1, in section X = 0.08 m (wk1,max = 0.00 mm, wk,adm = 0.20 mm)
MaxK, top = 0.256 <= 1, in section X = 1.28 m (wk2,max = 0.05 mm, wk,adm = 0.20 mm)
Explanation of results:
MaxK,bot - utilization coefficient of crack width on the bottom of the slab: wk1,max/wk,adm;
MaxK,top - utilization coefficient of crack width on the top of the slab: wk2,max/wk,adm;
- slab section, where maxK,bot or maxK,top exists, e.g. the most critical section.
wk1,max, wk2,max maximum calculated crack widths on the bottom and top of the slab;
wk,adm - allowed crack width.
See also Description of calculation results windows, Manufacturing conditions, Crack resistance.

Crack resistance at service

Menu command: Calculations > Crack resistance at service
Program checks the crack resistance at service in slab cross sections after final prestress losses at time t = (see
Manufacturing conditions: Age of concrete at calculating of final losses of stress), while the final prestress
losses are reached and concrete strength is equal to characteristic strength fck.
Characteristic values of bending moments are determined with combining loads from different load cases (see
Loads) from which maximum (shown with red thin line) and minimum (shown with blue thin line) bending
moment for each cross section is obtained (considering sign).
Two sets of results can be seen in the dialogue window:
1. Crack resistance at service
MSd <= Mcr
K = MSd / Mcr <=1,
- relative utilization factor of crack resistance for cross section;

- absolute characteristic value of the bending moment (maxM, minM) in the cross section;

maxM, minM
- maximum and minimum values of the bending moment (MSd) in the cross section
(considering sign);

- limiting moment for the cross section (crack resistance) considering the sign of the bending moment, e.g. whether the most tended or least compressed edge is on the bottom or top surface

Blue thick line shows the crack resistance for the minimum bending moment, when tended or the least compressed zone is on top.
Red thick line shows the crack resistance for the maximum bending moment, when tended or the least compressed zone is on bottom.
Results of check are given as follows:
Slab is cracked
MaxK,bot = 1.046 > 1, in section X = 3.44 m (maxM = 98.85 kNm, maxMcrc = 113.60 kNm)
MaxK,top = 0.014 <= 1, in section X = 0.08 m (minM = 0.03 kNm, minMcrc = 18.14 kNm)
Explanation of results:
MaxK,bot - maximum relative utilization coefficient of the crack resistance, when tended or the least
compressed zone is on bottom: maxM/Mcrc. Criterion for crack formation on the bottom of
the slab;
MaxK,top - maximum relative utilization coefficient of the crack resistance, when tended or the least
compressed zone is on top: minM/Mcrc. Criterion for crack formation on the top of the slab;
- slab section, where maxK,bot or maxK,top exists, e.g. the most critical section.
maxM, minM extremes of envelopes of bending moments throughout the entire slab (the extremes
must not be necessarily in critical sections);
maxMrd, minMrd - extremes of crack resistance throughout the entire slab (the extremes must not be
necessarily in critical sections).
2. Crack widths at service
wk <= wk,adm
K = wk / wk,adm <=1,
- utilization coefficient of crack width;

- calculated crack width from the bending moments (maxM, minM) in the cross section;

wk,adm - allowed crack width.


Index 1 denotes cracks on bottom, index 2 on top of the slab.

Blue thin line shows the calculated crack widths on top, thick line allowed crack width.
Red thin line shows the calculated crack widths on bottom, thick line allowed crack width.
Results of check are given as follows:
Crack widths do not exceed limits
MaxK,bot = 0.274 <= 1, in section X = 3.44 m (wk1,max = 0.05 mm, wk,adm = 0.20 mm)
MaxK,top = 0.000 <= 1, in section X = 0.08 m (wk2,max = 0.00 mm, wk,adm = 0.20 mm)
Explanation of results:
MaxK,bot - utilization coefficient of crack width on the bottom of the slab: wk1,max/wk,adm;
MaxK,top - utilization coefficient of crack width on the top of the slab: wk2,max/wk,adm;
- slab section, where maxK,bot or maxK,top exists, e.g. the most critical section.
wk1,max, wk2,max maximum calculated crack widths on the bottom and top of the slab;
wk,adm - allowed crack width.
See also Description of calculation results windows, Loads, Crack resistance.

Slab precamber at transfer

Menu command: Calculations > Slab precamber at transfer
Program checks slab precamber fe,min after manufacturing, while the final prestress losses are not reached yet
and concrete strength is equal to strength on stressing fckp.
Characteristic bending moments are determined from the calculating scheme, where slab is supported on the
fe <= fe,adm
K = fe / fe,adm <=1,
- utilization coefficient of precamber;

- calculated slab precamber (absolute value);

fe,adm - allowed slab precamber (absolute value);

Blue thin line shows the displacements of the slab (precamber, deflections) relative to supports.
Blue and red thick lines show the allowed displacements (precamber, deflections).
Results of check are given as follows:
Slab precamber does not exceed limit
MaxK,bot = 0.001 <= 1, in section X = 8.00 m (fe,max = 0.03 mm, fe,adm = 32.00 mm)
MaxK,top = 0.204 <= 1, in section X = 4.24 m (fe,min = 6.52 mm, fe,adm = 32.00 mm)
Explanation of results:
MaxK,bot - maximum relative utilization coefficient of the lower point of the slab (minimum
precamber): fe,max/fe,adm;
MaxK,top - maximum relative utilization coefficient of the higher point of the slab (maximum
precamber): fe,min/fe,adm;
- slab section, where maxK,bot or maxK,top exists, e.g. the most critical section.
fe,max - maximum value of the calculated displacements (minimum precamber considering sign);
fe,min - minimum value of the calculated displacements (maximum precamber considering sign).
See also Description of calculation results windows, Allowed deflections and precamber.

Slab deflections at service


Menu command: Calculations > Slab deflections at service

Program checks the deflections of the slab after final prestress losses at time t = (see Manufacturing conditions: Age of concrete at calculating of final losses of stress), while the final prestress losses are reached and
concrete strength is equal to characteristic strength fck.
Characteristic values of bending moments are determined with combining loads from different load cases (see
Loads). As a result two deformed shapes of the slab can be obtained: loaded to the limit with variable loads
shape (shown with red thin line) and shape of slab with minimum loads (shown with blue thin line).
f <= fadm
K = f / fadm <=1,
K - utilization coefficient of deflection;

- calculated slab deflection (absolute value);

fadm - allowed slab deflection (absolute value);

Blue and red thin lines show minimum and maximum displacements (deflections) relative to supports.
Blue and red thick lines show the allowed displacements (deflections).
Results of check are given as follows:
Slab deflections do not exceed limits
MaxK,bot = 0.611 <=1, in section X = 3.84 m (f,max = 19.15 mm, f,adm = 31.36 mm)
MaxK,top = 0.017 <= 1, in section X = 8.00 m (f,min = 0.52 mm, f,adm = 31.36 mm)
Explanation of results:
MaxK,bot - maximum relative utilization coefficient of the lower point of the slab (maximum deflection):
MaxK,top - maximum relative utilization coefficient of the higher point of the slab (minimum deflection): f,min/f,adm;
- slab section, where maxK,bot or maxK,top exists, e.g. the most critical section.
fe,max - maximum value of the calculated displacements (maximum deflection considering sign);
fe,min - minimum value of the calculated displacements (minimum deflection considering sign).
See also Description of calculation results windows, Allowed deflections and precamber.

All chosen calculations

Menu command: Calculations > All chosen calculations;
On the page Results of main program window button: Calculate.
The calculations chosen on the page Results of main window are performed.
After calculation the results appear in the window and all the speed buttons that correspond to chosen calculations will activate.
More detailed results can be seen in the dialogue window (see description of calculation results windows) of
corresponding results that can be called out with speed buttons or menu commands.
Explanation of results is given for each topic:
Check for prestresses at transfer
Check for stresses in concrete at transfer
Check for final prestresses
Final prestressing forces
Bearing capacity (bending) after manufacturing
Bearing capacity (bending) at service
Bearing capacity (shear) at service
Check of anchorage zone at service


Crack resistance after manufacturing

Crack resistance at service
Slab precamber at transfer
Slab deflections at service

Manufacturing conditions
Data about manufacturing conditions and the periods of calculation of the prestress losses of the HC slab can be
entered or changed in the dialogue window (Menu command: Settings > Manufacturing conditions).

Distance between anchoring devices (in m): the program uses this value for calculation of prestress losses
from relaxation of tendons during stressing;
Distance of lifting points from the ends of slab (in m): is equal for two lifting points measured from the both
ends of the slab. On the basis of this value the program makes calculation scheme for checking bearing
and crack resistance at slab lifting after manufacturing (see. Bearing capacity (bending) after manufacturing and Crack resistance after manufacturing);

Concrete heating: if the concrete is heated after casting the slab then the concrete temperature (C) must be

Data that can be entered on the lower panel reflect in the calculations of prestress losses:
Time between stressing and transfer (hours);
Age of concrete at the beginning of shrinkage (days);
Age of concrete at first loading (days);
Age of concrete at calculating of final losses of stress (days). This value has been default set equal to
25550 days = 70 years. According to standards this is the age during what the final creep and

shrinkage of the concrete has taken place. If the slab has to be checked at service in any different
time, when creep and shrinkage process is not finished yet, the value could be decreased.
Relative humidity at service (%).

OK: data is entered into program, dialogue window closes;

Cancel: data is not entered into program, dialogue window closes.


Default cross section settings

Default cross section settings can be entered or changed on the corresponding page of the settings dialogue
window (Menu command: Settings > Section). Default settings determine which initial values are used
starting the program or creating slab with new values (Menu command: File > New), but do not affect data and
settings of the current slab.

On this page Type of cross section, Pattern of top tendons and Pattern of bottom tendons can be chosen (see
also Cross section, Creation of cross sections, Creation of tendon patterns).
Scheme of the chosen cross section is drawn on the bottom of the page.

OK: data is entered into program, dialogue window closes;

Cancel: data is not entered into program, dialogue window closes.

Default concrete
Default concrete class settings can be entered or changed on the corresponding page of the settings dialogue
window (Menu command: Settings > Concrete). Default settings determine which initial values are used
starting the program or creating slab with new values (Menu command: File > New), but do not affect data and
settings of the current slab.
On the page the following initial values can be entered:
Concrete class: is chosen from predefined list (Marked: C <characteristic cylindrical compressive
strength >/< characteristic cubic compressive strength> in MPa) that is read from data file Concrete.dat or other user-defined file (see Creation of concrete classes);
Density of concrete: value must be in kN/m3 ~ 9.81*T/ m3;


Relative strength at transfer: value Kp = fckp/fck, (characteristic compressive strength at transfer / characteristic cylindrical compressive strength);
Strength at transfer: value in MPa;
The last two values are related, e.g. changing the one causes the change of the second value
Type of cement: one of the given must be chosen;

OK: data is entered into program, dialogue window closes;

Cancel: data is not entered into program, dialogue window closes.

See also Concrete.

Default tendons and prestresses

Default tendon and prestress settings can be entered or changed on the corresponding page of the settings dialogue window (Menu command: Settings > Tendons and prestresses). Default settings determine which
initial values are used starting the program or creating slab with new values (Menu command: File > New), but
do not affect data and settings of the current slab.
On this page the following initial values of top and bottom tendons can be entered:
Tendon class: is chosen from predefined list (Marked: <Type> <Diameter (mm)> - <0.1% control stress
(MPa)>/<Characteristic tensile strength (MPa)>) that is read from data file Tendons.dat or other
user-defined file (see Creation of tendon classes);
Prestress: tendons prestress at stressing Sig0 (in MPa).
OK: data is entered into program, dialogue window closes;
Cancel: data is not entered into program, dialogue window closes.


See also Tendons and Prestress.

Default crack resistance

Default crack resistance settings can be entered or changed on the corresponding page of the settings dialogue
window (Menu command: Settings > Crack resistance). Default settings determine which initial values are
used starting the program or creating slab with new values (Menu command: File > New), but do not affect data
and settings of the current slab.


On this page the following initial values can be entered:

Exposure class at slab service is chosen from given list;
After changing exposure class on the lower panel the admissible crack width wk,adm (in mm) and minimum
concrete cover for tendons ak,min.
Load combinations, used in crack resistance checks or calculations of crack widths, are chosen from given

Rare (normative) combinations;

Frequent combinations;

Quasi-permanent combinations.

For each load combination the corresponding reduction factors are applied (see Loads). In usual cases in crack
resistance check the quasi-permanent or frequent combinations should be used.

OK: data is entered into program, dialogue window closes;

Cancel: data is not entered into program, dialogue window closes.
See also Crack resistance.

Default deflections
Default deflection settings can be entered or changed on the corresponding page of the settings dialogue window
(Menu command: Settings > Deflections). Default settings determine which initial values are used starting the
program or creating slab with new values (Menu command: File > New), but do not affect data and settings of
the current slab.

On this page the following initial values can be entered:


Allowed relative precamber after transfer.

Allowed relative deflection at service.
Load combinations, used in deflection check at service, are chosen from given list:

Rare (normative) combinations;

Frequent combinations;

Quasi-permanent combinations.

For each load combination the corresponding reduction factors are applied (see Loads). In usual cases in
deflection check the quasi-permanent or frequent combinations should be used.

OK: data is entered into program, dialogue window closes;

Cancel: data is not entered into program, dialogue window closes.
See also Allowed deflections and precamber.

Tolerances can be entered or changed on the corresponding page of the settings dialogue window (Menu command: Settings > Tolerances).

On this page the following initial values can be entered:

Picking precision for tendons (in mm of the cross section) that determines the precision of picking of
tendons with mouse on the scheme of cross section in the input window (see Cross section);
Picking precision for core (in mm of the cross section) that determines the precision of picking of cores
with mouse on the scheme of cross section in the input window (see Cross section);
Picking precision for slab points (in mm of the slab) that determines the precision of picking of contour
points with mouse on the scheme of HC slab in the input window (see HC slab);


Min. width for included part of section (in mm): parts of the cross section, which width remain less
than this value are ignored in the calculations;

Number of points on diagrams of internal forces (see Loads);

Number of integrating points for section properties: determines the precision of integration in the calculations of section properties. It is not recommended to choose less than 200;
Number of calculated slab sections: determined a step that is used in slab calculations. In the calculations the slab is divided into sections with equal step and each section is checked. It is not recommended to choose too small number of sections (especially in the case of complicated layouts) because this can lead to incorrect results.

Iteration tolerance for calculations: determines the precision of iterative solutions of equations in the
calculations of cross section.
Max. number of iterations in calculations: determines the maximum number of iterations. After
reaching this number of any iterative process the program stops iteration process and gives a
Normally the number of iterations should remain less than 50. If using this number of iterations
equilibrium equations could not been solved the input data should be checked.
The reasons can be:

Application of unreal prestresses;

Unreal amount of tendons;

Too heavy loading;

Too small iteration tolerance;

Depending on the shape of the slab and location of cutouts the situation, where in some cross

sections the tendons are missing.

In each case possible reasons should be analyzed.

OK: data is entered into program, dialogue window closes;

Cancel: data is not entered into program, dialogue window closes.

See also All chosen calculations and explanations for each specific calculation.

Default performed calculations

Default performed calculations can be entered or changed on the corresponding page of the settings dialogue
window (Menu command: Settings > Performed calculations). Default settings determine which initial
values are used starting the program or creating slab with new values (Menu command: File > New), but do not
affect data and settings of the current slab.


On this page the calculations can be chosen that are performed using command All chosen calculations (Menu
command: Calculations > All chosen calculations or button Calculate on the Results page of the
main window).

OK: data is entered into program, dialogue window closes;

Cancel: data is not entered into program, dialogue window closes.

Location of data files

Location of data files can be entered or changed in the dialogue window (Menu command: Settings > Data

Locations of the following data files can be entered:

Concrete classes: Concrete.dat or user defined file (see Creation of concrete classes);
Tendon classes: Tendons.dat or user defined file (see Creation of tendon classes);
Cross sections: Slab_sct.dat or user defined file (see Creation of cross sections);
Tendon patterns: Slab_tns.dat or user defined file (see Creation of tendon patterns) ;


The locations of data files can be entered in the corresponding edit box or browsed pressing button


that standard file opening window occurs:

If the needed file has reached the dialogue window can be closed and the location of the file appears in the edit

OK: data is entered into program, dialogue window closes;

Cancel: data is not entered into program, dialogue window closes.

See also Working folder.

Working folder
Location of the working folder can be entered or changed in the dialogue window (Menu command: Settings >
Working folder).

Working folder is the default location where slab data is saved and opened. However it is always possible to
browse other locations in standard opening and saving windows. Defining working folder helps using of the
program, if the project files are located in certain folder.


The location working folder can be entered in the corresponding edit box or browsed pressing button


that standard folder browsing window occurs:

If the needed folder has reached the dialogue window can be closed and the location of the folder appears in the
edit box.

OK: data is entered into program, dialogue window closes;

Cancel: data is not entered into program, dialogue window closes.

See also Location of data files.

Calculation parameters
Calculation parameters can be entered or changed in the dialogue window (Menu command: Settings > Calculation parameters).


Calculation parameters are determined with the standards (see Normative documentation) and user must be
aware of these meaning and influence on the calculation results. The following calculation parameters are set
default after installation of the program:
Parameters of concrete:
alfa - Shape factor for section in bending (0.85);
epscc - Ultimate axial compressive strain (-0.0020);
epscu - Ultimate strain on the edge of compressive zone (-0.0035);
gammac - Partial safety factor for material (1.5);
Parameters of tendons:
gammas - Partial safety factor for material (1.15);
epspu - Ultimate tensile strain in tendons (0.01);
Partial safety factors for loads:
gammaGk - Partial safety factor for permanent loads (in SLS) (1.00);
gammaQk - Partial safety factor for variable loads (in SLS) (1.00);
gammaGd - Partial safety factor for permanent loads (in ULS) (1.20);
gammaQd - Partial safety factor for variable loads (in ULS) (1.50);
gammaD - Dynamic factor in slab lifting (1.60);
Partial safety factors for prestressing forces:
gammaP,fav - Partial safety factor for prestressing forces with favorable effect (0.90);
gammaP,unfav - Partial safety factor for prestressing forces with unfavorable effect (1.20);
Rinf - Factor of lower characteristic value of prestressing (0.90);
Rsup - Factor of upper characteristic value of prestressing (1.10);

In order to change the parameters one must enter password (can be obtained from the author of the program)
and press button Enter. If correct password is entered the edit boxes open and data can be changed.
OK: data is entered into program, dialogue window closes;
Cancel: data is not entered into program, dialogue window closes.

Data files
Creation of concrete classes
Concrete classes are read by program from data file Concrete.dat or user defined file, which location must be
indicated with program settings (Menu command: Settings > Data files). (See Location of data files).
If the program does not find data file, it uses some default concrete classes.
Structure of data file: standard text file, where in each row using spaces as separators the following data is
<Name of class> <Cylindrical characteristic compressive strength (in MPa)>
C12/15 12
C16/20 16
C20/25 20
C25/30 25
C30/37 30
C35/45 35
C40/50 40
C45/55 45
C50/60 50
C55/65 55
C60/70 60

The first three classes (indicated with blue color) must remain and others are optional.
Other concrete characteristics are automatically calculated by program.
(See also Concrete)

Creation of tendon classes

Tendon classes are read by program from data file Tendons.dat or user defined file, which location must be
indicated with program settings (Menu command: Settings > Data files). (See Location of data files).
If the program does not find data file, it uses some default tendon classes.
Structure of data file: standard text file, where in each pair of rows using spaces as separators the following
data is written:
1. row:
***<Name of the class (Recommended: <Type> <Diameter (in mm)> - <0.1% control stress (in MPa)>
/<Characteristic tensile strength (in MPa)>) >
2. row:
<Type (Cable, Strand, CrushedStrand, ProfiledBar)> < Diameter (in mm)> <Area of cross section (in mm2)>
<0.1% control stress (in MPa)> < Characteristic tensile strength (in MPa)> <Elastic modulus (in GPa)>


***Cable 12.9 - 1570/1770
Cable 12.9 100.0 1770 1570 195
***Strand 5.0 - 1570/1770
CrushedStrand 5.0 19.634954 1770 1570 205
*** Strand 6.0 - 1470/1670
CrushedStrand 6.0 28.274334 1670 1470 205

Other tendon characteristics are automatically calculated by program.

(See also Tendons)

Creation of cross sections

Cross sections are read by program from data file Slab_sct.dat or user defined file, which location must be
indicated with program settings (Menu command: Settings > Data files). (See Location of data files).
If the program does not find data file, it uses a default cross section.
Coordinates: the origin of coordinates is located in the top left corner of the cross section, Xcoordinate is
oriented to the right, Y to bottom.

Structure of data file: standard text file with following sections:

1. section:
1. row:
***<Name of cross section (Recommended: <Name>\th=<Height (in mm)>) >

2. section:
1. row - keyword:
KONTUUR (contour)

the following rows coordinates of the contour of slab section that program uses for
creating and drawing straight lines forming closed contour. The last point is connected
to the first using line, e.g. last point first:
(<X-coordinate of the point (in mm)> <Y-coordinate of the point (in mm)>)

3. section:
1. row - keyword:
OOS (core)

the following rows coordinates of the contour of core that program uses for creating
and drawing straight lines forming closed contour. The last point is connected to the
first using line, e.g. last point first:
(<X-coordinate of the point (in mm)> <Y-coordinate of the point (in mm)>)

4. section:
1. row - keyword:
OONE_KOHT (locations of the cores)


following rows coordinates of the base points (origin of the coordinates of the core contour) of the cores,
where each point defines a core:
(<X-coordinate of the point (in mm)> <Y-coordinate of the point (in mm)>)

Data of the following cross sections is with the same structure.

(20.0 60.0)
(30.0 70.0)

(20.0 0.0)
(15.0 0.0)
(24.8194 -2.00912)

(-15.0 0.0)
(1084.68 120.0)

(114.942 120.0)

Using given data the program calculates all needed characteristics of the cross sections. The accuracy of created
section can be checked on the drawing in the dialogue window of the program (see Cross section).

Creation of tendon patterns

Tendon patterns are read by program from data file Slab_tns.dat or user defined file, which location must be
indicated with program settings (Menu command: Settings > Data files). (See Location of data files).
If the program does not find data file, it uses a default pattern.
Coordinates: the origin of coordinates is located in the top left corner of the cross section, Xcoordinate is
oriented to the right, Y to bottom.

Structure of data file: standard text file with following sections:

1. section:
1. row:
***<Name of the tendon pattern (Recommended: <Name of the cross section>\th=<Height (in mm)>) >

2. section:
The coordinates of all tendons in cross section (Program groups the tendons into upper and lower according to
their location in upper or lower half of the section height):


<X-coordinate of tendon (in mm)> < Y-coordinate of tendon (in mm)>

Data of the following patterns is with the same structure.

1141.6 30
1020.8 30



1141.6 105
1020.8 105



1151.6 120
1131.6 120




The accuracy of created patterns can be checked on the drawing in the dialogue window of the program (see
Cross section).


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