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Bibliografie[modificare | modificare sursa]

Brunea-Fox, Filip: Ora?ul macelului (Jurnal al rebeliunii legionare din 1941, de

la Bucure?ti), 1944.
Veiga, Francisco: Istoria Garzii de Fier 1919-1941 - Mistica ultranationalismulu
i, Editura Humanitas, 1993
en Weber, Eugen: Romania n The European Right: A Historical Profile ed. Hans Rogg
er and Eugen Weber, University of California Press, 1965.
en Seton-Watson, Hugh, Eastern Europe Between the Wars 1918-1941, Connecticut, A
rchon Books, 1967.
en Nagy-Talavera, Nicholas M., The Green Shirts and the Others: A History of Fas
cism in Hungary and Rumania, 1970. ISBN 973-9432-11-5, ISBN 0-8179-1851-5
es Sima, Horia: ?Que es el nacionalismo?, Publ.: Fuerza Nueva, 1976, ISBN 84-737
8-009-4, ISBN 978-84-7378-009-4.
en Weber, Eugen: The Men of the Archangel, n International Fascism: New Thoughts
and Approaches, ed. George L. Mosse, SAGE Publ., 1979, ISBN 0-8039-9842-2 and IS
BN 0-8039-9843-0 [Pbk]).
en Payne, Stanley G.: Fascism: Comparison and Definition, pg. 115-118, Universit
y of Wisconsin Press, 1980, ISBN 0-299-08060-9.
en Cullen, Stephen M., Leaders and Martyrs: Codreanu, Mosley and Jose Antonio. p
p. 408 430, History 71, October 1986.
en Philip, Biographical Dictionary of the Extreme Right Since 1890, 1991.
Codrescu, Razvan, n cautarea Legiunii pierdute, ed. a II-a, Editura Christiana, B
ucure?ti, 2012. ISBN 978-973-1913-48-3
en Griffin, Roger (ed.): Fascism, Oxford Readers, Part III, A., XI. "Romania", p
g. 219-222 Oxford University Press, 1995, ISBN 0-19-289249-5.
en Ronnett, Alexander E.: The Legionary Movement, Loyola University Press, 1974;
II-nd ed. published as Romanian Nationalism: The Legionary Movement by Romanian
-American National Congress, 1995, ISBN 0-8294-0232-2.
en Sima, Horia: The History of the Legionary Movement, Legionary Press, 1995, IS
BN 1-899627-01-4).
en Sturdza, Michael: The Suicide of Europe: Memoirs of Prince Michael Sturdza, A
merican Opinion Books 1968, ISBN 0-88279-214-8).
en Cogan, Kevin: Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yockey and the Postwar Fasci
st International, Autonomedia, 1999, ISBN 1-57027-039-2.
en Ioanid, Radu: The Sword of the Archangel, Columbia University Press, 1990, IS
BN 0-88033-189-5.
en Volovici, Leon: Nationalist Ideology and Antisemitism: The Case of Romanian I
ntellectuals in the 1930s, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1991.
en Ronnett, Alexander E., Romanian Nationalism: The Legionary Movement, ISBN 0-8
294-0232-2 Chicago, Loyola University Press, 1995
Ornea, Z.: Anii treizeci: Extrema dreapta romaneasca, Editura Funda?iei Cultural
e Romne, 1995, ISBN 973-9155-43-X, ISBN 978-973-9155-43-4. (en Ornea, Z: The Roma
nian Extreme Right, East European Monographs, 1999, ISBN 0-88033-430-4, ISBN 978
Sima, Horia: Mi?carea Legionara ?i monarhia, Ed. Agora, 1997, ISBN 973-9147-33-X
, ISBN 978-973-9147-33-0.
en Ioanid, Radu: The Sacralised Politics of the Romanian Iron Guard - Totalitari
an Movements & Political Religions, vol. 5, nr. 3, pp. 419 453, 2004.
en ?iu, Ilarion: The Legionary Movement after Corneliu Codreanu: From the Dictat
orship of King Carol II to the Communist Regime (February 1938-August 1944) Publ
. East European Monographs, 2010, ISBN 0-88033-659-5, ISBN 978-0-88033-659-8.
Bibliografie suplimentara[modificare | modificare sursa]
Mi?carea legionara dupa Corneliu Codreanu (februarie 1938-septembrie 1940, Mecani
smele schimbului de genera?ie) , semnata Ilarion ?iu, Editura Vremea, 2007 - [2]
Istoria Mi?carii legionare. 1944-1968 , Ilarion ?iu, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, Trgov
i?te, 2012
Michele Rallo, Romnia in perioada Revolutziilor Natzionale din Europa. Mi?carea L
egionara, SeMpre, Bucure?ti, 1999
Guardia de Hiero, Creenza de Acero (Garda de fier, credin?a de o?el), Onofrey Cara
nica, Argentina, 2008 - recenzie

Repere intelectuale ale dreptei romne?ti, Cristian Patra?coniu, Editura Humanitas

, 2010 - recenzie
Istoria Mi?carii Legionare: scrisa de un legionar, ?tefan Palaghi?a, Nae Ionescu
, Editura Roza Vnturilor, 1993
O istorie obiectiva a mi?carii legionare: testament moral politic, Victor Isac,
Editura "Calauza", 2002
Marturii despre Legiune: patruzeci de ani dela ntemeierea Mi?carii Legionare (192
7-1967), Editura Dacia, 1967

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