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Fund Accounting System

Budget Preparation
Purchase Order Module

AP, AR, Check Reconciliation

Additional modules for Payroll, HR & Fixed Assets

BMSIs fund accounting system
gives you the tools to manage your
finances and enhance productivity
The BMSI Fund Accounting System is your complete financial system that meets all
accounting standards and is affordable. With ease of use and superior support BMSI is
the logical choice, you dont have to spend a lot to get the best!

Budget Export to Excel
Budget Import from Excel

General Ledger
The Core Module that Integrates Your Financial Information
BMSI offers you an easy to use accounting package for complete control over municipal and school finances.
You get the account structure you want along with a powerful compliment of reports and budgeting tools. Each
module adheres to government accounting and auditing standards.
User-Defined Chart of Accounts up to 10 segments
with 30 characters
User Defined Journals create meaningful user defined
and readily accessible user groups.
Multiple Years can be Open this means that you can
begin work in a new budget year without closing the old
budget year first.

Encumbrance Transactions
On-Screen Balance Sheet with onscreen drill down
On-Screen Detailed Account Inquiry
Balancing Inter-fund Transactions

Deferred Revenue Transactions

Clear Audit Trail Each transaction has an audit trail.
You can corrections prior to posting, or through a
subsequent offsetting transactionbut you will always
have an audit trail.
Optional Close Periods this prevents future
transactions from modifying reconciled balances.
Periods may be reopened.
Flexible Year End Closing Procedures
Transaction History Maintenance
Reconciliation Reports

Check Reconciliation

BMSI Check Reconciliation helps you maintain checkbooks, track deposits and reconcile checking accounts with
bank statements. Check Rec provides instant access to all your important checking account information thus
avoiding tedious manual reconciliation.
Unlimited Number of Cash Accounts

Reconciled Check Reports

Enter Bank Adjustments

Check Listings by Query Item

Void Checks

Check Reprinting

Error Corrections

Batch Reconciliation

Accounts Payable
Invoices may be entered directly into Accounts Payable or recalled from Purchase Orders and automatically paid.
Encumbered items whether entered directly or entered from Fund Accounting or Purchase Orders can be
automatically paid and the encumbrance relieved.

Encumbrance Processing

Review with pre-payment manifest

Pay Un-encumbered Invoices

Prints Federal 1099-MISC

Payable linked to Multiple Funds

Vendor History

Unlimited number of Accounts

Detailed Vendor Inquiry

Easy Error Correction with Audit Trail

Pay invoice for a different chart of accounts

Selectable Pay To criteria

Multiple Checking Accounts

Purchase Order Module

Remote Purchase Order Entry
Easy edit of Purchase Orders
Attach notes to PO, batch or edit list
Classify Vendors for Lookup
Use Pre-printed Forms or Plain Paper

Encumbrances created when PO is posted

Warnings for Over Budget Items
Restrict Data Entry by Department

Year End auto closing of Purchase Orders

with optional re-opening

NEW: BMSI Purchase Order Workflow and Document Manager

Track approvals, create payments and store documents, all electronically.

New BMSI Module!

BMSI Workflow and Document Manager for
Purchase Orders
Purchase Order approval has never been as easy and foolproof !
Create your purchase order
Obtain necessary approvals by routing the PO to the proper departments by e-mail or the

web by using pre-defined workflow routines

Capture all related documents that you want to save. These documents can include the

PO, vouchers, packing slips, RMAs, etc.

All documents can be searched by key word, PO or Voucher number, dates, departments,

vendor, etc.
All documents are safely stored electronically with secure backup by your IT Dept.

The BMSI Workflow and Document Manager is ideal for todays tough economic environment. SAVE
TIME and MONEY with the following benefits:
Reduced costs of document distribution
Faster and easier to use approval process
Fast and easy document retrieval
Reduced filing costs
Robust search criteria that shows all records that meet the criteria
Protection against disaster with offsite data storage

Budget Preparation
BMSI Fund Accounting Software includes a comprehensive and easy to use budget preparation function.

Export/Import Budget Worksheet to Excel

Monthly Allocation of Budget Items

Create What-If Scenarios

Mass Budget Update by Percentage or Fixed

Notes can be attached to a Line Item for future



Targeted Budget Update by using Account Mask

Audit Trail including original and supplemental

budgets, adjustments, revisions and transfers

User Defined Reports

New Accounts can be added to proposed budget

budget is exceeded. Line items cannot be

exceeded without proper authorization.

Online Budget Validation with Warning if

Financial Reports
The heart of any financial software is the ability to create the reports you need and want. BMSI is proud
of its extensive reporting capabilities with easy to use reports.
Reports are Created by the User with User

Selected Parameters

Create What-If Scenarios

Notes for each Line Item

Save Frequently Used Reports

Select Output to Printer, Screen, PDF or

Data File such as Excel

Audit Trail
New Accounts can be added to proposed


Flexible Subtotaling and Sorting

Most reports are automatic, including:
Actual & Budgeted Expenses
Encumbrance Detail
Actual & Anticipated Reevenue
Detail Statement of Accounts
Fund Accounting Trial Balance
Interim and Final Balance Sheets
Change in Financial Position
Purchase Order Posting Register
Purchase Orders
Purchase Order Status Report

Accounts Payable Posting Register

Accounts Payable Payment Manifest
Accounts Payable Check
Accounts Payable Check Register
Accounts Payable Status Report
Accounts Payable Open Item Aging
Cash Requirement Report
Pre-Payment (Warrant) Report
1099 (Print for current or prior year)
Vendor History
Vendor Listing and Labels

Balance Sheets and Revenue and Expense

with multiple fund columns.
Transaction integrity
Posting Register Recap
Check reconciliation Report
Check reconciliation Adjustment Report.
Check reconciliation Listing Report
Federal Funds Reports
Budget Worksheet Reports
Many Other Reports

NEW! BMSI Fund Accounting users are now able to drill down
on line items from within reports on the screen.
Exporting Reports is a convenient
way to share reports.

Reports always show

Selectable Criteria for easy
replication later.

Click on line item for expanded details.


Compliment BMSI Accounting Software with

Additional BMSI Programs
Human Resource
Purchase Order Workflow and

Document Manager
Fixed Assets
Utility & Tax Management

Productivity Software
MGMS for Permitting, Code

Enforcement & Inspections

e-Drawer for municipal-wide

document management


P.O. Box 907 - Franconia, NH 03580
Tel. 800-603-5578

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