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16 Lian Phillip G.



Climate Change
The Earth is suffering from a condition known as climate change. Climate change is a
worldwide phenomenon that drastically affects everything, animate or inanimate, in this world.
The reason why there is climate change is because the ozone layer is now filled with carbon
dioxide and greenhouse gases which came from the smoke of factories, cars, things that were
burned, and the use of fossil fuels. Because of climate change, temperatures continue to rise,
habitats of animals residing in Antartica melted, wrong weather forecasts, and there will be more
droughts that can destroy the crops of farmers. In my opinion, global warming or climate change
is hard to counter because people lack discipline that is needed for the world to change. People
often complain about the hot weather or why climate change happens but they do not do
anything that can help counter global warming. We brought climate change on ourselves and
because of that, nature strikes backat us.

16 Lian Phillip G. Donato



Political Dynasty
Political dynasty is a part of politics that some people hate even though it has its advantages
that can benefit people. Political dynasty is sometimes good if the dynasty provide benefits and
show good things for the people; things that can lead to change and for the country to become
better than ever. However, political dynasty has major downsides and basically, the people of the
Philippines can clearly see that political dynasty is a factor that strengthens corruption. There are
reports stating that the political leaders that is born from a political dynasty use their authority to
prevent implementations of laws that ensure fairness during campaign and elections just to make
sure that their name lives on in the field of politics. There are also people who support political
dynasties because they fear that an honorable and wise candidate may be prohibited to run
because they are related to past politicians that killed the Philippines. In my opinion, I still
cannot decide whether political dynasties should be prohibited or not because both have benefits
for the people even though it is hard to see the politicians effort that he or she is a different
person from his or her relatives.

16 Lian Phillip G. Donato



A known phenomenon that dwells in the world is known to be an ongoing process called
Globalization. This event boosted the economic processes, the development of technology, and it
also developed health systems throughout the world. Globalization also brought unity to the
people of the world due to worldwide trades and negotiations that developed the relationship of
every race in the world. Globalization offered jobs to most people because of the opportunities it
gives out due to the rise of different famous companies across the world. Every good things that
ever happened always has a bad side. The dark side of globalization is that even some people did
not benefit from it because globalization changes the culture of ones country. An example is our
country, the Philippines, because it is drawn to the American culture. The K-12 program was
recently set as a standard of education which has a drawback for professors and teachers in the
field of education. People lose jobs because of these decisions that are poorly picked or decided.
But more importantly, globalization is the reason why third-world countries continue to strive for
glory and build connections throughout the world that can lift their lives up.

16 Lian Phillip G. Donato



Informal Settlers
Informal settlers is an effect of being a third-world country. People are not given the justice
that they deserve and their lives continue to crumble day by day unless there are things that may
help them or give them hope. Unequal treatment is given to poor people because of the reason
that they are poor. This is an issue that we must accept because informal settlers are our fellow
people. There were some reports in the Philippines when the APEC week happened, informal
settlers were taken to other places because our government was ashamed of them. Informal
settlers will never run out unless the government takes action, actions that help informal settlers
to achieve good life and good health but not actions that intend to get rid of them in a more
physical and harmful way.

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