Parks Mins Feb 2010 Final

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St Paul’s Parks Sub Group

Minutes of meeting 3rd February 2010 at Family Learning Centre.

PB - Pete Bullard - resident
MH – Miles Harris – Community Park Officer
OR - Oli Roberts, BCC Parks Projects
Adam Laity - Circomedia
Lisa Blackwood – SPU Rep and resident
Musnilya Babatunji - SPU Rep and resident
Ian- Resident
OJ – Olga Jennings – Unitarian Trustees
SW – Susan Wildman, Unitarian Trustees
TA - Teija Ahjokoski – Head Gardener


Janine McCretton – Resident

Sarah Jones – Places For People
Jane Hartoch – Pierian Centre.

2. Minutes from previous meeting

The last meeting was in October 2009, due to the cancellation of the last two
meetings. Minutes were circulated from Parks Sub Group in October 2006,
which were agreed as an old, but accurate account of that meeting.

3. Capital projects

St Agnes Park

OR updated the group on progress and showed a copy of the latest plans.
Discussion as follows:
• Tree roots – The path between the large Plane tree avenue will have
low bridged structures under the path to allow roots to breathe and stop
further path damage. A root between the area’s will be marked in a buff
(sandy) coloured tarmac.
• Lighting – key access routes lit through park. No lighting to rear of park.
Discussion on community safety.
• Mound – OR advised on the placement of boulders as steps/play
features on the mound, reduction of height and filling at the rear of the
• Compost heap - Teija asked if this can be designed better?
• Sign board – OR to follow up placement of sign board and information.
• Gateway closure – agreed better prior advice required at end’s of
• APG - provisional (elsewhere)? – OR to ask about Half Term activities.

Brunswick Cemetery
OR updated the group on progress and gave an overview of the latest plans.
Contractors ER Hemmings have been appointed and will start on 1st March.
The following discussion took place:
• Should have no dog fouling signs.
• Interpretation boards about history should be developed.
• The main access through will be Pennant paving and side paths will be
of gravel construction.
• Entrances will be improved with a wider entrance from Brunswick
Square . Negotiations have not led to an improved entrance off Wilder
Street and the plans show existing access arrangements.
• A mounded area will be created using site spoil with a granite seat on
top, the max height will be 75cm so the area is not hidden
• SW requested that the Sycamore sapling is cut out of wall
• Mortuary chapel has had roof repairs now and will be painted as part of
the works. We will also get a quote for refurbishing windows, so they
do not need the metal grills.
• Seating will be attractive metal benches with wooden slats positioned
around the site.
• Planting plan discussed and constraints of shady area’s
• Tree works discussed including required removal of trees.
• Planned trees for planting – requested OR provide list, planting
delayed until autumn.
• Agreed arts will be discussed at 10am next Wed - Arts and Culture

St Paul's Park

OR updated on progress, lighting is being installed and the sculptures will be

installed within a week.
• Issue of people tying dogs up in play park raised despite no dogs
• Agreed to review management plan at next meeting.
• Lights – connection date to be confirmed.
• Discussed the direction of light and if they should be timed
• Circomedia – agreed should have the trapeze rig in the park for Open
Space week. Pete Bullard to agree with Circomedia and if costs

4. Maintenance and parks operations

 New Central area maintenance contract in place with English

Landscapes. Would like to invite to future meetings.
 Park staff updates: Const moved over to English Landscapes and will
aim to have a trainee replacement prior to his retirement. Teija talked
through various advantages of English Landscapes and the
commitment of their team leader - Adrian Murdoch to improving
5. Other projects / green spaces

Ian talked about Burnal Drive Gardens and the need for support to keep the
project going which has worked with Community Elders in the past.
Discussion about advertising and support. Advised to talk to Maria Connor.
Miles Harris offered to assist Ian if he contacts him about it further.

6. AOB

St Agnes – event – draft date 29th May

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