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Minutes from the Annual General Meeting of Digbeth

Residents Association (DRA) and Neighbourhood Watch on

Monday 8th February 2016 at 6pm in the Old Crown restaurant.
1. Roll Call and Apologies
Present: Richard McGee, Melvin Symmons, Jonathan Lord, Yvonne Mosquito, Russell Jinks,
Sharon Wright, Ben Mabbett, Callum Sharman, Rosie Pocklington, Tom Bishop, John
Gordon, Pamela Pinski.
Apologies: Joe Holyoak, William Stewart, Elisabeth Hewitt.
2. Approval of Minutes
The minutes from the 2015 AGM were proposed by Pamela Pinski, seconded by Rosie
Pocklington, and accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.
3. Reports from office bearers on the previous years business
The Chair thanked all supporters for their contributions. 2015 saw relations with other
groups, including Birmingham FOE, strengthened, and the successful route change for the
Digbeth tram, which offers potential for redevelopment of the high street. Digbeth feels alive
with building work; DRA will work to ensure that Community Infrastructure Levies (CIL) will
benefit the area. DRA will continue to push for a Business Improvement District (BID), and
work with the Police and Planning and Licensing council departments to promote sociallyresponsible business in Digbeth, following the closure of a dangerous shisha lounge in 2015.
The Secretary also reported on a successful year, with Digbeth is Good winning another
Talk About Local award for the areas relationship with the Peaky Blinders series. DRA has
continued to build membership and impact in Digbeth and Ladywood as a whole, and will
look to formalising a neighbourhood forum in 2016. Events such as Digbeth First Friday
continue to go from strength to strength, and there will be more community activity in 2016.
Independently assessed accounts for 2015 were presented to the group and approved.
Councillor Yvonne Mosquito shared feedback with the group stating DRA is the most
powerful and influential residents group in Birmingham. Your contribution to the area is
enormous and the work you do is phenomenal. She also thanked the committee members.
4. Constitution
a. Discussion of any proposed revisions to Constitution
John suggested adding a Vice Chairperson role, allowing for new members to undergo a
years worth of training before stepping up to the role of Chair. This was agreed.
b. Adoption of Constitution
The voting members present at the meeting voted to adopt the new Constitution.
5. Committee Election
a. Chairperson
John Gordon was nominated for the role of Chairperson, seconded by Yvonne Mosquito,
and voted into this position.
b. Treasurer
Sharon Wright was nominated for the role of Treasurer, seconded by Pamela Pinski, and
voted into this position.
c. Secretary
Pamela Pinski was nominated for the role of Secretary, seconded by Rosie Pocklington, and
voted into this position.
d. Chief Environmental Officer (CEO)
Ben Mabbett was nominated for the role of CEO, seconded by John Gordon, and voted into
this position.

Ordinary Meeting
6. Approval of minutes from previous meeting
The minutes from the December 2015 meeting were accepted as an accurate record.
7. Matters arising
8. Police Report and Neighbourhood Watch News
DRAs closest contacts in Digbeth have moved onto pastures new, but these will be rebuilt.
Crime news and updates are shared regularly via the website and Twitter (@mydigbeth).
9. Any other business
a. St Patrick's Day Festival
The St. Patricks Day Parade will take place on 13 March, with three stages of live music. All
residents and supporters of DRA were invited to join the walking group. The official launch
event for the festival will take place on Friday 4 March and DRA has bought a table all
members were invited to attend.
b. National Express update
Russell Jinks reported that the coach station had seen an increase in nuisance behaviour
from homeless/intoxicated individuals during the day. The Hedz Up shop opposite the station
was causing problems. Sharon reported that her caf is used a drop centre for unwanted
clothes that are distributed (along with food) to the homeless, and offered to put Russell in
touch with SIFA Fireside, St Basils and Midlands Heart.
c. HS2 update
Jonathan Lord informed the group that construction of HS2 would begin in 2017 and last for
at least six years. There would be road closures, but his role was to manage and mitigate
their impact. HS2 are now located at offices in Snow Hill meaning communication will be
more regular. A 140m Business and Environment Fund will be launching soon, which will
provide funding for projects designed to mitigate the impact of HS2s construction.
d. Southern Gateway and Digbeth Neighbourhood Plan
Tom Bishop informed the group that he is working on the Southern Gateway Masterplan on
which DRA will be consulted. He also volunteered to help with the creation of a
neighbourhood plan which, when completed, would form part of planning policy for Digbeth.
10. Date and Time of Next Meetings
The next open meeting will be held on Monday 11th April 2016 at 6pm in the Old Crown
restaurant, High Street Digbeth.
The next committee meeting will be held on Monday 14th March 2016 at 6pm in the Old
Crown restaurant, High Street Digbeth.

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