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Pokemon Learning League

Area of a Triangle
Written By
Timothy Whitfield

(Episode opens with an aerial shot of Geosenge

Town on a partly sunny mid-morning with a breeze
in the area. Some cumulous clouds blow through
the area, blocking out the Sun for a few short
moments. We fade in and see the local townsfolk
go about their business, from getting food, caring
for some wild Pokemon, to setting up an open-air
market, where theyre selling various foods and
stones. Now, we cut over to the towns Pokemon
Center, fade into the inside and we see Iris, Axew
Serena, Dawn, Piplup, Ash and Pikachu sitting at a
booth having some breakfast. The each have
grilled fish, steamed rice, miso soup, French toast,
pancakes, and hash browns. Ash speaks to the
Ash: Boy, they know how to make a good breakfast
here, huh?
Iris: Yeah, they sure do.
Pikachu (contended): Pika, Pika.
Axew (contended): Ax-ew.
Piplup (contended): Pip-lup.
Dawn (to Serena): So, has Clemont made a
breakfast like this recently?
Serena: Yeah, he has and its really good. You
should try it if you get a chance.

Dawn: Okay, thanks for that.

(They continue on eating. Cross dissolve to
moments later, where they finish up their
Iris: Ahh, that was really good.
Axew (concurring): Ax-ew.
Dawn: Okay, where should we head to from here?
Serena: Let me see.
(Serena gets out her guidebook and looks through
the section about the town.)
Serena: Hmm, theres an open-air market starting
today. Lets go check that out, and then afterwards
go see the rock structures.
Ash: All right, sounds like a plan.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
(They clean up their booth, pick up their bags and
exit the center, while briefly basking in the
sunlight. Iris & Axew stretch out their arms.)
Iris: Mmm, ahh. Its really nice out today.
Axew (concurring): Axew.
Ash (agreeing): Yeah.
(They go on down the street. As they go along,
they pass by a small restaurant, a store

specializing in selling battle items and a mural

depicting one of the areas outside of the town.
Fade in to seventeen later, where they arrive at the
market and the different kinds of stuff people are
selling. First, they see one where a man is selling
a variety of evolution stones. Afterwards, they go
down past several more until stopping at another
one where a woman is selling different cookies &
pies. Then, they come to the next one, where
freshly picked fruits & vegetables are being sold.)
Ash: Man, everyone has something good to sell
Pikachu (concurring): Pika, Pika.
(They come to a booth selling freshly picked Sitrus,
Oran, Cherri, Kee and Petaya berries. Its run by a
guy named John. He has brown hair, dark blue
eyes and is wearing a light green shirt, blue jeans
and sneakers.)
Iris: Ooh, those berries look really good.
Ash: Yeah, they sure do.
(They pick some of them out and put them in a
small basket.)
John: Nice choices there. Those are some of the
freshest berries we have here.

(He rings them up, they pay the exact of PokeYen

for them and puts them in a paper bag. Iris puts
some of the berries in her pocket.)
John: You guys have a nice time now.
All: Thanks.
(They leave the booth and go over to the next one,
where a young girl named Brooke is selling
different kinds of stones & other items. Brooke has
indigo eyes, blue eyes and is wearing a yellow
shirt, red shorts and sandals.)
Serena: Excuse us, but what are these items for?
(She points to the basket containing a Cell Battery,
a Sharp Beak, a Hard Stone, a Silk Scarf and a
Poison Barb.)
Brooke: These are meant to boost the attacks of
specific Pokemon types.
Ash (enthusiastically): Ahh, thats cool!
Brooke: Anything else I can help you guys with?
Serena: No, thanks. Were just looking around is
Brooke: Okay, then. You all have a good day now.
(They wave goodbye to her, leave the booth and
go on through the aisle. Just before they go over
to the next booth, they see a wandering Bergmite

stumbling about, looking for its trainer. It has a

tired look on its face and its head is drooping from
Dawn (concerned): My goodness. That Pokmons
not looking too good.
Ash: Youre right, Dawn. Lets help it out.
(Iris steps forward.)
Iris: You guys mind if I handle this one?
Serena: No, Iris, go right ahead.
Iris: Okay.
(She goes over to it and kneels down to its level.)
Iris (kindly & gently): Hey. You must be really tired,
arent you?
(It nods its head as if to say, Yes.)
Iris: We thought so. I have something for you.
(She gets one Sitrus Berry from her pocket.)
Iris: Eat this.
(Bergmite sniffs the berry and takes a bite out of it.
It happily eats the rest of it and regains some of its
Iris: You feel a little better?
(Bergmite nods its head.)
Iris: (gives a small chuckle.) Thats good.

(She rubs the top of its head.)

Dawn: Now, lets see what kind of Pokemon you
(She gets out her Pokedex and analyzes it.)
Dawn: Its a Bergmite.
Ash: Thats awesome. So, where do you think its
trainer could be?
Iris: I dont know. They must be around here
Serena: Then, lets go look for them.
Others: Okay.
(They go through the market, scanning around the
aisle for Bergmites trainer. Just then, they hear a
voice close by.)
Voice (calling out, O.S.): Bergmite, where are you?
Ash: (gasps.) That must be her.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
(They stop and wait for a moment. Then, a trainer
named Jen comes from in between two booths,
looking around with a worried look on her face.
She has short red hair, brown eyes, is around Iriss
age and is wearing an orange-yellow striped t-shirt,
blue jeans and sneakers.)

Jen (concerned): Come on. I know youre around

(She looks the spots it over with the gang.)
Jen (relieved): Bergmite, there you are.
(She comes over to it & kneels down to its level.)
Jen: Are you all right?
(It nods its head.)
Jen: Thats good. (Sternly.) You have got to stop
wandering off on your own like that.
(She stands back up.)
Iris: Dont worry about a thing. We helped it out,
and its doing better than it was before.
Jen: Oh, thanks for doing that.
Iris: No problem.
Jen: Im Jen, by the way.
Dawn: Well, its nice to meet you. Im Dawn, and
this is Piplup.
Piplup: Piplup.
Serena: My names Serena.
Ash: Im Ash. This is Pikachu.
Pikachu: Pika.
Iris: Im Iris, and this Axew.

Axew: Axew.
Serena: So, how exactly did Bergmite get lost?
Jen: I was going around the booths, getting some
food for lunch and while I was doing so, Bergmite
got really curious about what the others had and
wandered off.
Dawn: Ahh. If thats the case, why dont you put it
in its PokeBall?
Jen: Easy: Im helping him out with it, and I like
having him around outside with me.
Ash: We can understand that.
Pikachu: Pika.
Dawn: So, what sort of plans do you have?
Jen: Im going to present this proposal for a training
park to the town.
Serena (wondering): Really?
Jen: Yep.
(She goes into her bag and pulls out some plans
shes written up and presents it to them. It shows
a schematic of it in a triangular shape and divided
up into three quadrants. One is for building up
defense & special defense, the second is for
improving on speed & endurance and the last is for

strengthening the attack & special attack. Theres

also an area for pleasure and relaxation.)
All (impressed): Ahh!
Dawn: Thats pretty cool.
Jen: Yep. Ive been working hard on them for a
Ash: I think Ada would like to see them.
(He pulls out the Pokepilot from his pocket, turns it
on, presses a number and speed dials Ada, who is
seen practicing some new martial arts moves.)
Ada: Oh, hey guys. How are you all doing?
Dawn: Terrific, Ada. How are those martial arts
moves going?
Ada: Just great. Im currently working on a new
Serena: Thats great to hear.
Ada: Mmm-hmm, it is.
Jen: Hello, there. Im Jen.
Ada: Well, nice to meet you. Im Ada. So, whats
been going on with you?
Serena: We were just looking through a market and
getting some things.
Ada: Ahh, sounds good. What else?

Iris: Jen showed us a proposal she has for a training

park shes going to present to the town.
Ada: Really? Lets see them.
(Jen shows them to her and she carefully looks
over it.)
Ada: That looks pretty good. Mind if I give you a
suggestion for it?
Jen: Sure, of course.
Ada: Try to take advantage of the amount of space
within the triangle itself when you get the land you
Jen (wondering): Okay, how so?
Ada: By knowing the exact area of it, and theres a
simple way that can be found. First, you have to
find the base & height of the triangle. The base is
the length of one side, usually the base, and the
heights the length from the base to the top corner.
For example, this triangles base is 10ft and the
height is 20ft.
(As she talks, the images highlight in time to the
Serena: All right, whats next?
Ada: Next, you need to know the formula to find
the area, which in this case is you multiply by
the base times the height.

(The formula appears on screen.)

Ash: Now what?
Ada: You plug in the values for the base & height.
This one pretty much self-explanatory.
Iris: Okay, we got that. Whats left?
Ada: Finally, you just solve the equation. One
important thing to remember is to state the answer
in square units. In this example, the area comes
out to be 100ft2.
Jen: You werent kidding. That was really simple.
Ada: Yep, but just because it is, it doesnt mean
you cant use it to make creative & unique things
with it, which is why Im going to show you
Serena: Okay, Ada.
(Pan up to an upper panel, showing three trainers
making triangular-shaped areas. The
measurements of the base & length of each one is
Ada: You guys ready to do it?
Iris: You bet.
Axew: Axew.
Ada: Very well, then. Here, this guy, Phineas, is
making a triangular flower bed with a base &

height of 7ft & 10ft, respectively. What is the exact

area of it?
Ash: About 35ft2.
Ada: Very good, Ash. Now, this girl, Glenn, is
building a triangular table, and the respective base
& height of the table top is 24 x 32. What is the
exact area of it?
Dawn: 3842.
Ada: All right, then Dawn. Finally, this guy, Phelan,
is designing a pool, and it has a base & height of
20ft & 32ft. What is the exact area of it?
Iris: 320ft2.
Ada: You got it, Iris. Great job there, guys.
Dawn: Thanks, Ada.
Piplup: Pip-lup.
Ada: Youre welcome, Dawn. Well, I better continue
working on those moves. See you later, and good
luck with your proposal, Jen.
Jen: Thank you, Ada.
(Ash turns the Pokepilot off and puts it back in his
Ash: Tell us, Jen. Why do you want to propose this
park to the town?

Jen: I just want to do something good, and give

new trainers someplace to hone in on their skills.
Iris: Thats a good thing to do.
(Jen gives a smile.)
Jen (offering): So, guys. How would you like me to
massage your Pokemon?
Serena: Oh, that sounds nice. Okay, sure.
Jen: Great.
(She rubs her hands together while Pikachu, Axew
and Piplup lay out on their backs.)
Jen: Tell me, where would each of you want to be
(They each signal to a certain spot. Jen starts with
Pikachu, where she slowly & gently massages his
cheeks without triggering the electric pouches.
Pikachu gives a relaxed smile.)
Pikachu (relaxed): Pika.
(Next, she goes over to Axew, and starts
massaging his torso, loosening them up a bit and
Axew gets into a more relaxed state.)
Axew (contented): Ax-ew.
(She goes over to Piplup & gives him a full face
Piplup (contented): Pip-lup.

(She finishes up on him and the three sit back up,

feeling less stressed & tense than before.)
Dawn (commenting): Wow, youre really good.
Jen: Mmm-hmm. Ive been practicing it for a while.
SO, what are you guys doing on your journeys?
Iris: Im training to become the worlds greatest
Dragon master.
Serena: Ive been entering Pokemon showcases
around the region.
Dawn: Ive been participating in Pokemon contests.
Ash: And Im training to become the greatest
Pokemon master.
Jen: Ahh, thats awesome. Hope you all achieve
: Thanks.
Serena: So, guys. How about we do a second
round of trivia
Iris: Okay, but before we do that, lets see if the
audience is up for doing it.
Ash: All right. (He turns over to the audience.)
Hey, you guys want to do it? (He casually waits for
an answer from the audience for one second.) Oh,
Jen (wondering): You guys do this a lot?

Dawn: Mmm-hmm, we do. Its weird, but theyre

really good around this point.
Jen (comprehending): Ahh, got you now.
(Clock wipe to the schematics for the park.)
Serena (V.O.): All right, lets get to it. What do you
think the base should be? (She casually waits for
an answer from the audience for one second.) 200
feet. All right, then.
Ash (V.O.): Lastly, what is the final area of the park?
(He casually waits for an answer from the audience
for one second.) 225 feet. Sure, why not.
Jen (V.O.): Lastly, what is the final area of the park?
(She casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one and a half seconds.) 22,500ft2.
You got it.
(Side wipe back to the gang and Iris casually
speaks to the audience.)
Iris (casually): Good work there, guys.
Axew (casually): Axew.
Jen: By the way, where are you guys heading to
after this?
Dawn: Were going to check out the Geosenge rock
Jen: Thats nice. Mind if I come with you?

Ash: No, not at all.

Jen: Okay, then.
(They leave the market and head on down the
road. Dissolve to several minutes later, where they
come to the site of the towering rock formations.
Each of them are made up of two stones vertically
standing up and a smaller stone sitting atop each
one. Some of the have wider openings than
others. The gang marvels at them.)
All (amazed): Whoa!
Axew (amazed): Axew!
Pikachu (amazed): Pika!
Piplup (amazed): Piplup!
Serena: Hard to imagine that theyve been
standing here for thousands of years.
Axew: Ax-ew.
Iris: Yeah, it is.
(Jen gets her plans out and sketches in a miniature
replica of the rock formations as the centerpiece of
the park.)
Jen: What do you think their purpose for being here
could be?
Ash: Who knows, but whatever it is, itll reveal itself
sooner or later.

Pikachu (agreeing): Pika-chu.

(They go around and see the other formations.
Just then, Jens stomach grumbles and she cuffs
her hands around it.)
Jen: Oh. Well, time to have some lunch.
Dawn: Okay, sounds good.
(They turn over to the audience.)
All (casually): Thanks a lot, guys.
Axew (casually): Axew.
Pikachu (casually): Pika.
Piplup (casually): Piplup.
(Side wipe to moments later, where theyve set up
a picnic blanket and get out the food theyre
having. They have lemon bars, some of the berries
they bought, onigaris, macarons, tiramisu,
limburger & fruit sandwiches, and fruit juices.)
Iris: Well, that was a fun episode. You guys enjoy
it? (She casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one second.) All right, then. See you
next time.
Axew: Axew.
(They casually wave goodbye to the audience,
start eating the food and we fade to black, ending
the episode.)

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