12 Signs (Rashis) - Vedanga Jyotisha

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Vedanga Jyotisha

by Dillip Praharaj

12 Signs (Rashis)
May 13, 2014


Agni Tatva
1. Mesha (Aries) Adhipati Mangal (Mars) Fiery Masculine Movable Violent Barren (Head and
5. Singha (Leo) Ravi (Sun) Fiery Masculine Fixed Barren (Heart, Abdomen, Back and Spinal cord)
9. Dhanu (Saggitarius) Brihaspati (Jupiter) Fiery Masculine Common Dual Semi-fruitful (Lever
and Fat)
Vaayu Tatva
3. Mithun (Gemini) Budha (Mercury) Airy Masculine Musical Common Dual Barren (Lungs,
Breathing System & Hands)
7. Tula (Libra) Shukra (Venus) Airy Masculine Musical Movable Semi-fruitful (Anal system
sperms, ovum & urinary bladder)
11. Kumbha (Aquarius) Shani (Saturn) Airy Masculine Musical Fixed Barren (Legs below knees
to feet)
Jala Tatva
4. Karka (Cancer) Chandra ( (Moon) Watery Mute Fruitful Feminine Movable (Chest, Lungs,
Heart & Breast)
8. Vrischik (Scorpio) Mangal (Mars) Watery Mute Fruitful Feminine Fixed Violent (Internal Anal
system and organs)
12. Meena (Pisces) Brihaspati (Jupiter) Watery Mute Fruitful Feminine Common Dual
(Exertion, Sole of feet & le eye)
Prithvi Tatva
2. Vrishabh (Taurus) Shukra (Venus) Earthy Fixed Semi-fruitful Feminine (Eyes, Throat, Mouth &
6. Kanya (Virgo) Budha (Mercury) Earthy Common Barren Feminine (Intestine and Digestive
10. Makar (Capricorn) Shani (Saturn) Earthy Movable Semi-fruitful Masculine (Knees and Joints)
1. Mesha (Aries) adhipati Mangal (Mars) Fiery Masculine Movable Violent Barren
Fiery: Enthusiasm; drive to express self; faith,
Masculine: Extrovert and active
Movable (Cardinal): Action; initiative; great vitality
Violent: No fear, they are full of courage and confidence and are eager to take risk, violent on physical
Barren: Associated with infertility
Places: Sandy soils, Grazing grounds, Hills and unfrequented places, Hide out for thieves, Ceiling and
Plastering, Cattle shed, Recently ploughed land.

Products: Bamboo and Fire-works, Acids, Heavy automobiles, Iron and Steel, Slums and waste lands and
their improvements, Plans and Bushes grown in waste lands
People: Army o icers, Surgeons, Butchers, Barbers, Police, Chemists, Baili s, Smiths, Tailor, Fireman,
Guard, Mechanics, Dealer in sports goods, Baker, Watch Makers, dyers, cooks, carpenters, Gunners,
Doctors, Boxer, Factory workers
Body Parts: Head and Face. Headache, epilepsy, brain diseases.
Nature: Strong working capacity, patience, valor, ambition, authority and madness for power. These
people are by birth pro freedom. They will write their own destiny and will not be dependent on anybody
on anything
in life. They like to rule over others. They will not listen to others, will do what they feel is Right. With
this attitude they get angry, aggressive, lustful and selfish. These are hopeful and will have always new
horizon calling for them. They will not sit idle with despair and pessimism.
Too much Self respect, Ego, Fickle mixed and Impulsive nature are some of their qualities, which are the
cause of concern.
Nature as Ascendant: Energetic, impulsive, enthusiastic, courageous, outspoken, enterprising and able;
prompt to react and brave, quick and rational decision-making although not cool, self-reliant, ambitious
and confident; independent and reacts to restrictions or interference; emotional and generous; zealous
and ascribing to groups; prone to accidents and errors due of impulse; tendency to dominate.
Nature as Rashi: Independent thinking and reasoning Mars being the lord. Birth Moon in Aries indicates
being impulsive, ambitious and enterprising. Moon in Aries makes the native fickle-minded.
2. Vrishabh (Taurus) adhipati Shukra (Venus) Earthy Fixed Semi-fruitful Feminine
Earthy: Practicality; caution; material world
Fixed: Resistance to change; great willpower
Fruitful: Associated with fertility (semi)
Feminine: Receptive and introvert
Places: Cattle-shed, Furniture marts, Pasture grounds, Clean lands, Low rooms, Cellars, Girls schools, High
Products: White flowers, Potteries, Fruits, Garments, Musical instruments, gems, Luxury goods, cosmetics,
jewels, watches, fancy goods,Hats, Shoes, Leather goods
People: Miners, Potters, Priests, Astrologers, Kings, Rich people, nursery owners, bankers, bill collectors,
book binders, tailors, chemists, painters, insurance agents, cashiers, agriculturalist, yogis, drivers,
administrators, musicians, sculptures, cine-artists, stock brokers, gardeners, dealer in flowers, mirrors,
plastics, rice, cattle, milk, ice cream, silk cotton, vegetables, petrol, sugar
Body Parts: Eyes, throat, mouth, tongue
Nature: Love and beauty is blessed upon these natives. They want all the physical luxuries in their life.
Though they are not highly intellect, spiritual or social, they are good in practical life. This is a creative

sign and with not much hype or extravaganza, these people keep working quietly towards their
constantly changing targets. They are tolerant, optimistic, determined, love authority and at time lazy.
Nature as Ascendant :Artistic, skilled, beautiful, melodious, elegant, cool and poised, firm, determined
(rather stubborn) , and harmonious. Very practical especially in evaluating people, project and ideas.
Industrious, self-centered and respective. Cold hatred, passion and proneness to flattery are the failings.
Nature as Rashi: Moon in Taurus is exalted which means that Moon finds all the resources available to
achieve its primary goals. It makes the native influential, ability to command and the native makes great
strides in life. Moon in Taurus makes native liberal, happy in middle and old age. They are restless,
idiosyncratic and versatile.
3. Mithun (Gemini) adhipati Budha (Mercury) Airy Masculine Musical Common Dual Barren
Airy: Communication; socialization; conceptualization
Masculine: Extrovert and active
Voice: Musical Human, As for voice or sound, there has to be an airy medium, this is the reason of all airy
signs being voice signs.
Voice signs coinciding with the second house and placement of Venus in it suggest voice suitable for
singing and a similar occurrence in tenth house suggest career related to voice like singer, ventriloquist,
commentator, mimicry artists, etc.
Common (mutable): Adaptability
Dual Bodied: All three signs belonging to this category are the mutable signs. A double bodied sign on the
cusp of seventh house can indicate two marriages and on the cusp of fi h house can indicate birth of
Barren: Associated with infertility
Places: Walls, plastering, chest, trunks, suit case, hills, high places, play grounds, dining halls, schools and
colleges, places of learning, nurseries
Products: Railways, buses, taxi, planes, parachutes, commodities of green color, books and periodicals,
calendars, rope-ways, optical instruments, cot ton
People: Book keeper, accountants, salesman, agents and reps, editors and journalists, advocates,
solicitors, secretaries, tutors, dealers in cycles and scooters, contractors, embassy sta , postmen,
engineers, artists, teachers and professors, guides, photographers, transport workers, translators,
stationers, messengers, orators
Body Parts: Lungs, breathing system, hands and related problems
Nature: Thirsty for knowledge, these people are orators. Good intellect, grasping power, analyzing mind,
philosophy, laughter and comedy are all combined in it. These people are logical and they can change or
alter their views or opinions depending upon logical explanations. They are very smart in expressing
themselves and use all the mediums like mouth publicity to high end gadgets to promote or discriminate
their thoughts or views.
Being a dual sign and 3rd house rashi, some bd qualities are also seen; they do spend some time in
fruitless discussion or gossiping about subjectss of not so important, mental imbalance, getting agitated
on small issues, show o , liking of weird combination from food to cloth to habits ! Lack of seriousness
and childish attitude are two major bad qualities in these people.

Nature as Ascendant:Intellectual, active mind, flexible, writing abilities, rational mind, fluent
writing/speech, very comprehensive and adaptable to all pursuits but changeable, irresolute and lacking
self-confidence. Nervous, excessive worry and irritation are other weak spots. Kind humane and high
spirited nature that is liable to excess and lacking continuity or will power. Linguistic and scientific skills
will be a marked feature.
Nature as Rashi: Moon in Gemini indicates creativity, fondness for woman, persuasiveness, curly hair and
inclination towards knowledge of scriptures.
4. Karka (Cancer) Adhipati Chandra ( (Moon) Watery Mute Fruitful Feminine Movable
Watery: Emotion; empathy; sensitivity
Mute: No voice or stammer, This can be due to the fact that water is not a good medium for sound and
hence mute. Watery sign on a licted ascendant or second house, Mercury a licted by Saturn placed in
any of these signs or Mercury in ascendant or second house in these signs in a liction can cause speech
problems, stammering or other speech impediments.
Fruitful: Associated with fertility
Feminine: Receptive and introvert
Movable (Cardinal): Action; initiative; great vitality
Places: Canals, rivers, lakes, ocean, fisheries, dairy farms, ditches, marshy places, trenches, washing
ghats, car shed, sea shore
Products: Milky products, tea, petrol, liquids, fruits, rubber, fragrant leaves, coconuts, wheat, rice, barley,
sugarcane, cabbage, mushrooms, plantains, grass, bulbs, roots
People: Hoteliers, caterers, cooks, general store owners, fruit stall owners, nurses, matrons,furnishers,
undertakes, exporters and importers, ministers, priests, gardener, drivers, bore-well workers, dealers in
antiques, archeologists, fishermen, sailors, sea-men, explorers
Body Parts: Chest, lungs, heart and breast.
Nature: Highly sensitive, emotion of life is very well understood by these people and their reaction is very
smooth and subtle. Being associated with 4th house, they are deeply associated with home, family. They
are loving, kind and compassionate people. They are adapted to any field very successfully. They can be
very successful politicians as well as a passionate lover. As water is having no form or shape, these people
fit in any or every field of career or profession. But the basic quality of love and kindness is always there.
The sensitivity of these people is directly proportionate directly with Rashi lord Chandra. If Chandra is
subha, exalted or in Shukla pakhya, thats waxing then these people are kind l, loving futuristic, practical
and full of Satva guna. If Chandra ia ashubha, debilitated or in Krishna Pakhya, all the negativities of
mind is found in these people. In this case they live in illusions, surrounded with wrong ideas, and are
fickle minded.Emotional levels are very problematic and at times they reach the highest or lowest points
emotionally on any subject near and dear to them.
Nature as Ascendant: Sensitive, receptive, emotional, novel, and sensational; a ectionate, home loving,
and easily influenced. Fantastic and active imagination, good anticipation, prudent, good forethought
and planning and caution are the strong features of a cancerian. A good sense of value and economy
add to the natural ability for trade and business arrangement. The practical mind works well towards a
good reputation and fame/defame depends on the Moon sign and influences on it.
Nature as Rashi: Moon placed in the Cancer indicates charming personality, being wealthy, influenced by

the women and lot of unprofitable and profitable voyages.The natives are very sensitive, prudent, frugal
and conventional.
5. Singha (Leo) Adhipati Ravi (Sun) Fiery Masculine Fixed Barren
Fiery: Enthusiasm; drive to express self; faith
Masculine: Extrovert and active
Fixed: Resistance to change; great willpower
Barren: Associated with infertility
Places: High hills, frequented by animals, forests, deserts, castles, govt buildings, ball-rooms, betting
places, stock exchange, theaters, play grounds, gambling clubs, race course, dancing hall, gold mines,
kitchens, open terrace, stoves and burners
Products: Asfoetida, Omam, Chillies, nutmeg, almond, pepper, lavender, aromatic herbs, thorny plants
and trees, golden articles, emblems, rings, amber or yellow color products, gold coins, brass, medicines
People: Govt o icers, theater owners, jewelers and goldsmiths, managers of big establishments, directors,
presidents, leaders, sale managers, share brokers, plumbers, carpenters, councillors, soldiers, surgeons,
chemists, dentists, barbers, butchers, doctors, lawyers, lunges, bankers, head of transports, miners, coal
workers, textile dealers
Body Parts: Heart, abdomen, back, spinal cord and related studied from this rashi.
Nature: Open minded, benevolent and persons like the King. They have the inner force of creativity,
attractive personality, optimistic nature and target oriented attitude. They believe in show o . They like to
show their smallest or biggest gain achievement to everybody and would like to get praised. With this
attitude, they make pompous and pretentious people.
They are hungry for power and fame. Many a times these people are not a success in marital life or love
and romance as ruled by atmakaraka Surya.
Nature as Ascendant: Honorable, magnanimous, candid, generous, lion hearted, dignified, confident,
ambitious and proud. Fondness for display/ostentation could reach ridiculous proportion if Leo is
a licted. Faithful and warm, leadership is o en justified by matching abilities like comparison, helping
nature and protective. Short-tempered and a great warrior, yet of a forgiving disposition. Very cheerful
and sociable, with strong motion and fondness for luxury, the danger lies in the excesses.
Nature as Rashi: They are inclined to be unhappy, liberal, generous, ambitious, proud and aristocratic.
6. Kanya (Virgo) Adhipati Budha (Mercury) Earthy Common Barren Feminine
Earthy: Practicality; caution; material world
Common (mutable): Adaptability
Barren: Associated with infertility
Feminine: Receptive and introvert
Places: Gardens, wet and dry lands, corn fields, granaries, libraries, restaurants, store room of fruits and
vegetables, book shelf, first aid box

Products: Medicines, Scientific instruments, textiles, ink and pens, liquids, petrol, printing press, steel and
fertilizers in agriculture, women clothing, cosmetics, finger prints
People: Secretaries, doctors, engineers, teachers, auditors, dealers in petrol and machine oil, textile
workers, editor and publishers, brokers, accountants, interpreters, advocates, tax practitioner, embassy
sta , dealers in perfumes and hoteliers.
Body Parts: Intestine and digestive system.
Nature: Very good intellect, research oriented attitude, great grasping power, strong memory, smartness,
comic nature, good analyzing power, political mind, shrewdness, diplomatic nature. At times these
people are best as spies, moles, double agents and informers. They do not hit directly to the opponent
but the words will give a humiliating sense to opponent.
Nature as Ascendant: Quiet, modest, reserved, prudent, sympathetic, adaptable, and quite di icult to
under- stand. Good mental abilities, studious and capable of planned action. Practical and methodical,
attending to minute details, tendency to store, yet lacking in self- confidence and easily defeated. A good
Nature as Rashi: Natives born with Moon in Virgo indicate lovely complexion, sunken shoulders, so body
and sweet speech. The native is virtuous, phlegmatic, conceited in self estimation, conservationist,
loquacious, attracted towards occult sciences and can be popular as an astrologer. The native is also
skilled in arts like music and dancing.
7. Tula (Libra) Adhipati Shukra (Venus) Airy Masculine Musical Movable Semi-fruitful
Airy: Communication; socialization; conceptualization
Masculine: Extrovert and active
Voice: Musical Human, As for voice or sound, there has to be an airy medium, this is the reason of all airy
signs being voice signs. Voice signs coinciding with the second house and placement of Venus in it
suggest voice suitable for singing and a similar occurrence in tenth house suggest career related to voice
like singer, ventriloquist, commentator, mimicry artists, etc.
Movable (Cardinal): Action; initiative; great vitality
Fruitful: Associated with fertility (semi)
Places: Wind mills, sawing pits, out-house, inner chamber, hill sides, airy places, hill tops
Products: food stu , cotton, silk, textiles, wheat, grands, cane
People: Advocates, druggists, chemists, painters, engineers, dealers in food and milk products, salesmen,
receptionists, pickles and jam manufacturer, musicians, architects, nursery owners, air travel agents
Body Parts: Anal system,sperms, ovums, urinary bladder.
Nature: This sign in one word is pure love. These people like the company of opposite sex. They are
balanced in all aspect and control of emotions is seen very well, though they are highly emotional
people. These people are by birth artistic, they are god fearing people, emotional, lovable and romantic.
They are blessed with art of living and can live happily in any given condition. They are not blind lovers,
they are emotional but not weak, they are not the people in corporate rat race and they make the saying,

blessing in disguise, meaningful.

Nature as Ascendant: Courteous, gentle, a able, kind, a ectionate, mixing, sociable, active, beauty
conscious, artistic and intuitive. Fickle and changeable, the tastes vary with the mood. Companionship,
partnership and marriage are the foundation stones for success.
Nature as Rashi: Natives are holy and learned. They are tall, thin, intelligent, wealthy, amicable, aspiring
and have love for arts.
8. Vrischika (Scorpio) Adhipati Mangal (Mars) Watery Mute Fruitful Feminine Fixed Violent
Watery: Emotion; empathy; sensitivity
Mute: No voice or stammer, This can be due to the fact that water is not a good medium for sound and
hence mute. Watery sign on a licted ascendant or second house, Mercury a licted by Saturn placed in
any of these signs or Mercury in ascendant or second house in these signs in a liction can cause speech
problems, stammering or other speech impediments.
Fruitful: Associated with fertility (semi)
Feminine: Receptive and introvert
Fixed: Resistance to change; great willpower
Violent: No fear, they are full of courage and confidence and are eager to take risk. Violent on emotional
Places: Unfrequented wells, drainages, muddy places, kitchen, lavatory, tannery, garden, slaughter
house, meat market, operation theatre, godown for steel, chemical laboratories, cremation grounds
Products: Explosives, bamboo, knives, liquor, chemicals, oils, ground nuts, steam engineers, mines and
ores, dams, tools and machinery, tea, co ee, tobacco, acids, petrol, poison, chloroform, ether spirit,
mustard, jaggery, boiled rice, ditches
People: Surgeons, chemists, research scholars, soldiers, dentists, barbers, butchers, factory workers, men
in yards, machines in navy, naval sta , workers in water supply or in dams
Body Parts: Internal anal system and organs. Diseases like piles, stone in urinary bladder.
Nature: Immense energy and working power. There is contradiction or conflict of emotions, desire and
work in these people. This contradiction or conflict creates di erent qualities in di erent people like being
introvert, not sharing anything with anybody. Hence this sign always tries to hide something, be it
physical maters, thoughts, aims, targets. With this all negative qualities lying spreading false information,
being protected to cover the wrongness, at times using all wrong ways to protect or cover oneself.
The mind and acts are not pure of these people. Hence these people are felt like wrong people in the
society. They are game planner, criminals, politicians and these people are behind every big fraud or
crime. This sign also has the power or force of creativity. The ambition of power, authority and
researching on any given subjects. The male graha mangal ruling a female sign, hence the elements of
lust, sex, physical pleasures are also there.
Nature as Ascendant: Strong, forceful, strong willed, brave, with extreme likes and dislikes. A good fighter
who will neither shirk responsibility nor avoid controversy/ dispute. Endurance, dignity and persistence
are other positive characteristics of Scorpions. The weakness is anger, criticisms and sarcasm. Mystical

and secretive, they make good astrologers and occultists.

Nature as Rashi: Moon in Scorpio also indicate that the natives are straight forward, open minded,
unhappy, wealthy, impetuous and obstinate.
9. Dhanu (Saggitarius) Adhipati Brihaspati (Jupiter) Fiery Masculine Common Dual Semifruitful
Fiery: Enthusiasm; drive to express self; faith
Masculine: Extrovert and active
Common (mutable): Adaptability
Dual Bodied: All three signs belonging to this category are the mutable signs. A double bodied sign on the
cusp of seventh house can indicate two marriages and on the cusp of fi h house can indicate birth of
Fruitful: Associated with fertility (semi)
Places: Hills, top floor, next room to kitchen, horse sheds, wood and bushes, store house for arms and
ammunition, churches, temples, schools, colleges, courts
Products: Medicines, flowers, roots, fruits, seeds, arrows, needles, sticks, tooth picks,iron bars, drills,
herbal medicine, fish, aquatic fruits.
People: Teachers, orators, bankers, priests, politicians, editors, advertisers, auditor, civil engineers,
miners, transport workers
Body Parts: Lever, fat and related diseases.
Nature: Love, compassion, benevolence, social service, truthfulness and thirst for divine knowledge are all
visible qualities of these natives. They are law abiding, repeated life, positive, optimistic in nature. Being a
fiery sign and dual natured, some negative qualities are also seen in this rashi they are over confident,
impulsive nature, unnecessarily putting things at stake and inconsistent approach.
Nature as Ascendant: Honorable, open minded, frank, generous, sympathetic, truthful and just. Dignified
and neat, life and surroundings are generally well ordered and beautiful. Independent minded, active
and cheerful, they excel in sports and physical exercises. At times brusque and fiery and at times calm
and balanced, but generally a follower of etiquette and well behaved.
Versatile mind capable of higher learning and natural religiosity are the blessings of Jupiter.
Nature as Rashi: The natives have deep and inventive intellect, have good speech, are patrons of arts and
literature, are ceremonial minded, have reflective mentality and good inheritance.
10. Makar (Capricorn) Adhipati Shani (Saturn) Earthy Movable Semi-fruitful Masculine
Earthy: Practicality; caution; material world
Movable (Cardinal): Action; initiative; great vitality
Fruitful: Associated with fertility (semi)
Masculine: Extrovert and active
Places: Safe vaults, cells, isolations, hospitals, jails, burial grounds, asylums, tombs, mortuaries, cattle
sheds, barren lands, holes, pits, congested places, dungeons, old buildings, temples, caves, thick forests,

lumbar rooms, houses, dung hills, low houses

Products: Liquids, ice, refrigerators, leather goods, mortar, skeleton, logs, co in, cement, bricks, snow,
People: Devotees, soldiers, rejected husbands, eunuchs, rich men, farmers, bridge contractors, writers of
detective novels, mathematics teacher, C.I.D. o icials, finger print experts, practices of yoga, doctors,
servers in slaughter house or birth controls, masons, builders, engineers, surveyors, scientists, mine
owners, advocates, person working in burial grounds, pro hits, hypnotists, curio collector, astrologers,
Body Parts: Knees and Joints.
Nature: A matured, consistent, persistent and tolerant rashi. Constant e ort to reach somewhere is life,
ambitious, authoritative but gets frustrated easily. Suspicion, tension, emotional outburst and also
present in a great scale. Many a times very selfish, unfaithful, hungry for all pleasurable things,
opportunistic and compromising nature in reaching goal. Thinks a lot, takes time to decide, thinks that
their decision is best for themselves, but fails miserably as brain is a bit negative in processing the
thoughts. They should not decide for themselves and live that responsibility to someone trustworthy.
Very consistent, but luck does not favor them easily. Hard work and consistency over a long period of
time promises good luck if they do not try to manage or manipulate things.
Physical as Ascendant: Short/tall stature; slender body; thin face, plain looking; long protruding chin;
thin neck; dark hair and weak knees; emaciated figure unless Saturn is strong.
Nature as Ascendant: Steady, quiet, hard working, patient, tactful and subject to melancholy. They lack
cheer and hope and are non believers requiring scientific proof for everything. Practical, executive
ability, self- restraint, strong willed, ambitious, just, economic, cautious and prudent. The Capricorn can
deliver goods due to his steadfast determination. Rarely loved, generally respected, strong and a bad
Nature as Rashi: Natives born with Moon in Capricorn are virtuous, quick in perception, clever, active,
sagacious, strategic, unscrupulous and inconsistent.
11. Kumbha (Aquarius) Adhipati Shani (Saturn) Airy Masculine Musical Fixed Barren
Airy: Communication; socialization; conceptualization
Masculine: Extrovert and active
Voice: Musical Human, As for voice or sound, there has to be an airy medium, this is the reason of all airy
signs being voice signs. Voice signs coinciding with the second house and placement of Venus in it
suggest voice suitable for singing and a similar occurrence in tenth house suggest career related to voice
like singer, ventriloquist, commentator, mimicry artists, etc.
Fixed: Resistance to change; great willpower
Barren: Associated with infertility
Places: Hills, uneven places, places near water caves, edge of roof, ladders, staircase, miners, ditches,
trenches, tunnels, places where radio or tv is kept, garage

Products: Ferries, bridges, automobiles, buckets, cups, gas, electric motors, fans, radios, wool, hair
People: Scientists, lecturers, astrologers, director of big companies, shipping agents, exports, contractor
in mines and ores, butcher, barber, astronomer, fancy goods dealer, chemist, skin specialists, electricians,
salesman deals in electronics, chemical, mechanical engineering, dealer in pump sets, brick
manufacturers, doctors doing post-mortem, painters, musicians, decorators, travellers
Body Parts: Legs below knows upto feet.
Nature: This sign is highly motivated to avail the Siddhi or complete achievements in this life only.
Whatever is not possible, whatever is out of reach, these people will try to achieve those things. Highest
quality of intellect or wisdom is blessed with these people. Unbiased wisdom, benefit of wisdom to
everybody, matured knowledge and selflessness are some qualities of these people.
These people are consistent, analytical and research oriented. These people can study for n-number of
years to complete a mammoth task or research without any gaps or disturbance. They can also take
Vairagya, Sanyasa or detachment from wordily matters. So many times on worldly maters these people
are big failure. Kumbha lagna is considered in-auspicious by ancient astrologers, may be because they
go into Vairagya.
Nature as Ascendant : Strong willed, with fixed opinions, good intellectual abilities and tastes, scientific
and literacy pursuits; open and truthful, silent but cheerful, good friends, strong memory and education.
Inclination for occult and mysteries will be marked.
Nature as Rashi: The natives born with birth Rashi are sensual, pure minded, artistic, diplomatic, lonely,
and esoteric.
12. Meena (Pisces) Adhipati Brihaspati (Jupiter) Watery Mute Fruitful Feminine Common Dual
Watery: Emotion; empathy; sensitivity
Mute: No voice or stammer, This can be due to the fact that water is not a good medium for sound and
hence mute. Watery sign on a licted ascendant or second house, Mercury a licted by Saturn placed in
any of these signs or Mercury in ascendant or second house in these signs in a liction can cause speech
problems, stammering or other speech impediments.
Fruitful: Associated with fertility
Feminine: Receptive and introvert
Common (mutable): Adaptability
Dual Bodied: All three signs belonging to this category are the mutable signs. A double bodied sign on the
cusp of seventh house can indicate two marriages and on the cusp of fi h house can indicate birth of
Places: Ponds, Ocean, Fisheries, Canning House, Back-waters, Sanatorium, Isolated places, Jails, Old
wells, places of floods, wet places, oil fields, temples, harbor, watery places
Products: Fisheries, Liquor, rubber, liquids, ships and submarines, gems, pearls, shells, lotus and aquatic
flowers, salt, perfumes
People: Politicians, ministers, bankers, tourists, advocates, lecturers, religious people, sanyasis, cinema
artists, managing directors, doctors, sailors, seamen, shipping and clearing agents, liquor dealers and

dealers in oil and chemicals, dealer is pharmaceuticals, cosmetic dealers, writers, accountants,
musicians, astrologers, nurses, caterers, social workers, teachers, aquarium workers, customs and port
trust workers, occult scientists
Body Parts: Exertion, sole of foot and le eye.
Nature: Kind, sociable and benevolent people. Selflessness, Compassion and Bhakti Yoga are some of the
prominent qualities of this Rashi. It is blessed with ambition, inner strength and divine knowledge.
Decision making capacity is poor and force to turn the table around is lacking.
Nature as Ascendant: Sympathetic, benevolent, generous, emotional/hlelpful, sociable & imaginative. All
arts and imaginative writing are naturally suited. Easy going, good-natured and well disposed towards
all. Pisceans are dignified, well behaved and ceremonious. Sensitive, intuitional and receptive, they have
the healing touch.
Nature as Rashi: Birth Rashi Pisces represents long nose and bright body. They are subservient to
opposite sex and are handsome, learned and adventurous. They get spiritually inclined in the later part
of life.
Properties of Signs:
(1) Positive, Negative : No significance
(2) Fiery, Earthy, Airy, Watery
Fiery: Enthusiasm; drive to express self; faith
Earthy: Practicality; caution; material world
Airy: Communication; socialization; conceptualization
Watery: Emotion; empathy; sensitivity
(3) Movable, Fixed, Common
Movable (Cardinal): Action; initiative; great vitality
Fixed: Resistance to change; great willpower
Common (mutable): Adaptability
(4) Fruitful, Barren
Fruitful: Associated with fertility
Barren: Associated with infertility
(5) Voice, Mute
Voice: Musical Human, As for voice or sound, there has to be an airy medium, this is the reason of all airy
signs being voice signs. Voice signs coinciding with the second house and placement of Venus in it
suggest voice
suitable for singing and a similar occurrence in tenth house suggest career related to voice like singer,
ventriloquist, commentator, mimicry artists, etc.
Mute: No voice or stammer, This can be due to the fact that water is not a good medium for sound and
hence mute. Watery sign on a licted ascendant or second house, Mercury a licted by Saturn placed in
any of these signs
or Mercury in ascendant or second house in these signs in a liction can cause speech problems,

stammering or other speech impediments.

(6) Masculine, Feminine
Masculine: Extrovert and active
Feminine: Receptive and introvert
(7) Northern and Southern : No significance
(8) Bestial, Human: No significance, rashis with animal symbols are known as Bestial and others as
Human, Saggitarius is half human and half Bestial
(9) Dual Bodied: All three signs belonging to this category are the mutable signs. A double bodied sign on
the cusp of seventh house can indicate two marriages and on the cusp of fi h house can indicate birth of
(10) Violent: No fear, Aries (Mesha) and Scorpio (Vrischika) are violent signs. These signs know no fear;
they are full of courage and confidence and are eager to take risk.
The di erence is Aries in violent on physical level and Scorpio is on emotional level as Aries is Airy where
as Scorpio is Watery
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