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Lesson 1- Topic the role of the entrepreneur

What went well?
Set InductionSTUDENT ENGAGEMENT all students where interested and involved. For this lesson I employed the use of a drama / case
study performed by a student to introduce the lesson topic. Students were eager to learn and actively participated in the
From this scenario, I asked several question which hinted towards the definition of an entrepreneur. Questions such as:
Based on the scenario, can we say Christian took a risk? If Yes why? If No why? From asking probing question students
were able to link the experience in the drama and create a definition of an entrepreneur.
TIME MANAGEMENT: I was able to cover the three teaching points of this lesson, assess students for closure the students
were selected to explain and complete a chart summarising the entire lesson.
The use of multiple resources were quite instrumental in keeping my students engaged and allowed them to generate
their own understanding.
What did not go well?

This class is a class of thirty six fifteen- sixteen year old boys, who chatter a lot so the noise level were slightly above
the norm. my solution was that I spoke very softy and suddenly to I got everyones attention as they we all engaged in
trying to hear what I was saying.

Lesson No.2 Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

I realized today that being prepared doesnt naturally lead to a successful lesson, one must be flexible and
be able to read the students non- verbal behaviours, previously I had planned to use a simple case study
but I noticed that my students were quite hyperactive because of the activities from the previous class so I
quickly decided to shifted to the drama activity instead, this set the tone for the lesson.


Lesson No 3 Reasons for establishing a business

What When Well In This Lesson
For this class I started this lesson with a simple story of real people who became
entrepreneurs. Grasping students attention is one of the first steps in delivering an effective
lesson. I observed that my students were quite attentive throughout the entire lesson. I felt
very motivated as I received positive comments from my students about the lesson.


Lesson no 4. The Steps in Establishing a Business

As usual all my students were engaged and participated in the lesson. The use of drama in the
classroom gives the students a chance to interact creatively with the content. The remarkable
thing is that there wasnt enough chairs for the students to sit in class but they did not mind
they all attended the class which was an afternoon period. I thought to myself I must be doing
something right.


Lesson # 5 The Functional Departments

For this lesson I used the flipped classroom method whereby I selected students to
demonstrate the case study and with my questioning the student were able to generate ideas
which was used as the basis for the teaching- learning process. Interestingly, we covered the
entire topic so efficiently, we had time to host a simple quiz. Students were engaged and those
who had sporting activities were so involved they did not want to leave. I realize that the
teaching learning process is of a transactional nature, building an excellent rapport with
students is very important.


Lesson 6 Sources of Information

Today ran like clockwork, though I changed the strategies because I realised the students were
hyperactive from an earlier activity which involved music, I also incorporated a song in the
lesson and the results was astonishing students were singing and repeating the content with
ease. Once again I saw the importance of being flexible and learning to meet the needs of the
student. Students motivation is important in achieving a successful class by this mean a class
whereby the all students are involved and learning takes place. I have grown immensely from

my last Practicum experience because I have mastered the art of reaching every single
student in the class within a single period.

Lesson 7- Planning and the Link to the Business Operation

I am a strong advocate of the use of information technology in the classroom, unfortunately I
was hampered by the environmental conditions of the classroom and the lack of resources, so I
worked around I knew the majority of students did have smart devices. I provided the hotspot
and wifi service. In groups the students researched answers for their assessment questions.
There was a vast difference in the quality of work and the student enthusiasm, I also
encourage sharing and team spirit in the classroom. However I moved around the class as I
usually do to ensure, the task were being completed. On a negative note time management

was a challenge as the finished three minutes after the bell. Students were begging for the
class not to end , this is proof that technology motivates the student.

Lesson No 8. Opportunities and Challenges in the Operation of the Business

Making lesson relevant and relating to the real world can help to retain much more information
than just simply dictating notes. Todays lesson was really a lot to covered within the thirty
minute after much planning, I was pleased with my approach. Using a example of a simple
business such as the doubles man we covered all the opportunities that maybe available to
him and all the challenges he may face. This simple approach was highly student centered and
the best part I was within the thirty minutes time constraint. A happy class equal a happy
student teacher.


Lesson 9- Local, Regional and Global Rules for Conducting a Business Part One
I used a variety of strategies for this class, charts, pictures this helped to keep the students engaged and
minimized any disruptions. I realised that the content was too much for the time allotted and so we
focussed on the local aspect of the lesson. With this quick decision time management was improved and I
was able to use the form of a debate for a final assessment.


Lesson 10 Local, Regional and Global Rules for Conducting a Business (part 2)

Given that was a continuation of previous lesson I saw the need for a strong recap this was
done in the form a rap / rhyme done by various groups in the class. Boy, did the students
enjoyed this. My reflection for today is learning is fun and to those who believe student centred

learning takes too long , my class including assessments, summary and closure ended within
the allotted time. One weakness I was not able to fix is getting the students to keep the
classroom totally clean. However I did notice some measure of improvement.

Lesson 11- Sources of funds

Lesson No 12 Capital , Govt and Angel Investors
The problems of the lack of furniture affected the students as some student had to stand
throughout the class this I felt hampered the teaching learning process. For next class (part 2)
I made sure all students were provided a desk and chair. I role of a teacher is no different from
a manager who puts the customer first. This was my last class and I given a double period so I

made the best use to introduce lesson, assess summarise and close all within the 60 mins. As I
bid my student good bye I fell happy and sad. I am pleased to have completed this and
document my progress, but the real winners are the students I have seen them become
confident, critical thinkers. I will surely miss teaching this form 4r class.

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