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1.1 electric shock
when a current exceeding 30 mA electric shock
An electric shock is the pathophysiological Curve C1 (of figure G1) shows that when a
passes through a part of a human effect of an electric current through the current greater than 30 mA passes through a
body, the person concerned is in human body. part of a human being, the person concerned
serious danger if the current is not Its passage affects essentially the circulatory is likely to be killed, unless the current is
interrupted in a very short time. and respiratory functions and sometimes interrupted in a relatively short time.
results in serious burns. The degree of The point 500 ms/100 mA close to the curve
danger for the victim is a function of the C1 corresponds to a probability of heart
magnitude of the current, the parts of the fibrillation of the order of 0.14%.
the protection of persons against body through which the current passes, and The protection of persons against electric
electric shock in LV installations must the duration of current flow. shock in LV installations must be provided in
be provided in conformity with IEC Publication 479-1 defines four zones of conformity with appropriate national
appropriate national standards and current-magnitude/time-duration, in each of standards and statutory regulations, codes of
statutory regulations, codes of which the pathophysiological effects are practice, official guides and circulars, etc.
described (fig. G1). Any person coming into Relevant IEC standards include: IEC 364,
practice, official guides and circulars, contact with live metal risks an electric shock. IEC 479-1, IEC 755, IEC 1008, IEC 1009
etc. and IEC 947-2 appendix B.
Relevant IEC standards include:
duration of current flow t
IEC 364, IEC 479-1, IEC 755, ms 10000
A B C1 C2 C3
IEC 1008, IEC 1009
and IEC 947-2 appendix B. ∂ imperceptible
∑ perceptible
∏ reversible effects:
1000 muscular
π possibility of
1 2 3 4 irreversible
200 effects
C1: no heart fibrillation
100 C2: 5% probability
of heart fibrillation
C3: 50% probability
of heart fibrillation

0,1 0,2 0,5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10000
current passing through the body Is

fig. G1: curve C1 (of IEC 479-1) defines the current-magnitude/time-duration limits which
must not be exceeded.

1.2 direct and indirect contact

standards and regulations distinguish direct contact indirect contact
two kinds of dangerous contact: A direct contact refers to a person coming An indirect contact refers to a person coming
into contact with a conductor which is live in into contact with a conductive part which is
c direct contact, normal circumstances. not normally alive, but has become alive
c indirect contact, accidentally (due to insulation failure or some
and corresponding protective other cause).
measures. insulation
1 2 3 PE conductor
1 2 3 N

Is Is

fig. G2: direct contact. fig. G3: indirect contact.

Is: touch current Id: insulation fault current

protection against electric shocks - G1

2. protection against direct contact

Two complementary measures are commonly
two measures of protection against
employed as protection against the dangers
direct-contact hazards are often of direct contact:
imposed, since, in practice, the first c the physical prevention of contact with live
measure may not prove to be parts by barriers, insulation, inaccessibility,
infallible. etc.
c additional protection in the event that a
direct contact occurs, despite the above
measures. This protection is based on
residual-current operated high-sensitivity fast-
acting relays, which are highly effective in the
majority of direct contact cases.

2.1 measures of protection against direct contact

IEC and national standards measures of complete protection
Protection by the insulation of live parts
frequently distinguish between This protection consists of an insulation which
degrees of protection conforms to the relevant standards. Paints,
c complete (insulation, enclosures) lacquers and varnishes do not provide an
c partial or particular. adequate protection.
Protection by means of barriers or
enclosures fig. G4: inherent direct-contact protection
This measure is in widespread use, since by the insulation of a 3-phase cable with
many components and materials are installed outer sheath.
in cabinets, pillars, control panels and
distribution-board enclosures, etc. To be
considered as providing effective protection
against direct-contact hazards, these
equipments must possess a degree of
protection equal to at least IP2X or IPXXB
(see Chapter F Sub-clause 7.2).
Moreover, an opening in an enclosure (door,
panel, drawer, etc.) must only be removable,
opened or withdrawn:
c by means of a key or tool provided for the
purpose, or
c after complete isolation of the live parts in
the enclosure, or
c with the automatic action of an intervening
metal shutter, removable only with a key or
with tools. The metal enclosure and all metal
shutters must be bonded to the protective
earthing conductor for the installation.

partial measures of protection fig. G5: example of direct-contact

Protection by means of obstacles, or by prevention by means of an earthed metal
placing out of reach enclosure.
This practice concerns locations to which
qualified, or otherwise authorized personnel
only, have access.

particular measures
of protection
Protection by the use of extra-low voltage
SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) schemes
This measure is used only in low-power
circuits, and in particular circumstances, as
described in Sub-clause G3.5.

G2 - protection against electric shocks

2.2 additional measure of protection against direct contact
All the preceding protective measures are
an additional measure of protection
preventive, but experience has shown that for
against the hazards of direct contact various reasons they cannot be regarded as
is provided by the use of residual- being infallible. Among these reasons may be
current operated devices, which cited:
operate at 30 mA or less, and are c lack of proper maintenance,
c imprudence, carelessness,
referred to as RCDs of high c normal (or abnormal) wear and tear of
sensitivity. insulation; for example, flexure and abrasion
of connecting leads,
c accidental contact,
c immersion in water, etc. - a situation in
which insulation is no longer effective.
In order to protect users in such
circumstances, highly-sensitive fast-tripping
devices, based on the detection of residual
currents to earth (which may or may not be
through a human being or animal) are used
to disconnect the power supply automatically,
and with sufficient rapidity to prevent
permanent injury to, or death by
electrocution, of a normally healthy human

fig. G6: high-sensitivity RCD.

These devices operate on the principle of
IEC wiring regulations impose the differential current measurement, in which
use of RCDs on circuits supplying any difference between the current entering a
socket outlets, installed in particular circuit and that leaving it, must (on a system
locations considered to be potentially supplied from an earthed source) be flowing
to earth, either through faulty insulation or
dangerous, or used for special through contact of an earthed object, such as
purposes. Some national wiring a person, with a live conductor.
regulations impose their use on all Standard residual-current devices, referred to
circuits supplying socket outlets. as RCDs, sufficiently sensitive for direct-
contact protection are rated at 30 mA of
differential current. Other standard IEC
ratings for high-sensitivity RCDs are 10 mA
and 6 mA (generally used for individual
appliance protection).
This additional protection is imposed in
certain countries for circuits supplying socket
outlets of ratings up to 32 A, and even higher
if the location is wet and/or temporary (such
as work-sites for example).
Chapter L section 3 itemizes various common
locations in which RCDs of high sensitivity
are obligatory (in some countries), but in any
case, are highly recommended as an
effective protection against both direct- and
indirect-contact hazards.

protection against electric shocks - G3

3. protection against indirect contact

Conductive material(1) used in the c special arrangements such as:
national regulations covering LV
manufacture of an electrical appliance, but v the use of class II insulation materials, or an
installations impose, or strongly which is not part of the circuit for the equivalent degree of insulation,
recommend, the provision of devices appliance, is separated from live parts by the v non-conducting location(2) - out-of-reach or
for indirect-contact protection. "basic insulation". Failure of the basic interposition of barriers,
insulation will result in the conductive parts v equipotential locality,
becoming live. v electrical separation by means of isolating
the measures of protection are: Touching a normally-dead part of an electrical transformers.
appliance which has become live due to the (1) Conductive material (usually metal) which may be
c automatic disconnection of supply
failure of its insulation, is referred to as an touched, without dismantling the appliance, is referred to as
(at the first or second fault detection, indirect contact. "exposed conductive parts".
(2) The definition of resistances of the walls, floor and ceiling
depending on the system of earthing) Various measures are adopted to protect of a non-conducting location is given in Sub-clause G3.5
c particular measures according to against this hazard, and include:
circumstances. c automatic disconnection of power supply to
the appliance concerned,

3.1 measure of protection by automatic disconnection of the supply

protection against indirect-contact principle
hazards by automatic disconnection This protective measure depends on two
fundamental requirements:
of the supply can be achieved if the c the earthing of all exposed conductive parts
exposed conductive parts of of equipment in the installation and the
appliances are properly earthed. constitution of an equipotential bonding
network (see Sub-clause F4-1),
c automatic disconnection of the section of
the installation concerned, in such a way that
the touch-voltage/time safety requirements
are respected for any level of touch voltage
(3) touch voltage Uc:
Touch voltage Uc is the voltage existing (as the result of
insulation failure) between an exposed conductive part and
any conductive element within reach which is at a different
(generally earth) potential.
The greater the value of Uc, the greater the rapidity of
supply disconnection required to provide protection (see
Tables G8 and G9). The highest value of Uc that can be
tolerated indefinitely without danger to human beings is
called the "conventional touch-voltage limit" (UL). earth
electrode Uc

fig. G7: in this illustration the dangerous

touch voltage Uc is from hand to hand.

in practice the disconnecting times reminder of the theoretical

and the choice of protection schemes disconnecting-time limits*
to use depend on the kind of earthing assumed maximum disconnecting assumed maximum disconnecting
system concerned; TT, TN or IT. touch time for the protective touch time for the protective
voltage device (seconds) voltage device (seconds)
Precise indications are given in the
(V) alternating direct (V) alternating direct
corresponding paragraphs. current current current current
< 50 5 5 25 5 5
50 5 5 50 0.48 5
75 0.60 5 75 0.30 2
90 0.45 5 90 0.25 0.80
120 0.34 5 110 0.18 0.50
150 0.27 1 150 0.12 0.25
220 0.17 0.40 230 0.05 0.06
280 0.12 0.30 280 0.02 0.02
350 0.08 0.20
table G9: maximum safe duration of the
500 0.04 0.10
assumed values of touch voltage in
table G8: maximum safe duration of the conditions where UL = 25 V.
assumed values of touch voltage in
conditions where UL = 50 V(1).
(1) The resistance of the floor and the wearing of shoes are
taken into account in these values.
* For most locations, the maximum permitted touch voltage
(UL) is 50 V. For special locations, the limit is reduced to
25 V. See G4-1 and Clause L3.

G4 - protection against electric shocks

3.2 automatic disconnection for a TT-earthed installation
automatic disconnection for a principle
TT-earthed installation is effected by In this scheme all the exposed and Automatic protection for a TT-earthed
extraneous conductive parts of the installation installation is assured by the use of a RCD of
a RCD having a sensitivity of must be connected to a common earth sensitivity:
U 50 V*
I∆n i L = electrode. The supply system neutral is I∆n i UL = 50 V
RA RA normally earthed at a point outside the area RA RA
where RA = resistance of the of influence of the electrode for the where
installation, but need not be so. RA = the resistance of the earth electrode for
installation earth electrode The impedance of the earth-fault loop the installation.
* 25 V in some particular cases. therefore consists mainly of the two earth I∆n = rated differential current operating level.
electrodes (i.e. the source and installation For temporary supplies (to work-sites etc.)
electrodes) in series, so that the magnitude of and agricultural and horticultural
the earth-fault current is generally too small to establishments, the value of UL in the above-
operate overcurrent relays or fuses, and the mentioned formula must be replaced by 25 V.
use of a differential-current form of protection
is essential.
This principle of protection is also valid if one
common earth electrode only is used, notably
in the case of a consumer-type substation
within the installation area, where space
limitations may impose the adoption of a TN
earthing scheme, but where all other
conditions required by the TN system cannot
be fulfilled.

The resistance of the substation neutral earth
electrode Rn is 10 ohms.
The resistance of the installation earth
electrode RA is 20 ohms.
The earth-fault current Id = 7.7 A.
The touch-voltage Uc = IdRA = 154 V and
therefore dangerous, but,
I∆n = 50 = 2.5 A so that a standard 300 mA
RCD will operate in 30 ms to clear a condition
in which 50 V touch voltage, or more,
appears on an exposed conductive part.

substation earth Uc
earth electrode

Rn : 10 Ω RA : 20 Ω

fig. G10: automatic disconnection for a TT-earthed installation.

protection against electric shocks - G5

3. protection against indirect contact (continued)

3.2 automatic disconnection for a TT-earthed installation (continued)
the tripping times of RCDs are specified disconnection time x I∆n 1 2 5 >5
generally lower than those RCD is a general term for all devices instantaneous (ms) 300 150 40 40
operating on the residual-current principle. domestic
prescribed in the majority of national RCCB* (residual current circuit breaker) as
standards; this feature facilitates their defined in IEC 1008 is a specific class of type S (ms) 500 200 150 150
use and allows the adoption of an RCD. industrial
effective scheme of discriminative Type G (general) and type S (selective) have setting I** (ms) 150 150 150 150
tripping time/current characteristics as shown
protection. in table G11. These characteristics allow a
* Merlin Gerin

certain degree of selective tripping between table G11: maximum operating times of
the several combinations of rating and type, RCCBs (IEC 1008).
as shown later in Sub-clause 4.3. ** Note : the use of the term "circuit breaker" does not mean
that a RCCB can break short-circuit currents. For such
duties RCDs known as RCBOs ("O" for overcurrent) as
defined in IEC 1009 must be employed.

3.3 automatic disconnection for a TN-earthed installation

the principle of the TN scheme of principle
In this scheme all exposed and extraneous provided, in order to reduce the touch voltage
earthing is to ensure that earth-fault as much as possible.
conductive parts of the installation are
current will be sufficient to operate connected directly to the earthed point of the In high-rise apartment blocks, all extraneous
overcurrent protective devices power supply by protective conductors. conductive parts are connected to the
(direct-acting tripping, overcurrent As noted in Chapter F Sub-clause 4.2, the protective conductor at each level.
relays and fuses) so that way in which this direct connection is carried In order to ensure adequate protection, the
out depends on whether the TN-C, TN-S, or earth-fault current
Uo Uo*
Ia i
or 0.8
TN-C-S method of implementing the TN Id = Uo or 0.8 Uo u Ia where
principle is used. In figure G12 the method Zs Zc
TN-C is shown, in which the neutral Uo = nominal phase-neutral voltage.
conductor acts as both the Protective-Earth Zs = earth-fault current loop impedance,
and Neutral (PEN) conductor. In all TN equal to the sum of the impedances of: the
arrangements, any insulation fault to earth source, the live phase conductors to the fault
constitutes a phase-neutral short-circuit. position, the protective conductors from the
High fault current levels simplify protection fault position back to the source.
requirements but can give rise to touch Zc = the faulty-circuit loop impedance (see
voltages exceeding 50% of the phase-to- "conventional method" Sub-clause 5.2).
neutral voltage at the fault position during the Note: the path through earth electrodes back
brief disconnection time. to the source will have (generally) much
In practice, therefore, earth electrodes are higher impedance values than those listed
normally installed at intervals along the above, and need not be considered.
neutral of the supply network, while the Id = the fault current.
consumer is generally required to instal an Ia = a current equal to the value required to
earth electrode at the service position. On operate the protective device in the time
large installations additional earth electrodes specified.
dispersed around the premises are often

F 1

35 50 m
mm2 35 mm2


fig. G12: automatic disconnection for a TN-earthed installation.

In figure G12 the touch voltage less than this value, so that positive operation
230 in the shortest possible time is assured.
Uc = = 115 V
2 Note: some authorities base such
and is therefore dangerous. calculations on the assumption that a voltage
The impedance Zs of the loop = ZAB + ZBC + drop of 20% occurs in the part of the
ZDE + ZEN + ZNA. impedance loop BANE.
If ZBC and ZDE are predominant, then: This method, which is recommended, is
ZS = 2ρ x L = 64.3 milli-ohm, so that explained in chapter G Sub-clause 5.2
S "conventional method" and, in this example,
Id = 230/64.3 = 3,576 A (≈ 22 In based on a will give a fault current of
160 A circuit breaker). 230 x 0.8 x 103 = 2,816 A (≈ 18 In)
The "instantaneous" magnetic tripping device 64.3
setting of the circuit breaker is many times
G6 - protection against electric shocks
specified maximum certain national regulations impose, the
for TN earthing, the maximum
disconnection times provision of equipotential bonding of all
allowable disconnection time extraneous and exposed conductive parts
The times specified are a function of the
depends on the nominal voltage of nominal voltage phase/earth, which, for all that are simultaneously accessible, in any
the system. practical purposes on TN systems, is the area where socket-outlets are installed, from
phase/neutral voltage. which portable or mobile equipment might be
supplied. The common equipotential busbar
Uo (volts) disconnection time is installed in the distribution-board cabinet
phase/neutral (seconds) UL=50 V for the area concerned.
(see note 2) Note 2: when the conventional voltage limit is
127 0.8 25 V, the specified disconnection times are:
230 0.4 0.35 s. for 127 V
400 0.2 0.2 s. for 230 V
> 400 0.1 0.05 s. for 400 V
If the circuits concerned are final circuits, then
table G13: maximum disconnection times these times can easily be achieved by the
specified for TN earthing schemes use of RCDs.
(IEC 364-4-41).
Note 3: the use of RCDs may, as mentioned
Note 1: a longer time interval than those in note 2, be necessary on TN-earthed
specified in the table (but in any case less systems. Use of RCDs on TN-C-S systems
than 5 seconds) is allowed under certain means that the protective conductor and the
circumstances for distribution circuits, as well neutral conductor must (evidently) be
as for final circuits supplying a fixed separated upstream of the RCD. This
appliance, on condition that a dangerous separation is commonly made at the service
touch voltage is not thereby caused to appear position.
on another appliance. IEC recommends, and

if the protection is to be provided by a protection by means of a circuit t 1 : instantaneous trip

2 : short time-delayed trip
circuit breaker, it is sufficient to verify breaker
that the fault current will always The instantaneous trip unit of a circuit breaker
will eliminate a short-circuit to earth fault in
exceed the current-setting level of less than 0.1 second.
the instantaneous or short-time delay In consequence, automatic disconnection
tripping unit (Im): within the maximum allowable time will
always be assured, since all types of trip unit,
Im < Uo or 0.8* magnetic or electronic, instantaneous or
Zs Zc 1
slightly retarded, are suitable: Ia = Im.
* according to the "conventional" method of
The maximum tolerance authorized by the
calculation (see sub-clause 5.2).
relevant standard, however, must always be Im Uo/Zs I
taken into consideration.
fig. G14: disconnection by circuit breaker
It is sufficient therefore that the fault current
for a TN-earthed installation.
Uo / Zs or 0.8 Uo / Zc determined by
calculation (or established on site) be greater
than the instantaneous trip-setting current, or
than the very short-time tripping threshold
level, to be sure of tripping whithin the
permitted time limit.

Ia can be determined from the fuse protection by means of fuses t

performance curve. In any case, The value of current which assures the
correct operation of a fuse can be
protection cannot be achieved if the accertained from a current/time performance
loop impedance Zs or Zc exceeds a graph for the fuse concerned. = 0,4 s
certain value. The fault current Uo/Zs or 0.8 Uo/Zc as tc
determined above, must largely exceed that
necessary to ensure positive operation of the
fuse. Ia Uo/Zs I
The condition to observe therefore is that:
Ia < Uo or 0.8 Uo as indicated in figure G15. fig. G15: disconnection by fuses
Zs Zc for a TN-earthed installation.
The nominal phase-neutral voltage of the
network is 230 V and the maximum
disconnection time given by the graph in
figure G15 is 0.4 seconds. The corresponding
value of Ia can be read from the graph.
Using the voltage (230 V) and the current Ia,
the complete loop impedance or the circuit
loop impedance can be calculated from
Zs = 230/Ia or Zc = 0.8 x 230/Ia.This
impedance value must never be exceeded
and should preferably be substantially less to
ensure satisfactory fuse operation.

protection against electric shocks - G7

3. protection against indirect contact (continued)

3.4 automatic disconnection on a second earth fault in an IT-earthed system
In this type of system: c all exposed and extraneous conductive
c the installation is isolated from earth, or the parts are earthed via an installation earth
neutral point of its power-supply source is electrode.
connected to earth through a high

in an IT scheme it is intended that a first fault

On the occurrence of a short-circuit fault to
first fault to earth will not cause any earth, referred to as a "first fault", the fault
disconnection. current is very small, such that the rule
Id x RA i 50 V (see G3.2)
is respected and no dangerous touch
voltages can occur.
In practice the current Id is feeble, a condition
that is neither dangerous to personnel, nor
harmful to the installation.
However, in this scheme: fig. G16: phases to earth insulation
c a permanent surveillance of the condition of monitoring relay (obligatory on IT-earthed
the insulation to earth must be provided, installation).
together with an alarm signal (audio and/or
flashing lights, etc.) in the event of a first
earth fault occurring,
c the rapid location and repair of a first fault is
imperative if the full benefits of the IT system
are to be realized. Continuity of service is the
great advantage afforded by the scheme.
Id2 Id1
HV/400 V
Id1 Id1

Zct Id2 Id2 ZF

1500 Ω

RnA = 5 Ω Id2

fig. G17: fault-current paths for a first (earth) fault on an IT-earthed installation.
Example: The touch voltage Uc is therefore
For a network formed from 1 km of 198 x 5 x 10-3 = 0.99 V, which is evidently
conductors, the leakage (capacitive) harmless.
impedance to earth ZF is of the order of The current through the short-circuit is given
3,500 ohms per phase. In normal (unfaulted) by the vector sum of the neutral-resistor
operation, the capacitive current* to earth is current Id1 (= 153 mA) and the capacitive
therefore current (Id2).
Uo = 230 = 66 mA per phase Since the exposed conductive parts of the
ZF 3,500 installation are connected directly to earth,
During a phase-to-earth fault, as shown in the neutral impedance Zct plays practically no
figure G17, the current passing through the part in the production of touch voltages to
electrode resistance RnA is the vector sum of earth.
the capacitive currents in the two healthy * Resistive leakage current to earth through the insulation is
phases. The voltages of the two healthy assumed to be negligibly small in the example.
phases have (because of the fault) increased
to √3 the normal phase voltage, so that the
capacitive currents increase by the same
amount. These currents are displaced, one
from the other by 60°, so that when added
vectorially, this amounts to 3 x 66 mA =
198 mA i.e. Id2 in the present example.

the simultaneous existence of two second fault situation

On the appearance of a second fault, on a fault current is assured, and conventional
earth faults (if not both on the same
different phase, or on a neutral conductor, overcurrent protective devices are used, i.e.
phase) is dangerous, and rapid a rapid disconnection becomes imperative. circuit breakers and fuses.
clearance by fuses or automatic Fault clearance is carried out differently in The first fault could occur at the end of a
circuit breaker tripping depends on each of the following cases: circuit in a remote part of the installation,
the type of earth-bonding scheme, 1st case: concerns an installation in which all while the second fault could feasibly be
exposed conductive parts are bonded to a located at the opposite end of the installation.
and whether separate earthing common PE conductor, as shown in figure For this reason, it is conventional to double
electrodes are used or not, in the G19. the loop impedance of a circuit, when
installation concerned. In this case no earth electrodes are included calculating the anticipated fault setting level
in the fault current path, so that a high level of for its overcurrent protective device(s).

G8 - protection against electric shocks

c where the system includes a neutral c if no neutral conductor is provided, then the
1st case: where all exposed
conductor in addition to the 3 phase voltage to use for the fault-current calculation
conductive parts are connected to a conductors, the lowest short-circuit fault is the phase-to-phase value, i.e.
common PE conductor conventional currents will occur if one of the (two) faults is
from the neutral conductor to earth (all four (2) 0.8 e Uo* u Ia
overcurrent protection schemes 2 Zc
(such as those used in TN systems) conductors are insulated from earth in an IT
Specified tripping/fuse-clearance times
scheme). In four-wire IT installations,
are applicable, with fault-level therefore, the phase-to-neutral voltage must
Disconnecting times for 3-wire 3-phase IT
calculations and tripping/fuse- schemes differ from those adopted for 4-wire
be used to calculate short-circuit protective
3-phase IT schemes, and are given for both
operating times suitably adapted. levels i.e.
cases in table G18.
(1) 0.8 Uo* u Ia where * based on the "conventional method" noted in the first
2 Zc example of Sub-clause 3.3.
Uo = phase/neutral voltage
Zc = impedance of the circuit fault-current
loop (see G3.3)
Ia = current level for trip setting

Uo/U (volts) disconnection time (seconds) UL = 50 V (1)

Uo = phase-neutral volts 3-phase 3-wires 3-phase 4-wires
U = phase-phase volts
127/220 0.8 5
230/400 0.4 0.8
400/690 0.2 0.4
580/1000 0.1 0.2
table G18: maximum disconnection times specified for an IT-earthed installation
(IEC 364-4-41).
(1) When the conventional voltage limit is c in the case of a 3-phase 4-wire scheme,
25 V, the disconnecting times become: 1.0 second at 127/220 V; 0.5 seconds at
c in the case of a 3-phase 3-wire scheme, 230/400 V and 0.2 seconds at 400/690 V.
0.4 seconds at 127/220 V; 0.2 seconds at
230/400 V and 0.06 seconds at 400/690 V,
HV/400 V A Id B
J 2
F E busbars
160 A
50 m 50 m
Zct 35 mm2 35 mm2

fig. G19: circuit breaker tripping on second (earth) fault when exposed conductive parts
are connected to a common protective conductor.
The current levels and protective measures So that the resistance of circuit 1 loop FGHJ
depend on the switchgear and fusegear = 2 RHJ = 2 ρ l mΩ
concerned: a
c circuit breakers where: ρ = the resistance in milli-ohm of a
In the case shown in figure G19, the levels of copper rod 1 metre long of c.s.a. 1 mm2
instantaneous and short time-delay l = length of the circuit in metres
overcurrent-trip settings must be decided. a = c.s.a. of the conductor in mm2
The times recommended in table G18 can be = 2 x 22.5 x 50 = 64.3 mΩ
readily complied with. 35
Example: from the case shown in figure G19, and the loop resistance B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J
determine that the short-circuit protection will be 2 x 64.3 = 129 mΩ
provided by the 160 A circuit breaker is The fault current will therefore be:
suitable to clear a phase-to-phase short- 0.8 x ex 230 x 103 = 2.470 A
circuit occurring at the load ends of the 129
circuits concerned. c fuses
Reminder: In an IT system, the two circuits The current Ia for which fuse operation must
involved in a phase-to-phase short circuit are be assured in a time specified according to
assumed to be of equal length, with the same table G18 can be found from fuse operating
sized conductors; the PE conductors being curves, as described in figure G15.
the same size as the phase conductors. The current indicated should be significantly
In such a case, the impedance of the circuit lower than the fault currents calculated for the
loop when using the "conventional method" circuit concerned,
(Sub-clause 5.2 of this chapter) will be twice c RCCBs
that calculated for one of the circuits in the In particular cases, RCCBs are necessary. In
TN case, shown in Sub-clause 3.3. this case, protection against indirect contact
hazards can be achieved by using one RCCB
for each circuit.

protection against electric shocks - G9

3. protection against indirect contact (continued)

3.4 automatic disconnection on a second earth fault in an IT-earthed system (continued)
2nd case: concerns exposed conductive electrode contact resistances with the earth,
2nd case: where exposed conductive
parts which are earthed either individually thereby making protection by overcurrent
parts of appliances are earthed (each part having its own earth electrode) or devices unreliable. The more sensitive RCDs
individually or in separate groups, in separate groups (one electrode for each are therefore necessary, but the operating
each appliance or each group must group). current of the RCDs must evidently exceed
(in addition to overcurrent protection) If all exposed conductive parts are not that which occurs for a first fault.
bonded to a common electrode system, then For a second fault occurring within a group
be protected by a RCD. it is possible for the second earth fault to having a common earth-electrode system,
occur in a different group or in a separately- the overcurrent protection operates, as
earthed individual apparatus. Additional described above for case 1.
protection to that described above for case 1, Note 1: see also Chapter H1 Sub-clause 7.2,
is required, and consists of a RCD placed at protection of the neutral conductor.
the circuit breaker controlling each group and Note 2: in 3-phase 4-wire installations
each individually-earthed apparatus. protection against overcurrent in the neutral
The reason for this requirement is that the conductor is sometimes more conveniently
separate-group electrodes are "bonded" achieved by using a ring-type current
through the earth so that the phase-to-phase transformer over the single-core neutral
short-circuit current will generally be limited conductor, as shown in figure G20 (see also
when passing through the earth bond, by the Table H1-65c).
case 1 case 2

group 1 group 2
group earth earth
Rn RA Rn RA 1 RA 2

fig. G20: the application of RCDs when exposed conductive parts are earthed individually
or by groups, on IT-earthed systems.

3.5 measures of protection against direct or indirect contact without circuit disconnection
extra-low voltage is used where the the use of SELV (Safety by Extra equipment must not be connected to earth, to
Low Voltage) other exposed conductive parts, or to
risks are great: swimming pools, extraneous conductive parts,
wandering-lead hand lamps, and Safety by extra low voltage SELV is used in c all live parts of SELV circuits and of other
situations where the operation of electrical circuits of higher voltage must be separated
other portable appliances for outdoor equipment presents a serious hazard
use, etc. by a distance at least equal to that between
(swimming pools, amusement parks, etc.). the primary and secondary windings of a
This measure depends on supplying power at safety isolating transformer.
very low voltage from the secondary windings These measures require that:
of isolating transformers especially designed c SELV circuits must use conduits exclusively
according to national or to international provided for them, unless cables which are
(IEC 742) standards. insulated for the highest voltage of the other
The impulse withstand level of insulation circuits are used for the SELV circuits,
between the primary and secondary windings c socket outlets for the SELV system must
is very high, and/or an earthed metal screen not have an earth-pin contact. The SELV
is sometimes incorporated between the circuit plugs and sockets must be special, so
windings. The secondary voltage never that inadvertent connection to a different
exceeds 50 V rms. voltage level is not possible.
Three conditions of exploitation must be Note: In normal conditions, when the SELV
respected in order to provide satisfactory voltage is less than 25 V, there is no need to
protection against indirect contact: provide protection against direct-contact
c no live conductor at SELV must be hazards. Particular requirements are
connected to earth, indicated in Chapter L, Clause 3: "special
c exposed conductive parts of SELV-supplied locations".

the use of PELV (Protection by and the equipment is used in normally dry
Extra Low Voltage) locations only, and large-area contact with the
human body is not expected.
This system is for general use where low In all other cases, 6 V rms is the maximum
voltage is required, or preferred for safety permitted voltage, where no direct-contact
reasons, other than in the high-risk locations protection is provided.
noted above. The conception is similar to that
of the SELV system, but the secondary circuit 230 V / 24 V
is earthed at one point.
IEC 364-4-41 defines precisely the
significance of the reference PELV. Protection
against direct-contact hazards is generally
necessary, except when the equipment is in fig. G21: low-voltage supplies from a safety
the zone of equipotential bonding, and the isolating transformer, as defined in IEC 742.
nominal voltage does not exceed 25 V rms,
G10 - protection against electric shocks
FELV system (Functional Extra
Low Voltage)
Where, for functional reasons, a voltage of Note: Such conditions may, for example, be
50 V or less is used, but not all of the encountered when the circuit contains
requirements relating to SELV or PELV are equipment (such as transformers, relays,
fulfilled, appropriate measures described in remote-control switches, contactors)
IEC 364-4-41 must be taken to ensure insufficiently insulated with respect to circuits
protection against both direct and indirect at higher voltages.
contact hazards, according to the location
and use of these circuits.

the separation of electric circuits is the separation of electric circuits

suitable for relatively short cable The principle of separation of circuits c no conductor or exposed conductive part of
(generally single-phase circuits) for safety the secondary circuit must be connected to
lengths and high levels of insulation purposes is based on the following earth,
resistance. It is preferably used for reasoning. c the length of secondary cabling must be
an individual appliance. The two conductors from the unearthed limited to avoid large capacitance values*,
single-phase secondary winding of a c a high insulation-resistance value must be
separation transformer are insulated from maintained for the cabling and appliances.
earth. These conditions generally limit the
If a direct contact is made with one conductor, application of this safety measure to an
a very small current only will flow into the individual appliance.
person making contact, through the earth and In the case where several appliances are
back to the other conductor, via the inherent supplied from a separation transformer, it is
capacitance of that conductor with respect to necessary to observe the following
earth. Since the conductor capacitance to requirements:
earth is very small, the current is generally c the exposed conductive parts of all
below the level of perception. appliances must be connected together by an
As the length of circuit cable increases, the insulated protective conductor, but not
direct contact current will progressively connected to earth,
increase to a point where a dangerous c the socket outlets must be provided with an
electric shock will be experienced. earth-pin connection. The earth-pin
Even if a short length of cable precludes any connection is used in this case only to ensure
danger from capacitive current, a low value of the interconnection (bonding) of all exposed
insulation resistance with respect to earth can conductive parts.
result in danger, since the current path is then In the case of a second fault, overcurrent
via the person making contact, through the protection must provide automatic
earth and back to the other conductor disconnection in the same conditions as
through the low conductor-to-earth insulation those required for an IT scheme of power
resistance. system earthing.
For these reasons, relatively short lengths of * It is recommended in IEC 364-4-41 that the product of the
well-insulated cable are essential in nominal voltage of the circuit in volts and length in metres of
the wiring system should not exceed 100 000, and that the
separation schemes. length of the wiring system should not exceed 500 m.
Transformers are specially designed for this
duty, with a high degree of insulation between
primary and secondary windings, or with
equivalent protection, such as an earthed separation
metal screen between the windings. transformer
230 V / 230 V
Construction of the transformer is to class II class II
insulation standards.
fig. G22: safety supplies from a separation
As indicated above, successful exploitation of
the principle requires that:

class II appliances
active part
These appliances are also referred to as insulation
having "double insulation" since in class II supplementary
appliances a supplementary insulation is insulation
added to the basic insulation. No conductive fig. G23: principle of class II insulation
parts of a class II appliance must be level.
connected to a protective conductor:
c most portable or semi-fixed appliances, Chapter 41) describe in more detail the
certain lamps, and some types of transformer necessary measures to achieve the
are designed to have double insulation. It is supplementary insulation during installation
important to take particular care in the work.
exploitation of class II equipment and to verify A simple example is that of drawing a cable
regularly and often that the class II standard into a PVC conduit. Methods are also
is maintained (no broken outer envelope, described for distribution boards.
etc.). Electronic devices, radio and television c for distribution boards and similar
sets have safety levels equivalent to class II, equipment, IEC 439-1 describes a set of
but are not formally class II appliances, requirements, for what is referred to as "total
c supplementary insulation in an electrical insulation", equivalent to class II,
installation (IEC 364-4-41: Sub-clause 413-2). c some cables are recognized as being
Some national standards such as equivalent to class II by many national
NF C 15-100 (France) (annex to 413.5 standards.

protection against electric shocks - G11

3. protection against indirect contact (continued)

3.5 measures of protection against direct or indirect contact without circuit disconnection
out-of-reach or interposition must evidently be the same for all tests.
in principle, safety by placing Different instrument suppliers provide
simultaneously-accessible of obstacles.
electrodes specific to their own product, so
conductive parts out-of-reach, or by By these means, the probability of touching a that care should be taken to ensure that the
live exposed conductive part, while at the electrodes used are those supplied with the
interposing obstacles, requires also a same time touching an extraneous instrument. There are no universally
non-conducting floor, and so is not an conductive part at earth potential, is recognized standards established for these
easily applied principle extremely low. In practice, this measure can tests at the time of writing.
only be applied in a dry location, and is c the placing of equipment and obstacles
implemented according to the following must be such that simultaneous contact with
conditions: two exposed conductive parts or with an
c the floor and the walls of the chamber must exposed conductive part and an extraneous
be non-conducting, i.e. the resistance to earth conductive part by an individual person is not
at any point must be: possible.
> 50 kΩ (installation voltages i 500 V), c no exposed protective conductor must be
> 100 kΩ (500 V < installation voltages introduced into the chamber concerned.
i 1000 V). c entrances to the chamber must be
Resistance is measured by means of arranged so that persons entering are not at
"MEGGER" type instruments (hand-operated risk, e.g. a person standing on a conducting
generator or battery-operated electronic floor outside the chamber must not be able to
model) between an electrode placed on the reach through the doorway to touch an
floor or against the wall, and earth (i.e. the exposed conductive part, such as a lighting
nearest protective earth-conductor). switch mounted in an industrial-type cast-iron
The electrode contact area and pressure conduit box, for example.

insulated walls

2.5 m

electrical electrical electrical

apparatus apparatus apparatus

insulated floor

>2m <2m
fig. G24: protection by out-of-reach arrangements and the interposition of non-conducting

earth-free equipotential chambers earth-free equipotential between a live conductor and the metal
chambers envelope of an appliance will result in the
are associated with particular whole "cage" being raised to phase-to-earth
installations (laboratories, etc.) and In this scheme, all exposed conductive parts, voltage, but no fault current will flow. In such
including the floor (see *Note) are bonded by
give rise to a number of practical suitably large conductors, such that no
conditions, a person entering the chamber
installation difficulties. would be at risk (since he/she would be
significant difference of potential can exist stepping on to a live floor). Suitable
between any two points. A failure of insulation precautions must be taken to protect
personnel from this danger (e.g. non-
conducting floor at entrances, etc.).
Special protective devices are also necessary
to detect insulation failure, in the absence of
significant fault current.
*Note: extraneous conductive parts entering (or leaving) the
equipotential space (such as water pipes, etc.) must be
encased in suitable insulating material and excluded from
the equipotential network, since such parts are likely to be
bonded to protective (earthed) conductors elsewhere in the

conductive floor


fig. G25: equipotential bonding of all exposed conductive parts

simultaneously accessible.
G12 - protection against electric shocks
4. implementation of the TT system

4.1 protective measures
the application to living quarters is protection against indirect
covered in Chapter L Clause 1. contact
General case I∆n maximum resistance
Protection against indirect contact is assured of the earth electrode
by RCDs, the sensitivity I∆n of which (50 V) (25 V)
complies with the condition: 3A 16 Ω 8Ω
I∆n i
50 V (1) 1A 50 Ω 25 Ω
RA 500 mA 100 Ω 50 Ω
(1) 25 V for work-site installations, agricultural 300 mA 166 Ω 83 Ω
establishments, etc. 30 mA 1666 Ω 833 Ω
The choice of sensitivity of the differential table G26: the upper limit of resistance for
device is a function of the resistance RA of an installation earthing electrode which
the earth electrode for the installation, and is must not be exceeded, for given
given in table G26. sensitivity levels of RCDs at UL voltage
limits of 50 V and 25 V.

Case of distribution circuits

IEC 364-4-41 and a number of national
standards recognize a maximum tripping time A
of 1 second in installation distribution circuits
(as opposed to final circuits). This allows a
degree of selective discrimination to be
c at level A: RCD time-delayed, e.g. "S" type, B
c at level B: RCD instantaneous.

fig. G27: distribution circuits.

Case where the exposed conductive parts

of an appliance, or group of appliances,
are connected to a separate earth
Protection against indirect contact by a RCD
at the circuit breaker controlling each group
or separately-earthed individual appliance.
In each case, the sensitivity must be
compatible with the resistance of the earth
electrode concerned. RA 1 RA 2
a distant location

fig. G28: separate earth electrode.

high-sensitivity RCDs
IEC 364-4-471 strongly recommends the use
of a RCD of high sensitivity (i 30 mA) in the
following cases:
c socket-outlet circuits for rated currents
of i 32 A at any location(1),
c socket-outlet circuits in wet locations at all
current ratings(1),
c socket-outlet circuits in temporary
c circuits supplying laundry rooms and fig. G29: circuit supplying socket-outlets.
swimming pools(1),
c supply circuits to work-sites, caravans,
pleasure boats, and travelling fairs(1).
This protection may be for individual circuits
or for groups of circuits,
c strongly recommended for circuits of socket
outlets u 20 A (mandatory if they are
expected to supply portable equipment for
outdoor use),
c in some countries, this requirement is
mandatory for all socket-outlet circuits
rated i 32 A.
(1) these cases are treated in delail in Chapter L Clause 3.

protection against electric shocks - G13

4. implementation of the TT system (continued)

4.1 protective measures (continued)
in areas of high fire risk
RCD protection at the circuit breaker
controlling all supplies to the area at risk is
necessary in some locations, and mandatory
in many countries.
The sensitivity of the RCD must be i 500 mA.

fig. G30: fire-risk location.

protection when exposed

conductive parts are not
connected to earth
(in the case of an existing installation where
the location is dry and provision of an
earthing connection is not possible, or in the
event that a protective earth wire becomes
RCDs of high sensitivity (i 30 mA) will afford
both protection against indirect-contact fig. G31: unearthed exposed conductive
hazards, and the additional protection against parts (A).
the dangers of direct-contact .

4.2 types of RCD

RCDs are commonly incorporated in the c differential switches conforming to particular
following components: national standards,
c industrial-type moulded-case differential c relays with separate toroidal (ring-type)
circuit breakers conforming to IEC 947-2 and current transformers, conforming to IEC 755.
its appendix B, RCDs are mandatorily used at the origin of
c domestic-type differential circuit breakers TT-earthed installations, where their ability to
(RCCBs)* conforming to IEC 755, 1008, and discriminate with other RCDs allows selective
1009 (RCBOs), tripping, thereby ensuring the level of service
*see NOTE concerning RCCBs at the end of continuity required.
Sub-clause 3.2.

DIN-rail circuit breaker with RCD module

fig. G32: industrial-type CB with RCD module.
Adaptable differential circuit breakers, comprehensive range of protective functions
the international standard for
including DIN-rail mounted units, are (isolation, short-circuit, overload, and
industrial differential circuit breakers available, to which may be associated an sensitive earth-fault protection).
is IEC 947-2 and its appendix B. auxiliary module. The ensemble provides a

G14 - protection against electric shocks

the international standards for
domestic circuit breakers (RCBOs) is
IEC 1009.

The incoming-supply circuit breaker can also have time- "Monobloc" type of earth-fault differential circuit breakers
delayed characteristics (type S). designed for the protection of socket-outlet circuits and final
circuit protection.
fig. G33: domestic earth-fault differential circuit breakers.
In addition to the adaptable industrial circuit "monobloc" differential circuit breakers
breakers which comply to industrial and intended for domestic and tertiary sector
domestic standards, there are ranges of applications.
differential switches are covered by
particular national standards
(NF C 61-140 for France).
RCDs with separate toroidal current
transformers are standardized
in IEC 755.

Differential switches (RCCBs) are used for the protection of RCDs with separate toroidal CTs can be used in association
distribution or sub-distribution boards. with circuit breakers or contactors.
fig. G34: differential switches (RCCBs). fig. G35: RCDs with separate toroidal
current transformers.


RCCBs (Residual Current Circuit Breakers) Note: Both RCCBs and RCBOs as
These devices are more-accurately described standardized in IEC 1008 and 1009
in the French version of IEC 1008 as respectively, provide complete isolation when
"interrupteurs" which is generally translated opened. These units are designed for
into English by "load-break switches". domestic and similar installations.
"Residual-current load-break switches" would
be a more accurate description of a RCCB, CBRs
which, although assigned a rated making and Amendment 1 (1992) of the product standard
breaking capacity, is not designed to break IEC 947-Part 2: "Circuit Breakers" includes
short-circuit currents (the unique feature of a Appendix B, which covers the incorporation
circuit breaker) so that the term RCCB can be of residual-current protection into industrial-
misleading. type LV circuit breakers. The Appendix is
As noted in sub-clause 7.3 a SCPD (Short- based on the relevant requirements of IEC
Circuit Protective Device) must always be 755,
series-connected with a RCCB. IEC 1008 and IEC 1009. Circuit breakers so
equipped are referred to as CBRs.
The "O" stands for "Overcurrent" which refers
to the fact that, in addition to sensitive
differential earth-fault protection, overcurrent
protection is provided. The RCBO has a rated
short-circuit breaking capability and is
properly referred to as a circuit breaker.
IEC 1009 is the international reference

4.3 coordination of differential protective devices

Discriminative-tripping coordination is v at local general distribution boards,
achieved either by time-delay or by v at sub-distribution boards,
subdivision of circuits, which are then v at socket outlets for individual appliance
protected individually or by groups, or by a protection
combination of both methods. c in general, at distribution boards (and sub-
Such discrimination avoids the tripping of any distribution boards, if existing) and on
circuit breaker, other than that immediately individual-appliance protection, devices for
upstream of a fault position automatic disconnection in the event of an
c with equipment currently available, indirect-contact hazard occurring are installed
discrimination is possible at three or four together with additional protection against
different levels of distribution, viz: direct-contact hazards.
v at the main general distribution board,

protection against electric shocks - G15

4. implementation of the TT system (continued)

4.3 coordination of differential protective devices (continued)
discrimination between RCDs
Discrimination is achieved by exploiting the
several levels of standardized sensitivity:
30 mA, 100 mA, 300 mA and 1 A and the
corresponding tripping times, as shown below
in figure G36.



300 II 300 mA
250 selective RCDs
(i.e. time-delayed)
150 industrial
100 (settings I and II)
I domestic S
60 time delayed
RCD 30 mA
general domestic
and industrial setting 0



15 30 60

1 1,5 10 100 500 1000 (A)

fig. G36: discrimination between RCDs.

discrimination at 2 levels A
RCD 300 mA
c level A: RCD time-delayed setting 1 (for type S
industrial device) type S (for domestic device)
for protection against indirect contacts, B
c level B: RCD instantaneous, with high 30 mA
sensitivity on circuits supplying socket-outlets
or appliances at high risk (washing machines,
etc. See also Chapter L Clause 3).
fig. G37.

discrimination at 3 or 4 levels A relay with separate

toroidal CT 3 A
Protection: delay time 500 ms
c level A: RCD time-delayed (setting III),
c level B: RCD time-delayed (setting II), B RCCB 1 A
c level C: RCD time-delayed (setting I) or delay time 250 ms
type S,
c level D: RCD instantaneous.
C RCCB 300 mA
delay time 50 ms
or type S

30 mA

fig. G38: discrimination at 3 or 4 levels.

G16 - protection against electric shocks

discriminative protection at three levels

main circuit breaker



differential relay
with separate toroidal
CT setting level ≤ 50/RA
time-delay setting level II

Rn N



relay with
separate CT


1 Vigi
2 compact SM20

3 NS100
PE setting level
300 mA
instantaneous M
300 mA
earth leakage
T T current monitor

300 mA RCD
MCB type S MCB



DPN Vigi
XC40 30 mA
30 mA

30 mA


fig. G39: typical 3-level installation, showing the protection of distribution circuits in a TT-earthed system.
One motor is provided with specific protection.

protection against electric shocks - G17

5. implementation of the TN system

5.1 preliminary conditions
At the design stage, the maximum permitted
lengths of cable downstream of a controlling 5
circuit breaker (or set of fuses) must be
2 2
calculated, while during the installation work
5 5
certain rules must be fully respected. PEN PE N
imposed conditions 1 3
Certain conditions must be observed, as
listed below and illustrated in figure G40.
1. earth electrodes should be provided at
evenly-spaced points (as far as practical
conditions allow) along the PE conductor.
Note : This is not normally done for a single fig. G40: implementation of the TN system
domestic installation; one earth electrode only of earthing.
is usually required at the service position.
2. the PE conductor must not pass through note
(1) the TN scheme requires that the LV neutral of the HV/LV
ferro-magnetic conduit, ducts, etc. or be transformer, the exposed conductive parts of the substation
mounted on steel work, since inductive and/ and of the installation, and the extraneous conductive parts
or proximity effects can increase the effective in the sub-station and installation, all be earthed to a
common earthing system.
impedance of the conductor. (2) for a substation in which the metering is at low-voltage, a
3. in the case of a PEN conductor (a neutral means of isolation is required at the origin of the LV
installation, and the isolation must be clearly visible.
conductor which is also used as a protective (3) a PEN conductor must never be interrupted under any
conductor), connection must be made directly circumstances. Control and protective switchgear for the
to the earth terminal of an appliance (see 3 in several TN arrangements will be:
c 3-pole when the circuit includes a PEN conductor,
figure G40) before being looped to the neutral c preferably 4-pole (3 phases + neutral) when the circuit
terminal of the appliance. includes a neutral with a separate PE conductor.
4. where the conductor i 6 mm2 for copper or
10 mm2 for aluminium, or where a cable is
movable, the neutral and protective
conductors should be separated (i.e. a
TN-S scheme should be adopted within the
5. earth faults should be cleared by
overcurrent-protection devices, i.e. by fuses
and circuit breakers.
The foregoing list indicates the conditions to
be respected in the implementation of a
TN scheme for the protection against indirect

5.2 protection against indirect contact

Three methods of calculation are methods of determining levels of
commonly used: short-circuit current
c the method of impedances, based In TN-earthed systems, a short-circuit to fault current levels must be determined at the
earth will, in principle, always provide design stage of a project.
on the trigonometric addition of the sufficient current to operate an overcurrent A rigorous analysis requires the use of phase-
system resistances and inductive device. The source and supply mains sequence-component techniques applied to
reactances. impedances are much lower that those of the every circuit in turn. The principle is
c the method of composition. installation circuits, so that any restriction in straightforward, but the amount of
c the conventional method, based on the magnitude of earth-fault currents will be computation is not considered justifiable,
mainly caused by the installation conductors especially since the zero-phase-sequence
an assumed voltage drop and the (long flexible leads to appliances greatly impedances are extremely difficult to
use of prepared tables. increase the "fault-loop" impedance, with a determine with any resonable degree of
corresponding reduction of short-circuit accuracy in an average LV installation.
current). Other simpler methods of adequate accuracy
The most recent IEC recommendations for are preferred. Three practical methods are:
indirect-contact protection on TN earthing c the "method of impedances", based on the
schemes only relates maximum allowable summation of all the impedances (positive-
tripping times to the nominal system voltage phase-sequence only) around the fault loop,
(see table G13 in Sub-clause 3.3). for each circuit,
The reasoning behind these c the "method of composition", which is an
recommendations is that, for TN systems, the estimation of short-circuit current at the
current which must pass in order to raise the remote end of a loop, when the short-circuit
potential of an exposed conductive part to current level at the near end of the loop is
50 V or more is so high that one of two known,
possibilities will occur: c the "conventional method" of calculating the
c either the fault path will blow itself clear, minimum levels of earth-fault currents,
practically instantaneously, or together with the use of tables of values for
c the conductor will weld itself into a solid obtaining rapid results.
fault and provide adequate current to operate These methods are only reliable for the case
overcurrent devices. in which the cables that make up the earth-
To ensure correct operation of overcurrent fault-current loop are in close proximity (to
devices in the latter case, a reasonably each other) and not separated by ferro-
accurate assessment of short-circuit earth- magnetic materials.

G18 - protection against electric shocks

for calculations, modern practice is to method of impedances
use software agreed by National This method summates the positive- and (∑X)2 = (the sum of all inductive
sequence impedances of each item (cable, reactances in the loop)2
Authorities, and based on the PE conductor, transformer, etc.) included in and U = nominal system phase-to-neutral
method of impedances, such as the earth-fault loop circuit from which the voltage
ECODIAL 2 (Merlin Gerin). short-circuit earth-fault current is calculated, The application of the method is not always
National Authorities generally also using the formula: easy, because it supposes a knowledge of all
2 2 parameter values and characteristics of the
publish Guides, which include typical I =U/ (∑R) +(∑X) elements in the loop. In many cases, a
values, conductor lengths, etc. where (∑R)2 = (the sum of all resistances in national guide can supply typical values for
the loop)2 estimation purposes.

method of composition
This method permits the determination of the Note: in this method the individual
short-circuit current at the end of a loop from impedances are added arithmetically* as
the known value of S.C. at the sending end, opposed to the previous "method of
by means of the approximate formula: impedances" procedure.
I= U Isc where
U + Zsc Isc * This results in a calculated current value which is less than
that which would actually flow. If the overcurrent settings are
Isc = upstream short-circuit current based on this calculated value, then operation of the relay,
I = end-of-loop short-circuit current or fuse, is assured.
U = nominal system phase voltage
Zsc = impedance of loop

conventional method
This method is generally considered to be This approximation is considered to be valid
sufficiently accurate to fix the upper limit of for cable sizes up to 120 mm2.
cable lengths. Above that size, the resistance value R is
Principle: increased as follows:
The principle bases the short-circuit current core size (mm2) value of resistance
calculation on the assumption that the S = 150 mm2 R+15%
voltage at the origin of the circuit concerned S = 185 mm2 R+20%
(i.e. at the point at which the circuit protective S = 240 mm2 R+25%
device is located) remains at 80% or more of
the nominal phase to neutral voltage. The * causes proximity and skin effects, i.e. an apparent
increase in resistance.
80% value is used, together with the circuit
loop impedance, to compute the short-circuit
This coefficient takes account of all voltage
drops upstream of the point considered. In LV
cables, when all conductors of a 3-phase
4-wire circuit are in close proximity (which is
the normal case), the inductive reactance
internal to* and between conductors is
negligibly small compared to the cable
Example: The maximum length of a circuit in a TN-
the maximum length of any circuit of earthed installation is given by the formula:
a TN-earthed installation is: 0.8 Uo Sph
Lmax = metres, where:
0.8 Uo Sph B ρ (1+m) Ia
Lmax = A
ρ (1+m) Ia PE Lmax = maximum length in metres
Uo = phase volts = 230 V for a 230/400 V
ρ = resistivity at normal working temperature
L in ohm-mm2/metre
= 22.5 10-3 for copper
= 36 10-3 for aluminium
Ia = trip current setting for the instantaneous
operation of a circuit breaker, or
C Ia = the current which assures operation of
the protective fuse concerned, in the
specified time.
m = Sph / SPE
fig. G41: calculation of L max. for a Sph = cross-sectional area of the phase
TN-earthed system, using the conductors of the circuit concerned in mm2
conventional method. SPE = cross-sectional area of the protective
conductor concerned in mm2

protection against electric shocks - G19

5. implementation of the TN system (continued)

5.2 protection against indirect contact (continued)
the following tables* give the length tables
of circuit which must not be The following tables, applicable to TN The tables take into account:
systems, have been established according to c the type of protection: circuit breakers or
exceeded, in order that persons be the "conventional method" described above. fuses,
protected against indirect contact The tables give maximum circuit lengths, c operating-current settings,
hazards by protective devices. beyond which the ohmic resistance of the c cross-sectional area of phase conductors
conductors will limit the magnitude of the and protective conductors,
* Based on tables given in the guide UTE C15-105. short-circuit current to a level below that c type of earthing scheme (see fig. G47),
required to trip the circuit breaker (or to blow c type of circuit breaker (i.e. B, C or D).
the fuse) protecting the circuit, with sufficient The tables may be used for 230/400 V
rapidity to ensure safety against indirect systems.
contact. Equivalent tables for protection by Compact
and Multi 9 circuit breakers (Merlin Gerin) are
included in the relevant catalogues.
Correction factor m
Table G42 indicates the correction factor to
apply to the values given in tables G43 to
G46 according to the ratio SPH/SPE, the type
of circuit, and the conductor materials.

circuit conductor m = SPH/SPE (or PEN)

material m=1 m=2 m=3 m=4
3P + N or P + N copper 1 0.67 0.50 0.40
aluminium 0.62 0.42 0.31 0.25
table G42: correction factor to apply to the lengths given in tables G43 to G46 for
TN systems.
Circuits protected by general-purpose

nominal cross- instantaneous or short-time-delayed tripping current Im (amperes)

sectional area
of conductors
mm2 50 63 80 100 125 160 200 250 320 400 500 560 630 700 800 875 1000 1120 1250 1600 2000 2500 3200 4000 5000 6300 8000 10000 12500
1.5 103 81 64 51 41 32 25 20 16 13 10 9 8 7 6 6 5
2.5 171 136 107 85 66 53 42 34 26 21 17 15 13 12 10 10 8 8 7 5
4 274 217 171 137 109 85 68 54 43 34 27 24 21 19 17 16 14 12 11 8 7 5
6 410 326 256 205 164 126 102 82 64 51 41 36 32 29 25 23 20 18 16 13 10 8 6 5
10 427 342 273 214 171 137 107 85 68 61 54 49 42 39 34 30 27 21 17 14 10 8 7 5
16 436 342 274 219 171 137 109 97 87 78 68 62 55 49 44 34 27 21 17 13 11 8 7 5
25 428 342 267 213 171 152 135 122 107 98 85 76 66 53 43 34 27 21 17 13 10 8 7
35 479 374 299 239 214 190 171 150 136 120 107 96 75 80 48 37 30 24 19 15 12 9
50 406 325 290 258 232 203 185 162 145 130 101 81 65 50 40 32 26 20 16 12
70 479 427 380 342 299 274 239 214 191 150 120 96 75 60 48 38 30 24 19
95 464 406 371 325 290 260 203 162 130 101 81 65 51 40 32 26
120 469 410 366 328 256 205 165 128 102 82 65 51 41 33
150 446 398 357 279 223 178 139 111 89 71 56 44 36
185 471 422 329 264 211 165 132 105 84 66 53 42
240 410 328 263 205 164 131 104 82 66 52

table G43: maximum circuit lengths for different sizes of conductor and instantaneous-tripping-current settings for general-purpose
circuit breakers.

Circuits protected by Compact* or Multi 9*

circuit breakers for industrial or domestic
SPH rated current (A)
mm2 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 13 16 20 25 32 40 45 50 63 80 100
1.5 1227 613 409 307 204 153 123 94 77 61 49 38 31 27 25 19 15 12
2.5 681 511 341 256 204 157 128 102 82 64 51 45 41 32 28 20
4 1090 818 545 409 327 252 204 164 131 102 82 73 65 52 41 33
6 818 613 491 377 307 245 196 153 123 109 98 78 61 49
10 1022 818 629 511 409 327 256 204 182 164 130 102 82
16 1006 818 654 523 409 327 291 262 208 164 131
25 1022 818 639 511 454 409 325 258 204
35 894 716 636 572 454 358 288
50 777 617 485 388

table G44: maximum circuit lengths for different sizes of conductor and rated currents for
type B (1) circuit breakers.
* Merlin Gerin products.
(1) For the definition of type B circuit breaker refer to chapter H2 Sub-clause 4.2.

G20 - protection against electric shocks

SPH rated current (A)
mm2 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 13 16 20 25 32 40 45 50 63 80 100
1.5 613 307 204 153 102 77 61 47 38 31 25 19 15 14 12 10 8 6
2.5 1022 511 341 256 170 128 102 79 64 51 41 32 26 23 20 16 13 10
4 818 545 409 273 204 164 126 102 82 65 51 41 36 33 26 20 16
6 818 613 409 307 245 189 153 123 98 77 61 55 49 39 31 25
10 1022 681 511 409 315 256 204 164 128 102 91 82 65 51 41
16 818 654 503 409 327 262 204 164 145 131 104 82 65
25 1022 786 639 511 409 319 256 227 204 162 128 102
35 894 716 572 447 358 318 286 227 179 143
50 777 607 485 431 389 309 243 194
table G45: maximum circuit lengths for different conductor sizes and for rated currents
of circuit breakers of type C (1).
(1) For the definition of type C circuit breakers refer to chapter H2 Sub-clause 4.2.

SPH rated current (A)

mm2 1 1.6 2 2.5 3 4 6 6.3 8 10 12.5 13 16 20 25 32 40 45 50 63 80 100
1.5 438 274 219 175 146 110 73 70 53 44 35 34 27 22 18 14 11 10 9 7 5 4
2.5 730 456 365 292 243 183 122 116 88 73 58 56 46 37 29 23 18 16 15 12 9 7
4 730 584 467 389 292 195 186 141 117 93 90 73 58 47 37 29 26 23 19 14 12
6 876 701 584 438 292 279 211 175 140 135 110 88 70 55 44 39 35 28 21 18
10 974 730 487 465 352 292 234 225 183 146 117 91 73 65 58 46 35 29
16 779 743 564 467 374 359 292 234 187 146 117 104 93 74 58 47
25 881 730 584 562 456 365 292 228 183 162 146 116 88 73
35 1022 818 786 639 511 409 319 258 227 204 162 123 102
50 867 692 558 432 347 308 277 220 174 139

table G46: maximum circuit lengths for different conductor sizes and for rated currents
of circuit breakers of type D or MA Merlin Gerin (1).
(1) For the definition of type D circuit breakers refer to chapter H2 Sub-clause 4.2.
For typical use of an MA circuit breaker, refer to Chapter J figure J5-3.

A 3-phase 4-wire (230/400 V) installation is
TN-C earthed. A circuit is protected by a
circuit breaker rated at 63 A, and consists of
an aluminium cored cable with 50 mm2 phase
conductors and a neutral conductor (PEN) of
25 mm2.
What is the maximum length of circuit, below
which protection of persons against indirect-
contact hazards is assured by the
instantaneous magnetic tripping relay of the
circuit breaker?
Table G44 gives 617 metres, to which must
be applied a factor of 0.42 (table G42 for
m = SPH/SPE = 2).
The maximum length of circuit is therefore:
617 x 0.42 = 259 metres.

particular case where one

or more exposed conductive
part(s) is (are) earthed to a
separate earth electrode
Protection must be provided against indirect
contact by a RCD at the origin of any circuit
supplying an appliance or group of
appliances, the exposed conductive parts of
which are connected to an independent earth RA 1 RA 2
electrode. a distant location
The sensitivity of the RCD must be adapted
to the earth electrode resistance (RA2 in fig. G47: separate earth electrode.
figure G47).
Downstream of the RCD, the earthing
scheme must be TN-S.

protection against electric shocks - G21

5. implementation of the TN system (continued)

5.3 high-sensitivity RCDs
IEC 364-4-471 strongly recommends the use
of a RCD of high sensitivity (i 30 mA) in the
following cases:
c socket-outlet circuits for rated currents
of i 32 A at any location(1),
c socket-outlet circuits in wet locations at all
current ratings(1),
c socket-outlet circuits in temporary
c circuits supplying laundry rooms and
swimming pools(1), fig. G48: circuit supplying socket-outlets.
c supply circuits to work-sites, caravans,
pleasure boats, and travelling fairs(1).
This protection may be for individual circuits
or for groups of circuits,
c strongly recommended for circuits of socket
outlets u 20 A (mandatory if they are
expected to supply portable equipment for
outdoor use),
c in some countries, this requirement is
mandatory for all socket-outlet circuits
rated i 32 A.
(1) these cases are treated in delail in Chapter L Clause 3.

5.4 protection in high fire-risk locations

In locations where the risk of fire is high, the
TN-C scheme of earthing is often prohibited,
and the TN-S arrangement must be adopted.
Protection by a RCD of sensitivity 500 mA at
the origin of the circuit supplying the fire-risk
location is mandatory in some countries.


fig. G49: fire-risk location.

G22 - protection against electric shocks

5.5 when the fault-current-loop impedance is particularly high
When the earth-fault current is restricted due
to an inevitably high fault-loop impedance, so
that the overcurrent protection cannot be
relied upon to trip the circuit within the
prescribed time, the following possibilities
should be considered:

Suggestion 1:
install a circuit breaker which has an PE or PEN
instantaneous magnetic tripping element with 2 i Irm i 4In
an operation level which is lower than the
usual setting, for example: unusually
long cable
2In i Irm i 4In
This affords protection for persons on circuits
which are abnormally long. It must be
checked, however, that high transient
fig. G50: a circuit breaker with low-set
currents such as the starting currents of
instantaneous magnetic trip.
motors will not cause nuisance trip-outs.

Suggestion 2: phases
install a RCD on the circuit. The device need neutral
not be highly-sensitive (HS) (several amps to
a few tens of amps). Where socket-outlets
are involved, the particular circuits must, in
any case, be protected by HS (i 30 mA) TN-S
RCDs; generally one RCD for a number of
socket outlets on a common circuit.



fig. G51: RCD protection on TN systems

with high earth-fault-loop impedance.

Suggestion 3:
increase the size of the PE or PEN
conductors and/or the phase conductors, to
reduce the loop impedance.

Suggestion 4:
add supplementary equipotential conductors.
This will have a similar effect to that of
suggestion 3, i.e. a reduction in the earth-
fault-loop resistance, while at the same time
improving the existing touch-voltage
protection measures. The effectiveness of
this improvement may be checked by a
resistance test between each exposed
conductive part and the local main protective
fig. G52: improved equipotential bonding.
For TN-C installations, bonding as shown in
figure G52 is not allowed, and Suggestion 3
should be adopted.

protection against electric shocks - G23

6. implementation of the IT system

The basic feature of the IT scheme of c permanent monitoring of the insulation with
earthing is that, in the event of a short-circuit respect to earth, which must signal (audibly
to earth fault, the system can continue to or visually) the occurrence of the first fault,
function without interruption. c a device for limiting the voltage which the
Such a fault is referred to as a "first fault". In neutral point of the supply transformer can
this scheme, all exposed conductive parts of attain with respect to earth,
an installation are connected via PE c a "first-fault" location routine by an efficient
conductors to an earth electrode at the maintenance staff. Fault location is greatly
installation, while the neutral point of the facilitated by automatic devices which are
supply transformer is isolated from earth or currently available,
connected to earth through a high resistance c automatic high-speed tripping of
(commonly 1,000 ohms or more). appropriate circuit breakers must take place
This means that the current through an earth in the event of a "second fault" occurring
fault will be measured in milli-amps, which will before the first fault is repaired. The second
not cause serious damage at the fault fault (by definition) is an earth fault affecting a
position, or give rise to dangerous touch different phase than that of the first fault or a
voltages, or present a fire hazard. The neutral conductor*.
system may therefore be allowed to function The second fault results in a short-circuit
normally until it is convenient to isolate the through the earth and/or through PE bonding
faulty section for repair work. conductors.
In practice, the scheme requires certain * on systems where the neutral is distributed, as shown in
specific measures for its satisfactory figure G58.

6.1 preliminary conditions

Preliminary conditions are summarized in
table G53 and fig. G54.
minimum functions components examples
required and devices (MG)
protection against overvoltages (1) voltage limiter Cardew C
at system frequency
neutral earthing resistor (2) resistor impedance Zx
(for impedance earthing variation)
overall earth-fault monitor (3) permanent insulation Vigilohm TR22A
with alarm for first fault condition monitor PIM with alarm feature or XM 200
automatic fault clearance (4) four-pole circuit breakers Compact circuit breaker
on second fault and (if the neutral is distributed) or RCD-MS
protection of the neutral all 4 poles + trip
conductor against overcurrent
location of first fault (5) with device for fault-location Vigilohm system
on live system, or by successive
opening of circuits
table G53: essential functions in IT schemes.

4 4

2 1 3

fig. G54: 3-phase 3-wire IT-earthed


G24 - protection against electric shocks

6.2 protection against indirect contact
first-fault condition
The earth-fault current which flows under a Low-frequency instruments can be used on
first-fault condition is measured in milli-amps. a.c. systems which generate transient d.c.
The touch voltage with respect to earth is the components under fault conditions. Certain
product of this current and the resistance of versions can distinguish between resistive
the installation earth electrode and PE and capacitive components of the leakage
conductor (from the faulted component to the current.
electrode). This value of voltage is clearly Modern developments permit the
harmless and could amount to several volts measurement of leakage-current evolution,
only in the worst case (1,000 Ω earthing so that prevention of a first fault can be
resistor will pass 230 mA* and a poor achieved.
installation earth-electrode of 50 ohms, would Examples of equipment and devices**
give 12.5 V, for example). c manual fault-location (fig. G55).
An alarm is given by the permanent earth- The generator may be fixed (example:
fault monitoring. XM200) or portable (example: XGR
modern monitoring systems greatly Principle of earth-fault monitoring permitting the checking of dead circuits) and
A generator of very low frequency a.c. the receiver, together with the magnetic tong-
facilitate first-fault location and repair. current, or of d.c. current, (to reduce the type pick-up sensor, are portable.
effects of cable capacitance to negligible * On a 230/400 V 3-phase system.
levels) applies a voltage between the neutral ** The equipment and devices described to illustrate the
principles of fault location, are manufactured by M.G.
point of the supply transformer and earth.
This voltage causes a small current to flow
according to the insulation resistance to earth
of the whole installation, plus that of any
connected appliance.


P50 ON/O
P12 P100


fig. G55: non-automatic (manual) fault location.

c fixed automatic fault location (fig. G56)

The monitoring relay XM200, together with
the fixed detectors XD301 (each supplied
from a toroidal CT embracing the conductors
of the circuit concerned) provide a system of
automatic fault location on a live installation.
Moreover, the level of insulation is indicated
for each monitored circuit, and two levels are
checked: the first level warns of unusually low
insulation resistance so that preventive
measures may be taken, while the second
level indicates a fault condition and gives an


toroidal CTs

XM200 1 to 12 circuits


XD301 XD301 XD312

fig. G56: fixed automatic fault location.

protection against electric shocks - G25

6. implementation of the IT system (continued)

6.2 protection against indirect contact (continued)
c automatic monitoring, logging, and fault
The Vigilohm System also allows access to a
printer and/or a PC which provides a global
review of the insulation level of an entire
installation, and records the chronological
evolution of the insulation level of each
The central monitor XM300C, together with
the localization detectors XL308 and XL316,
associated with toroidal CTs from several
circuits, as shown below in figure G57,
provide the means for this automatic


XM300 C
XL08 XL16

897 678

XL308 XL316

fig. G57: automatic fault location and insulation-resistance data logging.

Implementation of permanent insulation- By way of an example, the two levels might

monitoring (PIM) devices be:
c connection v new installation insulation level: 100 kΩ
The PIM device is normally connected v leakage current without danger: 500 mA
between the neutral (or articificial neutral) (fire risk at > 500 mA)
point of the power-supply transformer and its v indication levels set by the consumer:
earth electrode, - threshold for preventive maintenance:
c supply 0.8 x 100 = 80 kΩ
Power supply to the PIM device should be - threshold for short-circuit alarm: 300 mA.
taken from a highly reliable source. In Notes:
practice, this is generally directly from the v following a long period of shutdown, during
installation being monitored, through which the whole, or part of, the installation
overcurrent protective devices of suitable remains de-energized, humidity can reduce
short-circuit current rating, the general level of insulation resistance. This
c impedance of the PIM device situation, which is mainly due to leakage
In order to maintain the level of earth-fault current over the damp surface of healthy
within safe limits, the current passing through insulation, does not constitute a fault
a PIM device during a short-circuit to earth is condition, and will improve rapidly as the
normally limited to a value < 30 mA. normal temperature rise of current-carrying
Where the neutral point is earthed through an conductors reduces the surface humidity.
impedance, the total current passing through v the PIM device (XM) can measure the
the PIM device and the impedance (in resistive and the capacitive current
parallel with it) must be < 500 mA. components of the leakage current to earth,
This means that a touch voltage of less than separately, thereby deriving the true
50 V will occur in the installation as long as insulation resistance from the total permanent
the installation earth-electrode resistance is current leakage.
less than 100 ohms, and that fire risk of
electrical origin is avoided,
c level settings
Certain national standards recommend a first
setting at 20% below the insulation level of
the new installation. This value allows the
detection of a reduction of the insulation
quality, necessitating preventive maintenance
measures in a situation of incipient failure.
The detection level for earth-fault alarm will
be set at a much lower level.

G26 - protection against electric shocks

the case of a second fault parts of an installation, and so the fault loop
A second earth fault on an IT system (unless impedance is sufficiently low to ensure an
occurring on the same conductor as the first adequate level of fault current.
fault) constitutes a phase-phase or phase-to- Where circuit lengths are unavoidably long, and
neutral fault, and whether occurring on the especially if the appliances of a circuit are
same circuit as the first fault, or on a different earthed separately (so that the fault current
circuit, overcurrent protective devices (fuses passes through two earth electrodes), reliable
or circuit breakers) would normally operate to tripping on overcurrent may not be possible.
effect an automatic fault clearance. In this case, an RCD is recommended on
The settings of overcurrent tripping relays each circuit of the installation.
and the ratings of fuses are the basic Where an IT system is resistance earthed,
parameters that decide the maximum however, care must be taken to ensure that
practical length of circuit that can be the RCD is not too sensitive, or a first fault
satisfactorily protected, as discussed in may cause an unwanted trip-out. Tripping of
Sub-clause 5.2. residual current devices which satisfy IEC
Note: in normal circumstances, the fault standards may occur at values of 0.5 I∆n to
current path is through common PE I∆n, where I∆n is the nominal residual-current
conductors, bonding all exposed conductive setting level.

three methods of calculating short- A reasonably accurate assessment of short- at the remote end of a loop, when the level of
circuit current levels must be carried out at short-circuit current at the near end of the
circuit current levels are commonly the design stage of a project. loop is known. Complex impedances are
employed: A rigorous analysis is not necessary, since combined arithmetically in this method,
c method of impedances, which current magnitudes only are important for the c the conventional method, in which the
takes account of complex protective devices concerned (i.e. phase minimum value of voltage at the origin of a
representation of impedances, angles need not be determined) so that faulty circuit is assumed to be 80% of the
c method of composition, is a simplified conservatively approximate nominal circuit voltage, and tables are used
methods are normally used. Three practical based on this assumption, to give direct
conservatively approximate method, methods are: readings of circuit lengths.
which combines impedances c the method of impedances, based on the These methods are reliable only for the cases
arithmetically, vectorial summation of all the (positive- in which wiring and cables which make up the
c conventional method, is a phase-sequence) impedances around a fault- fault-current loop are in close proximity (to
simplified method based on an current loop, each other) and are not separated by ferro-
assumed minimum voltage during c the method of composition, which is an magnetic materials.
approximate estimation of short-circuit current
fault, and the use of tables.
Method of impedances
the software Ecodial 2 (Merlin Gerin)
This method as described in Sub-clause 5.2,
is based on the "method of is identical for both the IT and TN systems of
impedances". earthing.

Method of composition
This method as described in Sub-clause 5.2,
is identical for both the IT and TN systems of

Conventional method For the case of a 3-phase 4-wire installation

the maximum length of an IT earthed The principle is the same for an IT system as the lowest value of fault current will occur if
circuit is: that described in Sub-clause 5.2 for a TN one of the faults is on a neutral conductor. In
c for a 3-phase 3-wire scheme system, viz: the calculation of maximum this case, Uo is the value to use for
0.8 Uo ex Sph circuit lengths which should not be exceeded computing the maximum cable length, and,
L max =
2 ρ Ia (1+m) downstream of a circuit breaker or fuses, to
Lm =
0.8 Uo S1
ensure protection by overcurrent devices. 2 ρ (1+m) Ia
c for a 3-phase 4-wire scheme It is clearly impossible to check circuit lengths (i.e. 50% only of the length permitted for a TN
0.8 Uo S1 for every feasible combination of two scheme). Reminder: there is no length limit
L max =
2 ρ Ia (1+m) concurrent faults. for earth-fault protection on a TT scheme,
All cases are covered, however, if the since protection is provided by RCDs of high
overcurrent trip setting is based on the sensitivity.
assumption that a first fault occurs at the In the preceding formulae:
remote end of the circuit concerned, while the Lmax = longest circuit in metres
second fault occurs at the remote end of an Uo = phase-to-neutral voltage (230 V on a
identical circuit, as already mentioned in Sub- 230/400 V system)
clause 3.4. This may result, in general, in one ρ = resistivity at normal operating
trip-out only occurring (on the circuit with the temperature
lower trip-setting level), thereby leaving the = 22.5 x 10-3 ohms-mm2/m for copper
system in a first-fault situation, but with one = 36 x 10-3 ohms-mm2/m for aluminium
faulty circuit switched out of service. Ia = overcurrent trip-setting level in amps
c for the case of a 3-phase 3-wire installation or Ia = current in amps required to clear the
the second fault can only cause a phase/ fuse in the specified time
phase short-circuit, so that the voltage to use m = Sph/SPE
in the formula for maximum circuit length is SPE = cross-sectional area of PE conductor
eUo. in mm2
The maximum circuit length is given by: S1 = S neutral if the circuit includes a neutral
0.8 e Uo Sph conductor.
Lm = metres
2 ρ (1+m) Ia

protection against electric shocks - G27

6. implementation of the IT system (continued)

6.2 protection against indirect contact (continued)


Id Id

Id Id

fig. G58: calculation of Lmax. for an IT-earthed system, showing fault-current path for a
double-fault condition.
the following tables* give the length
The following tables have been established
of circuit which must not be according to the "conventional method"
exceeded, in order that persons be described above.
protected against indirect contact The tables give maximum circuit lengths,
hazards by protective devices. beyond which the ohmic resistance of the
conductors will limit the magnitude of the
* The tables are those shown in Sub-clause 5.2 (tables G43 short-circuit current to a level below that
to G46). required to trip the circuit breaker (or to blow
However, the table of correction factors (table G59) which
takes into account the ratio Sph/SPE, and of the type of the fuse) protecting the circuit, with sufficient
circuit (3-ph 3-wire; 3-ph 4-wire; 1-ph 2-wire) as well as rapidity to ensure safety against indirect
conductor material, is specific to the IT system, and differs
from that for TN.
contact. The tables take into account:
c the type of protection: circuit breakers or
c operating-current settings,
c cross-sectional area of phase conductors
and protective conductors,
c type of earthing scheme,
c correction factor: table G59 indicates the
correction factor to apply to the lengths given
in tables G43 to G46, when considering an IT

circuit conductor material m = S ph/SPE (or PEN)

m=1 m=2 m=3 m=4
3 phases copper 0.86 0.57 0.43 0.34
aluminium 0.54 0.36 0.27 0.21
3ph + N or 1ph + N copper 0.50 0.33 0.25 0.20
aluminium 0.31 0.21 0.16 0.12
table G59: correction factors, for IT-earthed systems, to apply to the circuit lengths given
in tables G43 to G46.
A 3-phase 3-wire 230/400 V installation is
One of its circuits is protected by a circuit
breaker rated at 63 A, and consists of an
aluminium-cored cable with 50 mm2 phase
conductors. The 25 mm2 PE conductor is also
aluminum. What is the maximum length of
circuit, below which protection of persons
against indirect-contact hazards is assured by
the instantaneous magnetic tripping relay of
the circuit breaker?
Table G44 indicates 617 metres, to which
must be applied a correction factor of 0.36
(m = 2 for aluminium cable).
The maximum length is therefore 222 metres.

G28 - protection against electric shocks

6.3 high-sensitivity RCDs
IEC 364-4-471 strongly recommends the use
of a RCD of high sensitivity (i 30 mA) in the
following cases:
c socket-outlet circuits for rated currents
of i 32 A at any location(1),
c socket-outlet circuits in wet locations at all
current ratings(1),
c socket-outlet circuits in temporary
c circuits supplying laundry rooms and
swimming pools(1), fig. G60: circuit supplying socket-outlets.
c supply circuits to work-sites, caravans,
pleasure boats, and travelling fairs(1).
This protection may be for individual circuits
or for groups of circuits,
c strongly recommended for circuits of socket
outlets u 20 A (mandatory if they are
expected to supply portable equipment for
outdoor use),
c in some countries, this requirement is
mandatory for all socket-outlet circuits
rated i 32 A.
(1) these cases are treated in delail in Chapter L Clause 3.

6.4 in areas of high fire-risk

RCD protection at the circuit breaker
controlling all supplies to the area at risk, is
mandatory in many countries. The sensitivity
of the RCD must be i 500 mA.


fig. G61: fire-risk location.

protection against electric shocks - G29

6. implementation of the IT system (continued)

6.5 when the fault-current-loop impedance is particularly high
When, during the design stage of the Note: this is also the case when one (of two)
installation, it is found that the fault-current earth faults occurs at the end of a long
loop impedance of a circuit will be inevitably flexible lead, for example.
high, so that the overcurrent protection
cannot be relied upon to operate within the
prescribed time, the following possibilities
should be considered:

Suggestion 1:
instal a circuit breaker which has an PE or PEN
instantaneous magnetic tripping element with 2In i Irm i 4In
an operation level which is lower than the
usual setting, for example: 2In i Irm i 4 In. unusually
long cable
This affords protection on circuits which are
abnormally long. It must be checked,
however, that high transient currents such as
the starting currents of motors will not cause
nuisance trip-outs. fig. G62: a circuit breaker with low-set
instantaneous magnetic trip.

Suggestion 2: phases
instal a RCD on the circuit of low sensitivity PE
(several amps to a few tens of amps, since it
must not operate for a first fault).
If the circuit is supplying socket outlets, it will,
in any case, be protected by a high-sensitivity TN-S
RCD (i 30 mA).

fig. G63: RCD protection.

Suggestion 3:
increase the size of the PE conductors and/or
the phase conductors, to reduce the loop

Suggestion 4:
add supplementary equipotential conductors.
This will have a similar effect to that of
suggestion 3, i.e. a reduction in the earth-
fault-loop resistance, while at the same time
improving the existing touch-voltage
protection measures. The effectiveness of
this improvement may be checked by a
resistance test between each exposed
conductive part and the local main protective
fig. G64: improved equipotential bonding.
For TN-C installations, bonding as shown in
figure G52 is not allowed, and Suggestion 3
should be adopted.

G30 - protection against electric shocks

7. residual current differential devices (RCDs)

7.1 description
The essential features are shown via the earth, or via protective conductors in a
diagrammatically in figure G65 below. A TN-earthed system. The current balance in
magnetic core encompasses all the current- the conductors passing through the magnetic
carrying conductors of an electric circuit and core therefore no longer exists, and the
the magnetic flux generated in the core will difference gives rise to a magnetic flux in the
depend at every instant on the arithmetical core.
sum of the currents; the currents passing in The difference current is known as the
one direction being considered as positive, "residual" current and the principle is referred
while those passing in the opposite direction to as the "differential current" principle.
will be negative. The resultant alternating flux in the core
In a normally healthy circuit (figure G65) induces an e.m.f. in its coil, so that a current
i1 + i2 = 0 and there will be no flux in the i3 flows in the tripping-device operating coil. If
magnetic core, and zero e.m.f. in its coil. An the residual current exceeds the value
earth-fault current id will pass through the required to operate the tripping device, then
core to the fault, but will return to the source the associated circuit breaker will trip.



fig. G65: the principle of RCD operation.

7.2 application of RCDs

earth-leakage currents exist which permanent earth leakage transient leakage currents
are not due to a fault, as well as currents The initial energization of the capacitances
Every LV installation has a permanent mentioned above gives rise to high-frequency
transient overvoltages, either or both transient currents of very short duration,
leakage current to earth, which is mainly due
of which can lead to unwanted to imperfect insulation, and to the intrinsic similar to that shown in figure G66. The
tripping by RCDs. capacitance between live conductors and sudden occurrence of a first-fault on an IT-
Certain techniques have been earth. earthed system also causes transient earth-
developed to overcome these The larger the installation the lower its leakage currents at high frequency, due to the
insulation resistance and the greater its sudden rise of the two healthy phases to
operational problems. phase/phase voltage above earth.
capacitance with consequently increased
leakage current.
On 3-phase systems the capacitive leakage
current to earth would be zero if the 100%
conductors of all three phases had equal 90%
capacitance to earth, a condition that cannot
be realized in practical installations. The
capacitive current to earth is sometimes 10 µs (f = 100 kHz)
increased significantly by filtering capacitors
associated with electronic equipment
(automation, informatics and computer-based
systems, etc.). In the absence of more- 10%
precise data, permanent leakage current in a t
given installation can be estimated from the
following values, measured at 230 V 50 Hz, ca.0.5 µs
and abstracted from "Bulletin de l'UTE"
April 1992.
Fax terminal 0.5 to 1.0 mA 60%
IT* workstation 1 to 2 mA
Printer (IT*) < 1 mA fig. G66: standardized 0.5 µs/100 kHz
IT* terminal 1 to 2 mA current transient wave.
Photocopier 0.5 to 1.5 mA
* Information Technology.

protection against electric shocks - G31

7. residual current differential devices (RCDs) (continued)

7.2 application of RCDs (continued)
influence of overvoltages U
Electrical power networks are subjected to U max
overvoltages of various origins; atmospheric,
or due to abrupt changes of system operating
conditions (faults, fuse operation, switching,
etc.). These sudden changes often cause
0.5 U
large transient voltages and currents in
system inductive and capacitive circuits,
before a new stable state is reached.
Records have established that, on LV
systems, overvoltages remain generally 1.2 µs 50 µs t
below 6 kV, and that they can be adequately
represented by the conventional 1.2/50 µs fig. G67: standardized voltage-impulse
impulse wave (figure G67). wave 1.2/50 µs.
These overvoltages give rise to transient
currents represented by a current impulse
wave of the conventional 8/20 µs form,
having a peak value of several tens of 0.9
amperes (figure G68). The transient currents
flow to earth via the capacitances of the
installation surge arresters or through an
insulation failure. 0.5

electromagnetic compatibility
The high-frequency (or unidirectional
impulse) transient overvoltages and currents t
mentioned above, together with other 8 µs
electromagnetic disturbance sources 20 µs
(contactor coils, relays, dry contacts),
electrostatic discharges, and radiated fig. G68: standardized current-impulse
electromagnetic waves (radio, ignition wave 8/20 µs.
systems, etc.) are part of the increasingly
important field of EMC (electromagnetic
compatibility). For further details, the
Technical publications nos. 120 and 149, by
Merlin Gerin, may be consulted. fig. G69: standardized symbol used in
It is essential that RCDs be immune to some countries, to indicate proof against
possible malfunction from the effects of incorrect operation due to transients.
electromagnetic-surge disturbances. In
practice, the levels shown in table G70 are current for the choice of the sensitivity of a
complied with in design and manufacturing RCD is: i mA* = 0.072 C at 50 Hz
specifications*. i mA = 0.086 C at 60 Hz
* Merlin Gerin products. where C = capacity (in n F) of one phase to
implementation Since RCDs complying with IEC and many
national standards may operate within the
c every RCD installed must have a minimum
range 0.5 I∆n - I∆n for a nominal rating of I∆n,
level of immunity to unwanted tripping in
the leakage current downstream of a RCD
conformity with the requirements of table
must not exceed 0.5 I∆n.
G70. RCDs type "S" or time-delay setting
The limitation of permanent leakage current
levels I or II (see figure G36) cover all
to 0.25 I∆n, by sub-division of circuits, will, in
transient leakage currents, including those of
practice, eliminate the influence of all
lightning arresters (see installation layouts in
corresponding current transients.
Chapter L, Sub-clause 1.3) of a duration less
For very particular cases, such as the
than 40 ms,
extension, or partial renovation of extended
c permanent leakage currents downstream of
IT-earthed installations, the manufacturers
a RCD must be studied, particularly in the
must be consulted.
case of large installations and/or where filter
i mA* = 230 V x 1009π x 10 C (n F)
circuits are present, or again, in the case of 10
an IT-earthed installation. If the capacitance i mA* = 0.072 C (n F) at 50 Hz
values are known, the equivalent leakage

disturbance type of test required withstand quantity

overvoltage 1.2/50 µs impulse 6 kV peak
transient current 0.5 µs/100 kHz impulse 200 A peak*
8/20 µs impulse 200 A peak
60 A peak for 10 mA RCDs
5 kA peak for types "S"
or time-delayed models (see note)
switching repetitive transient bursts IEC 801-4 4 kV
static electricity electrostatic discharges IEC 801-2 8 kV
radiated waves radiated electromagnetic fields IEC 801-3 3 V/m
table G70: electromagnetic compatibility withstand-level tests for RCDs.
* for RCDs having I∆n < 10 mA this test is not required (IEC 1008-1).
Note: Time-delayed RCDs are normally installed near the service position of installations, where current surges of external origin
are the most severe. The 5 kA peak test reflects this high-performance duty requirement.

G32 - protection against electric shocks

direct current components
Auxiliary d.c. supplies for control and 3 classes are distinguished:
indication of electrical and mechanical Class AC: operates due to a.c. current only.
equipment are common, and certain Class A: operates if residual current consists
appliances include rectifiers (diodes, triacs, of uni-directional pulses.
thyristors). Class B: operates on pure d.c.
In the event of an earth fault downstream of a Note:
rectifier, the fault current can include a d.c. For general use Class AC RCDs are normally installed.
Class A are available for specific requirements as a special
component. variation of Class AC devices.
The risk depends on the level of insulation of
the d.c. circuits in an appliance, and each
case must be considered individually.
Problems of this kind generally concern
industrial applications.
The IEC classifies RCDs according to their
ability to function correctly in the presence of
d.c. components in the residual current.

recommendations concerning
the installation of RCDs with
separate toroidal current
The detector of residual current is a closed Centralize the cables in the ring core
magnetic circuit (usually circular) of very high
magnetic permeability, on which is wound a
coil of wire, the ensemble constituting a
toroidal (or ring-type) current transformer.
Because of its high permeability, any small
deviation from perfect symmetry of the
conductors encompassed by the core, and Use an oversized magnetic ring core
the proximity of ferrous material (steel
enclosure, chassis members, etc.) can affect
the balance of magnetic forces sufficiently, at
times of large load currents (motor-starting
current, transformer energizing current surge,
etc.) to cause unwanted tripping of the RCD.
Unless particular measures are taken, the
ratio of operating current I∆n to maximum Insert a tubular magnetic screen.
phase current Iph (max.) is generally less
than 1/1,000.
This limit can be increased substantially
(i.e. the response can be desensitized) by
adopting the measures shown in fig. G71,
and summarized in table G72.

L = twice the diameter of the magnetic ring core

fig. G71: means of reducing the ratio
I∆n/Iph (max.).

measures diameter (mm) sensitivity

careful centralizing of cables through the ring core 3
oversizing of the ring core ø 50 > ø 100 2
ø 80 > ø 200 2
ø 120 > ø 200 6
use of a steel or soft-iron shielding sleeve ø 50 4
c of wall thickness 0.5 mm ø 80 3
c of length 2 x inside diameter of ring core
c completely surrounding the conductors and overlapping ø 120 3
the circular core equally at both ends ø 200 2
These measures can be combined. By carefully centralizing the cables in a ring core of 200 mm
diameter, where a 50 mm core would be large enough, and using a sleeve, the ratio 1/1,000
could become 1/30,000.
table G72: means of reducing the ratio I∆n/Iph (max.).

protection against electric shocks - G33

7. residual current differential devices (RCDs) (continued)

7.3 choice of characteristics of a residual-current circuit breaker (RCCB - IEC 1008)
rated current (a) (b)
The rated current of a RCCB is chosen
according to the maximum sustained load
current it will carry, estimated in accordance
with the methods described in Chapter B In
Sub-clause 4.3.
c if the RCCB is connected in series with, In
and downstream of a circuit breaker, the
rated current of both items will be the same,
i.e. In u In1* (fig. G73 (a)), In1 In2 In3 In4
c if the RCCB is located upstream of a group
of circuits, protected by circuit breakers, as
shown in fig. G73 (b), then the RCCB rated fig. G73: residual current circuit breakers
current will be given by (RCCBs).
In u ku x ks (In1 + In2 + In3 + In4).
* Some national standards include a thermal withstand test
at a current greater than In in order to ensure correct
coordination of protection.

electrodynamic withstand
Protection against short-circuits must be
provided by an upstream SCPD (Short-Circuit
Protective Device) but it is considered that
where the RCCB is located in the same
distribution box (complying with the
appropriate standards) as the downstream
circuit breakers (or fuses), the short-circuit
protection afforded by these (outgoing-circuit)
SCPDs is an adequate alternative.
Coordination between the RCCB and the
SCPDs is necessary, and manufacturers
generally provide tables associating RCCBs
and circuit breakers or fuses (see table G74).
Coordination of circuit breakers and RCCBs- max. short-circuit current in kA (r.m.s.)
upstream circuit breaker type C60a C60N C60H C60L NC100H NC100L
downstream 2 p 25 A 10 16 20 45 45
RCCB 40 A 10 16 20 40 45
63 A 16 20 30 5 45
80 A 5
4 p 25 A 5 8 10 25 22
40 A 5 8 10 25 22
63 A 8 10 15 5 22
Coordination of fuses and RCCBs- max. short-circuit (not applicable to aM fuses)
upstream fuses gl
(not applicable to aM fuses) 16 A 25 A 32 A 40 A 50 A 63 A 80 A 100 A
downstream 2 p 25 A 100 100 100
RCCB 40 A 100 100 80 10 (1)
63 A 80 50 30 20 10 (1)
80 A 30 20
4 p 25 A 100 100 100 10 (1)
40 A 100 100 80 10 (1)
63 A 80 50 30 20 10 (1)
80 A 30 20 10 (1)
table G74: typical manufacturers coordination table for RCCBs, circuit breakers,
and fuses.
(1) A 100 A fuse with several RCCBs downstream: the thermal withstand of the RCCBs is not certain.

G34 - protection against electric shocks

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