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Table of Content

No. Topics Page no.

01 Abstract 2
02 Life history 2
03 Business for first time 3
04 First Loss in Life 3
05 First Brickfield Business 3
06 SWOT Analysis 4
07 Strength 4
O8 Weakness 4
09 Opportunities 4
10 Threat 4
11 Winning Strategy 5
12 Conclusion 5

Mr.Abdul Khaleque Pathan [AKP]: A Great Entrepreneur

Profile of a Successful Entrepreneur: A case study on Mr.
Abdul Khaleque Pathan
A b s t r a c t Entrepreneurship is a vast and large concept. Everyone is not
able to be an entrepreneur. It’s a psychological concept and an entrepreneur
can be derived by his psychology. Some psychological factor which may be
genetically and naturally can lead an entrepreneur. Mr. Abdul Khaleque
Pathan is that kinds of giant entrepreneur who gained his position through
own capacity. From his life history we have seen some critical concept and
some exceptional characteristics. He had a great desire to be a businessman
from his childhood. He was great in his past life in case of his self confident.
We have seen the risk taking capacity in business. He always took moderate
risk and tries to expand his business. Now he is one of the great
entrepreneurs in our country. From this case study I have found a huge
similarity between book and reality.

Life history

Mr. Abdul Khaleque Pathan was born in 14th May, 1959 at Jarun, Konabari Gazipur in
Dhaka. His parents were Mr. Abdul Pathan and Begum Alek Jan. Mr. Abdul
Khaleque Pathan started his primary and secondary education in Hatimara High
School from which in 1979 he passed the S.S.C examination. He could not complete
his education for his financial backwardness. He had got married at the age of

Now, Mr.Abdul Khaleque Pathan [AKP] is the owner of Khaleque Group of

industries. The Enterpries started under the ownership of Khaleque Group as on 16-
08-2000 are given below:

Khaleque Knitting & Garments Pvt Ltd.

Keya Cosmetics.
Khaleque & Co.[Bricks]
Bandhu Bricks
Keya detergents Ltd.
Khaleque Trading House
Poly Advertising Firm
Keya Spinning [proposed]
Keya Sweater Ltd. [proposed]

Mr.Abdul Khaleque Pathan [AKP]: A Great Entrepreneur

Business for first time
Since boyhood, Mr. AKP entrepreneurial vision & for that reason, after the school
hours, when his classmates used to play in the evening, Mr.AKP would sell
chocolates, cigarettes etc. from which trade he saved some money to buy chicken,
ducks and goats. Mr.AKP then would buy chicken from one market at a lower price to
sell the same to another market at a higher price. Thus, he earned some money and
with that he along with his one of his friends, started partnership business of chicken.

First Loss in Life

Once losing all his savings, he became so much frustrated. At this time, his wife
rescued him by giving TK.600 only. She also allowed AKP to sell her ornaments to
start a business. With this money, Mr.AKP took lease a pond for fish cultivation.
Around the same time, Mr. AKP’s father-in–law offered him a supervisory job in his
bricks field with a monthly salary of TK.600. But an entrepreneurial spirit was
burning into his mind, could not remain satisfied with the job. So he left the job and
borrowed some money to supply firewood’s to different fields of the locality.

First Brickfield Business

Mr. AKP was a trusty person and the lenders used to extend him any amount of funds
whenever he needed. This is how, in 1983, Mr. AKP applied for getting truck on
credit to The Progati Industry with a down payment of Tk. 40,000.He accumulated
only Tk. 25000 from his own savings and he lend Tk. 1500 from the lender. He was
known about the mechanisms of brickfield business and the ways of making profit
from this business. Mr. AKP had a great desire to make a brickfield under his owner
ship. There came an opportunity when Mr. AKP received a loan of Tk.3 lakhs from
Sonali Bank and started a brickfield in Gazipur. Under his dynamic management, in
the following year, the small brickfield grew into one of the largest brick fields in the
country. Mr. AKP is now owner of five giant brickfields in which Sonali Bank
extended as Tk.70 lakhs. The plant is now [mid 2000] producing more than two core
pieces of bricks per year. The financial assistance of Sonali Bank help Mr.AKP to
great and encouraged him into new industrial venture while the brick field project
enjoyed the fruits of success. He was the first entrepreneur to venture knitting
garments industry in Bangladesh in end of eighties.
In 1996, he commenced cosmetics industry in Bangladesh brand name as “KEYA”.

Mr. AKP married in his twenties; he is blessed with one son & two daughters. He
likes maintaining a simple life. Since 1996, Mr. AKP has been recognized as one of
the Commercially Important Person (CIP) of Bangladesh & was awarded the National
Export Trophy for the year 1996-1997 by the government of Bangladesh.

Mr.Abdul Khaleque Pathan [AKP]: A Great Entrepreneur

SWOT Analysis

The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
and threats of Mr. Abdul Khaleque Pathan [AKP]:


a. Since boyhood, Mr. AKP had entrepreneurial vision and he utilized it in his
business activities.
b. He got high level of energy, hard labor and maximum capacity of utilization
because he used to drive his own truck by night though he had his own truck
c. He was a trusted person and for this reason the lenders used to extend him any
amount of funds whenever he needed.
d. He had confidence in his ability to succeed because once he lost all his savings
he started business again with the help of his wife.
e. He got the ability of value achievement over money because he utilized the lend
money in proper way.

a. He was a very sound minded man.
b. Mr. AKP believed his friends so much and for this reason he was a victim of
conspiracies by one of his best friend.
c. Once a bank rejected his requested loan because he had not any previous
experience when he wanted to start garment business.


a. Now days he become a renowned person so if he wants to start a new business he

could get any amount of loan from the bank and other financial institutions.
b. He got an opportunity to work for his father-in-law’s brick fields and for this
reason he could understand the brick field industry well.
c. Now a day’s his Keya Detergent powder is doing well and he is thinking it will
be the close competitor of Wheel, Surf-Excel.
d. Because he awarded by national export trophy for this reason he had an
opportunity to ensure any kind of business loan.

1. At the initial stage he was disturbed because of some local people jealousy.
2. Now a day’s his business is threaten by other competitors.
3. Sometimes he was taken to the custody for social harassment.
4. Though he was innocent but for some reason he got some bad impression.

Mr.Abdul Khaleque Pathan [AKP]: A Great Entrepreneur

Winning Strategy
a. He was the first entrepreneur in garments and Cosmetic sectors, because he got
visionary skill.
b. He is a big ambitious person.
c. He always takes right decision and he was so innovative.
d. He was a moderate risk taker and always prefer to take risk such as he venture
garment industry with his own investment.
e. He always uses his opportunity to contribute to society and for this reason he is
recognized. Some of his social contributions are – Hatimara College, Dhaka
Allergy Hospital and some rural poor people of the locality.

From the case study we have learn so much about entrepreneurship. If anyone is
innovative, risk taker, visionary etc he may become a successful entrepreneur in his
life. Mr. Abdul Khaleque Pathan is a successful entrepreneur with all of this skill. He
introduces new venture in Bangladesh and now a day’s these business are quite
So, we should be innovative and risk taker in our life to become a successful

Mr.Abdul Khaleque Pathan [AKP]: A Great Entrepreneur


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