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TSL3133 Action Research I

Tasks for Revision

Question 1
Mrs Ranjit the English Language Panel Head finds the Year 3 students weak in
the English Language. She calls for a panel meeting to discuss the problem. After
the meeting she decides to carry out an educational research.
Based on the educational research procedure, design a quantitative or qualitative study that
can be carried out to investigate the above problem. You must provide rationale by making
close reference to the scenario above.

Question 2
Below is an excerpt taken from your teacher journal after a reading lesson with your Year 5

I sat at my desk during silent reading time. With one reading conference
finished and another not yet started, it was the perfect time for a student to come
up to me with a question. I was happy to see Gracie approach my desk with her
book in hand. Eager to help, I leaned forward to see her book, and was soon
disappointed to hear, What does this word mean? Despite so many mini-lessons
on different reading strategies, modeling, practising with groups, completing
homework lessons on making predictions, connections, inferences, and so on,
the only question I was asked during silent reading time was, What does this
word mean? I began my inquiry wondering how I could help my students become
more independent readers during silent reading time. I wanted them to find out
about new words without me prompting them to consult a dictionary, or to use the
reading strategies they seemed so capable of implementing during whole-class
Adapted from: Pappas, C.C. & Tucker-Raymond, E. (2011). Becoming a Teacher Researcher in Literacy
Teaching and Learning: Strategies and Tools for the Inquiry Process. New York: Routledge.

Based on the action research model adapted from Lewin (1946) and Laidlaw (1992), design
an action research to systematically address the issue above.

Question 3
Puan Salmah noticed that many of her Year 4 students were weak in writing. This
was further confirmed with their poor performance in the writing test. She conducted
an action research to investigate this problem. She administered a questionnaire
and found that this method did not give her sufficient information to gauge her
students poor performance in writing.
Select two other appropriate data collection methods and justify with examples how she
could use them to obtain more information about the writing problem. Plan how Puan Salmah
could collect data using the two chosen methods.

Question 4
Below is the title of an action research.

Improving Year 5 students speaking skills through the use of puppets

Develop a proposal for an action research based on the research title above. Your proposal
must include all the following aspects related to the planning and writing up of the action
research proposal:

Focus / Aspect of Practice to Improve
Research Question(s)
Subjects of the Study
Action Plan

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