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Lecture 1

Statistics: Statistics is a branch of science. It is the other name of data. It is the

science of collection, presentation, analysis and interpretation of data.
Collection of data may be Primary Data or Secondary Data.
Primary Data: The data that is in row form is called primary
Secondary Data: The data that is already used at least one
time is called secondary data.
Presentation of data may be in one of table form, graphical form, chart
form or diagram form.
Analysis means to Appling formula and getting results.
Interpretation means to explain the results. It is the most important
part in statistics.

Most common terms that are used in statistics are as follows: Population: collection of all possible elements under study relevant to
some characteristics.
For example, if we want to know the average height of university students, then the
students of university is the population.

Population Size (N): number of elements in a population is called

population size. It is denoted by N.
For example, if the students of the university are 800 then N=800.

Sample: a part selected from population is called sample.

For example if we select some students from the population then the selected students
are called sample.

Sample Size (n): number of elements in a sample is called sample size. It is

denoted by n.
If we select 40 students for sample then n=40.

Representative Sample: a sample having all characteristics of population is

called representative sample.
Sampling: process of getting sample from population is called sampling.

Statistics and Probability | M Rauf Tabassum

Lecture 1

Parameter: Result of population after applying some formula on population

is called parameter. These results are constant values. It is normally
denoted by Greek latters.
E.g. population mean= . Others Greek latters that can be used for parameter are , ,
, , etc.

Statistic: Result of sample after applying some formula on sample is called

statistics. These results are variable values. It is normally denoted by Latin
. . sample mean

. Others ords that can be used for stat st c are , , etc.

Constant: The quantity which remains fixed is called constant.

. . 22/7 or 3.14, no. of days n a eek 7 etc.

Variable: The quantity which can be change from object to object is called
E.g. Body temperature, Body Weight, Family Size, Sugar Level etc.

Types of Variable: Quantitative Variable: the variable which can provide numerical value is
called quantitative variable.
E.g. Body temperature, Body weight, Marks, Family Size etc.

Qualitative Variable: the variable which cannot provide numerical value

is called qualitative variable.
E.g. Blood group, Gender, Grade etc.

Types of Quantitative Variable:Continuous/ Measureable Variable: the variable that can give
measureable values is called continuous variable.
E.g. Height, Temperature, Weight etc.

Discrete Variable: the variable which can give countable values is

called discrete variable.
E.g. Family size, Number of leaves on a tree, Number of files in a folder etc.

Statistics and Probability | M Rauf Tabassum

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