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1. How far is the radio horizon of an antenna 100ft high?

Ans. d= 14.14mi
2. What optical source radiates light uniformly in all directions?
Ans. Lambertian Source
3. According to RA 9292, how many days after board exam the result will be
Ans. within 15 days
4. Your Western Electric #a test set meter reading is -23dBm at a test point
level of -8dB. This is
Ans. dBrncO= 75
5. The first satellite to receive and transmit simultaneously.
Ans. Telstar I
6. The minimum sound intensity that can be heard by human.
Ans. threshold of hearing

1. A quarterwave transformer to a parallel wire line in order to match the line to
a load of 1000. The transformer has a Characteristic Impedance of 316.23.
The distance between the centers is 4 inches. What is the percentage
reduction in the diameter of the line?
Ans. %R= 83.6%
1. Defined as the time taken for the intensity of sound energy in the room to
drop to one millionth of its initial value.
Ans. Reverberation time

1. It is a set of two consecutive prime numbers differ by two.
Ans. Twin Primes
2. Prime number that remains a prime when the digits are reversed.

3. In 32=9, 3 is the base, 2 is the exponent and 9 is
4. A number starting with 1 followed by 39 zeroes.
5. Evaluate the integral: ey(1+e3y)dy
Ans. ey+ e4y+c
6. Evaluate:
sin 00+sin 10+sin20++sin 890+sin 900
cos 00+cos 10+cos20++cos 890+cos 900
Ans. 1
7. Find the value of sin (Cos-115/17)
Ans. 8/17
8. In how many ways can we seat seven people in a round table with a certain 3
people not in consecutive order?
Ans. 576 ways
9. Find the area in the first quadrant bounded by the x-axis, the line y=3x and
the circle x2+y2=4
Ans. 2/3 sq. units
10.What is the length of the line with a slope of 4/3 from a point (64) to the yaxis?
Ans. 10 units
11.What is the 1987th digit in the decimal equivalent of 1785/9999 starting from
the decimal point.
Ans. 8

72+ 72+ 72+ 72+ 72+

, and y=

90 90 90 90 90

Evaluate x-y.
Ans. 0,19,2 or -17
13.How many ways can 4 rocks, 5 pop and 6 classical albums be ordered if all
albums of the same genre must be kept together?
Ans. 12,441,600 ways
14.The dog barks every 18 minutes, the cat meows every 40 minutes and the
chicken crows every 15 minutes. If they sounded in chorus at 9 AM, at what
time will they next be in chorus again?
Ans. 3 PM
15.A tower and a monument stand on alevel plane. The angles of depression of
the top and bottom of the monument viewed from the top of the tower are
130 and 350, respectively. The height of the tower is 50m. Find the height of
he monument.
Ans. 6.92m
16.In the given equations Arcsin (3x-4y)=/2 and Arccos (x-y)=/3. Determine
the value of x.
Ans. 1
17.A certain angle has a supplement 4 times its complement. Find the angle.
Ans. 600

18.Given a sphere of diameter d, determine the percentage increase in its

diameter when the surface area increases by 21%.
Ans. 10%
19.Thre are 14 lassengos and 23 tambays in the Hayahay Club. The club is to
select 4 representatives for the Annual Hayahay Convention in New York,
Cubao. How many different ways are there if the members of the club
decided to send two lasenggos and two tambays in the convention?
20.In Sunog-Baga Club of 40 members, 33 like to smoke Marlboro and 20 like to
smoke Philip Morris. How many likes both Marlboro and Philip Morris?
Ans. 13

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