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Using SSO connect in the oAuth 2 flow

Integrator related steps of the sequence diagram
1. Request access
On page load check if the user is logged in
Allow the user to log in.
6. Returns to site with authorization code
7. Request access token
8. Returns access token
9. Authorized or not
10. Return authorized or not
A. Refresh access token (not used in SSO Connect)
B. Returns of refreshing access token (not used in SSO Connect)


Integrator related steps of the sequence diagram

1. Request access
This phase is in two steps actually

On page load check if the user is logged in

This you can do with the Hidden Iframe implementation.

Hidden IFrame
var mySSOInit = new ssoConnect();
// This will create the hidden iFrame from which the SP will broadcast
the messages
// The connect function exposes an onMessage function, from which you
can handle the response
onMessage: handleResponse
// This will translate the messages the SP has sent
var handleResponse = function (message) {
// And here you can do something with the messages

Allow the user to log in.

For this, you will use the Visible IFrame with hash /

Visible IFrame
var mySSOiFrame = new ssoConnect();
// Create the iFrame inside a specified container, this will make the
iframe visible
// The connect function exposes an onMessage function, from which you
can handle the response
container: 'containerId', // ID of the html element where the
iframe should be added
clientId: 'caps-hln-1234', // Service ID for your specific service
redirectUri: '', // Url to which the app should
redirect => is linked with the service ID
hash: '/', // Load the blackbox of the login flow
onMessage: handleResponse
// This will translate the messages the SP has sent
var handleResponse = function (message) {
// And here you can do something with the messages

6. Returns to site with authorization code

We provide actually to return points with SSO Connect.
1. The "normal" flow that redirects to the redirect url (See Directly use oAuth 2.)
2. The onMessage callback that happens with an event ssoLoggedIn

7. Request access token

The flow is that the redirect that happens still handles the receiving of the access token. So entirley the same as Directly use oAuth 2.

8. Returns access token

Entirely the same as Directly use oAuth 2.

9. Authorized or not
The call to see if the user is authorized or not is the same as Directly use oAuth 2.

10. Return authorized or not

If the user is not authorized, you can execute the same logic as in step 1 Allow user to login.

A. Refresh access token (not used in SSO Connect)

Since on a website we handle the "session" different then in an app, we don't need to use the refresh tokens.

B. Returns of refreshing access token (not used in SSO Connect)

Since on a website we handle the "session" different then in an app, we don't need to use the refresh tokens.

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