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Financial Literacy Public Private Partnership


December 11, 2007

-- Report --

Representative Sharon Tomiko Santos, Chairman
Robert Allen – Teacher
Stacy Augustine, Washington Credit Union League
Porsche Everson, Relevant Strategies
Tracy Godat, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Christi Gordon, Bank of America
Linda Jekel, DFI
Brian Jefferies, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Amy O’Donnell, WSCPA
Eugene Risor, Relevant Strategies
Dana Twight, Seattle Times
Lauren Thomas, Family Services of King County
Joe Willhoft, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

Dave Gandara, Money Tree
Scott Kinney, WAMU
Kristin Mowat, WA Bankers
Kimberly Scott, WSCPA
Pam Whalley, WWU

Call to Order
Chairman Santos called the meeting of the Financial Literacy Public Private Partnership (FLPPP)
to order at 9:01a.m. Representative Santo welcomed the committee and took roll.

Approval of Minutes
Chairman Santos referred the members to the October 25 minutes. There is an error on the title.
The minutes will be changed to read All FLPPP rather than Executive Committee. Minutes are
approved as correct.

Subcommittee Reports
• Executive Committee – Representative Santos, chair, thanked everyone for their
participation in the Executive Committee teleconference call last Thurs. The Executive
Committee discussed the process of hiring Porsche Everson. The Executive Committee
is committed to a teleconference every month. It was decided that the full FLPPP
committee will meet on a quarterly basis. It is decided that the EC meetings will take
place on the second Monday at 7:30 am. The EC will have a member of each
subcommittee. We want the budget to reflect a work plan of the subcommittees. We
want the subcommittees to focus on their budget. As we move into the legislative
session, we want to keep the momentum going. Pam Whalley will be back up for
Representative Santos.

• Education Committee – Pam Whalley, chair, reported that she is having technical issues
with email. They did decide on a budget of approximately $2,500. They would like to
define oversight for curriculum and look at the standards. They will need to meet 4 times
per year in person. Robert addressed his concerns about technology as well. They aren’t
able to receive all documents due to school filters. Suggestions were made and
ultimately Linda Jekel offered DFI to add a Financial Literacy page to their website. This
will be a place where all documents are posted so that teachers can easily print.
• Development Committee – Kimberly Scott, chair, no formal report at this time. They
have not been able to coordinate schedules since the last meeting. They hope to meet via
conference calls or web communication. They are challenged to raise funds to help other
committees. They will hold quarterly meetings with email follow-up. Their biggest
challenge is a list of standards for members. Lauren added to the report. Their focus is
on fundraising. They hope to recruit funders and need to collaborate with the other
committees to see what is needed. They would like to develop a new member
• Communication Committee – Kristin Mowat, chair, reported that they have yet to find a
date for them to meet. They will try to meet by the end of the year. They will work well
via teleconferences. They do not believe they need to need to meet more than every other
month. However, meeting monthly to get up to speed is a good idea. The need to meet
with OSPI regarding the web information so they don’t duplicate efforts.

Continuing Business

RFP Process
Representative Santos offered an overview of the RFP process. Relevant Strategies will serve as
the FLPPP coordinator until 2009. Joe wanted to acknowledge the work of Mike Middleton of
OSPI who facilitated this contract process so that it was processed immediately.

Porsche and Eugene of Relevant Strategies were introduced. Porsche reported their primary goal
is to make it easy for the committee to do great work. The goals of Relevant Strategy are:
• Welcome guidance and feedback
• Would like to work with each of the chairs of the committees to lay out work of the
committees and develop meeting topics for meetings throughout the upcoming year.
• Have an up to date roster and distribution list. Tracy will work with Porsche on that.
• Eugene will be coordinating with the Education Committee on curriculum work.
• Help develop a budget. They will be providing assistance to each committee to do this.
• Web development where as they will work with the committees to find out what is
important to them and come up with a vision.
• Present a final legislative report to define their work.

Pam talked about participating in summer institutes. Robert wanted to offer a suggestion for the
curriculum to have a common thread from elementary through higher grades using the earlier
grades as building blocks.

Stacy Augustine talked about the Financial Literacy Summit which was co-sponsored by

Representative Santos expressed to the group her big picture for the committee. At the end of
the statutory commitment she would like to host a large public event where people can see the
work of the committee – this will include unveiling of a logo. Find a keynote speaker and unveil
the future vision with the committee.

The budget was discussed. There is a carryover of $29,382. There is no new fiscal income.
Pam Whalley reported there will be a $2,000 deposit coming for being under budget on the


2008 Legislative Session

Session begins January 14, 2008. It is scheduled to run 60 days. As far as FLPPP goes the work
of the basic education finance continues. The State Board of Education is soliciting public
comment on what is the definition of a meaningful high school diploma.

The all FLPPP meetings will be the third Thursdays of the months of March, June, September
and December, March 09 and June 09. A motion was passed to approve scheduled meetings for
the third Thursday with the exception of December, which will be the 2nd Thursday of


Representative Santos’s fall newsletter was focused on financial literacy and banking. She had
great feedback!

The meeting was adjourned at 10:58 am

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