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The Eruption of AD79

Stratigraphy of Pompeii 2 layers (in total

4-5m debris):
1. Plinian phase 12 hours, 2.5m of ash
+ pumice
2. S3 reaches Herculaneum/Vesuvian
3. S4: Most lethal stage killing all
4. S5: layer of surge material
5. S6: most destructive, took tops of
buildings of
Human remains at Pompeii:
- Died over several hours
- Prof. Siggurdsons theory that S4
killed remaining
- Causes of death were crushed/injured
by falling walls or tiles, asphyxiation,
thermal shock by S4 (pugilistic pose)
Stratigraphy of Herculaneum 6 levels (1820m of debris with minimal ash due to SE
1. S1: all died from thermal shock
Human remains at Herculaneum:
- Pagano, Mastrolorenzo, Patrone =
brain tissue discoloured skulls with
red, brains boiled and skull plates
- Bodies vaporised and soft tissue
disappeared, becoming skeletons
Pliny the Youngers Letters to Tacitus
[XI, 16 and 20]
Limitations = does not refer to P or H
specifically, written 25 years after
Reliability = purpose is to present uncles
historic death, never mentions sounds of
eruption, unsure of his source after uncles
leaves Misenum, says his uncle died
peacefully, sceptical about date (24th Aug,
now thinking Nov) - as wind was in SE
direction (not a summer wind pattern,
favours Nov interpretation), plaster casts
show people wearing thick clothing
(winter), freshness of wine in dollia favours
November date
Evaluation = sources are valuable for
describing volcanic eruptions in present

Political life
- Politics dominated Pompeii, to a lesser
extent in H (especially leading up to
March elections)
- Only male citizens were able to vote
- 2 duumvir (senior magistrates) who
were responsible for criminal and civil
cases, public constriction works and
provided games and spectacles for the
people Every 5 years became
quinquennial duoviri to take the census
- 2 aediles (junior magistrates) who were
responsible for the day to day running
of the town, organising markets, looking
after temples, keeping streets orderly
- Ordo decurionum (city council):
legislative arm of 100
- Comitium (the peoples assembly):
voting body, by 1C AD only elected
- Augustales: religious priesthood for
freed + free
Programatta (painted posters):
- Only in Pompeii, majority cannot be
dated accurately or attributed to
particular candidates
Monumental inscriptions (P+H, stone or
- Official declarations (record public
pronouncements or decisions), honorific
inscriptions (record honours voted by
the comitium to individuals, 41
standing, 16 equ in forum), dedications
(on public buidlings and record who
Limitations of electoral evidence: Early, such
as Corte used materially uncritically, drawing
unreliable conclusions. Cannot be dated for
the most part, assume after 62
Reliability: unsure of author, could be selfpromotion, layered = rivalry?
Evaluation: Pompeii is the greatest source of
political material from Roman towns, gaps in
sources sometimes too big for firm
conclusions. Have to acknowledge what we
dont know and what we can established,
fragmentary and impressionistic

day, unsure about reliability of certain

The Economy

Social Structure:
Limitations of evidence:
- Archaeological evidence for free men
dominates as they had better quality
items that survived more readily
- Evidence for slaves comes from other
social classes

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