Delimited Report Output Using Report Builder

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Delimited Report Output

using Report Builder

Prepared by:
Sumana Mukherjee
Suvrajyoti Bandyopadhyay

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Overview:......................................................................................................... 2
Main Components of a Report Builder:.............................................................3
Report Customization steps:............................................................................ 8
Steps to change the report output to a Pipe delimited output:........................8

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In this tutorial, we will see how to customize the existing standard Oracle
report to get a delimited output file instead of the regular layout. Most
business users prefer delimited report output as it can easily be imported
into Excel where they can manipulate and perform calculations on the
data easily.
Report Builder is the tool used to develop/customize Oracle reports.
Before getting into the details, I would like to give an overview about
Report Builder.
Main Components of a Report Builder:
Below is the snapshot of the Object navigator when you open a report in
Report Builder. Some important components are Data Model, Layout
Model, Parameter form, Triggers. Lets discuss about each one of them in

Data Model:
The Data Model is a work area in which you define what data to
retrieve when the report is submitted. You create and define queries,
groups, columns, parameters, and links which are called data model
objects to determine what data needs to be extracted from the
database as part of a report.

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Tool Palette in Data Model view:

# Object Object Name



To Select objects for an operation


To Magnify an area

SQL Query

To create a new query in the data Model


To Create a new Ref Cursor query

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To create a summary column. A summary column performs a computation like

sum, average, count, minimum, maximum, % total on another columns data.

Formula Column

To create a Formula column. A formula column performs a user-defined

computation on another columns data

Cross Product

To create a Cross Product group

Data Link

To create relationship between two queries in the data model


To Create a Placeholder column. A placeholder is a column for which you set the
datatype and value in PL/SQL that you define. You can set the value of a
placeholder column in the following places:
Before Report Trigger, if the placeholder is a report-level column
report-level formula column, if the placeholder is a report-level column
a formula in the placeholders group or a group below it (the value is set once for
each record of the group)

Layout Model:
Layout Model is a work area in which you can define the format (using
objects like frames, repeating frames, fields, boilerplate, anchors, and
Graphics objects) of your report output. When you run a report, Report
Builder uses the Layout Model as a default template for the report

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Layout Tool Palette:

# Object Object Name Description


Select Tool

To select one or more objects

Frame Select To select frame or repeating frame and all the objects within them.


To rotate Objects


To change the shape of the objects


To magnify the area


To draw a line


To draw a rectangular object


To draw a rounded rectangular object


To draw a elliptic object



To draw arc



To create a Polyline object



To draw a polygon object



To create a Text object



To create a free form obk=ject

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To create a frame. Frames are used to surround other objects and protect them from
being overwritten or pushed by other objects



To create a repeating frame. Repeating frames surround all of the fields that are
created for a groups columns meaning each repeating frame must be associated
with a group created in the Data model. The repeating frame prints (is fired) once
for each record of the group.


Link file

To create an object that is read in from file



To create a field



To create a Chart



To create a button



To create an anchor between two objects. Since the size of some layout objects may
change when the report runs, you need anchors to define where you want objects to
appear relative to one another.



To create OLE2 object


Parameter Form:
Parameter Form enables you to define the parameters for your report.
Tool Palette:

Report Triggers:
Report triggers execute PL/SQL functions at specific times during the
execution and formatting of your report. Report Builder has five global
report triggers:
After Parameter Form trigger:
This trigger fires after the Parameter form is displayed.
After Report trigger:
This trigger fires after the report output is displayed. You can use
this trigger to delete any temporary values or tables created during
the process.
Before Parameter Form trigger:
This trigger fires before the Parameter form is displayed.

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Before Report trigger:

This trigger fires before the reports is executed but after queries
are parsed and data is fetched.
Between Pages trigger:
This fires before each page of the report is formatted, except the
very first page. This can be used to display page totals etc.

Report Customization steps:

When you have to customize a standard report, it is always advisable not
to make changes to the standard report itself, instead rename it to
another report and make the changes to it.

Download the original rdf from the file system.

Open it in Report builder.

Save it with a different name that meets the clients naming


Make the necessary changes to it.

Save and compile the report.

Move it to the custom top/reports/US

Register it as a concurrent program in Oracle Applications under

custom application.

Steps to change the report output to a Pipe delimited output:

The requirement here is to customize the standard Receipt Adjustment
report to get a delimited output file instead of the regular layout. The
output file should have header information like shown below on the top of
the output page followed by the receipt adjustment data whose fields are
separated by ~.
Vendor Name~PO Number~PO Line~Po Line Description~Item
Number~Category~Organization~Ship To Location~Qty Ordered~Net Qty
Received~Qty Billed~Qty Accepted~Qty Rejected~Qty Cancelled~Received Qty
Corrected~Net Qty RTV~Qty RTV Corrected~Receipt Num~Transaction
Date~Transaction Type~Parent Transaction~Transaction amount~Unit

Regular Layout generated by the standard report:

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We need Pipe delimited Output file like the below:

To achieve this:

We have to get rid of the current layout and create a new layout
with 2 objects:
Frame to print the header information.
Repeating Frame to print the data.
We need to create a Formula column in the Data model that will get
the concurrent programs output filename. We will use this file to write
our pipe delimited report output to.
Download the original report POXRVRTN.rdf

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Open the report in the Report Builder. File>Open

Rename it according Custom naming conventions followed by the
client. Here we will rename it to XXERP_POXRVRTN
Tools> Property Palette
Give the name as: XXERP_POXRVRTN

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To Create a Formula column to derive the output file name:

Double click on the Data model in the Object Navigator.

in the tool palette
Click and drag a rectangle.

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Double-click the formula column created in the data model to

open up its property palette where you can set its properties.
Name: Give the name as C_OUTPUT_FILE
Data Type: Choose Character
Width: 300
PL/SQL Formula: Insert the below code which gets the
Concurrent programs output filename from the database.
function C_OUTPUT_FILEFormula return Char is
v_filename fnd_concurrent_requests.outfile_name%type;
SELECT outfile_name
INTO v_filename
FROM fnd_concurrent_requests
WHERE request_id =
when others then

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Double click on the Layout model in the Object Navigator.

Remove all the objects placed in the layout model except No Data
Found Object.
Place a Frame and a repeating frame one below the other as shown

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To place a frame in the Layout:

in the tool palette.
Click and drag a rectangle.
Double-click the frame object in the layout to open up its property
palette where you can set its properties.

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Some important properties are discussed here.

Name: Rename it to whatever you want.
Vertical and Horizontal Elasticity: For frames and repeating
frames, elasticity defines whether the size of the frame or
repeating frame should vary with the objects inside of it.
Possible Values that you can enter are Contract, Expand, Fixed, and
Contract means the vertical (for vertical elasticity) or
horizontal (for horizontal elasticity) size of the object
decreases, if the formatted objects or data within it are
short (for vertical elasticity) or less wide (for horizontal
elasticity) enough, but it cannot increase to a height
(for vertical elasticity) or width (for horizontal
elasticity) greater than that shown in the Report Editor.

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Expand Means the vertical (for vertical elasticity) or

horizontal (for horizontal elasticity) size of the object
increases, if the formatted objects or data within it are
tall or more wide enough, but it cannot decrease to a
height or width less than that shown in the Report
Fixed Means the height or width of the object is the
same on each logical page, regardless of the size of the
objects or data within it. Truncation of data may occur.
Variable Means the object may expand or contract
vertically to accommodate the objects or data within it
(with no extra space), which means the height or width
shown in the Report Editor has no effect on the objects
height or width at runtime.

To place a repeating frame in the Layout:

in the tool palette.
Click and drag a rectangle.
Double Click on Repeating Frame to open up the property palette and
rename it. Every repeating frame must be associated with a group
defined in the Data model.
Here give the Source as G_shipment_lines.
Set the Vertical and horizontal elasticity to the required.

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To print a pipe delimited text in the output file, we will use a format
trigger on the frame and repeating frame.
A format trigger is a PL/SQL function executed before an object is
formatted. This function must return a Boolean value (TRUE or FALSE).
Depending on whether the function returns TRUE or FALSE, the current
instance of the object is included or excluded from the report output.
Format trigger can be used to highlight a value, for suppressing values
and labels.
In the property palette of the Frame, under Advanced Layout section:

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Double Click on the Format Trigger. This opens up a SQL Editor, where you
can place the below code to print the header information to the output
function M_SHIPMENT_LINE_HDRFormatTrigg return boolean is
Variable declaration
cmd_line VARCHAR2(3000);
v_file_name text_io.file_type;
Setting cmd_line variable to the header info
cmd_line := Vendor Name||~'||PO Number||~'||PO Line||~'||Po
Line Description||~'||Item
Number||~'||Category||~'||Organization||~'||Ship To
Location||~'||Qty Ordered||~'||Net Qty Received||~'||Qty
Billed||~'||Qty Accepted||~'||Qty Rejected||~'||Qty
Cancelled||~'||Received Qty Corrected||~'||Net Qty RTV||~'||Qty
RTV Corrected||~'||Receipt Num||~'||Transaction
Date||~'||Transaction Type||~'||Parent Transaction||~'||Transaction
Opening the concurrent requests output file to write the data into it
Always prefix : with the field,when you refer to a field in the data
model like
v_file_name := TEXT_IO.FOPEN(:C_OUTPUT_FILE, A);
IF TEXT_IO.IS_OPEN(v_file_name) THEN
TEXT_IO.PUT_LINE(v_file_name, cmd_line);
If the return value is true then only this object will be included in the
report output
return (TRUE);

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Similarly include the below code in the format trigger of the repeating
frame to write the receipt records into the output file.
function R_shipment_linesFormatTrigger return boolean is
cmd_line VARCHAR2(2000);
v_file_name text_io.file_type;
cmd_line :=
v_file_name := TEXT_IO.FOPEN(:C_OUTPUT_FILE, A);
IF TEXT_IO.IS_OPEN(v_file_name) THEN
TEXT_IO.PUT_LINE(v_file_name, cmd_line);
return (TRUE);


Now that the changes are done, save the report.

Connect to the database by navigating to File > Connect

Then compile the report by navigating to Program> Compile> All.

Errors will be listed if there are any. Correct them and recompile. If
there are no errors and the compilation was successful, you will get
the below message. Click OK and save again.

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Now move the report to the Custom top/Reports/US

Register it as a concurrent program in Oracle Applications and
assign it to the desired responsibilities. Please refer to Concurrent
Program registration article for registration details.

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