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John P.




(404) 432-0223

Executive Business Developer, Sales and Marketing Leader, and Top Performer whose background is
an ideal mix of technology, start-ups, elite performance and management experience. Drives brand
awareness and channel partner strategies, development, and execution to generate bookings, enhancing the
balance sheet regardless of economic climate. Change agent for transforming complex budget limitations
into streamlined operations and profitable growth through single-handedly winning key national accounts
across information security, network security, storage technology, IT, ERP, POS, CRM and e-commerce
industries. Trusted leader who forges true relationships and alliances by delivering as promised and
demonstrating integrity, thereby ensuring long-term commitment and results. Select accomplishments:

Partnership Development: Built nearly 200 new OEM partnerships for Avalara, leading to 100%+ bookings
increases and annual recurring revenue growth of $130K/year (2008) to $15M+/year (2015).

Revenue Driver: Nearly tripled revenues from $600K/year to over $1.6M/year by singlehandedly delivering
up to 30% year-over-year sales increases, launching and refining the first channel partner | strategic
alliance-based sales and marketing model at Independent Systems and Programming, Inc.

Award-Winning: Perennial Presidents Club Finalist (National Account Manager) for launching Internaps
first Channel Partner Program; Top 10 Sales Performer and ranked #2 nationally, exceeding quota by 150%.

Logo Account Winner: Closed key accounts such as Equifax,, Checkfree Corporation,
Employease/ADP, among many others, despite rumors of Internaps grave demise, long-term
viability concerns and overall market-driven financial issues during dot com fallout of 2000/2001.

Accelerating Brand Awareness to Increase Revenue and Profit

New Business and New Market Development

Brand Awareness
Channel Partner Development and Execution
Sales Training and Management
KPI Analysis
IT and Security Infrastructure and Deployment
Cloud and Data Center Management

CRM Pipeline Management and Growth

Security and Storage Technology
Business Intelligence
ERP | Accounting Software Systems
Point-of-Sale (POS) Software expertise

Driving Profitable Growth through Channel Partners and Strategic Alliances

Avalara, Seattle, WA

2008 Present
Rapidly growing $100M+, 800+ employee company is providing innovative, cloud-based/SaaS-based transactional tax automation solutions.


Brought over during Independent Systems and Programming, Inc. (ISPI) acquisition and hand-selected by CEO of Avalara to
lead Avalaras post-acquisition integration and new business development. Transitioned everything previously ISPI,
seamlessly turned over and incorporated all products, partners, customers, and revenues into meaningful growth
opportunities for Avalaras cloud-based suite of transactional tax compliance services. Expanded Avalaras new Channel
Partners and Strategic Alliances for e-commerce, ERP, Accounting, and POS software platforms, maintaining partners and
creating a competitive edge while overcoming the lack of awareness regarding transactional tax compliance
complexities, sustaining companys astounding revenue growth. Appointed by CEO to Avalaras Leadership Team in 2013.

Revenue Generator: Increased annual recurring revenues from $130K/year in 2008 to more than $15M/year through
2015. Initiated nearly 200 partnerships/sales channels (DSPs), including converting and maintaining all of Independent
Systems existing channel and strategic partners into Avalaras partner portfolio, driving organic bookings growth during
a dire period when Avalara required additional private equity investments.

Overcame Limitations: Established new channel partner and strategic alliance programs as a foundation for
maintaining Avalaras astounding rate of new revenue growth by accelerating the program and integrations
developed for cloud-based services, overcoming the lack of supportive strategic marketing launching initiatives.

Innovative Business Development: Spearheaded business development projects and promotion, making Avalara a
household name with franchisors/franchisees. Attended franchise-centric tradeshows and assimilated 1,200+ new

John P. Osman

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franchisee contacts in nine months within CRM, delivering the companys foundation for franchisor and
franchisee account penetration along with realizing bookings growth during 2016 and beyond.

Established a Franchise 500 Master Database with excellent aggregate data of inquiries within each franchisors
franchisee network.

Profitable Brand Awareness: Developed grassroots marketing and sales approach for conquering the Franchise 500,
driving brand awareness and corresponding opportunities for franchisors/franchisees to benefit from outsourcing to
Avalaras cloud-based transactional tax compliance services budgeted to bring $1M in new revenue in 2016 and on
target for exceeding forecasted bookings for 2016.

Account Growth and Management: Proactively created new demand within the portfolio of existing partners (DSPs) for
transactional tax compliance services by reviving existing partner (DSP) accounts, versus relying on marketing support,
enabling the sales team to revive and deliver essential increases in annual bookings for 2016.

Independent Systems and Programming, Inc., Atlanta, GA

2003 2008
Developer and marketer of transactional tax compliance software and database software solutions acquired by Avalara in 2008.


CEO promotion to spearhead day-to-day business operations in a COO/co-owner/Business Development/Sales and

Marketing role for growth achievements while also providing operating, sales, and marketing leadership. Overcame
ongoing growth-related challenges, focused on improving pre-sales process efficiencies, driving brand awareness and
interest across all channel/strategic partners, while scaling company operationally and propelling bookings and annual
recurring revenue. Managed two direct and eight indirect reports.

Revenue Driver: Launched and refined channel-based marketing and sales model for the first time in companys history,
enabling 30% year over year growth in annual recurring revenue.

Turning Obstacles into Sales: Hired additional programming, support, research, and sales staff to catapult and support
future company growth after surpassing $1.6M in recurring sales while conquering several of the companys initial
budget-restricted limitations.

Pipeline Development: Hired, trained, and managed new salespeople, ensuring new hires hit the ground running,
despite managing personal all-time high workload and delegated an extremely active opportunity pipeline spanning
the entire US, delivering all-time high annual bookings for the company before the acquisition by Avalara.

Innovative Efficiency: Enhanced and expedited process of responding to prospective customers (thereby freeing more
time to win new business) by having Adobe DEV team to create new, self-filling, and auto-calculating sales proposals to
be attached to ERP/accounting platform-specific information.

Enabling New Business: Invested in CRM deployment with heavy integration into third-generation
website, enabling an auto-reply process for sales proposal attachment and automatic task logging for follow-up,
freeing up more time to generate new business.


Recruited to join and grow Independent Systems during companys infancy while it still lacked integrated offerings of onpremise software/databases for strong combined technology sales experience. Selected to create and drive new business
as a one-man army, despite companys limited ability to develop and support ERP/accounting systems integrations.
Implemented comprehensive sales/marketing strategy, enhanced customer support, and overhauled company website,
improving pay-per-click advertising. Managed companys data center infrastructure and network security build-outs.
Implemented game-changing channel partner strategy for near/mid-term bookings growth and brand enhancement.
Managed five indirect reports.

Profitable Strategic Alliances: Spearheaded channel partner/strategic alliance strategies, recruiting third-party
developers to partner with ISPI and develop, customize, and support ERP/accounting software integrations, negotiating
revenue share payment terms as opposed to out-of-pocket development costs, allowing company flexibility while
lacking funds during the companys rapid growth stages.

Partner Management Gains: Approached and forged strong channel partnerships with ERP/accounting software
publishers, driving company awareness within selected ERP/accounting user bases.

Gained trust and access to each channel partners user conferences, partner conferences, webinars, and most
importantly, open access to each ERP/accounting software publishers executive and sales teams, driving and
expanding Independent Systems brand awareness without significant costs to the business.

Revenue Generating Initiatives: Created nearly $1M in annual recurring sales revenue through partnership agreements
(e.g., INFOR, SYSPRO, Microsoft) and new account acquisitions (e.g., PGA of America, Datatel, Monaco Coach,
Generac, Unilever), delivering remarkable, unprecedented growth for the company.

John P. Osman

Critical Infrastructure Upgrades: Overcame cost challenges to strengthen companys IT, servers and network security
infrastructure through major upgrades and expansion. Enhanced all data center infrastructure across servers, network
security, battery backups, and redundant, load-balanced IP network connectivity to ensure customer delight.

Minimized upgrade costs by leveraging prior experience at Internap Network Services, using old bank vault facilities
to deploy new hardware, along with enhanced power infrastructure and network security systems within the new
data center, increasing uptime levels to increase customers satisfaction and retention.

Marketing Strategy Implementations: Propelled companys visibility in concert with automating inbound lead
generation via CRM deployment and streamlining procedures for end users/customers: Overhauled
the previous low-tech, outdated, archaic website into a robust business generator, while enhancing companys

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Enabled customers to select their ERP/accounting platform, facilitating information and proposal sharing and
customer buying decision, making the decision-making and purchasing process far easier and far more enjoyable
for prospective customers.

M&A Negotiation Acumen: Managed initial strategic partnership with Avalara to license intellectual properties, which
turned into a close relationship with Avalaras CEO/founders, facilitated acquisition negotiations, followed by the actual
buyout by Avalara in 2008, enabling a favorable exit strategy and retirement for founder/owner.

Internap Network Services (NASD: INAP), Atlanta, GA

1999 2003
Provider of scalable data center infrastructure services via colocation, managed data center services, BGP-optimized multihomed IP backbone
connectivity, managed network security systems and managed content delivery (CDN) services.


Recruited to win new business within noteworthy logo accounts (Fortune 500 and, selling colocation and BGPoptimized, multihomed IP backbone connectivity services. Cross-selling managed network security systems and CDN to new
and existing customers within new, Class A data centers while expanding Internaps network of Channel Partners in the
Southeast. Addressed and overcame financial ruin concerns, while closing multiple profitable premier client contracts,
moving the business and bookings in the right direction, sustaining companys aggressive growth goals.

Turned Around Negative Perception: Successfully overcame prospects and customers initial objections about the
company as it faced financial dot com uncertainties and questions about companys long-term viability.

Premier Account Closer: Managed lengthy and complex sales cycles and negotiated/closed $2M+ in annual billing
across nearly 50 self-sourced customers. Won agreements with premier logo accounts, including Mizuno USA, S1
Corporation, (acquired by ChoicePoint), Checkfree Corporation (acquired by Fiserv), despite industry and
customer rumors of companys serious financial troubles.

Presidents Club: Led southeast region and nominated for Presidents Club (#2 in the US) in 2003.

Exceeded Quota: Attained 100% of quota in 2000 and 110% in 2001, followed by exceeding quota by 150% in 2001 and
was on target for exceeding quota once again before departure in 2003.

Beat Competition: Landed business with premier logo accounts, succeeding against much larger, well-established
telecommunications provider competitors (e.g., WorldCom/MCI/Verizon, Sprint, Cable & Wireless, GTE, AT&T, and
Global Crossing), enhancing the companys brand recognition and overall industry reputation.

Top Performer: Year-after-year Finalist for Presidents Club in addition to being ranked among Top 10 Sales Performer in
2002 and 2003, delivering bookings which sustained companys year over year growth goals.

BA, Telecommunications, (Minor in Economics), Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
Certificate of Business, Kelley School of Business

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