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Republic of Panama

Ministry of Education
International Maritime University of Panama
Academic Vicerrectoria
Faculty of Marine Sciences
Sailing School
Summer 2016

Captain: Porfirio Padilla
Assignment: VTS Norway
Ariza, Diana
Barbosa, Oscar
Gmez, Johnny
Herrera, Carolina

Deck Bravo II
School Year 2016


Maritime industry on Norway
What is VTS?
Equipment VTS
Communication with the VTS
Data provided by the VTS


Defining the VTS (vessel traffic service),as well as the equipment used for
performance and considering this communication source not only as a system
between operator and the vessel as a detection system used fundamental by the
authority in charged to the control of maritime addition that the VTS must
comply with all those rules and regulations required by the IMO (International
Maritime Organization),the communications system must adopt the World Relief
System and safety at the sea, additional it must provide communications coverage
in the responsibilitys zones by the VTS.
In this text we will expose the Norwegian country beginning from the maritime
industry that controls one of the worlds largest merchant fleets, technological
advances, business and whole related to Norwegian vessel traffic service.
Taking in count that the Norwegian coastal administration operate five VTS
centers, monitoring and regulating vessel traffic along the Norwegian coast.

The Norwegian maritime industry

Norway has been a major player in shipping for more than 150 years. This small
country on the fringe of Europe, which has less than a thousandth of the worlds
population, controls one of the worlds largest merchant fleets.
Whats more, the numerous and varied maritime activities that have grown up
around traditional shipping operations enjoy strong and often leading positions in
the international market. The Norwegian Governments vision is for Norway to be
among the worlds leading maritime nations and a supplier of the most innovative
and environmentally friendly solutions for the future.

Technologically advanced
Since the 1970s, when petroleum operations first began on the Norwegian
continental shelf, Norwegian maritime companies have targeted the offshore
sector. Advanced assignments in tough weather and under difficult working
conditions have led to the development of what is now the worlds most
technologically advanced offshore fleet. A strong domestic market has also laid the

foundation for companies to take their expertise abroad. Today, more than half the
revenue of Norwegian maritime offshore companies is generated from operations
outside the Norwegian continental shelf. The Norwegian maritime industry will have
a central role to play when resources in deeper and even more challenging waters
are to be explored in a sustainable manner.
The Norwegian maritime industry is a complete cluster comprising leading shipping
companies, shipbuilding yards, equipment manufacturers, designers, service
providers, universities, research and development centres and regulatory bodies.
The Norwegian maritime industry accounted for 5.5% of Norways GDP in 2009.
The Norwegian maritime industry is Norways second largest export industry, after
the oil and gas sector.

Environmentally friendly
Sea transport is a cost-effective, reliable and environmentally friendly mode of
transport. Some 90% of world trade is transported by sea, and shipping accounts
for 2.7% of global CO2 emissions. Only 40 % of trade between European countries
is transported by sea. However, a single vessel has the capacity to replace several
hundred trucks, thus reducing congestion and the risk of accident and pollution, as
well as being a more cost effective mode of transport. It is a common goal of the
European Union and the Norwegian authorities to ensure that a greater proportion
of goods are transported by sea.

Modern fleet with innovative solutions

The Norwegian fleet is one of the most modern in the world. Norwegian shipping
companies are engaged in all shipping segments, and have a particularly strong
position in specialized shipping such as transport of petroleum products,
chemicals, gas, paper, vehicles and rolling stock (ro-ro) and offshore shipping.

The Norwegian maritime cluster is at the forefront of efforts to develop new,

innovative solutions. Norwegian ship owners, for example, are spearheading the
development of gas-powered ships and the use of fuel cells as an alternative
energy source on board. Continuous efforts are being made throughout the
industry to further improve engines, hulls and propellers with a view to increasing
energy efficiency and thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions from ships.

Norwegian industries
Norway is a country with a prominent international position within a wide range of

business sectors. Norway is one of the worlds largest oil exporters, and is among







environment, energy, technology and telecommunications.




Being a large exporter of both oil and gas, Norway plays an important role as a
reliable supplier to the worlds energy markets. Norway is the worlds sixth largest
supplier of crude oil and second largest exporter of natural gas.

Norway has one of the largest and most comprehensive maritime sectors in global
terms. The offshore fleet is the second largest in the world and the industry is
characterized by its high competence, innovation and advanced technology.


Norway is the worlds second largest seafood exporter and the equivalent of 35
million meals produced by Norway is consumed worldwide each day. It is at the
forefront in developing modern, efficient and sustainable seafood production.


Thanks to our hydropower resources, we have produced renewable and clean

hydropower for more than one hundred years, resulting in a share of renewable
energy in Norways total energy consumption of about 60 %. This resulted in a

skilled renewable industry at home, which later has become increasingly more


One of the strengths of Norwegian industry lies in its commitment to sustainability

and the environment as part of finding the best solutions possible. The advantages
are many.


Norwegians seem to be at our best when nature is either on our side or very much
against us. We harvest the fish, oil and natural gas resources that nature has given
us, and are pretty good at it. When nature is against us we build bridges, tunnels
and telecommunications.


Norway plays a significant big role in global security and the production of defence
products. The high growth, which occurred in this sector over the last years, is due
both to the fact that the Norwegian defence industry is highly competitive and to
the constructive relationship that exists between the armed forces and industry.


We are all familiar with the traditional way of using design as a form of visual
expression, but it is often very hard to define what design really is. What is certain
is that it is getting increasingly more important.


In several areas Norway can offer unique competence and research opportunities.
The strengths are largely related to the countrys geography, economic
specialization patterns and institutional characteristics.

Norway is a big country with a variety of natural resources. Because of this,
Norway is largely divided into regional clusters dependent on main business
sectors. When looking for a business partner it is therefore a good starting point to
search within the business region that is best suited for you. We have featured the
four main business regions in Norway and have presented an overview of related
companies, partners, news and articles.

Business regions

Business Region Oslo

The capital region of Norway is one of the most prospering regions of Europe,
combining a high quality of life with a high level of productivity. The region consists
of Oslo, the capital of Norway, and the surrounding county of Akershus. More than
one million people live in the region which also serves a gateway to the rest of
Norway and the Nordic countries.
Much of the innovation in Norway is taking place in the Oslo region. Although
Norway is a country that is also characterized by an abundance of natural
resources, the Oslo region is primarily the foothold of a number of advanced
services and knowledge-intensive industries of world class, among them the
maritime sector, energy and the environment, ICT, life sciences and culture and
Many of these industries also have strong links to the scientific communities of the
Oslo region, like the University of Oslo and Oslo Innovation Center, the latter aims

to be one of the leading centres in Europe for innovation and industrial

development by commercializing ideas and results from research environments
and currently houses more than 140 companies. These kinds of industries attract
skilled professionals from all over Norway, the Nordic countries, Europe and
increasingly an even more diverse international clientele that have discovered the
unique qualities, business opportunities and high standard of living in our region. In
effect, the Oslo region provides an excellent platform for doing business.
Business Region Stavanger
The Greater Stavanger region has always looked to the sea, a gateway to the
world. Some say that Norways history actually began here, with the first settlers
arriving in small boats when the last ice age ended 10,000 years ago. Now, as one
of the largest and most important business and residential regions in Norway, the
region has nearly 300,000 inhabitants working in a wide spectrum of careers.
With plentiful natural resources, successful companies and dynamic infrastructure;
the talented, experienced and friendly people enjoy a high quality of life and career
opportunities here in Greater Stavanger.
No story about the Stavanger Region could be complete without telling of its role in
Norways oil adventure that began in 1969 with the discovery of oil in the southern
North Sea field, Ekofisk. Since then, the town has developed into Norways
undisputed petroleum capital, with 45,000 people being employed within this
sector. This number represents approximately 20% of the workforce in Rogaland
county and equally impressive, accounting for nearly 50% of all employed in
petroleum activities here in the country.
Still, the region is certainly much more than successful business activities; it is a
center of creativity, culinary arts, and culture. In 2008, the region was awarded the
ultimate recognition for its burgeoning cultural industries: designation by the



Business Region Troms

Situated far beyond the Arctic Circle, Troms is proud of its reputation as the
gateway to the High North. The city is also known as the Paris of the North, which
testifies to its hospitality and international orientation. In fact, the economy of the
region was truly international centuries before the word globalization was
Troms is now home to the worlds northernmost university, established in 1968,
the Norwegian Polar Institute and other important centres of research and
education. A new centre for international cooperation on climate and environmental
research is being established. The secretariat of the Arctic Council which brings
together all the Arctic states is based in Troms. An increasing number of
important international conferences are held here. Since the beginning of the
1990s, Troms has played an active role in advancing cross-border cooperation in
the Barents Euro-Arctic Region and has developed particularly close links to
partners in Northwest Russia.
New opportunities are opening up in and around the Barents Sea, for example in
the areas of petroleum and energy, marine bioprospecting and life sciences,
integrated, environmentally safe management of oceans, tourism and the utilization
of new shipping lanes. Increasingly, advanced knowledge in these fields is being
concentrated in Troms. The regions vibrant business community is well
positioned to grasp these opportunities in cooperation with international partners.

Business Region Bergen

The Bergen Region is known as a vibrant, scenic, creative and industrious part of
Norway. The region witch contains more than two-thirds of the population of the
Hordaland County on the west coast of Norway, has potential only limited by the
At the heart of the region is Bergen, known as one of the Europe's great scenic
cities, and as the gateway to western Norway. This city is the seat of the Hordaland
County administration and home to an impressive number of international
companies. The investment opportunities are many, business development has
been a historic strength, recreational activities abound in other words, there are
tremendous opportunities to building both a career and a life here.
The main message is; Bergen Region The Future of Solutions, and the
communication process is well underway to show the potential within sectors that
include oil & gas, maritime, energy, aquaculture and others.
Within R&D, the Bergen Region is unique in Norway, in the petroleum field, as it is
home to a Centre of Expertise (Subsea Technology), a Centre of Excellence
(Centre for Integrated Petroleum Research), and a research-based competence
building program that is part of the Research Council of Norway. The educational
opportunities go hand in hand, and the Bergen Region is home to a thriving student
The Transformation of the Norwegian Maritime Industry to a Global Maritime
Knowledge Hub
A Global Race for Attractiveness

Nations and regions compete to be the most attractive locations for knowledge
Intensive industries


business at all in a country with the worlds highest cost level?

Competent Ownership Competent Ownership
Education, R&D and
R&D Innovation
Examples of global knowledge hubs
Boston (Life sciences)
Silicon Valley (IT)
Houston (Oil & gas)

can we

Global Knowledge Hubs are Centres of Gravity attracting talents, technology and
competent ownership on a global scale.

Norway is one of the few European countries with a complete maritime

cluster (including shipbuilding)

Maritime has a Strong Emerald

Norways deepsea maritime cluster has transformed into a global maritime offshore

Centers of industrial gravity in the Norwegian maritime industry

Maritime Mre:
Design, construction and operation of offshore vessels
Offshore West Coast: All maritime activities in the exploration, development and
operations of offshore oil & gas
Trondheim: Maritime R&D
Oslo: Maritime services (Financial, legal and technological
Kongsberg: Electronics and subsea equipment
Kristiansand: Oil drilling cluster
What created the Norwegian Maritime Cluster?

Maritime nation of seafarers since the Vikings

Many risk taking ship owners and investors
Many yards and ship equipment manufacturers with
innovative technology
Commercial strength in financial and maritime services
Leading position in maritime R&D

Strong growth in maritime value creation

Maritime industry: A growing share of GDP

Strong growth in revenues and profitability for maritime equipment manufacturers

Norwegian maritime equipment manufacturers total revenue and operating margin

from 2000 to 2009. Thousand million NOK

2009 was best year ever for Norwegian yards

Norwegian ship yard's total revenue and operating margin from 2000 to 2009.
Thousand million NOK

Norway has lost share of world fleet

Development in shares of the world fleet (DWT) from 1995 to 2010. Source: ISL
Norwegian deepsea shipping has stagnated, while Norwegian offshore shipping
has more than tripled

Percentage growth in Value added in two shipping groups from 2000 to 2009.

Maritime offshore industry has grown more strongly in all sectors Gorwht in value
cretaion in % among 10 maritime groups in Norway from 2000 to2009.

The Norwegian Maritime Clusters 2012

A Maritime-Offshore Global Knowledge Hub at Norwegian West Coast (70% of

maritime industry value creation)
A Maritime-Offshore Financial Cluster in Oslo
A Shipping Cluster in Bergen
A Norwegian-controlled Global Maritime Network
- Singapore Little Norway

Cyprus-London Big John Norway

Norwegian Maritime Knowledge Hub Initiative

Initiative from Oslo Maritime Network and Norwegian Shipowner Association
Maritime companies should fund 20+ Martime Professorships and Research
Centres at Norwegian universities

Norwegian universities should develop Centers of Excellence in Maritime

Research (NTNU and Marintek)
Norwegian universities should develop Centers of Excellence in Maritime
Education (BI Norwegian Business School)
Norwegian government should launch a large Maritime Research Program

(Maritime 21)
Norwegian maritime industry and Norwegian government should develop World
Ocean Space Centre to gain leadership in Ocean Space Technology

The Norwegian Coastal Administration operates five Vessel Traffic Service

Centres that monitor and regulate vessel traffic along the Norwegian coast.

Fedje VTS is located on the island municipality of Fedje in North Hordaland
and covers the area from the Sogne Sea in the north to the Hjelte Fjord at
Sture in the south. The VTS Centre was established in 1992 and its main

duties are related to oil shipments from the Sture and Mongstad terminals, in
addition to traffic control centre tasks in an area with high traffic density.

Kvitsy VTS was established in 2003 and is located in Kvitsy Municipality in
Rogaland. The VTS Centre covers the area from Bmla Fjord in the north to
the Jren Reef in the south. The centre's main duties include traffic

monitoring in connection with shipments from the gas terminal at Krst, in

addition to general monitoring of coastal traffic in an area with a relatively
high traffic density.

Brevik VTS is located at Brevikstrmmen in Porsgrunn Municipality. It covers
the approaches to the major industrial area in Grenland, where a large
portion of the ship traffic consists of gas carriers and vessels with other

hazardous cargo. The Brevik VTS Centre is the Norwegian Coastal

Administration's oldest centre and was established in 1978 as a result of the
petrochemical development at Rafnes. There is a special dispensation
scheme with regard to compulsory pilotage in this area.

Horten VTS is located in the port of Horten. It was established in 1999, and its
area of responsibility is to monitor and regulate shipping in the waters from

Frder to Spro/Steilene at Nesodden. The waters in this area are the

responsibility of the Oslo Port Traffic Control Centre.

Vard VTS became operational on 1 January 2007. The VTS Centre, which
has NOR VTS as it call name, covers traffic monitoring in the northern areas,
from the Barents Sea to Lofoten by means of radar monitoring, ship
reporting and AIS.
Vard VTS also administers the state tugboat emergency preparedness
scheme in Northern Norway. From 1 July 2008 the Vard VTS Centre was
made responsible for monitoring all tankers and other hazardous traffic
along the entire coast and the sea area around Svalbard, with the exception
of the areas of operation for the Norwegian Coastal Administration's other
four VTS centres.


Vessel traffic services - VTS - are shore-side systems which range from the
provision of simple information messages to ships, such as position of other traffic
or meteorological hazard warnings, to extensive management of traffic within a port
or waterway.

VTS operator at workGenerally, ships entering a VTS area report to the authorities,
usually by radio, and may be tracked by the VTS control centre.
Ships must keep watch on a specific frequency for navigational or other warnings,
while they may be contacted directly by the VTS operator if there is risk of an
incident or, in areas where traffic flow is regulated, to be given advice on when to
SOLAS Chapter V (Safety of Navigation) states that governments may establish
VTS when, in their opinion, the volume of traffic or the degree of risk justifies such
Traditionally, the master of a ship has been responsible for a ship's course and
speed, assisted by a pilot where necessary. Ships approaching a port would
announce their arrival using flag signals.
With the development of radio in the late 19th century, radio contact became more
important. But the development of radar during World War Two made it possible to
accurately monitor and track shipping traffic.

The world's first harbour surveillance radar was inaugurated in Liverpool, England,
in July 1948 and in March 1950, a radar surveillance system was established at
Long Beach, California - the first such system in the United States. The ability of
the coastal authority to keep track of shipping traffic by radar, combined with the
facility to transmit messages concerning navigation to those ships by radio,
therefore constituted the first formal VTS systems.
The value of VTS in navigation safety was first recognized by IMO in resolution
A.158 (ES.IV) Recommendation on Port Advisory Systems adopted in 1968, but as
technology advanced and the equipment to track and monitor shipping traffic
became more sophisticated, it was clear guidelines were needed on standardising
procedures in setting up VTS. In particular, it became apparent that there was a
need to clarify when a VTS might be established and to allay fears in some
quarters that a VTS might impinge on the ship's master's responsibility for
navigating the vessel.
As a result, in 1985, IMO adopted resolution A.578 (14) Guidelines for Vessel
Traffic Services, which said that VTS was particularly appropriate in the
approaches and access channels of a port and in areas having high traffic density,
movements of noxious or dangerous cargoes, navigational difficulties, narrow
channels, or environmental sensitivity. The Guidelines also made clear that
decisions concerning effective navigation and manoeuvring of the vessel remained
with the ship's master. The Guidelines also highlighted the importance of pilotage
in a VTS and reporting procedures for ships passing through an area where a VTS
Revised Guidelines for vessel traffic services, including Guidelines on Recruitment,
Qualifications and Training of VTS Operators, were adopted as Assembly
resolution A.857(20) in November 1997.

Vessel Traffic Services were not specifically referred to in the International

Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974, but in June 1997 IMO's
Maritime Safety Committee adopted a new regulation to Chapter V (Safety of
Navigation), which set out when VTS can be implemented.
A revised SOLAS chapter V on Safety of Navigation was adopted in December
2000, and entered into force on 1 July 2002. Regulation 12 Vessel traffic services

Vessel traffic services (VTS) contribute to safety of life at sea, safety and efficiency
of navigation and protection of the marine environment, adjacent shore areas, work
sites and offshore installations from possible adverse effects of maritime traffic.
Contracting Governments undertake to arrange for the establishment of VTS
where, in their opinion, the volume of traffic or the degree of risk justifies such
Contracting Governments planning and implementing VTS shall, wherever
possible, follow the guidelines developed by the Organization. The use of VTS may
only be made mandatory in sea areas within the territorial seas of a coastal State.
Contracting Governments shall endeavour to secure the participation in, and
compliance with, the provisions of vessel traffic services by ships entitled to fly their
Nothing in this regulation or the guidelines adopted by the Organization shall
prejudice the rights and duties of Governments under international law or the legal
regimes of straits used for international navigation and archipelagic sea lanes.
Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) is an international service that is managed in Norway
by the Norwegian Coastal Administration to improve safety at sea and protect the

environment. The maritime traffic control centres prevent incidents and accidents
by monitoring and regulating ship traffic in defined areas along the Norwegian
New Norwegian regulations on the use of Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) areas
and the use of specific waters came into effect from October 1st, 2015.
In general the regulation applies to vessels with a maximum length of 24 meters or
more and to vessels transporting particularly hazardous or pollutive cargo.
From October 1st, 2015, vessels must maintain listening watch on VHF channel 71
within the VTS area of the VTS centre in Vard. The VTS area covers the waters
from Lopphavet, through Srysundet to Revsbotn.
Vessels transporting particularly hazardous or pollutive cargo and vessels with a
length of more than 150 meters must request a sailing clearance before using the
VTS area.
Questions about the use of the VTS area can be forwarded to the VTS centre in
Vard, telephone number +47 78 98 98 98 or email:
From October 1st, 2015, the VTS area of the center in Horten is extended to
include the existing VTS area of the Port VTS in Oslo. The center in Horten will
provide VTS services in the extended area on VHF working channel 19.
The Norwegian Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) offers three types of services
based on national regulations and international recommendations:


This service shall provide important information at the right time to support the
nautical decision-making processes on board. A vessel can request information,
and the VTS centre can provide unsolicited information and ask the vessel
questions if something is unclear. Information can include:

Information on the traffic situation, such as position, identity of the vessel,


Meteorological and hydrographic information.

Relevant limitations or activities in the fairways.

Guidelines for mandatory reporting.

VHF channels that are used in the VTS area.


Navigation assistance is established either on request from a vessel or when the
VTS operator observes irregular navigation and the VTS operator deems it
necessary to intervene. The vessel and VTS centre will agree on when the
navigation assistance service starts and stops. This service entails assistance that
is linked closely to the vessel in question.
Examples of navigation assistance situations:

Difficult meteorological conditions.

Faulty or defective equipment on board.

Vessels that deviate from a sailing plan.

Assistance en route to an anchorage site or pilot embarkation buoy/area.

Risk of running aground or collision.

Vessel that is uncertain of its position, or not able to determine its position.

The VTS Centre can provide:

Bearing and distance to nearby hazards or landmarks.

Recommend a course to the next waypoint.

Position in relation to the fairway axis, navigation functions, and/or


Provide support and information on the current traffic situation to the crew
on the bridge.


The purpose of this service is to prevent hazardous situations from developing and
to ensure safe and efficient navigation through the VTS area. The VTS centre
provides information, advice and instructions to vessels. Vessels report before
sailing into the VTS area, or when leaving an anchorage site or dock in order to
avoid traffic congestion that can create critical situations.
The Maritime Traffic Regulations regulate, for example, meeting and passing bans,
and granting a vessel clearance to sail into a VTS area. Clearance can be granted
without conditions, but special conditions can also be stipulated through:

Use of special fairways.

Sailing in a specific order in relation to other traffic.

Clearance can be withheld when there is a valid reason for doing so.

contact details to all five VTS centres in Norway.

Horten VTS

Alternativ contact

+47 33 03 49 60 (pos. 1)





VHF Channel 19 (Inner Oslofjord)




+47 47 46 54 48


+47 33 03 49 99

Telephone no. Iridium



Brevik VTS

+47 35 57 26 10

Alternative contact

+47 95 28 93 32






VHF Channel 80





+47 22 41 04 91

Telephone no. Iridium



Kvitsy VTS








+47 51 73 60 33 (Area North)

Alternative contact

+47 91 68 11 73





VHF Channel 19 (N)

Telephone no. Iridium



Fedje VTS
Alternativ contact







+47 56 16 44 32 (Area North)

+47 90 67 69 20


VHF Channel 71 (S)

Telephone no. Iridium



Vard VTS


+47 78 98 98 98



Alternativ contact







or channels administered





by Vard or Bod Radio.

MMSI no: 002573550


+47 78 98 98 99

Telephone no. Iridium



The Norwegian Coastal Administration is the national authority responsible

for implementing international regulations on port security.


- supervision of port facilities concering compliement with security and safety








- determination of maritime security level for ports and port facilities

















- International work
The Norwegian Coastal Administration is responsible for the state pilotage service.
The aim of the pilotage service is to safeguard traffic at sea and protect the
environment by ensuring that vessels operating in Norwegian waters have
navigators with adequate qualifications for safe navigation.

The Norwegian Coastal Administration operates several information services and

reporting systems for vessels. Information about these services and systems
Report irregularities and obstructions
Many of the permanent navigational aids along the coast are automated and
unmanned. It is therefore important that mariners notify the Norwegian Coastal
Administration of any irregularities in the navigational installations.
Navigational warning system (NAVCO)
As the national coordinator for the NAVCO service, the Norwegian Coastal
Administration is responsible for transmitting navigational warnings of
incidents and conditions at sea that can affect the navigational conditions for

See Navigational Warnings

See Malfunctional Navigational Aids

See NAVAREA XIX Warnings

Many of the permanent navigational aids along the coast are automated and
unmanned. It is therefore important that mariners notify the Norwegian Coastal
Administration of any irregularities in the navigational installations.
Other acute and/or unexpected incidents that may be hazardous to shipping must
also be reported. Examples of acute and/or unexpected incidents are drifting
debris, fallen high voltage cables, grounded vessels, sunken vessels and drifting
fishing equipment.
Reports to NAVCO:















The coordinator on duty will pass the report on to the correct authority so that the
irregularity can be rectified as quickly as possible. Any navigational warnings will
be issued in accordance with the guidelines.
The warnings are made over the coastal radio and through Notices to Mariners
(EFS), which are issued by the Norwegian Mapping Authority (sea). It is the
mariner's duty to familiarise himself with the navigational warnings that apply to the
waters he/she will be operating in.
The navigational warnings are transmitted over the coastal radio by telephony and
NAVTEX, and they provide mariners with notices of incidents/conditions that are
hazardous to shipping.
These warnings include:






General navigational warnings

The Norwegian Coastal Administration coordinates and transmits around 600
navigational warnings inside Norwegian waters annually.
The responsibility for distributing information on conditions that are of significance
to safe navigation to mariners is based on the Plan for the worldwide navigational
warning system, published by the UN's International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
This plan has been ratified by Norway, and in 1979 the Norwegian Coastal
Administration was assigned responsibility as the national coordinator of the
navigational warning system (NAVCO).

NAVAREA-1 is divided into areas that are covered by a NAVTEX transmitter.

Norway has five NAVTEX areas covered by the following stations: Svalbard (A),
Varde (V), Bod (B), rlandet (N) and Rogaland (L).
Warning types
1. General navigational warnings
Norway participates, through the Norwegian Coastal Administration, in international
cooperation on navigational warnings.
The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) shall provide mariners
with information and communication on emergency situations and safety at sea.
GMDSS includes, for example, safety reports, including navigational warnings from
the World-Wide Navigational Warning Service (WWNWS).
WWNWS is administrated by the UN's International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
IMO regulates the entire warning service, with regard to what irregularities or
incidents should be reported, the type of warnings and the formulation of the
The World-Wide Navigational Warning Service (WWNWS) includes:

NAVAREA warning, SafetyNet on satellite (INMARSAT).

Coastal Warning, NAVTEX 518 KHz and by telephony.

Local Warning, NAVTEX 490 KHz and by telephony.

NAVAREA warning.

NAVAREA ocean warning. Navigational warnings that are only of

significance to ocean-going vessels.

These warnings are transmitted via satellite (SafetyNET) in English. For the
Norwegian NAVAREA, NAVCO ensures that the content of the warning is

forwarded to the United Kingdom, which is the area coordinator for NAVAREA-1.
The United Kingdom issues all the NAVAREA warnings in NAVAREA-1 on request
from the national coordinators in the area.
2. Coastal Warnings
A Coastal Warning is a navigational warning of significance to traffic along the
Norwegian coast and in fjords.
The warnings are transmitted over NAVTEX in English and by telephony from the
coastal radio stations in Norwegian and English. The national coordinator (NAVCO)
issues Norwegian coastal warnings. There are strict guidelines for what can be
categorised as a coastal warning. The incident must be of a sudden nature and
represent a hazard to shipping.
Planned and non-acute incidents shall be reported through Notices to Mariners
Incidents that are not a hazard to shipping, but are a hazard to other structures or
life and health, shall be reported through EFS. Notices of such incidents are not
transmitted except in special circumstances.
3. Local Warnings
Local Warnings are navigational warnings that are only of significance to small
vessels, in areas outside fairways, or warnings that do not fall under the category
Coastal Warning due to the requirement that the incident must represent a hazard
to shipping and be of a sudden nature.
For example, diving work is not a hazard to shipping, but the diver may be exposed
to danger if the diving site is trafficked by ships.
Local Warnings on 490 KHz are not implemented in Norway (nor in Denmark or
Sweden), but they are used, for example, in the United Kingdom, Germany,
France, Portugal and Iceland. However, the coastal radio in Norway has registered

and been assigned transmission codes. There are already NAVTEX receivers on
the market today that can receive both frequencies, 518 and 490 KHz. As a trial
project, local warnings are issued by telephony in special circumstances.
Local warnings are issued by the national coordinator (NAVCO) during normal
office hours.
The provision of navigational warnings on this website is not intended to be a
substitute for, or an alternative to the International NAVTEX service, and does not
relieve Masters/Captains of their responsibility to monitor MSI broadcasts in
accordance with the provisions of SOLAS
The Norwegian list of lights

The Norwegian list of lights (Fyrlisten) describes maritime navigation marks

which emit light signals on land and at sea, as well as information about
other aids to navigation. Here is the continuously updated list of lights in
The Norwegian List of Lights publishes details of lighted aids to navigation. The
2014 published edition contains English foreword, glossary and alphabetic register.
Mariners are advised that the information contained in the Norwegian List of Lights
is published for guidance only and the data should therefore be used as


Digital version
Every morning at 6:45 am a new list will be generate on the links below. This
means that the lists are continuously updated.

List of lights in Norway

List for the southeastern part of Norway

List of lights at the western part of Norway

List for the the center part of Norway

List of lights in Nordland (northern part)

List of lights in Troms og Finnmark (northernmost part of Norway)

List of lights at Spitsbergen (Svalbard)

SafeSeaNet Norway
SafeSeaNet Norway is an internet based maritime single window reporting
system to enable vessels to provide mandatory notifications to Norwegian
governmental authorities and ports in electronic form.
Vessels are required to use SafeSeaNet for such notifications and SafeSeaNet will
forward the notifications to individual Norwegian authorities and ports as required
by regulations. SafeSeaNet complies with EU Directives 2002/59 and 2010/65.
The following notifications shall be provided through SafeSeaNet:

Port arrival notification

Port departure notification for ships carrying port and carrying dangerous or
polluting cargo

Notifications of landing of waste

Notifications of intent to cross the Norwegian baseline

Maritime security notifications

Port State Control Notifications

Customs declarations

Border crossing notifications

Pilot requests

A national ship reporting system

SafeSeaNet Norway is Norways national ship reporting system for vessels arriving
and departing ports. The system has been continuously developed and improved
since its establishment in 2005.
SafeSeaNet Norway is Norways Single Window ship reporting system, enabling
ships, companies, agents and charterers to submit mandatory information
electronically to Norwegian authorities only once, rather than submitting the same
information several times to different authorities.
Based on national ship reporting regulations, information registered by shipping via
SafeSeaNet Norway is automatically distributed to a wide range of governmental
Digital ship reporting in SafeSeaNet Norway has improved the information flow
between shipping and the authorities, simplifying ship reporting procedures and
reducing administrative work on board and ashore.
The establishement of SafeSeaNet Norway is in line with EU Directive 2010/65/EU,
which instructs EU/EEA Member States to implement an electronic ship reporting
system by June 1, 2015.
In the period of 2005 to 2012, the number of ship notifications increased from 8800
to over 100.000, and today pilot booking is made electronically via SafeSeaNet
Norwegian governmental partners in the SafeSeaNet Norway cooperation.

Norwegian Armed Forces

Norwegian Maritime Directorate

Norwegian Customs and Excise
Norwegian Police/Schengen Seaborder Control
Directorate of Fisheries
Radio navigation (DGPS) IN NORWAY
The Norwegian Coastal Administration's Differential Global Positioning System
(DGPS) service transmits correction signals to GPS navigation equipment on board
ships. The DGPS service gives greater accuracy of the GPS position that is read and
better signal quality for the system.
The Norwegian Coastal Administration's DGPS service is built up of 12 DGPS stations
along the Norwegian coast. Each DGPS station consists of reference stations that monitor
all visible satellites (over 8 degrees elevation) and calculates a correction value for each
satellite. These corrections are transmitted over the Norwegian Coastal Administration's
maritime radio beacon in the frequency band from 283.5 kHz to 315 kHz, and they can be
received by users equipped with a DGPS radio beacon receiver. The user's GPS receiver
uses the received corrections to improve the accuracy of the positioning it calculates.
Within the specified coverage area for the DGPS service, the user will achieve a
positioning accuracy better than 10 metres (2 drms, 95 per cent probability). Experience
shows that the positioning accuracy is typically in the range of 1 to 3 metres. In addition to
improved positioning accuracy, the Norwegian Coastal Administration's DGPS service will
also provide integrity alarms for GPS. The DGPS service should have an availability of







The Norwegian Coastal Administration's DGPS service is linked to GPS. The Norwegian
Coastal Administration, other Norwegian agencies or Norwegian authorities do not have
any control over the technical and operational conditions for GPS.

The most important factors that limit the range of a DGPS station are the signal strength
and signal-to noise ratio of the user. A signal strength and/or signal-to-noise ratio that is
too low will result in a loss of transmitted data. If many subsequent messages are lost, the
DGPS corrections will gradually become older and result in the positioning accuracy
becoming gradually poorer. Ultimately the receiving equipment will switch to "GPS only






A coverage map has been prepared for the Norwegian Coastal Administration's DGPS
service. The maps illustrate the estimated coverage area for both day and night. The
models that have been used to estimate coverage only take the topographic conditions
into consideration to a limited extent, so that the estimates can be less accurate in fjords or









The users must bear in mind that the signal from a DGPS station can be disrupted by
interference from other radio transmitters (such as radio noise in port areas) as well as
noise from precipitation.
Receiving equipment
The users must be equipped with a DGPS radio beacon receiver in order to use the
corrections from the DGPS service. In some receivers the GPS and DGPS receiver is built
into the same unit. There are also receivers with a combined GPS and DGPS antenna.
User equipment must be earthed properly in order to reduce the sensitivity to noise.
Users should note that not all DGPS receivers have the necessary functionality to display
integrity alarms for the DGPS system.
Nautical charts and GPS/DGPS
The geodetic datum used by GPS is the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84). WGS-84
is also the datum used for the calculation of DGPS corrections. Many Norwegian nautical
charts are issued with the WGS-84 datum, but there are also charts issued with the ED50
datum or the Norwegian graticule. When using charts with a datum other than WGS-84,
the position must be converted before it is entered on the chart. It is normal practice for the








Users of GPS and DGPS will be able to navigate their vessels with much more accuracy,

than the accuracy of many nautical charts. These users should bear in mind the danger of
assuming that the positions given by nautical charts give the same accuracy as positions







The chart, available by link on the right hand side, gives an overview of the Norwegian
Coastal Administration's DGPS stations. Each DGPS station has two reference stations
with unique ID numbers. One of the reference stations is active and linked to the radio
transmitter, while the other reference station is a backup. The user equipment will display








The stations transmit DGPS data in accordance with the international standard
Recommendation ITU-R M.823-1. Message types 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 are used as described in
this standard. The data rate is 200 bit/s.
Automatic Identification System (AIS) IN NORWAY
AIS (Automatic Identification System) was introduced by the UN's International
Maritime Organisation (IMO) to increase the safety of ships and the environment,
and to improve traffic monitoring and maritime traffic services.
The Norwegian Coastal Administration established AIS Norway in 2005, which today
consists of approximately 50 base stations that receive information about all ships over
300 gross tons in international traffic.
AIS Norway registers three types of information:

Dynamic (position, course, speed)

Static (identity, vessel type, dimensions)

Details on the sailing (destination, estimated time of arrival, cargo, draught)

AIS range is limited by VHF range, which is determined primarily by the height of the
antenna. AIS Norway covers, with some exceptions, the area from the Norwegian baseline
to 40-60 nautical miles from the coast.

AIS is an important tool in the national preparedness against marine accidents and acute
pollution along the coast.
The Norwegian Coastal Administration administers AIS Norway and is responsible for
distributing AIS data to other governmental agencies. The Rescue Coordination Centres,
the Coast Guard and the police are some of the users of AIS data.
AIS data received by AIS Norway is stored over several years, making it a valuable tool for
mapping transport patterns and trends in relation to transport planning and analysis in the
maritime sector.

The Norwegian Coastal Administration's land-based AIS network consists of AIS

base stations at around 50 locations along the Norwegian coast.

The AIS network is one of the measures presented in the "Government's Plan of
Action for Increased Safety and Emergency Preparedness along the Coast" in
2001 in order to improve the monitoring of ship traffic. The Norwegian Parliament
allocated NOK 40 million to this project over the period from 2002 to 2004.

The AIS messages are collected by the network and made available to the different
governmental agencies. The network also contains databases for the storage of
AIS data for several years.

Kystinfo map service

Kystinfo is the Norwegian Coastal Administration' web-based map service. In Kystinfo you
will find the Norwegian Coastal Administration's own map data, in addition to map data and
other geographic related information from a large number of other data owners.
Most of them are obtained directly from the source database as so-called WMS services.
As a user you are therefore ensured of access to the most recently updated data.
Different types of nautical charts, land maps, satellite and aerial photos, fairways, nature
reserve areas, anchorage sites and emergency preparedness topics are examples of data
that can be found in Kystinfo.

Essentially, Kystinfo is open to everyone, and the large amount of map data provides good
opportunities to find out what geo-referenced information is available for the user's local
area or fields In addition to being able to view data and the associated meta information, it
is also possible for users to draw in (digitise) their own objects on the map and use them
as elements in their own maps in combination with other topics.
As a user of Kystinfo you can also perform lookups against central registers such as the
Central Place Name Register (SSR), specify coordinates for displaying a position on the
map, store chart images as pdf files, send links to a relevant chart or use different types of
integrated services, such as weather forecasts from
After you have logged on as a user on Kystinfo you can store digitised objects in the
underlying database and gain access to expanded information and functionality, such as
AIS data or specially adapted digitising solutions. This requires assignment of the relevant
rights from the administrator.
Kystinfo is used in almost all of the Norwegian Coastal Administration's fields, and the
Norwegian Coastal Administration' geodata service is continuously expanding its
functionality in order to satisfy the needs of the users better.
Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) IN NORWAY
The Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) is a global satellite-based system
for real-time identification and tracking of ships navigating around the world. The
system is managed and maintained by the European Maritime Safety Agency
(EMSA) and was introduced in Norway in 2009.
LRIT is a closed system aimed for contracting government such as: Coastal State; Flag
State; Port State; and SAR Authorities. Other national public authorities are also users of
the system.
The UN's International Maritime Organization (IMO) has decided that the LRIT
requirements apply to ships engaged on international voyages as follows:
1. Passenger ships, including high-speed passenger craft,
2. Cargo ships, including high-speed craft, of 300 GT, and

3. Mobile offshore drilling units.

Ship LRIT Reporting and equipment

All ships over 300 gross tonnes that are registered to operate in international
waters (meaning outside A1 area) are required to possess an LRIT certificate (LRIT
Conformance Test Report). Military and fishing vessels are exempt from this rule.

For the initial registration of new LRIT ships, or for a change of ship's flag or LRIT
shipborne equipment, the LRIT unit must be checked by an authorized Application
Service Provider (ASP).

The LRIT certificate is in practice an approval that the LRIT equipment on board
functions properly. This approval is based on tests carried out by an ASP
(Application Service Provider) who quality assures that the LRIT equipment on
board the ship is able to transmit data every six hours a day and over a period of
48 hours.










Norway: .
The LRIT system consists of main elements such as the ship borne LRIT information
transmitting equipment, Communications Service Providers (CSPs), Application Service
Providers (ASPs), LRIT Data Centers (DC), including any related Vessel Monitoring
System(s) (VMSs), the IMO LRIT Data Distribution Plan (DDP) and the International LRIT
Data Exchange (IDE). The system uses satellites communication such as: Inmarsat C;
Inmarsat mini C; Iridium; Inmarsat D+, etc.

The Norwegian Coastal Administration is the National Competent Authority (NCA)

for LRIT in Norway and manages the Norwegian part of the LRIT database on
behalf of the Norwegian authorities.

The Norwegian Coastal Administration registers, corrects and updates data on

ships that sail under the Norwegian flag in the European LRIT database. The LRIT
database is managed by the EU's Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) in Lisbon.

Ships have equipment on board that automatically transmits information on the

identity, date/time and position of the ship every six hours via satellite to the EU's
LRIT database.

The Norwegian Maritime Directorate has the authority to enforce that the LRIT
regulations are observed on board.

LRIT is based on data from INMARSAT and IRIDIUM.

The Norwegian Coastal Administration administers access to the LRIT database on

behalf of the Norwegian authorities and grants system access to public authorities
that would like to use the data from the system in the performance of their
administrative tasks.

LRIT Reporting
LRIT Ships that change the following data are required to notify the Norwegian
Coastal Administration:

Shipborne equipment transmitting LRIT data / new Conformance Test Report


Ships name;

Ships call sign;

Ships emergency contact information;

Ships flag;

Any identified malfunctions of LRIT unit onboard.

Wave and current notifications IN NORWAY

The wave and current notification service provides navigators with information on
wave and current conditions up to two days in advance. The notifications apply to
particularly exposed stretches along the Norwegian coast.

Wave forecast for fairways

The wave models provide forecasts for the wave height and direction up to 48 hours in
advance. A summary of the wind strength and direction is also provided.
The wave and current notification service should make it easier and safer for passenger
vessels to navigate in exposed coastal areas. This service has been developed in
cooperation with the users and other Norwegian entities, and it is continuously updated
based on the needs of the users.
This service is a useful aid for high-speed boats, ferries and pleasure craft that operate in
the exposed stretches. Based on the measurements, passenger services

Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) Comunication

Maritime Communication System for Vessel Traffic Services (VTS)
Be aware of all risks at any time and be able to respond
Our vessel traffic service (VTS) is designed to provide the best active monitoring
and navigational advice service for vessels in particularly confined and busy
waterways. A VTS centre needs all the important sensors collecting information,
but it also needs an easy-to-use and reliable communication system. Without such
a communication system, a VTS is little more than CCTV, with no ability to act or
get in contact with vessels out at sea.
VTS services and VHF communication procedure port of Rotterdam
Any vessels in the nautical control area of the port of Rotterdam must listen to the
correct VHF sector channel. Vessels can use the VHF channels to communicate by
VHF radio with the two traffic centres in the port of Rotterdam. The traffic centres
supervise seagoing vessels in the port.

VTS Rotterdam
The port of Rotterdam has an advanced Traffic Control System: Vessel Traffic
Services (VTS). The shipping traffic is supervised from two traffic centres: one in
Hook of Holland and one in the Botlek. From these traffic centres VTS provides
continuous information about the current situation of the shipping traffic.
VTS procedure
Vessels which call at the port of Rotterdam must comply with rules and legislation.
The VHF Communication Procedure VTS contains information about these rules of
conduct and the language to be spoken. The procedure also contains information
about the three VTS services supplied by the Harbour Master.

VTS equipment
The AIS system allows ships to communicate their position and other relevant to
other ships or stations can know information.
The most important utility is to avoid collisions between ships, but has many more
applications, such as identification of ships from land, transmission of messages,
etc ..

In a VTS System, the AIS is integrated into the center usually as "detecting
means", like radar and radio direction finder. The combination of the three systems
require complicated programming to merge the obtained positions in a single
vessel, by integration procedures in which the quality of the signal obtained by
each detection sensor is weighted.

The TV surveillance system

The surveillance systems CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) allow visual coverage
of certain areas of interest through special video cameras. These cameras
generally have remote control for positioning, zoom, etc., and may include
sophisticated features such as automatic vessel tracking, night vision, infrared
vision, etc.

The system requires a a connection type LAN to transmit via the network the digital
video and control data. The use of TCP / IP transmission eliminates the need
for multiplexers or switches array, and reduces the amount of
wiring significantly. This form, n or no limit to the number of users who can view
the image from a camera.

Centre for Maritime Traffic Control

Within the VTS system, the Control Center's mission is to centralize the information
from the sensors and the media and detection and process it to help center



The Control Center is therefore the heart of the VTS system. Detection sensors
(radar, radio direction finder, CTV, etc.) and communications (HF, VHF, etc.) are
located in the same center or in remote stations strategically located to cover the
area of the VTS responsibility. It is therefore the responsibility center for traffic
management and marine salvage the assigned area.

The center must have a computer equipped with a powerful database and
advanced programs able to process all the information obtained, integrate it ,
ponder it and present operators this information clearly and unambiguously to help
decision making. the database control contains information on ships and users.
VTS in heavy traffic can be assigned the surveillance of an area determined for
each operator.
A server will handle the recording and processing of raw video from the Radars
and allow later playback.

Communications System
Communications System is basic in the VTS, not only as a communication system
between operators and ships, but as a system of attention operation essential for
the authorities in charge of traffic control maritime. In fact, it would be useless have
a detection system radar or AIS, if the authorities that they meet the conditions of
alarm or unforeseen lack the means to transfer their orders to ships in the area of
operations, or control of their own intervention units.

The draft communication system must be based on the needs of communication

operations between the Control Center and vessels that communicate beyond the
area of detection radar in any of the media for HF, VHF or Satellite. Thus, the
operators can communicate and identify ships even before entering the area of
To meet the requirements of the standards imposed by the IMO ( International
Maritime Organization ) , the communications system must be adapted to M
System orld Relief and S ecurity Maritime (GMDSS ) ( Global Maritime Distress
and Safety System GMDSS) and must provide coverage of for zones A1
communications, A2, A3 or A4 liability VTS.

Detection radio goniometric

The finding is the determination of the direction of the transmitter or radio beacon,
the geolocation is known, by a receiver or radio directional finder equipment. In the
VTS it is usually used in the VHF band for detecting calls from a ship.

The finder (radio direction finder, DF) of a VTS should be able to detect the
direction of the ship calls with an accuracy of 1 degree. To obtain the necessary
precision often use these finders technology "interferometric".
The finder must be connected to the control center where it can be controlled
changes channel (or frequency).
The indication of the direction of the call must be reflected on the radar screen
operator by a vector starting from the finder, radar passes over the target, identifyi

Digital Selective Calling

The system or DSC digital selective calling (DSC English Digital Selective Calling)
is a communication method using a technique of automatic transmission of calls
and responses encoded in digital format.

On board the ships, or the VTS, the system consists of a transceiver (HF or VHF)
controlled by the DSC that allows selective calling and automatic response to a call
The DSC allows selectively calling a ship station or a ground station and launch an
automatic alert relief to any station. It is a fundamental part of the Global System of
Maritime Distress and Safety (GMDSS GMDSS English).
ng the vessels carrying the transmission.

Data transmission
The transmission of data (Data Transmission System DTS) from the Remote
Station Control Center are usually done by radio link.
System data transmission between the stations and the control center should be
redundant, so that the failure of the medium in use, produces automatic switching
to backup.

The communication protocol between the two stations should be a protocol type
"normalized" as the Protocol Asterix or the like, so that the information transmitted
is independent of the system manufacturer and can be recognized and analyzed
by the system owner.

Electronic Chart Display and Information System

The ECDIS system is based on an electronic navigation system that complies with
the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and regulations and can be used as

an alternative to paper charts. A ECDIS system displays information from electronic

navigational charts (ENC) or digital nautical charts (DNC) and integrates the
information of the position of Global Positioning System (GPS) and other
navigation sensors such as radar and the (AIS) systems. You can also display
additional information related to navigation, such as sailing and depth sounder.

In a VTS system, ECDIS functions are integrated into the operator's own screen.
This screen also integrates information from the radar, radio direction finder and
other sensors.

Coverage of communications HF.

The study of radar coverage is the most critical in the VTS system. The site
selected for a radar must determine at least the area covered by the radar shadow
areas and the minimum and maximum ranges for different pulse lengths and
different types of ships.

Fleet Management
The Fleet Management (Fleet Management Services FMS) is the management of
the fleet of company of transport. Est to management may include both ships and
commercial vehicles, cars, vans, trucks, railcars, etc.

Management may include a wide range of functions, such as the vehicle tracking,
speed, fuel management, management crews, financing, and maintenance and
safety management.
"Fleet Management" is a feature that allows minimize or eliminate

the risks

associated with investment vehicle , improving efficiency , productivity and

reducing their s and general and personnel , ensuring compliance with the
legislation of the Administrations. The basic function in all systems fleet
management, is the component of vehicle tracking. This component is based
generally on GPS, but sometimes can be based on a platform GLONASS. Once
located the vehicle, it determines the direction and speed from the GPS
components. This information tracking is transmitted to application management
software fleet.

Methods for data transmission include both terrestrial means as satellite. For tall
ships is essential satellite tracking. Users can see in real time the location of its
fleet on a map. This is often used to respond quickly to a particular event.

Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

Global Maritime Distress Global Safety System (GMDSS), System Maritime
Distress and Safety is a set of safety procedures, equipment and communication
protocols designed to increase safety and ease of navigation and rescue vessels in
The system tries to carry out operations alert search and rescue coordination,







communications bridge to bridge. Radio requirements depend on the area of

operation of the ship rather than their type or tonnage.

Global Positioning System

The GPS (Global Positioning System: Global Positioning System) is a satellite

navigation for determining the position of an object, a person or a vehicle with an
accuracy up to centimeters worldwide (if GPS is used differential), but typically they
last a few meters of accuracy.
GPS works through a network of 24 satellites in orbit above the planet Earth,
20,200 km, with sync to cover the entire surface of the Earth paths.

High Frequency
Shortwave, also known as HF (high frequency) is a radio frequency band between
2300 and 29,999 kHz in the transmitting (among others) international radio
broadcasters to transmit their programming.
At these frequencies electromagnetic waves propagate and bounce straight line at
different heights (the higher the frequency at higher altitudes) of the ionosphere,
allowing the signals to reach distant points and even turn around the planet.

Meteorological system

The Meteorological System of a VTS is usually composed of a remotely

controllable weather station, which allows measurement of meteorological data and
its transmission to the control center. It is located in the Control Center and Remote

The parameters measured are usually:

Wind speed
Direction of the wind
Room temperature
Retransmitted data control center is processed and stored for weather forecasting
and statistical analysis.

Power System
(Power Supply PS) is responsible for ensuring the supply of electricity to the
equipment installed in the Center and Remote Station in case of failure of the
external supply.
The Control Center normally have electricity network, so generally you only need to
ensure energy by a diesel generator supplemented by a UPS.
In the remote stations, if you do not have network must include at least two
electrical generators, running in "master" mode and "reserve" and complemented
with an electrical box and UPS. Additionally, this system must be provided with an
additional fuel tank equipped with an automatic tank filling service.
The entire power system must be able to be controlled remotely from the control
center and generate the necessary alarms to ensure continued maintenance of

VTS Radar System

The radar system for maritime traffic control must meet a number of requirements
for VTS. The characteristics required for traffic control radars differ from those
required for port radar. Essentially these differences can be:
The VTS radar is characterized by:
Long range (about 24 MN)
S band and / or band X
Distance great discrimination and Delay (0.7 approx.)
Filters ant clutter released.
Double transceivers operating in tandem / dual.
Antenna 18 '(band S or X)
Remotely controllable via LAN or local.
Digitization of radar targets.
Ability to transmit "raw video" and "synthetic".
A port radar characterized by:
Reduced scope (between 6 and 12 MN)
S band and / or X

Local control
Antennas 12
Radar processor with features similar to radar ARPA (Automatic Radar Plottind

Radio beacons
A beacon is a radio broadcast





continuous signals as an aid to air

and sea navigation.
The transmitter sends a radio signal,
fixed frequency, which can be

captured from all directions. Through an ADF (English instrument Automatic

Direction Finder) on board the ship or aircraft, the pilot can select the frequency of
that station, who knows by the charts and watch the needle of the instrument,
which indicates which direction is the beacon. In the case of maritime radio
beacons, you tend to be located in one of the bright lights already established. The
emission is done in mid frequency and scope is about 30 nautical miles (about 50

Processor Presentation
Operators of VTS usually have display units with capacity to integrate signals from
the radar sensors ( "raw video" and "processing video"), finder, AIS and
Communications To do so, the Display Unit Traffic has a Word Processor

presentation RDP (radar Display Processor) with a structure of presentation layers










The mission of these units is to present this information operators clearly and
unambiguously to help decision making.
In a VTS system, position information of vessels through the "detection means"
such as radar, radio direction finder and AIS is received. The combination of the
three systems requires complex programming to merge the obtained positions in a
single vessel, by integration procedures, in which the quality of the signal obtained
by each detection sensor is weighted.
The RPD can divide the coverage area in a wide variety of areas, each anoint
controllable by an operator. It also allows special program, such as collision
alarms, alarms entry or exit of vessels in prohibited area, alarm output alarm
anchor point and other triggers alarm significant.

Remote stations
Are monitoring station (Remote Stations RE), strategically located and remotely
controlled from the Control Center. They contain all kinds of detection equipment







Its main feature is that it can be fully autonomous Control Center, both in terms of
electricity, communications, etc. and they can be located in very remote areas. In
general terms, the remote stations may include:
Detection System, Radar, direction finder, AIS station, CCTV, etc.
Communications Systems, HF, VHF, radio links to the CDC, etc.
Weather system.

Data Processing System, computers, etc.

Autonomous power system.
Auxiliary system, such as fire, perimeter security, air conditioning, access roads,

Radio link
System Radio Link or Wireless (RL = Radiolink) allows the interconnection of
different Remote Stations with the control center via radio waves (electromagnetic
spectrum), extending the network (LAN, MAN, etc), providing a excellent
communication solution between them.
It is therefore an economical means for communication over long distances,
avoiding incurring costly physical interconnection systems, such as copper or fiber
It is noteworthy that the radio link is limited in coverage, being the location of the
transceiver antennas important, often necessitating the use of relay stations link.
In a security system such as VTS, it is desirable that the communication between
the Centre and redundant stations as "Main" and "Replacement". Thus, in case of
failure of the transmission medium in use, and an alarm means switching to
"reserve" must occur.
Radar Data Processor

(Track Radar Processor RTP ) is an additional VTS radar equipment that allows
detection of targets from the radar signal and further processing and digital
conversion for transmission to the control center. The most important features of
this equipment are:
Digitization of raw video radar
Detecting radar targets
Calculation of its geographical position
Calculating course and speed white
Transmission of digitized video gross CDC
Transmission of data to the CDC Vessel

Crisis Room
VTS systems with maritime rescue skills, it is common to install a Crisis Room.
This room is ready to receive a cabinet crisis which requires meeting of authorities
to address the situation.

Living is meeting, with table, chairs meetings of several people, intercoms

individual, lines telephone with internal and access external television receiver,
recorder video projector with projection screen and console operator similar to l
Operators Room. The console is separate meeting room for reasons security, for
one screen separation

Room Equipment
VTS teams are usually separated into a separate room to isolate operators from
noise and heat generated by them. The room reserved for the installation of
equipment should be close to the Living Center Operations Control.
Although it is not essential, this room must have a door communicating directly with
room operations.

Shelter Team
In the remote stations, teams are placed in a container (shelter) provided with
closures intrusion and air conditioning. This "shelter" is placed on a platform on the
tower station antennas.
This solution has two advantages:
The distance between the antenna and the radar transceiver is reduced, whereby
sensitivity loss lags radar signal is reduced.
It protects against intrusion and vandalism and insulates the most sensitive
equipment in the station.
The power station is autonomous and placed in a separate container under the
antenna tower.

Room Operators

Room operators (control room) is the space where operators will be placed in
charge of the operation of the VTS system. This room will feature several consoles
An Operator consoles works simultaneously as Console supervising of the entire
system with the ability to plan and allocate resources for all consoles operator and
can monitor the operation of the system in general.
This terminal also has the function to operate the management system. The
mission main of this software is to provide operators with access to information
from ships of databases and facilitate change in the fields of data permitted.
Each operator station consists of:
Display Unit Radar, ECDIS, AIS and radio goniometer,
Communication control terminal
Terminal Operator of Information System
Communications console HF / VHF



Before a draft offer or execution, it is advisable to make a Stakeout "in situ" (Site
Survey, SS) potential sites for the teams. In setting out the suitability of the
selected site in cabinet and determined the necessary requirements for installation
as necessary civil works, access to sites, power availability, availability of
communications, etc ..
At the same time a study of VHFy / or HF coverage and viability of the necessary
radio links for communication between the Centre and the remote stations is made.
As a result, writes a Staking Act where all data collected in the field as a basis for
the proposed installation specified.

Antenna Support Tower

All teams from the remote station will be installed in one tower designed especially
for facilities fully autonomous and facilities that will remain long time neglected.
The towers are placed on a base that relies on a study geotechnical, and is
protected to prevent access of unauthorized personnel .

VHF (Very High Frequency)

is the band of the electromagnetic spectrum that occupies the frequency range of
30 MHz to 300 MHz.
Between 156 MHz and 162 MHz, it is the international VHF frequency band
reserved for the RADIO-service.

Notices to certain vessels.

Normally, this service is provided at the request of the ship or the VTS when
deemed necessary and it is important to be clear about the difference between
simple information and recommendation on how to navigate, which contains an
opinion of professional type.
Service Traffic Management aims traffic management through the planning of
vessel movements to prevent congestion and dangerous situations occur,
facilitating safe and efficient maritime traffic within the area served by the VTS.
For all these services will be useful devices incorporating 'Automatic Identification
System' (AIS) required by IMO regulations.
VTS essential feature is that t ll modules support reserve units with automatic
switching in case of failure , making a high use of equipment COTS (Commercialoff-the-shelf).

Data of VTS
VTS centres monitor and communicate with vessels for safer navigation.
This is done by maintaining a vessel traffic image of vessels moving through the
area. A vessel traffic image, or integrated surface picture, is a visual representation
of the position and movement of vessels on a geographic information system.
The vessel traffic image allows VTS officers to talk to individual vessels in their
area and give and receive:
simple information, like weather warnings, safety information and the position of
other vessels
more complex traffic management information.
VTS centres provide vessel masters and pilots with:
ship traffic information maritime safety information navigation assistance. Ship
traffic information

Ship traffic information includes:

the position, identity and intentions of other vessels in the area
predicted vessel encounters or where vessels might pass each other.
Ship traffic information is not broadcast across the whole VTS area. VTS officers
give this information to individual vessels as needed and actively contact vessels if
significant changes are relevant to them.
Vessels receive ship traffic information:
when they enter the VTS area
when there is new or changed traffic information
at any other time they request it from a VTS centre.
This information is taken from the vessel traffic image and the information vessels
report to the VTS centre. It is useful for pilots and vessel masters because it tells
them who is near them so that they can communicate directly with that vessel to
work out safe passing arrangements. This is very important in areas where there is
restricted room to manoeuvre.

Maritime safety information

Maritime safety information is about conditions, events or other factors that could
affect a vessel safely navigating through the area. This includes:
faulty aids to navigation, waterway conditions, weather, hazards other factors that
may affect a vessels intended path.
VTS centres give maritime safety information relevant to the vessels location and
intended course with the ship traffic information.

Maritime safety information is reported by vessels in the area and the information is
only as accurate as the information given. As VTS centres may not have direct
knowledge of all hazardous situations in the area, its important for all vessels to
report hazardous situations that arent already in the maritime safety information
Maritime safety information is also issued from Rescue Coordination Centre
Australia. These navigational warnings are called AUSCOAST Warnings.
Navigation assistance
VTS centres give navigation assistance when a vessel:
may be approaching shallow water deviates from a recommended route
doesnt alter course at a critical waypoint.

Using the vessel traffic image, VTS officers are alerted to these types of situations
and can then either:
intervene to confirm the vessels intentions give navigation assistance to avoid an
incident if the vessel is approaching danger.
Vessels in a VTS area must keep a listening watch on a specific radio frequency
for navigational or other warningsthe radio frequency for each port is noted in its
port procedures manual. Vessels may be contacted directly by VTS officers if there
is a risk of incident, or where traffic flow is regulated.
VTS centre tools
A VTS centre communicates with vessels in their area using:
a vessel reporting system monitoring with sensors communication systems.
Vessel reporting system

When vessels enter a VTS area, they must contact the VTS centre to tell them:
who they are? where they are? where they are going? how they will get there.

This is usually reported using radio and must be done by all vessels in the area
that are:
35m or more in overall length oil tankers, liquefied gas carriers or chemical tankers
vessels that are involved in a towing or pushing operation.
The information from each vessel is used to create the vessel traffic image to track
the vessel as it moves through the VTS area.
Other vessels moving through the VTS area may voluntarily report, but must follow
the standard reporting requirements found in the port procedures for that area if
they do.
To get more information on reporting requirements, read the port procedures
manual for the area you are operating.
Monitoring with sensors
VTS centres track vessels in the area using:

Automated Identification System (AIS)
VHF marine radio
other maritime sensors.
Radar is a shore-based system that detects and tracks vessels in the area
covered by the radar site. It gives regular information about the position and
speed of a vessel.

AIS is a system on the vessel that uses VHF radio frequencies to continually
transmit the vessels identity, position, course, speed and other data. It identifies
the vessels position at regular intervals.
Another type of maritime sensor that is used by REEFVTS in the Great Barrier
Reef and Torres Strait region to monitor vessels is automated position reporting
(APR). APR is an Inmarsat C satellite system. Almost all vessels in Australian
waters have Inmarsat C as part of their Global Maritime Distress Safety System
carriage requirements. APR allows equipment on the vessel to be programmed to
send position reports to the VTS centre at prescribed intervals (the default interval
is 45 minutes). The system can also poll a vessel on demand and get an updated
position report.
The information from these sensors is combined into the vessel traffic image.

Communication systems
To communicate with a VTS centre in Queensland, you need to use English and
the International Maritime Organizations (IMOs) Standard Marine Communication
You can communicate with a VTS centre in Queensland using VHF radio, which
allows voice communication between vessels and the shore in the VTS area. The
VHF frequencies to use for VTS communications are listed in the relevant port
If you cant communicate with the VTS centre using VHF radio, you must give the
required information by phone, fax or email. The relevant port procedure details
each VTS centres:
VHF frequency communication channel

phone number
fax number
email address.

Automatic Identification System

The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is an automatic tracking system used on

ships and by vessel traffic services (VTS) for identifying and locating vessels by
electronically exchanging data with other nearby ships, AIS base stations, and
satellites. When satellites are used to detect AIS signatures then the term SatelliteAIS (S-AIS) is used. AIS information supplements marine radar, which continues to
be the primary method of collision avoidance for water transport.
Information provided by AIS equipment, such as unique identification, position,
course, and speed, can be displayed on a screen or an ECDIS. AIS is intended to
assist a vessel's watchstanding officers and allow maritime authorities to track and
monitor vessel movements. AIS integrates a standardized VHF transceiver with a
positioning system such as a GPS or LORAN-C receiver, with other electronic
navigation sensors, such as a gyrocompass or rate of turn indicator. Vessels fitted
with AIS transceivers can be tracked by AIS base stations located along coast lines
or, when out of range of terrestrial networks, through a growing number of satellites

that are fitted with special AIS receivers which are capable of deconflicting a large
number of signatures.
The International Maritime Organization's International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea requires AIS to be fitted aboard international voyaging ships with gross
tonnage (GT) of 300 or more, and all passenger ships regardless of size.

Technical specification

AIS uses the globally allocated Marine Band Channels 87 & 88.
FM Modulation is not used.
AIS uses the High Side of the duplex from two VHF radio "channels" (87B) and

Channel A 161.975 MHz (87B)

Channel B 162.025 MHz (88B)

The simplex channels 87A and 88A use a lower frequency so they are not even
affected by this allocation and can still be used as designated for the maritime
mobile frequency plan.
AIS uses GMSK modulation. Ordinary VHF receivers can receive AIS with the
filtering disabled (the filtering destroys the GMSK data).
The NMEA standard uses two primary sentences to for AIS data

!AIVDM (Received Data from other vessels)

!AIVDO (Your own vessels information)

Viewing and using AIS data

AIS is intended, primarily, to allow ships to view marine traffic in their area and to
be seen by that traffic. This requires a dedicated VHF AIS transceiver that allows
local traffic to be viewed on an AIS enabled chartplotter or computer monitor while
transmitting information about the ship itself to other AIS receivers. Port authorities
or other shore-based facilities may be equipped with receivers only, so that they
can view the local traffic without the need to transmit their own location. All AIS
transceivers equipped traffic can be viewed this way very reliably but is limited to
the VHF range, about 1020 nautical miles.
If a suitable chartplotter is not available, local area AIS transceiver signals may be
viewed via a computer using one of several computer applications such as
ShipPlotter and Gnuais. These demodulate the signal from a modified marine VHF
radiotelephone tuned to the AIS frequencies and convert into a digital format that
the computer can read and display on a monitor; this data may then be shared via
a local or wide area network via TCP or UDP protocols but will still be limited to the
collective range of the radio receivers used in the network. Because computer AIS
monitoring applications and normal VHF radio transceivers do not possess AIS
transceivers, they may be used by shore-based facilities that have no need to

transmit or as an inexpensive alternative to a dedicated AIS device for smaller

vessels to view local traffic but, of course, the user will remain unseen by other
traffic on the network.
A secondary, unplanned and emerging use for AIS data is to make it viewable
publicly, on the internet, without the need for an AIS receiver. Global AIS
transceiver data collected from both satellite and internet-connected shore-based
stations are aggregated and made available on the internet through a number of
service providers. Data aggregated this way can be viewed on any internetcapable device to provide near global, real-time position data from anywhere in the
world. Typical data includes vessel name, details, location, speed and heading on
a map, is searchable, has potentially unlimited, global range and the history is
archived. Most of this data is free of charge but satellite data and special services
such as searching the archives are usually supplied at a cost. The data is a readonly view and the users will not be seen on the AIS network itself. Shore-based AIS
receivers contributing to the internet are mostly run by a large number of
volunteers. AIS mobile apps are also readily available for use with Android,
Windows and iOS devices. See External links below for a list of internet-based AIS
service providers. Ship owners and cargo dispatchers use these services to find
and track vessels and their cargoes while marine enthusiasts may add to their
photograph collections.

Deployment history
Vessel-based AIS transceivers
The 2002 IMO SOLAS Agreement included a mandate that required most vessels
over 300GT on international voyages to fit a Class A type AIS transceiver. This was
the first mandate for the use of AIS equipment and affected approximately 100,000

In 2006, the AIS standards committee published the Class B type AIS transceiver
specification, designed to enable a simpler and lower cost AIS device. Low cost
Class B transceivers became available in the same year triggering mandate
adoptions by numerous countries and making large scale installation of AIS
devices on vessels of all sizes commercially viable.
Since 2006, the AIS technical standard committees have continued to evolve the
AIS standard and product types to cover a wide range of applications from the
largest vessel to small fishing vessels and life boats. In parallel, governments and
authorities have instigated projects to fit varying classes of vessels with an AIS
device to improve safety and security. Most mandates are focused on commercial
vessels, with leisure vessels selectively choosing to fit. In 2010 most commercial
vessels operating on the European Inland Waterways were required to fit an Inland
waterway certified Class A, all EU fishing boats over 16m will have to have a Class
A by May 2014, and the US has a long pending extension to their existing AIS fit
rules which is expected to come into force during 2013. It is estimated that as of
2012, approximately 250,000 vessels have fitted an AIS transceiver of some type,
with a further 1 million required to do so in the near future and even larger projects
under consideration.

Satellite-based AIS (S-AIS)

AIS was developed in the 1990s as a high intensity, short-range identification and
tracking network and, at the time, it was not anticipated to be detectable from
space. Nevertheless, since 2005, various entities have been experimenting with
detecting AIS transmissions using satellite-based receivers and, since 2008,
companies such as exactEarth, ORBCOMM, Spacequest and also government
programs have deployed AIS receivers on satellites. The TDMA radio access
scheme used by the AIS system creates significant technical issues for the reliable
reception of AIS messages from all types of transceivers: Class A, Class B,
Identifier, AtoN and SART. However, the industry is seeking to address these
issues through the development of new technologies and over the coming years

the current restriction of satellite AIS systems to Class A messages is likely to

dramatically improve with the addition of Class B and Identifier messages.
The fundamental challenge for AIS satellite operators is the ability to receive very
large numbers of AIS messages simultaneously from a satellite's large reception
footprint. There is an inherent issue within the AIS standard; the TDMA radio
access scheme defined in the AIS standard creates 4,500 available time-slots in
each minute but this can be easily overwhelmed by the large satellite reception
footprints and the increasing numbers of AIS transceivers, resulting in message
collisions, which the satellite receiver cannot process. Companies such as
exactEarth are developing new technologies such as ABSEA, that will be
embedded within terrestrial and satellite-based transceivers, which will assist the
reliable detection of Class B messages from space without affecting the
performance of terrestrial AIS.
The addition of satellite-based Class A and B messages could enable truly global
AIS coverage but, because the satellite-based TDMA limitations will never match
the reception performance of the terrestrial-based network, satellites will augment
rather than replace the terrestrial system.
Shipboard AIS transceivers have a horizontal range that is highly variable, but
typically only up to about 74 kilometres (46 mi). They reach much further vertically
up to the 400 km orbit of the International Space Station (ISS).
in November 2009, the STS-129 space shuttle mission attached two antennasan
AIS VHF antenna, and an Amateur Radio antenna to the Columbus module of the
ISS. Both antennas were built in cooperation between ESA and the ARISS team
(Amateur Radio on ISS). Starting from May 2010 the European Space Agency is
testing an AIS receiver from Kongsberg Seatex (Norway) in a consortium led by the
Norwegian Defence Research Establishment in the frame of technology
demonstration for space-based ship monitoring. This is a first step towards a
satellite-based AIS-monitoring service.

In 2008, ORBCOMM launched AIS enabled satellites in conjunction with a US

Coast Guard contract to demonstrate the ability to collect AIS messages from
space. In 2009, Luxspace, a Luxembourg-based company, launched the RUBIN9.1 satellite (AIS Pathfinder 2). The satellite is operated in cooperation with SES
and REDU Space Services. In late 2011 and early 2012, ORBCOMM and
Luxspace launched the Vesselsat AIS microsatellites, one in an equatorial orbit and
the other in a polar orbit. (VesselSat-2 and VesselSat-1)
In 2007, the U.S. tested space-based AIS tracking with the TacSat-2 satellite.
However, the received signals were corrupted because of the simultaneous receipt
of many signals from the satellite footprint.
In July 2009, SpaceQuest launched AprizeSat-3 and AprizeSat-4 with AIS
receivers. These receivers were successfully able to receive the U.S. Coast
Guard's SART test beacons off of Hawaii in 2010. In July 2010, SpaceQuest and
exactEarth of Canada announced an arrangement whereby data from AprizeSat-3
and AprizeSat-4 would be incorporated into the exactEarth system and made
available worldwide as part of their exactAIS(TM)service.
On July 12, 2010, The Norwegian AISSat-1 satellite was successfully launched into
polar orbit. The purpose of the satellite is to improve surveillance of maritime
activities in the High North. AISSat-1 is a nano-satellite, measuring only
20x20x20 cm, with an AIS receiver made by Kongsberg Seatex. It weighs six
kilograms and is shaped like a cube.
On 20 April 2011, Indian Space Research Organisation launched Resourcesat-2
containing a S-AIS payload for monitoring maritime traffic in the Indian Ocean
Search & Rescue (SAR) zone. AIS data is processed at National Remote Sensing
Centre and archived at Indian Space Science Data Centre.
On February 25, 2013after one year launch delayAalborg University did launch
AAUSAT3. It is a 1U cubesat, weights 800 grams, solely developed by students
from Department of Electronic Systems. It carries two AIS receiversa traditional
and a SDR-based receiver. The project was proposed and sponsored by the

Danish Safety Maritime Organisation. It has been a huge success and has in the
first 100 days downloaded more than 800,000 AIS messages and several 1 MHz
raw samples of radio signal. It receives both AIS channels simultaneously and has
received class A as well as class B messages. Cost including launch was less than
Canadian based exactEarths AIS satellite network provides global coverage using
8 satellites. This network will be significantly expanded with the announcement of a
partnership with Harris Corp to utilize 58 hosted payloads on the Iridium NEXT
constellation. Additionally exactEarth is involved in the development of ABSEA
technology which will enable its network to reliably detect a high proportion of
Class B type messages, as well as Class A.
ORBCOMM operates a global satellite network that includes 18 AIS-enabled
satellites. ORBCOMM's OG2 (ORBCOMM Generation 2) satellites are equipped
with an Automatic Identification System (AIS) payload to receive and report
transmissions from AIS-equipped vessels for ship tracking and other maritime
navigational and safety efforts, and download at ORBCOMM's 16 existing earth
stations around the globe.
In July 2014, ORBCOMM launched the first 6 OG2 satellites aboard a Spacex
Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Each OG2 satellite carries an AIS
receiver payload. All 6 OG2 satellites were successfully deployed into orbit and
started sending telemetry to ORBCOMM soon after launch. In December 2015, the
company launched eleven additional AIS-enabled OG2 satellites aboard the
SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. This dedicated launch marked ORBCOMMs second and
final OG2 mission to complete its next generation satellite constellation. Compared
to its current OG1 satellites, ORBCOMMs OG2 satellites are designed for faster
message delivery, larger message sizes and better coverage at higher latitudes,
while increasing network capacity.

Correlation of data sources

Correlating optical and radar imagery with S-AIS signatures enables the end-user
to rapidly identify all types of vessel. A great strength of S-AIS is the ease with
which it can be correlated with additional information from other sources such as
radar, optical, ESM, and more SAR related tools such as GMDSS SARSAT and
AMVER. Satellite-based radar and other sources can contribute to maritime
surveillance by detecting all vessels in specific maritime areas of interest, a
particularly useful attribute when trying to co-ordinate a long-range rescue effort or
when dealing with VTS issues.


The original purpose of AIS was solely collision avoidance but many other
applications have since developed and continue to be developed. AIS is currently
used for:

Collision avoidance
AIS was developed by the IMO technical committees as a technology to avoid
collisions among large vessels at sea that are not within range of shore-based

systems. The technology identifies every vessel individually, along with its specific
position and movements, enabling a virtual picture to be created in real time. The
AIS standards include a variety of automatic calculations based on these position
reports such as Closest Point of Approach (CPA) and collision alarms. As AIS is not
used by all vessels, AIS is usually used in conjunction with radar. When a ship is
navigating at sea, information about the movement and identity of other ships in
the vicinity is critical for navigators to make decisions to avoid collision with other
ships and dangers (shoal or rocks). Visual observation (e.g., unaided, binoculars,
and night vision), audio exchanges (e.g., whistle, horns, and VHF radio), and radar
or Automatic Radar Plotting Aid are historically used for this purpose. These
preventative mechanisms, however, sometimes fail due to time delays, radar
limitations, miscalculations, and display malfunctions and can result in a collision.
While requirements of AIS are to display only very basic text information, the data
obtained can be integrated with a graphical electronic chart or a radar display,
providing consolidated navigational information on a single display.

Fishing Fleet Monitoring and Control

AIS is widely used by national authorities to track and monitor the activities of their
national fishing fleets. AIS enables authorities to reliably and cost effectively
monitor fishing vessel activities along their coast line, typically out to a range of 60
miles (depending on location and quality of coast based receivers/base stations)
with supplementary data from satellite based networks.

Vessel traffic services

In busy waters and harbours, a local vessel traffic service (VTS) may exist to
manage ship traffic. Here, AIS provides additional traffic awareness and
information about the configuration and movements of ships.

Maritime Security
AIS enables authorities to identify specific vessels and their activity within or near a
nation's Exclusive Economic Zone. When AIS data is fused with existing radar

systems, authorities are able to differentiate between vessels more easily. AIS data
can be automatically processed to create normalized activity patterns for individual
vessels, which when breached, create an alert, thus highlighting potential threats
for more efficient use of security assets. AIS improves maritime domain awareness
and allows for heightened security and control. Additionally, AIS can be applied to
freshwater river systems and lakes.

Aids to navigation
The AIS Aids to Navigation (AtoN) product standard was developed with the ability
to broadcast the positions and names of objects other than vessels, such as
navigational aid and marker positions and dynamic data reflecting the marker's
environment (e.g., currents and climatic conditions). These aids can be located on
shore, such as in a lighthouse, or on water, platforms, or buoys. The U.S. Coast
Guard has suggested that AIS might replace racon (radar beacons) currently used
for electronic navigation aids.[14] AtoN's enable authorities to remotely monitor the
status of a buoy, such as the status of the lantern, as well as transmit live data from
sensors (such as weather and sea state) located on the buoy back to vessels fitted
with AIS transceivers or local authorities. An AtoN will broadcast its position and
Identity along with all the other information. The AtoN standard also permits the
transmit of 'Virtual AtoN' positions whereby a single device may transmit messages
with a 'false' position such that an AtoN marker appears on electronic charts,
although a physical AtoN may not be present at that location.

Search and rescue

For coordinating on-scene resources of a marine search and rescue (SAR)
operation, it is imperative to have data on the position and navigation status of
other ships in the vicinity. In such cases, AIS can provide additional information and
enhance awareness of available resources, even if the AIS range is limited to VHF
radio range. The AIS standard also envisioned the possible use on SAR aircraft,
and included a message (AIS Message 9) for aircraft to report their position. To aid
SAR vessels and aircraft in locating people in distress, the specification (IEC

61097-14 Ed 1.0) for an AIS-based SAR transmitter (AIS-SART) was developed by

the IEC's TC80 AIS work group. AIS-SART was added to Global Maritime Distress
Safety System regulations effective January 1, 2010. AIS-SARTs have been
available on the market since at least 2009. Recent regulations have mandated the
installation of AIS systems on all Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) vessels and
vessels over 300 tons.

Accident investigation
AIS information received by VTS is important for accident investigation since it
provides accurate historical data on time, identity, GPS-based position, compass
heading, course over ground, speed (by log/SOG), and rates of turn, rather than
the less accurate information provided by radar. A more complete picture of the
events could be obtained by Voyage Data Recorder (VDR) data if available and
maintained on board for details of the movement of the ship, voice communication
and radar pictures during the accidents. However, VDR data are not maintained
due to the limited twelve hours storage by IMO requirement.
Ocean surface currents estimates
Since December 2015, a french company called e-Odyn provide innovative
services related to Ocean surface currents estimates thanks to AIS data analysis.

Fleet and cargo tracking

Internet disseminated AIS can be used by fleet or ship managers to keep track of
the global location of their ships. Cargo dispatchers, or the owners of goods in
transit can track the progress of cargo and anticipate arrival times in port.

How AIS works

AIS transceivers automatically broadcast information, such as their position, speed,

and navigational status, at regular intervals via a VHF transmitter built into the
transceiver. The information originates from the ship's navigational sensors,
typically its global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver and gyrocompass.
Other information, such as the vessel name and VHF call sign, is programmed
when installing the equipment and is also transmitted regularly. The signals are
received by AIS transceivers fitted on other ships or on land based systems, such
as VTS systems. The received information can be displayed on a screen or chart
plotter, showing the other vessels' positions in much the same manner as a radar
display. Data is transmitted via a tracking system which makes use of a SelfOrganized Time Division Multiple Access (SOTDMA) datalink designed by Swedish
inventor Hkan Lans.
The AIS standard comprises several substandards called "types" that specify
individual product types. The specification for each product type provides a
detailed technical specification which ensures the overall integrity of the global AIS
system within which all the product types must operate. The major product types
described in the AIS system standards are:

Class A
Vessel-mounted AIS transceiver (transmit and receive) which operates using
SOTDMA. Targeted at large commercial vessels, SOTDMA requires a transceiver
to maintain a constantly updated slot map in its memory such that it has prior
knowledge of slots which are available for it to transmit. SOTDMA transceivers will
then pre-announce their transmission, effectively reserving their transmit slot.
SOTDMA transmissions are therefore prioritised within the AIS system. This is
achieved through 2 receivers in continuous operation. Class A's must have an
integrated display, transmit at 12.5 W, interface capability with multiple ship
systems, and offer a sophisticated selection of features and functions. Default
transmit rate is every few seconds. AIS Class A type compliant devices receive all
types of AIS messages.
Class B
Vessel-mounted AIS transceiver (transmit and receive) which operates using either
carrier-sense time-division multiple-access (CSTDMA) or SOTDMA; there are now
2 separate IMO specifications for Class B. Aimed at lighter commercial and leisure
markets. CSTDMA transceivers listen to the slot map immediately prior to
transmitting and seek a slot where the 'noise' in the slot is the same or similar to
background noise, thereby indicating that the slot is not being used by another AIS
device. Class Bs transmit at 2 W and are not required to have an integrated
display: Class Bs can be connected to most display systems where the received
messages will be displayed in lists or overlaid on charts. Default transmit rate is
normally every 30 seconds, but this can be varied according to vessel speed or
instructions from base stations. The Class B type standard requires integrated
GPS and certain LED indicators. Class B equipment receives all types of AIS

Base station

Shore-based AIS transceiver (transmit and receive) which operates using

SOTDMA. Base stations have a complex set of features and functions which in the
AIS standard are able to control the AIS system and all devices operating therein.
Ability to interrogate individual transceivers for status reports and or transmit
frequency changes.
Aids to navigation (AtoN)
Shore- or buoy-based transceiver (transmit and receive) which operates using
fixed-access time-division multiple-access (FATDMA). Designed to collect and
transmit data related to sea and weather conditions as well as relay AIS messages
to extend network coverage.
Search And Rescue Transceiver (SART)
Specialist AIS device created as an emergency distress beacon which operates
using pre-announce time-division multiple-access (PATDMA), or sometimes called
a "modified SOTDMA". The device randomly selects a slot to transmit and will
transmit a burst of eight messages per minute to maximize the probability of
successful transmission. A SART is required to transmit up to a maximum of five
miles and transmits a special message format recognised by other AIS devices.
The device is designed for periodic use and only in emergencies due to its
PATDMA-type operation which places stress on the slot map.
Specialist AIS Transceivers
Despite there being IMO/IEC published AIS specifications, a number of authorities
have permitted and encouraged the development of hybrid AIS devices. These
devices seek to maintain the integrity of the core AIS transmission structure and
design to ensure operational reliability, but to add a range of additional features
and functions to suit their specific requirements. The "Identifier" AIS transceiver is
one such product where the core Class B CSTDMA technology is designed to
ensure that the device transmits in complete compliance with the IMO
specifications, but a number of changes have been made to enable it to be battery

powered, low cost and more easy to install and deploy in large numbers. Such
devices will not have international certification against an IMO specification since
they will comply with a proportion of the relevant specification. Typically authorities
will make their own detailed technical evaluation and test to ensure that the core
operation of the device does not harm the international AIS system.
AIS receivers are not specified in the AIS standards, because they do not transmit.
The main threat to the integrity of any AIS system are non-compliant AIS
transmissions, hence careful specifications of all transmitting AIS devices.
However, it is well to note that AIS transceivers all transmit on multiple channels as
required by the AIS standards. As such single-channel, or multiplexed, receivers
will not receive all AIS messages. Only dual-channel receivers will receive all AIS

Type testing and approval

AIS is a technology which has been developed under the auspices of the IMO by
its technical committees. The technical committees have developed and published
a series of AIS product specifications. Each specification defines a specific AIS
product which has been carefully created to work in a precise way with all the other
defined AIS devices, thus ensuring AIS system interoperability worldwide.
Maintenance of the specification integrity is deemed critical for the performance of
the AIS system and the safety of vessels and authorities using the technology. As
such most countries require that AIS products are independently tested and
certified to comply with a specific published specification. Products that have not
been tested and certified by a competent authority, may not conform to the
required AIS published specification and therefore may not operate as expected in
the field. The most widely recognized and accepted certifications are the R&TTE
Directive, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, and Industry Canada, all
of which require independent verification by a qualified and independent testing
Message types

There are 27 different types of top level messages defined in ITU 1371-4 (out of a
possibility of 64) that can be sent by AIS transceivers.
AIS messages 6, 8, 25, and 26 provide "Application Specific Messages" (ASM),
that allow "competent authorities" to define additional AIS message subtypes.
There are both "addressed" (ABM) and "broadcast" (BBM) variants of the
message. Addressed messages, while containing a destination MMSI, are not
private and may be decoded by any receiver.
One of the first uses of ASMs was the Saint Lawrence Seaway use of AIS binary
messages (message type 8) to provide information about water levels, lock orders,
and weather. The Panama Canal uses AIS type 8 messages to provide information
about rain along the canal and wind in the locks. In 2010, the International Maritime
Organization issued Circular 289 that defines the next iteration of ASMs for type 6
and 8 messages. Alexander, Schwehr and Zetterberg proposed that the community
of competent authorities work together to maintain a regional register of these
messages and their locations of use. The International Association of Marine Aids
to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA-AISM) now established a process
for collection of regional application-specific messages.
Detailed description: Class A units
Each AIS transceiver consists of one VHF transmitter, two VHF TDMA receivers,
one VHF Digital Selective Calling (DSC) receiver, and links to shipboard display
and sensor systems via standard marine electronic communications (such as
NMEA 0183, also known as IEC 61162). Timing is vital to the proper
synchronization and slot mapping (transmission scheduling) for a Class A unit.
Therefore, every unit is required to have an internal time base, synchronized to a
global navigation satellite system (e.g. GPS) receiver. This internal receiver may
also be used for position information. However, position is typically provided by an
external receiver such as GPS, LORAN-C or an inertial navigation system and the
internal receiver is only used as a backup for position information. Other
information broadcast by the AIS, if available, is electronically obtained from

shipboard equipment through standard marine data connections. Heading

information, position (latitude and longitude), "speed over ground", and rate of turn
are normally provided by all ships equipped with AIS. Other information, such as
destination, and ETA may also be provided.
An AIS transceiver normally works in an autonomous and continuous mode,
regardless of whether it is operating in the open seas or coastal or inland areas.
AIS transceivers use two different frequencies, VHF maritime channels 87B
(161.975 MHz) and 88B (162.025 MHz), and use 9.6 kbit/s Gaussian minimum
shift keying (GMSK) modulation over 25 or 12.5 kHz channels using the High-level
Data Link Control (HDLC) packet protocol. Although only one radio channel is
necessary, each station transmits and receives over two radio channels to avoid
interference problems, and to allow channels to be shifted without communications
loss from other ships. The system provides for automatic contention resolution
between itself and other stations, and communications integrity is maintained even
in overload situations.
In order to ensure that the VHF transmissions of different transceivers do not occur
at the same time, the signals are time multiplexed using a technology called SelfOrganized Time Division Multiple Access (SOTDMA). The design of this technology
is patented, and whether this patent has been waived for use by SOLAS vessels is
a matter of debate between the manufacturers of AIS systems and the patent
holder, Hkan Lans. Moreover, the United States Patent and Trademark Office
(USPTO) canceled all claims in the original patent on March 30, 2010.
In order to make the most efficient use of the bandwidth available, vessels that are
anchored or moving slowly transmit less frequently than those that are moving
faster or are maneuvering. The update rate ranges from 3 minutes for anchored or
moored vessels, to 2 seconds for fast moving or maneuvering vessels, the latter
being similar to that of conventional marine radar.
Each AIS station determines its own transmission schedule (slot), based upon data
link traffic history and an awareness of probable future actions by other stations. A

position report from one station fits into one of 2,250 time slots established every
60 seconds on each frequency. AIS stations continuously synchronize themselves
to each other, to avoid overlap of slot transmissions. Slot selection by an AIS
station is randomized within a defined interval and tagged with a random timeout of
between 4 and 8 minutes. When a station changes its slot assignment, it
announces both the new location and the timeout for that location. In this way new
stations, including those stations which suddenly come within radio range close to
other vessels, will always be received by those vessels.
The required ship reporting capacity according to the IMO performance standard is
a minimum of 2,000 time slots per minute, though the system provides 4,500 time
slots per minute. The SOTDMA broadcast mode allows the system to be
overloaded by 400 to 500% through sharing of slots, and still provides nearly 100%
throughput for ships closer than 8 to 10 nmi to each other in a ship to ship mode. In
the event of system overload, only targets further away will be subject to drop-out,
in order to give preference to nearer targets, which are of greater concern to ship
operators. In practice, the capacity of the system is nearly unlimited, allowing for a
great number of ships to be accommodated at the same time.
The system coverage range is similar to other VHF applications. The range of any
VHF radio is determined by multiple factors, the primary factors are: the height and
quality of the transmitting antenna and the height and quality of the receiving
antenna. Its propagation is better than that of radar, due to the longer wavelength,
so it is possible to reach around bends and behind islands if the land masses are
not too high. The look-ahead distance at sea is nominally 20 nmi (37 km). With the
help of repeater stations, the coverage for both ship and VTS stations can be
improved considerably.
The system is backward compatible with digital selective calling systems, allowing
shore-based GMDSS systems to inexpensively establish AIS operating channels
and identify and track AIS-equipped vessels, and is intended to fully replace
existing DSC-based transceiver systems.

Shore-based AIS network systems are now being built up around the world. One of
the biggest fully operational, real time systems with full routing capability is in
China. This system was built between 2003 and 2007 and was delivered by Saab
TranceiverTech. The entire Chinese coastline is covered with approximately 250
base stations in hot-standby configurations including seventy computer servers in
three main regions. Hundreds of shore based users, including about twenty-five
vessel traffic service (VTS) centers, are connected to the network and are able to
see the maritime picture, and can also communicate with each ship using SRM's
(Safety Related Messages). All data are in real time. The system was designed to
improve the safety and security of ships and port facilities. It is also designed
according to an SOA architecture with socket based connection and using IEC AIS
standardized protocol all the way to the VTS users. The base stations have hotstandby units (IEC 62320-1) and the network is the third generation network
By the beginning of 2007, a new worldwide standard for AIS base stations was
approved, the IEC 62320-1 standard. The old IALA recommendation and the new
IEC 62320-1 standard are in some functions incompatible, and therefore attached
network solutions have to be upgraded. This will not affect users, but system
builders need to upgrade software to accommodate the new standard. A standard
for AIS base stations has been long awaited. Currently ad-hoc networks exist with
class A mobiles. Base stations can control the AIS message traffic in a region,
which will hopefully reduce the number of packet collisions.
Detailed description: AIS receivers
A number of manufacturers offer AIS receivers, designed for monitoring AIS traffic.
These may have two receivers, for monitoring both frequencies simultaneously, or
they may switch between frequencies (thereby missing messages on the other
channel, but at reduced price). In general they will output RS232, NMEA, USB or
UDP data for display on electronic chart plotters or computers.

Due to the unauthenticated and unencrypted nature of AIS, recently Balduzzi et al.
showed that AIS is vulnerable to different threats like spoofing, hijacking and
availability disruption. These threats affect both the implementation in online
providers and the protocol specification, which make the problems relevant to all
transponder installations (estimated at 300,000+)

Automatic Identification System (AIS) Norway

AIS (Automatic Identification System) was introduced by the UN's International
Maritime Organisation (IMO) to increase the safety of ships and the environment,
and to improve traffic monitoring and maritime traffic services.
The Norwegian Coastal Administration established AIS Norway in 2005, which
today consists of approximately 50 base stations that receive information about all
ships over 300 gross tons in international traffic
AIS Norway registers three types of information:

Dynamic (position, course, speed)

Static (identity, vessel type, dimensions)
Details on the sailing (destination, estimated time of arrival, cargo, draught)

AIS range is limited by VHF range, which is determined primarily by the height of
the antenna. AIS Norway covers, with some exceptions, the area from the
Norwegian baseline to 40-60 nautical miles from the coast.
AIS is an important tool in the national preparedness against marine accidents and
acute pollution along the coast.
The Norwegian Coastal Administration administers AIS Norway and is responsible
for distributing AIS data to other governmental agencies. The Rescue Coordination
Centres, the Coast Guard and the police are some of the users of AIS data.
AIS data received by AIS Norway is stored over several years, making it a valuable
tool for mapping transport patterns and trends in relation to transport planning and
analysis in the maritime sector.

The Norwegian Coastal Administration's land-based AIS network consists of

AIS base stations at around 50 locations along the Norwegian coast.

The AIS network is one of the measures presented in the "Government's Plan
of Action for Increased Safety and Emergency Preparedness along the Coast"
in 2001 in order to improve the monitoring of ship traffic. The Norwegian
Parliament allocated NOK 40 million to this project over the period from 2002 to

The AIS messages are collected by the network and made available to the
different governmental agencies. The network also contains databases for the
storage of AIS data for several years.
can determine at an early stage whether it is safe to travel in the areas or if
alternative land-based transport is required.
The wave models are quality assured daily by the Norwegian Meteorological
The wave and current notification service is an important measure for safety
at sea, especially for high-speed boats and ferries. This service was
established after the loss of the high-speed boat the "MS Sleipner" in 1999,
when the Government recommended the deployment of wave notification
systems at exposed locations along the coast where there is a lot of highspeed boat traffic (Official Norwegian Report 2000:31).
See the link below for wave and current notifications for exposed stretches
along the Norwegian coast and other weather data.

Wave forecast for fairways

External links

Wave notifications Landegode NV


Barents Sea Wavescan (acutal measurements)

Sea and Coast (

Svinesund (Triangel)

Port of Krst (Aanderaa Data Instruments)

Port of Drammen (Triangel)

Port of Trondheim (Triangel)

Port of Sirevg (

Please note that this document is an English translation of the Norwegian
regulation. Should there be any conflict between the Norwegian regulation

and this translation, the wording in the Norwegian regulation will have
Regulations relating to use of vessel traffic service areas and use of specific
waters (Maritime Traffic Regulations)
Statutory authority: Laid down by the Ministry of Transport and
Communications on 23 September 2015 pursuant to sections 13, 17 and 18,
of Act no. 19 of 17 April 2009 relating to harbours and fairways, etc. (the
Harbour Act), cf. Royal Decree of 17 December 2010 no. 1607.
Chapter 1. Introductory provisions
Section 1. (Definitions)
For the purposes of these regulations, the following definitions shall apply:

particularly hazardous or noxious cargo:

cargo as mentioned in chapter 19 of the International Code for the

Construction and
Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)

cargo in pollution category X, cf. the International Convention for the

Prevention of
Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by Annex II of the Protocol of 1978
relating thereto (MARPOL). This also applies to cargoes that are
provisionally categorised as such substances.

cargo that requires vessel type 1 or vessel type 2, cf. chapter 17 of

the International
Chemical Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) or the Code of Safe Practice for
Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code)

hazardous or noxious cargo:

cargo defined as particularly hazardous or noxious in letter a),

provided stricter rules have not been stipulated for these cargoes

oil cargoes as mentioned in MARPOL, Annex I. This also applies to

cargoes that are provisionally categorised as such substances.


cargo that requires vessel type 3, cf. the IBC Code or BC Code

liquids with a flash point below 23 degrees Celsius


regular service: a series of voyages between the same two or more

ports, either in accordance with a published timetable or with such regularity

and frequency that the voyages are perceived as a systematic series of

transit: that the vessel does not call to port, moor or anchor in the


position coordinates: position coordinates are given in accordance

with the World

Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84)

daylight: when the centre of the sun is higher than 6 degrees below

the horizon

escort vessel: a tugboat that is classified as an escort vessel


traffic separation scheme: a geographically defined area in the sea

consisting of traffic lanes for traffic flows in opposite directions, separated by

a separation zone

two-way fairway: a geographically defined area in the sea established

for two-way traffic.

Section 2. (Dispensations)
The Norwegian Coastal Administration may, on application from the master
of the vessel, grant dispensation from the provisions laid down in chapter 3
of these regulations when it is safe and there are special grounds for doing

Section 3. (Exceptions from the Public Administration Act)

Section 24 of the Public Administration Act relating to grounds and section
28 relating to appeals do not apply to individual decisions made by the
vessel traffic service centres, provided the individual decision is not
particularly burdensome or intrusive. This exception does not apply to
individual decisions that vessels must use a tugboat.
Section 4. (National coordinator for navigational warnings)
The Norwegian Coastal Administration is the national coordinator for
navigational warnings and must be notified of any hazards of significance to
safe navigation or passage.
Chapter 2. Use of the waters in vessel traffic service areas (VTS areas)
Section 5. (Vessel traffic service areas VTS areas)
The geographical areas regulated by the vessel traffic service centres
vessel traffic service (VTS) areas are defined in the Norwegian Coastal
Administration's electronic navigational charts, which are available online at
"Kystinfo" and are part of these regulations:

Horten VTS area


Brevik VTS area


Kvitsy VTS area


Fedje VTS area


Vard VTS area.

Section 6. (Substantive scope)

The provisions in this chapter apply to the following vessels:

vessels with a maximum length of 24 metres or more


vessels that push a vessel and vessels that are pushed, with a total

combined length of 24 metres or more


vessels that tow an object with a length of 24 metres or more


vessels that tow one or more objects with a total combined length of

the vessel and the objects of 35 metres or more


vessels that tow one or more objects with a total combined width of

the vessel and the objects of 24 metres or more


vessels carrying particularly hazardous or noxious cargo.

The provisions in sections 7 and 11 also apply to fishing and hunting vessels
when they are engaged in commercial fishing, hunting or seaweed and kelp
trawling. Similarly, the provisions in section 8 apply when such vessels are
engaged in commercial fishing, hunting or seaweed and kelp trawling in a
traffic separation scheme.
Section 7. (Communication in the VTS area)
Communication between a vessel traffic service centre and a vessel must
take place over the VTS centre's VHF working channels.
Communication between vessels concerning passing or other coordination
of voyages must take place over the VTS centres' VHF working channels.
The master of the vessel or whoever is in command in his place must be
able to communicate in a Scandinavian language or English if the vessel is
not using a pilot.
Vessels under military command may communicate with the VTS centre via
mobile telephone when necessary.
Section 8. (Requirement for clearance)
Use of the VTS area requires clearance from the vessel traffic service
centre. Vessels pushing or towing a vessel that has clearance to use the
VTS area do not need separate clearance.

For use of the Vard VTS area, clearance is only required for vessels
carrying hazardous or noxious cargo and vessels with a length greater than
150 metres.
For use of the Kvitsy VTS area, clearance is not required for vessels with a
length less than 100 metres if the vessel is only using the waters east of a
line from the Tofty beacon Storholmen lanternPlentinggrunnen lantern
directly south to shore at Ryfylkekaien. This exception does not apply to
vessels that are going to use the waters inside a straight line between
Vardneset lantern and Holeneset (5920,28N 00601,31E).
Section 9. (Requests for clearance)
Clearance must be requested via the VTS centre's VHF working channels
before entrance into the VTS area or when leaving a dock or anchorage site
and must include the vessel's international call sign, name and intended
sailing route.
Requests for clearance from vessels with a length greater than 100 metres
or vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo must be made at least one
hour before expected departure from the port, mooring site or anchorage
The second paragraph does not apply to passenger vessels in regular
Section 10. (Conditions for clearance)
When necessary to ensure safe passage and safe use of the waters,
conditions may be set for clearance, including:

that the voyage takes place at a specified time


that a specific route must be followed


that other vessels must be passed in a specified order


that a specified distance must be kept from other vessels


that a tugboat must be used


that machinery must be ready when anchoring


that the anchorage site must be left if strong winds are forecast.

Section 11. (Duty to listen and duty of disclosure)

Vessels that use a VTS area have a duty to listen to the VTS centre's VHF
working channels.
Vessels that use a VTS area must inform the VTS centre about any matters
that may be of significance to safe passage and efficient traffic flow,
including that the vessel is departing from the dock or anchorage site or is
making changes to its cleared sailing route.
Chapter 3. Navigation rules in specific waters
Section 12. (Geographic scope)
The provisions in chapter 3 apply in those specific waters indicated in the
I Navigation rules in Oslo, Akershus, Buskerud, Vestfold and stfold
Section 13. (Obligation to use the traffic separation scheme in the Oslo
Vessels with a length of 24 metres or more must use the traffic lanes
defined in the Norwegian Coastal Administration's electronic charts, which
are available online at "Kystinfo" and are part of these regulations.
Section 14. (Ban on use of the waters on the stretch Singlefjorden
Svinesund Ringdalsfjorden)
Vessels with a length greater than 160 metres, a width greater than 20
metres or a draught greater than 7.3 metres must not use the waters east of
Sponvikskansen beacon.
Section 15. (Requirement that voyages on the stretch Singlefjorden
Svinesund Ringdalsfjorden take place in daylight)

Vessels with a length greater than 125 metres, a width greater than 19
metres or a draught greater than 6.5 metres shall only use the waters east
of Sponvikskansen beacon in daylight.
Section 16. (Visibility requirements on the stretch SinglefjordenSvinesund
Vessels with a length greater than 80 metres, a width greater than 15
metres, a draught greater than 5 metres and vessels carrying particularly











Sponvikskansen beacon when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mile.

Section 17. (Ban on passing on the stretch SinglefjordenSvinesund
Vessels must not pass other vessels in the waters between Sponvikskansen
beacon and Krkenebbet lantern or in the sound south of Knivsyholmen
In the instances mentioned in the first paragraph, vessels must maintain a
distance of at least 0.5 nautical mile from other vessels sailing in the same
Section 18. (Ban on passing in Lperen, sterelva and Glomma)
In the waters inside a straight line drawn from the southern brink of
Vikertangen lantern via the Vidgrunnen lantern to Rdshuet, vessels must
only pass other vessels in the following areas:

between Kvernskjrgrunnen beacon and Lubbegrunnen beacon


at Lperungen beacon, when the vessels are sailing on either side of


at Vestre Fugleskjrgrunnen beacon, when the vessels are sailing on

either side of Vestre



between Vestre Fugleskjrgrunnen beacon and Belgen lantern


in the waters between Kallera beacon in the south and Mllerodden

lantern in the north


on Glomma, north of Fredrikstad bridge to Tangen and from Greker

to Vestenodden lantern.
In the instances mentioned in the first paragraph, vessels must maintain a
distance of at least 0.5 nautical mile from other vessels sailing in the same
Section 19. (Ban on use of the waters in Lperen and sterelva)
Vessels with a draught greater than 10.5 metres must not use the waters on
the stretch between Vidgrunnen lantern in the south and Flyndregrunnen
lantern in the north.
Section 20. (Visibility requirements on Lperen and sterelva)
Vessels carrying particularly hazardous or noxious cargo and vessels with a
length greater than 125 metres or a draught greater than 7 metres must not
use the waters north of Vidgrunnen lantern when visibility is less than 1
nautical mile.
Section 21. (Requirement that voyages on Lperen and sterelva take
place in daylight)
Vessels with a length greater than 170 metres or a draught greater than 9
metres shall only use the waters north of Vidgrunnen lantern in daylight.
Section 22. (Ban on use of the waters in sterelva and Glomma)
Vessels with a length greater than 150 metres must not use the waters north
of Mllerodden lantern.
Section 23. (Visibility requirements in the waters on sterelva and Glomma)

Vessels carrying particularly hazardous or noxious cargo and vessels with a

length greater than 80 metres must not use the waters north of Mllerodden
lantern when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mile.
Section 24. (Requirement that voyages on sterelva and Glomma take
place in daylight)
Vessels with a length greater than 135 metres, a draught greater than 7
metres or with particularly hazardous or noxious cargo shall only use the
waters north of Mllerodden lantern in daylight.
The calculation of the vessel's draught must take into account the fact that
this stretch is freshwater.
Section 25. (Ban on use of the waters in Glomma)
Vessels with a length greater than 100 metres or a draught greater than
5.65 metres must not use the waters north of Berggrenodden (5916,17N
01105,35E). When the water level is below the 0 mark at the Borg Port
Authority's water level meter, the permitted draught is reduced by the
number of centimetres that the water level is below 0.
The calculation of the vessel's draught must take the fact that this stretch is
freshwater into account.
Section 26. (Visibility requirements on Glomma)
Vessels must not use the waters north of Berggrenodden (5916,17N
01105,35E) when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mile.
Section 27. (Obligation to use a tugboat on Glomma)














Section 28. (Visibility requirements in SsterlpetLeraRauerfjorden

Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo and vessels with a length

greater than 90 metres must not use the waters from the southern brink of
Guttormstangen on Vestery via the 3.5 metre shallows at Seikrakk, the
western edge of Struten, the western edge of southern Missingen, the
western edge of Eldya and the northern brink of Kollen to Brentetangen
when visibility is less than 1 nautical mile.
Section 29. (Ban on use of the waters on the stretch Tenneskjret
Vessels with a length greater than 100 metres, a width greater than 16
metres or a draught greater than 5.2 metres must not use the waters
between Tenneskjr beacon and Tmmerhella lantern.
Section 30. (Ban on passing on the stretch TenneskjretKjkysundet)
Vessels must not pass other vessels on the stretch between Stangeskjr
lantern and Flyndregrunnen lantern.
In the instances mentioned in the first paragraph, vessels must maintain a
distance of at least 0.5 nautical mile from other vessels sailing in the same








Vessels must not use the waters on the stretch between Stangeskjr
lantern and Tmmerhella lantern when visibility is less than 1 nautical mile.
Section 32. (Ban on passing on the stretch Lera and Vesterelva to
Vessels must not pass other vessels on the stretch from the Vesterelva river
to Fredrikstad, north of Gsungane beacon.
The first paragraph does not apply to vessels that agree to pass one
another on either side of Huthholmen and Kjerringholmen.

In the instances mentioned in the first paragraph, vessels must maintain a

distance of at least 0.5 nautical mile from other vessels sailing in the same
Section 33. (Ban on use of the waters on the stretch LeraVesterelva)
Vessels with a draught greater than 7.3 metres must not use the waters in
the Vesterelva river, north of Gsungane beacon.
Section 34. (Requirement that voyages on the stretch LeraVesterelva take
place in daylight)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo with a length greater than 100
metres or a draught greater than 6 metres shall only use the waters in the
Vesterelva river, north of Gsungane beacon, in daylight.
Section 35. (Ban on use of the waters VesterelvaFredrikstad)
Vessels with a draught greater than 5.5 metres must not use the waters
north of the southern brink of Huthholmen (5912,26N 01054,08E).
Vessels with a length greater than 85 metres, a width greater than 15
metres or a draught greater than 5 metres must not use the waters north of
sgrdsra (5912,70N 01054,78E).
Section 36. (Visibility requirements on the stretch VesterelvaFredrikstad)
Vessels must not use the waters in the Vesterelva river, north of the
Gsungane beacon, when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mile.
Section 37. (Ban on use of the waters in RauerfjordenKrokstadleira
Vessels with a draught greater than 7 metres must not use the waters east
of Rauer and
Eldya, from Garnholmen beacon in the south to the northern brink of
Kollen (5920,17N 01038,96E) in the north.
Section 38. (Visibility requirements in the waters around Tnsberg)

Vessels with a length greater than 90 metres and vessels carrying

particularly hazardous or noxious cargo must not use the waters inside a
straight line from the eastern brink of Slagentangen via the Fulehuk
lighthouse, Frder lighthouse and Tjmeboen to the southern brink of land
at Tnsberg Tnne when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mile.
Section 39. (Ban on use of the waters on the stretch Sydostgrunnen
Tjmekjla Tnsbergfjorden and Vestfjorden to Tnsberg)
Vessels with a width greater than 40 metres or a draught greater than 7
metres must not use the fairway through Tjmekjla or the waters north of
Kausen beacon.
Vessels with a width greater than 40 metres or a draught greater than 9
metres must not use the fairway west of Veierland.
Section 40. (Requirement that voyages on the stretch Sydostgrunnen
Tjmekjla Tnsbergfjorden and Vestfjorden to Tnsberg take place in
Vessels with a length greater than 100 metres, a width greater than 16
metres or a draught greater than 5.5 metres shall only use the fairway
through Tjmekjla and the waters north of Kausen beacon in daylight.
Vessels shall only use the fairway west of Veierland in daylight.
Section 41. (Ban on passing on the stretch SydostgrunnenTjmekjla
Tnsbergfjorden and Vestfjorden to Tnsberg)
Vessels must not pass other vessels in the waters north of Kausen beacon.
In the instances mentioned in the first paragraph, vessels must maintain a
distance of at least 0.5 nautical mile from other vessels sailing in the same
Section 42. (Ban on use of the waters in Leisteinslpet)

Vessels with a length greater than 150 metres, a width greater than 20
metres or a draught greater than 5.5 metres must not use the waters in
Leisteinslpet north of latitude 5906,50N and west of Leistein beacon.
Section 43. (Requirement that voyages on Leisteinslpet take place in
Vessels with a length greater than 100 metres, a width greater than 16.5
metres or a draught greater than 5 metres shall only use the waters in
Leisteinslpet, north of latitude 5906,50N and west of Leistein beacon, in
Section 44. (Requirement that voyages on the waters near Drillen take place
in daylight)
Vessels shall only use the waters on the stretch between Svarten marker in
the east and Galiotben in the west in daylight.
Section 45. (Ban on use of the waters on the stretch Granabsundet
Vessels with a length greater than 150 metres, a width greater than 20
metres or a draught greater than 5.5 metres must not use the waters from
the beacon on Trgersy in the north to ryben in the south.
Section 46. (Requirement that voyages on the stretch Granabsundet
Mkeryflaket take place in daylight)
Vessels with a length greater than 100 metres, a width greater than 16.5
metres or a draught greater than 5 metres shall only use the waters from the
beacon on Trgersy in the north to ryben in the south in daylight.
Section 47. (Ban on use of the waters on the stretch Mkeryflaket
Vessels with a length greater than 150 metres, a width greater than 20
metres or a draught greater than 5.5 metres must not use the waters from
Mgertangen beacon in the east to Saltbuflua lantern in the west.

Section 48. (Requirement that voyages on the stretch Mkeryflaket

Tjmekjla take place in daylight)
Vessels with a length greater than 100 metres, a width greater than 16.5
metres or a draught greater than 5 metres shall only use the waters from
Mgertangen beacon in the east to Saltbuflua lantern in the west in
Section 49. (Ban on use of the waters in Torgersygapet)
Vessels with a draught greater than 5.5 metres must not use the waters
between Torgersya and Vally.
Section 50. (Ban on passing on the stretch TorgersygapetVallbukta
Vessels must not pass other vessels on the stretch from Batteriet at Vally
(5915,32N 01030,21E) in the east to the northern brink of Ormya
(5914,78N 01029,52E) in the south.
In the instances mentioned in the first paragraph, vessels must maintain a
distance of at least 0.5 nautical mile from other vessels sailing in the same
Section 51. (Ban on use of the waters on the stretch Jersy beacon
Tnsberg canal)
Vessels with a length greater than 110 metres, a width greater than 17
metres or a draught greater than 5 metres must not use the waters from
Jersy beacon in the east to Brua lantern in the west.
Section 52. (Ban on use of the waters in the Tnsberg canal)
Vessels with a width greater than 17 metres or a draught greater than 5
metres must not use the waters under Kanalbrua bridge in Tnsberg.

Vessels with a draught greater than 5.7 metres must not use the waters
between Kalnes beacon in the west and Kanalbrua bridge in Tnsberg in
the east.
Section 53. (Ban on passing on the stretch Jersy beaconTnsberg canal)
Vessels on this stretch shall only pass other vessels in the waters between
Kalvetangen beacon in the east and the southernmost point of Teigen
(5915, 31N 01026,79E) in the north.
In the instances mentioned in the first paragraph, where vessels are not
going to pass other vessels, vessels must maintain a distance of at least 0.5
nautical mile from other vessels sailing in the same direction.
Section 54. (Ban on use of the waters near Slagentangen oil refinery)
Vessels must not pass within a 500 metre radius measured from the
northernmost point of the docking pier at Slagentangen oil refinery. This
does not apply to vessels that are calling at Slagentangen oil refinery and
vessels that are assisting other vessels during arrival at or departure from
Slagentangen oil refinery.
Section 55. (Ban on use of the waters in Vealsrenna)
Vessels with a draught greater than 6.4 metres must not use the waters
between stya and Veals, south of the styben lantern.
Vessels with a length greater than 130 metres and with a draught greater
than 5.8 metres must not use the waters between stya and Veals, south
of the styben lantern.
Section 56. (Visibility requirements in Vealsrenna)
Vessels must not use the waters between stya and Veals, south of the
styben lantern, when visibility is less than 1 nautical mile.
Section 57. (Ban on use of the waters on the stretch RdtangenDrammen)

The following vessels must not use the waters through Svelvikstrmmen,
north of Rdtangen beacon:

vessels with a length greater than 250 metres, a width greater than

40 metres or a draught greater than 10 metres


vessels with a length greater than 225 metres and a draught greater

than 9 metres

vessels with a length greater than 200 metres and a draught greater

than 9.5 metres.

Approaching vessels with a draught greater than 9.5 metres shall only use
the waters mentioned in the first paragraph during rising waters.
The calculation of the vessel's draught must take the fact that this stretch is
freshwater into account.
Section 58. (Requirement that voyages on Svelvikstrmmen take place in
Approaching vessels with a length greater than 200 metres or a draught
greater than 9 metres shall only use the waters through Svelvikstrmmen in
Section 59. (Visibility requirements in Svelvikstrmmen)
Vessels carrying particularly hazardous or noxious cargo, vessels carrying
hazardous or noxious cargo that have a length greater than 90 metres, and
vessels with a length greater than 125 metres or a draught greater than 7
metres must not use the waters on the stretch between Rdtangen beacon
in the south and Blindeskjra beacon in the north when visibility is less than
0.5 nautical mile.
Outside of daylight hours, restrictions corresponding to those in the first
paragraph apply when visibility is less than 1 nautical mile.
Section 60. (Ban on passing on the stretch SvelvikstrmmenDrammen)

Vessels must not pass one another in the waters on the stretch between
Bjrneskjr beacon in the south and Blindeskjr beacon in the north or in
Tangenrenna west of Risgarden molo lantern.
Vessels must not pass one another on the stretch between Rdtangen
beacon in the south and Bjrneskjr beacon in the north when visibility is
less than 0.5 nautical mile.
In the instances mentioned in the first and second paragraphs, vessels must
maintain a distance of at least 0.5 nautical mile from other vessels sailing in
the same direction.
Section 61. (Obligation to use a tugboat in Svelvikstrmmen)
Vessels with a length greater than 170 metres or a draught greater than 8.5
metres must have a tugboat attached in the waters between Bjrneskjr
beacon in the south and Blindeskjra beacon in the north.
Vessels with a length greater than 200 metres or a draught greater than 9.5
metres must have two tugboats attached in the waters mentioned in the first
Section 62. (Ban on use of Drbaksundet)
Vessels with a draught greater than 11 metres must not use the waters north
of Storskjr
(5939,50N 01036,58E).
Section 63. (Visibility requirements on the stretch KaholmenEngene)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo must not use the waters
between Kaholmen and Hya or the waters in Hyfjorden between
Hya and Engene when visibility is less than 1 nautical mile.
Section 64. (Ban on use of the waters on the stretch SteileneSandvika)
Vessels with a draught greater than 5 metres must not use the waters north
of Haraholmen lantern.

Section 65. (Visibility requirements on the stretch SteileneSandvika)

Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo must not use the waters north
of Haraholmen lantern when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mile.
Section 66. (Ban on use of Dynalpet)
Vessels with a draught greater than 10 metres must not use the waters
between Bygdy and Nakholmen.
Section 67. (Ban on use of Heggholmlpet)
Vessels with a draught greater than 5.5 metres must not use the waters
between Heggholmen and Lindya.
Section 68. (Ban on use of Sjursylpet and Springeren)
Vessels with a length greater than 160 metres or a width greater than 25
metres must not use the waters between Sjursya and Bleikya or the
waters between Lindya and Hovedya and between Gressholmen and
Section 69. (Ban on passing on the stretch DrbaksundetOslo)
Vessels must not pass other vessels on the stretch between Smskjrene
beacon in the south and Aspond beacon in the north if:

visibility is less than 1 nautical mile,


the vessel has a draught greater than 7 metres,


the vessel is carrying hazardous or noxious cargo, or


the vessel is using the fairway west of Askholmgrunnen lantern and

west of
Torskekrakken lantern.
In the instances mentioned in the first paragraph, vessels must maintain a
distance of at least 0.5 nautical mile from other vessels sailing in the same

II Navigation rules in Telemark

Section 70. (Ban on use of the waters on the stretch FuglyaPorsgrunn
Vessels with a length greater than 300 metres or a draught greater than 11
metres must not use the waters north of Fuglyskjr lantern.
Section 71. (Visibility requirements on the stretch FuglyaPorsgrunn
Vessels carrying particularly hazardous or noxious cargo or vessels with a
length greater than 160 metres must not use the waters north of
Fuglyskjr lantern when visibility is less than 1 nautical mile.
This does not apply to vessels calling at Langesund or vessels manoeuvring
between an anchorage site, mooring installation or dock that have an
uninterrupted view of the destination site.
Section 72. (Ban on passing on the stretch FuglyaPorsgrunnSkien)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo must not pass other vessels in
the waters between Fuglyskjr lantern in the south and vre Ringsholmen
lantern in the north.
The first paragraph does not apply in the waters between Bjrkyben
lantern in the east and Gjermundsholmen beacon in the west.
In the instances mentioned in the first paragraph, vessels must maintain a
distance of at least 0.5 nautical mile from other vessels sailing in the same
Section 73. (Obligation to use an escort vessel on the stretch Fuglya
Vessels carrying particularly hazardous or noxious cargo with a gross
tonnage in excess of 500 tonnes and vessels carrying hazardous or noxious
cargo with a gross tonnage in excess of 5,000 tonnes must have an escort
vessel attached on the stretch from Fuglyskjr lantern in the south to vre

Ringsholmen lantern in the north. These vessels must be assisted by an

escort vessel north of vre Ringsholmen lantern.
Vessels with a length greater than 195 metres, a width greater than 30
metres or a draught greater than 10 metres must have an escort vessel
attached in the waters from Gjermundsholmen beacon in the east to
Midtfjordskjr beacon in the west.
The first paragraph does not apply to approaching vessels that are going to
use the waters in Helgerofjorden south of mlirogna beacon or to departing
vessels that have passed Kjrtinglpet and are on course out of Dypingen.
Section 74. (Requirement that voyages on Helgerofjorden, Hyfjorden and
Kalvsundet take place in daylight)
Vessels with a length greater than 205 metres shall only use the waters east
of Fuglyskjr lantern in the south and Bjrkyben lantern in the north in
The first paragraph does not apply to vessels in regular service.
Section 75. (Ban on transit in the waters between Langesund town and
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo or with a width greater than 14
metres or a draught greater than 5 metres must not use the waters between
Langesund town and Langya for transit.
Vessels mentioned in the first paragraph that are calling at or departing from
Langesund must use the southern entrance. This does not apply to
tugboats, barges or crane barges.
Section 76. (Visibility requirements in the waters between Langesund town
and Langya)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo must not use the waters
between Langesund town and Langya north of Tangenskjr lantern when
visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mile.

Section 77. (Ban on passing on the stretch Langesund town and Langya)
Vessels with a gross tonnage in excess of 2,000 tonnes must not pass other
vessels in the waters between Langesund town and Langya north of
Tangenskjr lantern.
Section 78. (Ban on transit in the waters between Langya and Geiterya)
Vessels must not use the waters between Langya and Geiterya for
Section 79. (Ban on use of Kjrtingen)
Vessels with a length greater than 200 metres, a width greater than 30
metres or a draught greater than 10.5 metres must not use the waters
between Ary beacon in the south and Rholmben lantern in the north.
Section 80. (Visibility requirements in Kjrtingen)
Vessels must not use the waters between Ary beacon in the south and
Rholmben lantern in the north when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mile.
Section 81. (Ban on passing in Kjrtingen)
Vessels with a length greater than 100 metres must not pass other vessels
in the waters between Ary beacon in the south and Rholmben lantern in
the north. Vessels must not pass one another in the waters between
Kjrtingen NW beacon and Kjrtingen SE beacon.
Section 82. (Ban on passing in Kalvsundet)
Vessels with a length greater than 70 metres or a width greater than 20
metres must not pass other vessels in the waters between Kisteholmen
lantern in the east and Bjrkyben lantern in the west.
Section 83. (Ban on use of Brevikstrmmen)

Vessels with a length greater than 235 metres must not use the waters
between Gjermundsholmen beacon in the east and Midtfjordskjr beacon in
the west.
Section 84. (Requirement that voyages on Brevikstrmmen take place in
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo with a draught greater than
10.2 metres and vessels with a length greater than 205 metres shall only
use the waters between Gjermundsholmen beacon in the east and
Midtfjordskjr beacon in the west in daylight.
Section 85. (Ban on passing in Brevikstrmmen)
Vessels with a length greater than 100 metres must not pass other vessels
in the waters between Gjermundsholmen beacon in the east and
Midtfjordskjr beacon in the west.
Section 86. (Visibility requirements on the stretch TorsbergrennaSkien)
Vessels must not use Torsbergrenna or the Skienselva river when visibility is
less than 0.5 nautical mile.
Section 87. (Ban on use of Torsbergrenna)
Vessels with a width greater than 28.5 metres must not use the waters in
Section 88. (Ban on use of the waters north of Frednesbrua bridge)
Vessels with a length greater than 110 metres, a width greater than 16
metres or a draught greater than 5.5 metres must not use the waters north
of Frednesbrua bridge.
Section 89. (Ban on use of Grtenlpet)
Vessels with a length greater than 85 metres, a width greater than 14
metres or a draught greater than 5 metres must not use the waters in

III Navigation rules in Rogaland

Section 90. (Obligation to use the traffic separation schemes in Rogaland)
Vessels with a length of 24 metres or more must use the traffic separation
schemes in Rogaland defined in the Norwegian Coastal Administration's
electronic charts, which are available online at "Kystinfo" and are part of
these regulations.
Section 91. (Obligation for vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo to
use Skudenesfjorden)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo that are to call at or depart
from the gas terminal at Krst must use the traffic separation scheme in
Skudenesfjorden on voyages between the gas terminal and the sea
The first paragraph applies regardless of whether the vessel is calling at a
dock, mooring installation or anchorage site en route.
Section 92. (Ban on use of the fairway north of Arsgrunnen)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo must not use the waters
between Arsgrunnen lantern and Drivsund beacon on voyages between the
gas terminal at Krst and the sea boundary.
Section 93. (Ban on use of the waters on the stretch FeisteinSveinane)
Vessels with a draught greater than 10 metres must not use waters east of
Midtfjra lantern in the waters between Fladholmen beacon in the south
and Tananger beacon in the north.
Section 94. (Ban on transit on the stretch FeisteinSveinane)
The following vessels must not use the fairway through Rottsfjorden, from
Feistein beacon in the south to Sveinane lantern in the north, for transit:

vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo with a length greater

than 140 metres or a draught greater than 8 metres


vessels with a length greater than 180 metres or a draught greater

than 8.5 metres


passenger vessels with a length greater than 210 metres.

Section 95. (Visibility requirements on the stretch FeisteinSveinane)

Vessels with a draught greater than 10 metres must not use Rottsfjorden
between Kolnesholmane beacon and Oksafotskjr beacon when visibility is
less than 0.5 nautical mile.
The first paragraph does not apply to vessels that are calling at or departing
from the dock in Risavika.
Section 96. (Ban on use of the waters in Risavika)
Vessels with a draught greater than 15.8 metres must not use the waters in
Risavika east of Laksholmben lantern.
Section 97. (Ban on passing in the approach to Risavika)
Vessels must not pass other vessels in the waters between Tananger
beacon in the west and Melingholmen lantern in the east if:

visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mile


the vessel has a length greater than 120 metres or a draught greater

than 7 metres
In the instances mentioned in the first paragraph, vessels must maintain a
distance of at least 0.5 nautical mile from other vessels sailing in the same
Section 98. (Ban on use of the waters on the stretch Tungeneset
Vessels with a draught greater than 7 metres must not use the waters
between Sre Plentinggrunnen lantern and Bybrua bridge.
Section 99. (Ban on use of Straumsteinsundet)

Vessels with a length greater than 70 metres must not use the waters under
Bybrua bridge. This does not apply to vessels in regular service or
passenger vessels with a length less than 90 metres.
Section 100. (Ban on transit on the stretch TungenesetByfjorden
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo and vessels with a length
greater than 50 metres must not use the waters between Dusavika beacon
in the north and Bybrua bridge in the south for transit.
The first paragraph does not apply to vessels in regular service.
Section 101. (Ban on passing on the stretch TungenesetByfjorden
Vessels must not pass other vessels in the waters between Ulsneset
(5859,45N 00542,70E) in the west and Bybrua bridge in the east if:

the vessel is carrying hazardous or noxious cargo


the vessel has a length greater than 120 metres or a draught greater

than 7 metres.
The first paragraph does not apply to high-speed passenger vessels in
regular service that have clearance from the vessel traffic service centre.
In the instances mentioned in the first paragraph, vessels must maintain a
distance of at least 0.5 nautical mile from other vessels sailing in the same
Section 102. (Requirement that voyages on the stretch Tungeneset
ByfjordenStavanger take place in daylight)
Vessels with a length greater than 180 metres or a draught greater than 10
metres shall

only use


waters between

Ulsneset (5859,45N

00542,70E) in the west and Bybrua bridge in the east in daylight.

The first paragraph does not apply to passenger vessels.

Section 103. (Visibility requirements on the stretch TungenesetByfjorden

Vessels must not use the waters between Ulsneset (5859,45N
00542,70E) in the west and
Bybrua bridge in the east when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mile if:

the vessel is carrying particularly hazardous or noxious cargo


the vessel is carrying hazardous or noxious cargo and has a length

greater than 90 metres


the vessel has a length greater than 180 metres or a draught greater

than 10 metres.
Section 104. (Ban on passing in Vgholmsundet)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo and vessels with a length
greater than 120 metres or a draught greater than 7 metres must not pass
other vessels in the waters between a straight line directly south from the
western edge of Vgholmen and a straight line directly south from Galten
In the instances mentioned in the first paragraph, vessels must maintain a
distance of at least 0.5 nautical mile from other vessels sailing in the same
Section 105. (Ban on passing in Lindysundet)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo and vessels with a length
greater than 120 metres or a draught greater than 7 metres must not pass
other vessels in the waters between a straight line directly west from
Lindysund beacon to shore at Vassy and a straight line from the western
brink of Lindy to the southern brink of Vassykalven.
In the instances mentioned in the first paragraph, vessels must maintain a
distance of at least 0.5 nautical mile from other vessels sailing in the same

Section 106. (Ban on passing in the waters west of Maryane)

Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo and vessels with a length
greater than 120 metres or a draught greater than 7 metres must not pass
other vessels in the waters between a straight line from the northern brink of
Lille Mary to shore at Sirigrunnen and a straight line from the southern
brink of Store Mary via Gansflu beacon and directly west to shore at
In the instances mentioned in the first paragraph, vessels must maintain a
distance of at least 0.5 nautical mile from other vessels sailing in the same
Section 107. (Ban on use of the waters in Klovninglpet)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo, vessels with a length greater
than 100 metres and vessels with a draught greater than 6 metres must not
use the waters between Sandyvarden in the south and Klovningen beacon
in the north.
Section 108. (Ban on use of the waters in Langyosen)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo, vessels with a length greater
than 100 metres and vessels with a draught greater than 5.5 metres must
not use the waters between a straight line from Sandnes (5900,69N
00545,19E) to the western brink of Langy (5900,59N 00545,77E) and
a straight line from the southern brink of Vassy (5859,35N 00547,24E)
to Kobbstein (5859,37N 00546,23E).
Section 109. (Ban on use of the waters on the stretch Fognafjorden to rdal)
Vessels with a length greater than 120 metres or a draught greater than 7
metres must not use the waters inside a straight line from Sr Skorneset to
the eastern headland at Eikeli.
Section 110. (Ban on passing on the stretch Fognafjorden to rdal)

Vessels must not pass other vessels in the waters on the stretch between a
straight line from Sr Skorneset to Eikeliodden and a line from
Kvannholmen to Lindetni.
In the instances mentioned in the first paragraph, vessels must maintain a
distance of at least 0.5 nautical mile from other vessels sailing in the same
Section 111. (Visibility requirements on the stretch Fognafjorden to rdal)
Vessels with a length greater than 90 metres must not use the waters on the
stretch between a straight line from Sr Skorneset to Eikeliodden and a line
from Kvannholmen to Lindetni when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mile.
Section 112. (Ban on use of the waters on the stretch Nedstrandsfjorden
Sandsfjorden Saudafjorden to Sauda)
Vessels with a length greater than 180 metres must not use the waters east
of Kviteholmen beacon.
Section 113. (Requirement that voyages on the stretch Nedstrandsfjorden
Sandsfjorden Saudafjorden to Sauda take place in daylight)
Vessels with a gross tonnage in excess of 7,000 tonnes shall only use the
waters on the stretch between Kviteholmen beacon in the west and Nevya
beacon in the east in daylight.
Section 114. (Ban on passing on the stretch Nedstrandsfjorden
SandsfjordenSaudafjorden to Sauda)
In the waters between a straight line drawn from the western brink of
Tjrnaneset to the southern brink of Reiphammarodden and a straight line
drawn from ynestangen in a 310 direction to shore at Brattberg, vessels
must only pass other vessels on the following stretches:

in Kallvikhavet on the stretch SkorpeskjretOttya beacon.




from Hamborgneset to the south-western brink of Nevyna.

In the instances mentioned in the first paragraph, vessels must maintain a

distance of at least 0.5 nautical mile from other vessels sailing in the same
Section 115. (Visibility requirements on the stretch Nedstrandsfjorden
Sandsfjorden Saudafjorden to Sauda)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo and vessels with a gross
tonnage in excess of 7,000 tonnes must not use the waters on the stretch
between a straight line from the western brink of Tjrnaneset to the
southern brink of Reiphammarodden and a straight line from ynestangen
in a 310 direction to shore at Brattberg if visibility is less than 0.5 nautical
Section 116. (Ban on use of the waters on the stretch Skudenesfjorden
Vessels with a draught greater than 11 metres must not use the waters on
the stretch between a line directly east from Bneset to shore at Moksheim
and a line directly west from Nordheimskjr to shore at Karmy.
Section 117. (Ban on passing on the stretch SkudenesfjordenKarmsundet
Vessels must not pass other vessels under Karmsundbrua bridge, in the
waters 300 metres north and south of the bridge or in the strait at Bukky on
the stretch between a line in a 050 direction from the northern brink of
Bukky to shore north of Vormedal and a straight line from the south-east
brink of Bukky to the Snikspynten beacon if:

the vessel is carrying hazardous or noxious cargo and has a length

greater than 100 metres


the vessel has a length greater than 120 metres


visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mile.

In the instances mentioned in the first paragraph, vessels must maintain a

distance of at least 0.5 nautical mile from other vessels sailing in the same
Section 118. (Ban on transit on the stretch SkudenesfjordenKarmsundet
The following vessels must not use Karmsundet for transit:

vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo with a length greater

than 140 metres or a draught greater than 8 metres


vessels with a length greater than 180 metres or a draught greater

than 8.5 metres


passenger vessels with a length greater than 210 metres or a draught

greater than 8.5 metres

Section 119. (Visibility requirements on the stretch Skudenesfjorden
Vessels with a length greater than 120 metres or a draught greater than 7
metres must not use Karmsundet for transit when visibility is less than 0.5
nautical mile.
Section 120. (Visibility requirements at Falkeidflet on the stretch Billingen
Krst terminal)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo must not use the waters inside
straight lines drawn from Billingen lantern in a direction directly north to
shore at Krst and from Billingen lantern in a 235 direction to shore at
Austre Bokn when visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mile.
Section 121. (Ban on use of the waters on the stretch BillingenKrst
In the waters inside straight lines drawn from Billingen lantern in a direction
directly north to shore at Krst and from Billingen lantern in a 235

direction to shore at Austre Bokn, vessels carrying hazardous or noxious

cargo must obtain clearance from the vessel traffic
service centre before they pass other vessels. A safety distance of at least
500 metres must be maintained at all times during passing. This does not
apply to tugboats assisting vessels during arrival at or departure from Krst
Section 122. (Obligation to use a tugboat in Falkeidflet on the stretch
BillingenKrst terminal)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo must have a tugboat attached
in the waters inside straight lines drawn from Billingen lantern in a direction
directly north to shore at Krst and from Billingen lantern in a 235
direction to shore at Austre Bokn.
IV Navigation rules in Hordaland and Sogn og Fjordane
Section 123. (Obligation to use a tugboat in the Fedje VTS area)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo with a gross tonnage in
excess of 20,000 tonnes must use a tugboat when they use the waters
within the sea boundary in the Fedje VTS area.
Section 124. (Obligation to use the two-way fairway)
Vessels must use the two-way fairway at Marstein defined in the Norwegian
Coastal Administration's electronic charts, available online at "Kystinfo",
which are part of these regulations.
The first paragraph does not apply to vessels calling at the docks west of
Korsfjorden, on the stretch from Marstein lighthouse in the north to Slttery
lighthouse in the south, and from Hellesy lighthouse in the north to Tekslo
beacon in the south.
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo and vessels with a length
greater than 100 metres must use the two-way fairway at Fedjeosen and
Holmengr, which is indicated in the Norwegian Coastal Administration's

electronic charts, available online at "Kystinfo" and which are part of these
Section 125. (Ban on transit in Kobbeleia)
The following vessels must not use the waters from Kjrringskjret lantern
in the west to Vonflua beacon in the east for transit:

vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo with a length greater

than 120 metres


vessels with a length greater than 150 metres


vessels with a length greater than 120 metres and a draught greater

than 7 metres

vessels with a draught greater than 8 metres.

Section 126. (Obligation to use specific waters in Kobbeleia)

South-bound vessels must use the waters north of Kjerringholmen and
north-bound vessels must use the waters south of Kjerringholmen.
Section 127. (Ban on passing in Kobbeleia and Vatlestraumen)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo with a length greater than 100
metres and vessels with a length greater than 120 metres must not pass
other vessels in the following waters:

from Kjrringskjret lantern in the south to Hkonshella lantern in

the north

from Hilleren beacon in the south to Hkonshella lantern in the north.

If visibility is less than 0.5 nautical mile, vessels with a length greater than
70 metres must not pass other vessels.
In the instances mentioned in the first and second paragraphs, vessels must
maintain a distance of at least 0.5 nautical mile from other vessels sailing in
the same direction.

Section 128. (Ban on transit in the waters on the stretch Vatlestraumen to

Sotra bridge)
The following vessels must not use the waters from Hilleren beacon in the
south to Sotra bridge in the north for transit:

vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo with a length greater

than 150 metres


vessels with a length greater than 200 metres


passenger vessels with a length greater than 255 metres.

Calling at or departing from docks, anchorage sites or mooring sites in all

the waters between Hilleren beacon in the south and Skjelanger beacon in
the north is not considered transit traffic.
Section 129. (Ban on transit in the waters on the stretch Det naua
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo with a length greater than 70
metres and vessels with a draught greater than 6 metres must not use the
waters from Det naua lantern in the south to Skjeljanger beacon in the north
for transit.
The first paragraph does not apply to passenger vessels in regular service.
Section 130. (Ban on passing in Det naua)
Vessels with a length greater than 50 metres must not pass other vessels in
the waters between Det naua lantern and Parisholmen lantern.
Section 131. (Ban on passing in Ringholmsundet)
Vessels with a length greater than 100 metres must not pass other vessels
in the waters from Ringholmen beacon in the south to Skjeljanger beacon in
the north.
Section 132. (Ban on use of the waters near Sture terminal)
Vessels shall not use the waters within the following positions:


6033,59' N 00449,59' E


6032,79' N 00449,21' E


6032,65' N 00449,35' E


6032,46' N 00449,95' E


6032,41' N 00450,28' E


6032,81' N 00451,04' E

The first paragraph does not apply to vessels that are to call at or depart
from Sture terminal and vessels that assist during arrival and departure.
Section 133. (Ban on use of the waters near Rongevrosen)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo and vessels with a length
greater than 100 metres must not use the waters between Rongevr
beacon in the south and Rongevrsund beacon in the north.
Section 134. (Ban on use of the waters near Rongevrskallen)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo must not use the waters
Rongevrskallen (6050,08N 00445,72E) and Rvelskjret marker.
Section 135. (Ban on use of the waters near Mongstad oil refinery)
Navigation in the waters that stretch from the shore at Dyry and directly
north to 200 metres north of the refinery's westernmost point (dock no. 7),
and onwards for a distance of 200 metres from the refinery's dock area up
to 200 metres east of the easternmost point of the dock area (dock no. 14)
is not permitted for any vessel, with the exception of vessels that are to call
at or depart from Mongstad oil refinery and vessels that assist during arrival
at and departure from the refinery.
Section 136. (Ban on transit in Hillesyosen)

Vessels with a length greater than 120 metres must not use the waters
between Hillesyna and ra for transit.
Section 137. (Ban on transit in Brosmeosen)
The following vessels must not use the waters between Brosmeskjrene
lantern and Rytingkalven beacon for transit.

vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo with a length greater

than 150 metres


vessels with a length greater than 180 metres


passenger vessels with a length greater than 210 metres.

Section 138. (Ban on passing in Brosmeosen)

Vessels with a length greater than 120 metres must not pass other vessels
in the waters west of Rytingekalven if visibility is less than 0.5 nautical
Section 139. (Ban on transit in Mjmnesundet and nnelandsundet)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo with a length greater than 70
metres and vessels with a length greater than 100 metres must not use
these waters for transit.
V Navigation rules in Mre og Romsdal
Section 140. (Requirements regarding use of the waters in the entrance to
Nyhamna harbour)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo with a length greater than 200
metres and that have a draught greater than 9 metres must not use
Budadjupet and Haryfjorden on voyages between Nyhamna and the pilot
embarkation area at Ona.
Section 141. (Requirements regarding use of the waters on the stretch
Nyhamna and the anchorage sites in Karlsyfjorden and Midfjorden)

Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo that are sailing between

Nyhamna and the anchorage sites in Karlsyfjorden and Midfjorden must
use the waters through Julsundet.
Section 142. (Ban on use of the waters near the terminal at Nyhamna)
Vessels must not use the waters within an area defined by straight lines
drawn between the following positions:

6251,50N 00656,73E (Selsneset)


6251,20' N 00658,00' E


6251,05N 00657,96E (Steinneset).

The first paragraph does not apply to vessels that have clearance from the
terminal at Nyhamna and vessels that assist other vessels that have such
Section 143. (Visibility requirements in the waters around Nyhamna)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo with a length greater than 170
metres must not use the caution area indicated on the Norwegian Coastal
Administration's electronic charts "Kystinfo" when visibility is less than 1
nautical mile.
Section 144. (Obligation to use an escort vessel in the waters at Nyhamna)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo must have an escort vessel
attached when the vessel is en route in the caution area shown in the
Norwegian Coastal Administration's electronic charts "Kystinfo".
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo that use Haryfjorden or
Midfjorden on voyages between the caution area shown in the Norwegian
Coastal Administration's electronic charts
"Kystinfo" and the pilot embarkation area in Breisundet must be assisted by
an escort vessel east of Hogsteinen lighthouse.

Section 145. (Obligation to use anchorage sites for vessels carrying

hazardous or noxious cargo en route to or from Nyhamna)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo en route to or from Nyhamna
that need to anchor must use one of the following anchorage sites:

the anchorage site in Karlsyfjorden, which is indicated by straight

lines drawn between the following positions:

6242,61' N 00722,26' E

6241,95' N 00717,40' E

6242,96' N 00717,40' E

6243,66' N 00722,26' E

b) the anchorage site in Midfjorden, which is indicated by straight lines

drawn between the following positions:

6239,41' N 00656,82' E

6238,83' N 00653,54' E

6239,60' N 00653,20' E

6239,82' N 00655,62' E

VI Navigation rules in Finnmark

Section 146. (Requirements regarding use of the waters in the entrance to
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo, that are to call at or depart
from the gas terminal at Melkya, or anchor or depart from the anchorage
site in these waters, must use the waters west of Rolvsya and east of
Srya when navigating between Melkya and the pilot embarkation area
west of Fruholmen.
Section 147. (Ban on use of the waters near the terminal at Melkya)

Vessels must not use the waters within a radius of 200 metres around
Melkya. This does not apply to vessels that have clearance from the
terminal at Melkya.
Section 148. (Ban on use of the waters around the terminal at Melkya)
Vessels must not use the waters inside a straight line drawn from Meland
(pos. 7040,63N 02338,40E) in a 220 direction to the coordinates
7039,30N and 02334,50E and then within a radius of 1.5 nautical miles
from the south-western brink of Melkya, when the Vard VTS centre issues
a ban on use of the waters in connection with arrival at or departure from the
terminal at Melkya.
The first paragraph does not apply to vessels that have clearance from the
terminal at Melkya and vessels that assist vessels that have clearance.








Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo must not use the waters
between Karken beacon in the south and Fruholmen beacon in the north
when visibility is less than 1 nautical mile.
Section 150. (Obligation to use an escort vessel at the terminal at Melkya)
Vessels carrying hazardous or noxious cargo must use an escort vessel on
arrival at or departure from the terminal at Melkya.
On voyages in the Vard VTS area, vessels as mentioned in the first
paragraph must have an escort vessel attached in the waters between
Karken beacon in the south and Litlenringen beacon in the north. An
escort vessel must be attached before the vessel leaves the dock or
anchorage site.
VII Navigation rules in Svalbard
Section 151. (Requirements for vessels that use Akselsundet)

Vessels that use Akselsundet must have their anchors ready for immediate
use. Crew must be in position by the anchor.
Section 152. (Ban on use of Akselsundet)
Vessels with a length greater than 160 metres must not use the waters in
Akselsundet east of Millarodden (7744,05N 01423,76E) when the speed
of the current through the sound is greater than 1.5 knots or the wind speed
is in excess of 14 metres per second.
The waters mentioned in the first paragraph must not be used by vessels
with a length greater than 250 metres or a draught greater than 15 metres.
Section 153. (Visibility requirements in Akselsundet)
Vessels with a length greater than 160 metres must not use the waters in
Akselsundet east of
Millarodden (7744,05N 01423,76E) when visibility is less than 1 nautical
Section 154. (Ban on passing in Akselsundet)
Vessels with a length greater than 50 metres and vessels carrying
hazardous or noxious cargo must not pass other vessels in Akselsundet.
In the instances mentioned in the first paragraph, vessels must maintain a
distance of at least 0.5 nautical mile from other vessels sailing in the same
Section 155. (Obligation to use tugboats in Akselsundet)
Vessels with a length greater than 160 metres must be assisted by two
tugboats when passing Akselsundet, one of which must be attached before
the vessel passes Akselsundet and throughout the entire passage through
the sound. Vessels must not commence their approach
before confirmation has been obtained that the position of the light buoys in
the waters has been checked.
Chapter 4. Routeing measures in the Norwegian economic zone

Section 156. (Geographic scope)

Chapter 4 applies in Norway's economic zone and the affected parts of
Norway's territorial waters with the restrictions that follow from international
law. The routeing measures apply to areas specified in the chapter.
Section 157. (To whom sections 158 and 169 apply)
Section 158 applies to the following categories of vessels:
a) oil tankers as defined in MARPOL Consolidated Edition 2011, Annex I,
chemical tankers carrying noxious liquid substances in bulk when the
substances are

assessed or provisionally assessed as Category X or Y in accordance

with MARPOL Consolidated Edition 2011, Annex II, and


vessels of 5,000 gross tonnes or more that transit or are involved in

international voyages to and from Norwegian ports.

Section 158 does not apply to any sizes or categories of vessels in domestic
voyages with passengers or cargo between Norwegian ports.
Section 159 applies to all tankers regardless of size, including gas and
chemical tankers, as well as all other cargo vessels of 5,000 gross tonnes or
more, in international voyages on the stretch from Vard to Rst, with the
exception of vessels that sail outside of Norway's territorial waters and
economic zone.
Section 158. (Use of traffic separation schemes, routes and route systems
for the stretch between EgersundRisr and the stretch between Runde and
Vessels mentioned in section 157, first paragraph, that operate on the
stretches Egersund Risr and RundeUtsira must use the traffic
separation schemes described in the Norwegian Coastal Administration's
electronic charts "Kystinfo", which are part of these regulations.

Vessels must as far as practible follow the recommended routes for the
stretch between the traffic separation schemes.
Vessels involved in international voyages to Norwegian ports on the stretch
from Runde to Utsira must as far as practicable follow the route systems up
to the location where a safe course can be set directly to the port.
Correspondingly, such vessels should on departing from a Norwegian port
set a safe course directly to the closest traffic separation scheme and follow
the route systems from there. This applies also to vessels that call at
Norwegian harbours for supplies or services.
Section 159. (Use of traffic separation schemes, routes and route systems
for the stretch from Vard to Rst)
Vessels mentioned in section 157, third paragraph, that operate on the
stretch VardRst must use the traffic separation scheme described in the
Norwegian Coastal Administration's electronic charts "Kystinfo", which are
part of these regulations.
Vessels must as far as practicable follow the recommended routes for the
stretch between the traffic separation schemes.
Vessels involved in international voyages to Norwegian ports on the stretch
from Vard to Rst must as far as practicable follow the route systems up to
the location where a safe course can be set directly to the port.
Correspondingly, such vessels should on departing from a Norwegian port
set a safe course directly to the closest traffic separation scheme and follow
the route systems from there. This applies also to vessels that call at
Norwegian harbours for supplies or services.
Section 160. (Supervision)
The Norwegian Coastal Administration supervises that the provisions in this
chapter are complied with.

Vessels that do not follow the routeing measures will be requested to follow
the measures by the Norwegian Coastal Administration. Vessels that
nevertheless do not follow the routeing measures upon a request will be
reported to their flag state.
Chapter 5. Criminal liability.
Section 161. (Criminal liability)
Violation of the provisions in chapters 2 and 3 of the regulations or individual
decisions made pursuant to these regulations are punishable pursuant to
section 62 of Act no. 19 of 17 April 2009 relating to harbours and fairways,
etc. (the Harbour Act).
Chapter 6. Entry into force. Repeal of other regulations
Section 162. (Entry into force)
These regulations enter into force on 1 October 2015.
Regulation no. 1684 of 15 December 2009 relating to maritime traffic in
specific waters is repealed on the same date.


Making this assignment we realized that the VTS is more than just a
communication system, is a completed and complex tool for our maritime industry,
between more we learn about it, more we understand capacity of this system.
We understood that is our responsibility to take wiliness to search and go beyond
of this information because this is something that we will use in our career as
seafarers beside it is our duty to learn all the requirements and regulations by the
law in order to be up date with this important matter.
Finally I may conclude that Norway is a country with a good record profile in his
maritime legacy, now todays they just see the result of good decisions and
management. That is why we see them as a small country obtaining greatest
profits in the maritime aspect.

1. Accredited Training Institute: An establishment approved by a competent
authority for the purposes of training VTS personnel and is in possession of a
valid Certificate of Accreditation.
2. Advice: SMCP defines ADVICE as a communication where by the message
implies the intention of the sender to influence the recipient by a
3. Aid to Navigation: Any device or system, external to a vessel, which is
provided to help a mariner determine position and course, to warn of dangers or
of obstructions, or to give advice about the location of a best or preferred route.
4. Allied Services: Allied Services are services actively involved in the safe and
efficient passage of the vessel through the VTS area.
5. Approved Training Programme: A course of study, following IALA V103
standards, for prospective and currently engaged VTS personnel at an
Accredited Training Institute and/or On-the-Job training carried out at the
appropriate VTS Centre.
6. Automatic Identification System (AIS): AIS is an autonomous and continuous
broadcast system, operating in the VHF maritime mobile band that makes it
possible to monitor ships from other ships, and from shore based stations.
7. Ships equipped with AIS: meeting anywhere on earth will be able to identify
and track each other without being dependent on shore stations.
8. Competence: The ability to perform defined tasks or duties effectively.

9. Competent Authority: The authority made responsible, in whole or in part, by

a Government for the safety, including environmental safety, and efficiency of
vessel traffic and the protection of the environment.
10. Automatic Identification System (AIS): is a radio transponder beacon
designed as a navigational aid to provide maritime information exchange. The
implementation of this system is expected to substantially enhance safety at
11. COLREGS: International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 as
amended. They enhance safe navigation by prescribing the conduct of vessels
underway, specify the display of internationally-understood lights and sound
signals and set out collision avoidance actions in close quarters situations.
12. ARPA: is automatic radar plotting aid that allows manual and automatic target
acquisition and tracking.
13. ECDIS: is an electronic chart display and information system, type approved
displaying approved vectorised or raster electronic charts.
14. Data recording devices: are systems capable of recording all operational data
concerned with the compilation of the traffic image. This will typically include
radar / AIS data and all communications and will permit the replay of data in
support of incident analysis.
15. Distance Separation: is a Traffic Organisation and Management technique in
which vessels allocated a minimum distance between each other in order to
transit the whole or certain areas and restricted passages. Allocated, instituted
and monitored by the VTS. Overtaking restrictions and/or minimum passing
distances may apply.
16. Incident: An event, such as a non-compliance, which is not considered serious
enough to be classified as an accident.
17. Instruction: SMCP defines INSTRUCTION as a communication where by the
message implies the intention of the sender to influence the recipient by a
18. Maritime Assistance Service (MAS): MAS means a service responsible for
receiving reports in the event of incidents and serving as the point of contact
between the shipmaster and the authorities of the coastal State in the event of
an incident - IMO Resolution A.950(23) refers.

19. Place of Refuge: A place where a ship in need of assistance can take action to
enable it to stabilise its condition and reduce hazards to navigation, and to
protect human life and the environment.
20. Refresher Training: Training required by the Competent and/or VTS Authority
in order to ensure that the level of competence is maintained appropriate to the
type(s) of service provided by the particular VTS Centre when, for example,
there has been a break in service, new equipment installed or new operating
procedures have been introduced.
21. Revalidation Training: Training required by the Competent and/or VTS
Authority in order to revalidate a VTS Operator Certificate. The period of
revalidation training is determined by the Competent and/or VTS
22. Vessel Traffic Service: A service implemented by a Competent Authority,
designed to improve the safety and efficiency of vessel traffic and to protect the
environment. The service should have the capability to interact with the traffic
and respond to traffic situations developing in the VTS area - IMO Resolution.
23. VTS Authority: The authority with responsibility for the management, operation
and co-ordination of the VTS, interaction with participating vessels, and the safe
and effective provision of the service.
24. VTS Area: The delineated, formally declared service area of the VTS. A VTS
area may be subdivided in sub-areas or sectors.
25. VTS Centre: The centre from which the VTS is operated. Each
sub-area of the VTS may have its own sub-centre.
26. VTS Manager: Some VTS organizations may require the appointment of a
manager to administer and interface with regional or port management
authorities. In such circumstances the manager should possess managerial
qualifications to satisfaction of the Competent Authority.

1. AIS Automatic Identification System
2. ARPA Automatic Radar Plotting Aid
3. CAS Collision Avoidance System
4. CBA Cost Benefit Analysis
5. CCTV Closed Circuit TeleVision (Surveillance)
6. COLREGS International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
7. COG Course Over the Ground
8. CPA Closest Point of Approach
9. DCPA Distance to Closest Point of Approach
10. DGNSS Differential Global Navigation Satellite System
11. DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
12. DP Dynamic Positioning
13. DSC Digital Selective Calling
14. ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information System
15. ECS Electronic Chart System
16. EDI Electronic Data Interchange
17. ENC Electronic Navigation Chart
18. EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
19. ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
20. ETD Estimated Time of Departure
21. GALILEO Global Navigation Satellite System, EU
22. GLONASS Global Navigation Satellite System, Russia
23. GLOSS Global Sea Level Observing System
24. GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
25. GPS The Global Positioning System
26. HAZMAT Hazardous Material
27. HMI Human-Machine Interface
28. IACS International Association of Classification Societies
29. IAMSAR International Aeronautical & Marine Search & Rescue Manual
30. ID Identification
31. IMO International Maritime Organization
32. IMPA International Maritime Pilots Association
33. IMSO International Mobile Satellite Organization
34. INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organization
35. INF Irradiated Nuclear Fuel on board Ships Code
36. INS Integrated Navigation System
37. INS Information Service (VTS)
38. ISO International Organization for Standardization
39. LPS Local Port Services
40. LRIT Long Range Identification and Tracking

41. MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
42. MAS Maritime Assistance Service
43. MEDEVAC Medical Evacuation
44. MEPC Marine Environment Protection Committee (Committee of IMO)
45. MLC Maritime Labour Convention
46. MMSI Maritime Mobile Service Identity
47. MRCC Maritime Rescue Co-ordination Centre
48. MSC Maritime Safety Committee (Standing Committee of IMO)
49. MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
50. MTTR Mean Time To Repair
51. NAS Navigational Assistance Service (VTS)
52. PLA Prior Learning Assessment
53. PLAR Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition
54. PSSA Particularly Sensitive Sea Area
55. RACON Radar Response Beacon
56. RCC Rescue Co-ordination Centre
57. RCDS Raster Chart Display System
58. RDF Radio Direction Finder
59. RIS River Information Service
60. SMCP Standard Marine Communication Phrases
61. SOLAS Convention on the Safety Of Life At Sea
62. SPA Special Protection Area
63. SRS Ship Reporting System
64. STCW Standards of Training, Certification & Watchkeeping for Seafarers
65. STDMA Self Organising Time Division Multiple Access
66. TOS Traffic Organization Service (VTS)
67. TSS Traffic Separation Scheme
68. UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
69. VDR Voyage Data Recorder
70. VDU Visual Display Unit
71. VHF Very High Frequency (radio in the 30-300 MHz band)
72. VTMIS Vessel Traffic Management and Information System
73. VTS Vessel Traffic Services
74. VTSO Vessel Traffic Services Operator
75. WMO World Meteorological Organization



Radio Frequency





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