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System Requirement Specification v.1.1.

0 MedSystem


Project Preliminaries and Requirements...................................................................2

1.1 The Business Problem.......................................................................................... 2
1.2 Stakeholders......................................................................................................... 5

The scope of the system................................................................................... 5

2. Data Specifications..................................................................................................... 6

Class Diagram.................................................................................................... 6

Figure 1 Class Diagram................................................................................................... 6


Class Diagram Narrative.................................................................................... 6

3. Behaviour Specifications............................................................................................ 8
3.1 Use Case Diagram................................................................................................. 8
Figure 2 Activity Diagram......................................................................................... 8
3.2 Use Case Narratives and Activity Diagrams..........................................................8
Figure 3 Activity Diagram - Register Students.......................................................................9
Figure 4 Activity Diagram - Generate Order Report..............................................................10

System Requirement Specification v.1.1.0 MedSystem

1. Project Preliminaries and Requirements

1.1 The Business Problem

This is the biggest concern for the centre. There is double booking of appointments
which is resulting in some patients being told to wait. The appointment book is not
legible and full of mistakes and some patients appointment are not even put down.
This is resulting in phone conversations that are long and off topic. Also, doctors are
showing up late for appointments. An overhaul system which deals with
appointments should be put in place so as to eliminate the use of the inefficient
appointment book.
Patient administration
Patients records are highly disorganised. Files are strewn all over, patients records
are going missing, poorly maintained and on some records, information like
patients addresses is missing. Doctors should have a way of storing, retrieving and
accessing patients records without having to go back and forth to the receptionists.
Furthermore, prescriptions are usually unreadable making it difficult for the chemist
to decipher. There must also be a way to let patients know whether their doctors are
available or not.
Management information
Doctors and staff are being overpaid for hours they did not work and the accountant
is not pleased at all. Important information required by the GPC such as supplies
used, hours worked is not adequately available. A system that compiles this
information and generates reports that will help curb this problem should be put in
The accountant requires financial information since Nurse Payne is bad with
Mathematics might be unavailable or inaccurate if available. To help with this
problem, an accounting system must be incorporated.

System Requirement Specification v.1.1.0 MedSystem

Deregistered students and those who have moved away are still on the list of the
clinic. This shows that there is need for a link between the centre and the university
Nurse Payne needs information on potential suppliers and new supplies besides the
ones already in her catalogues. This shows that the centre is incurring high costs on
ordering supplies which could be reduced if she knew about other existing
suppliers. A way to help Nurse Payne search for the information needed must be
brought up.
Typing errors are prevalent when taking down details and this is uncomforting. A
street map is the only way George and Betty can know who is eligible to join the
practise. They want to know what postcodes are within their catchment area. For
this purpose, an internet connection will be ideal.

The system will allow users to enter appointments and avoid double booking of
doctors. It will enable users to enter patients accurate information and medical history
through the use of a database system. It will generate monthly and bi-annual reports of
the prescriptions that would have been issued over the period so that they can be sent
to the General Practitioners Council. Moreover, it will allow patients to sign in to a
doctor using a chip card when getting in for an appointment and log them out when
they leave and automatically calculate the aggregate hours worked by a doctor
meaning overpayment will be done away with.

With the use of the internet, Google Maps can be accessed so that patients addresses
can be located with ease. By typing using a computer, doctors prescriptions will be legible
and errors at the chemist are avoided. The university online lists of registered students will
be linked to the system and this will eliminate the problem of having deregistered students
on the medical centre list. A website should be developed that will allow patients to see

System Requirement Specification v.1.1.0 MedSystem

available doctors and free appointment times so they can make their appointments online.
Nurse Payne will now make use of the internet to search for information on potential
suppliers and any other new supplies. When registering online, patients whose addresses
fall under the areas in the drop-down list will only be registered making it possible to get
patients who are from that catchment area.

The system should be implemented as funds will be managed more efficiently and
profitability will increase with an accounting system in place. This will even minimise
workload for Nurse Payne and the accountant will be at a better position. The system will
not allow double booking thereby reducing waiting period of patients and frustrations that
may result making the centre more efficient in patient turnover. Moreover, Having an
internet connection will make the search for potential suppliers quicker and more efficient
in this fast developing information technology world. By compiling and generating
prescription reports, the GPC will be guaranteed of the reports after every 6 months and it
will save on time taken to compile them manually and keep the medical centre in good
relations with the GPC. Moreover, it will make workload for everyone bearable considering
it is a busy centre. Online bookings will make it easier for patients to know the doctors and
appointment times available. Also if they want to cancel an appointment, they can easily
do it online again and will not appear on the name and shame list.

1.2 Stakeholders
Constance Payne - user
Doctor McLean - user
George user - Receptionist
Betty user - Receptionist

System Requirement Specification v.1.1.0 MedSystem

Chelsea User Trainee Receptionist
Doctor Spackman - user
Accountant - user
Other two doctors - users
General Practitioners Council external user
Meda K, Chihava M - Analysts
Patients - external user


The scope of the system

The system will be able to:
Capture patients information.
Generate reports on hours worked, new patients and supplies.
Send out generated reports.
To show address locations.
Reduce the amount of files and paper work used at the centre.
Store patients records.
To only register patients within their catchment area.
Update lists of patients based on the universitys registration list.
Record prescriptions, prescriptions and financial statements.

The system will not be able to:

Make doctors come in time for their appointments.
Incorporate the chip card to enable calculations of hours worked.

System Requirement Specification v.1.1.0 MedSystem

2. Data Specifications
2.1. Class Diagram

Figure 1 Class Diagram

2.2. Class Diagram Narrative

Classes identified

System Requirement Specification v.1.1.0 MedSystem

Description of relationships
Patient and doctor: There is a many to many relationship between patients and doctors and
because of this, there is an association relationship between them. Each doctor has a list of
patients and patients can see other doctors when their doctor is off duty.
Patient and prescription: There is a one to many relationship between patient and
prescription. One patient can have many prescriptions.
Appointment and Patient- doctor: There is a one to one relationship between appointment
and patient-doctor. This is because only one patient can have one appointment with one
Prescription and supplier: There is a one to many relationship because a prescription can
have many drugs from many suppliers.
Generalisation: We have two types of patients, that is, the students and the residents. Both
share general characteristics and are similar so their general class is patient. Patient is the
super class and student and resident are the sub classes.
Composition: Nurse, accountant and doctor are all components of staff that can exist

System Requirement Specification v.1.1.0 MedSystem

3. Behaviour Specifications
3.1 Use Case Diagram

Figure 2 Activity Diagram

3.2 Use Case Narratives and Activity Diagrams

System Requirement Specification v.1.1.0 MedSystem

Figure 3 Activity Diagram - Register Students

System Requirement Specification v.1.1.0 MedSystem

Figure 4 Activity Diagram - Generate Order Report


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